Added powerarmortype field to default Lazaus DLL. This changes the savegame version.
Added support for blood_type value of 4 to default Lazaurus, missionpack, and Zaero DLLs.
Added support for Lazarus initially dead monsters (health < 0) to missionpack DLL.
Added support for Lazarus monsterjump cvar (berserk, gunner, infantry, mutant, parasite) to missionpack DLL.
Cleaned up surface rendering code from mpolyvertex_t refactoring.
Added Zaero flare gun to no-autoswitch in p_weapon.c->Pickup_Weapon() in missionpack DLL.
Added LM plasma rifle to p_weapon.c->NoAmmoWeaponChange() in missionpack DLL.
Added output of modelindex5&6, alpha, and attenuation to properties command in missionpack DLL.
Added nogib and environment spawnflags to trigger_hurt and trigger_hurt_boox in missionpack DLL.
Added MONSTER_KNOWS_MIRRORS flag to berserker, barracuda shark, and mutant in missionpack DLL.
Added entity class IDs to misc_actor and target_actor in missionpack DLL.
Added syntax whitespacing to some files in missionpack DLL.
Added backpack drop to certain monsters in missionpack DLL.
Changed some sound paths for new monsters and weapons in missionpack DLL.