Xylemon 25b36a0023 Fix healthkit skill value
Cash now plays a pickup sound
Fix spread on all weapons to be more accurate
Fix longslide having completely wrong animations
2024-08-30 14:36:27 -07:00

57 lines
1.1 KiB

entityDef weapon_tommygun
"editor_color" ".3 .3 1"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 -16"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 16"
"editor_usage" "Thompson A1"
"editor_rotatable" "1"
"spawnclass" "HLWeapon"
"model" "models/w_tommygun.mdl"
"model_view" "models/v_tommygun.mdl"
"snd_acquire" "weapon.pickup"
"snd_respawn" "item.respawn"
// weapon specific
"def_fireInfo" "fireInfo_tommygun"
"inv_name" "Thompson A1"
"clipSize" "50"
"ammoType" "ammo_tommy"
"ammoRequired" "1"
"ammoPerShot" "1"
"punchAngle" "-2 0 0"
"actFire" "2,3,4"
"actFireLast" "5,6,7"
"actHolster" "8"
"actReload" "8"
"actDraw" "0"
"actIdle" "1"
"snd_fire" ""
"snd_empty" "weapon.empty"
"price" "2250"
"sell" "1125"
// HLWeapon specific
"hudSlot" "3"
"hudSlotPos" "0"
"weight" "10"
entityDef projectile_tommygun
"inherit" "projectile_bullet_base"
"damage" "skill:plr_tommygun"
"spread" "0.06 0.04"
entityDef fireInfo_tommygun
"def_onFire" "projectile_tommygun"
"fireRate" "0.1"
"model_flash" "sprites/muzzleflash2.spr"