2008-01-19 00:00:00 +00:00

65 lines
1.6 KiB

ac130 0.8500
airlift 0.5400
aftermath 0.4500
ambience 0.7290
bodyfall 0.6529
chatteral 0.8100
chatterax 0.8100
element 0.9720
emitter 0.7290
explosion 0.7857
foley 0.4860
footstep 0.7200
footstepplr 0.4300
gear 0.4680
impact 1.1250
impactmp 1.2150
interface 0.8100
mpfoley 0.5760
mpfootstep 0.9000
mpgear 0.7560
music 0.8100
physics 0.9000
quiet 0.0900
reactional 1.0206
reactionax 0.9455
vehicle 0.7440
voiceover 1.0000
whizby 0.7938
wpnai 0.7047
wpnplyr 0.7695
na 0.8100
max 1.0000
// ac130 = ac130 groundfire
// ambience = ambient streams
// bodyfall = bodyfalls
// chatteral = battlechatter allied
// chatterax = battlechatter axis
// element = ambient element sfx
// emitter = point emitter sfx
// explosion = explosion type sfx
// foley = foley type sfx such as gear rattle, foliage movement etc.
// footsteps = footsteps and landing sfx
// gear = gear rattle
// impact = bullet impact sfx
// interface = user interface sfx
// music = level music (excluding title and fluff music)
// physics = physics elements
// reactional = allied character reaction sfx
// reactionax = axis character reaction sfx
// vehicle = vehicle and vehicle related sfx
// voiceover = mission-based speech
// wpnai = AI controlled weapons
// wpnplyr = player controlled weapons
// na = non-catagorized
// max = always play volume unaltered, don't change from 1.0000!
// if you receive a parse failure saying too many groups parsed were parsed, send a bug to code to have SA_VOLUMEMODGROUPCOUNT increased