dwetzel 5e0475ee6c * GSWExtensions/GSWPageRestorationErrorPage.gswc/GSWPageRestorationErrorPage.gswd
* GSWExtensions/GSWSessionCreationErrorPage.gswc/GSWSessionCreationErrorPage.gswd
* GSWExtensions/GNUmakefile
* GSWExtensions/GSWSessionRestorationErrorPage.gswc/GSWSessionRestorationErrorPage.gswd
* GSWExtensions/GSWExceptionPage.gswc/GSWExceptionPage.gswd
use exclamation.png. exclamation.svg is not displayed inline in mozilla 
due to a bug in mozilla.
* GSWExtensions/WebServerResources/exclamation.png
* GSWExtensions/WebServerResources/exclamation.svg
new file
* GSWExtensions/GSWSessionRestorationErrorPage.gswc/GSWSessionRestorationErrorPage.html
* GSWExtensions/GSWExceptionPage.gswc/GSWExceptionPage.html
better web design
* GSWeb/GSWApplication.m
get path from _resourceManager
do not call _clearCache, maybe we should trash the _componentDefinitionCache?
make empty, still seems to work
don not use _applicationGSWBundle
* GSWeb/GSWResourceManager.h
* GSWeb/GSWResourceManager.m
major redesign with WO 4.5 docs in mind.
* GSWeb/GSWImageButton.m
refactor resourceManager code
* GSWeb/GSWeb.h
remove GSWBundle class
* Testing/DynamicElements
added Image test.

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 72102866-910b-0410-8b05-ffd578937521
2010-06-22 05:02:29 +00:00

35 lines
5.4 KiB

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