Added sk_rail_color_red, sk_rail_color_green, and sk_rail_color_blue cvars to change rail trail color when cvar sk_rail_color is set to 2 in default Lazarus, missionpack, and Zaero DLLs.
Added ctf_railcolors cvar to default Lazarus DLL.
Fixed Tactician Gunner's flechettes going thru player bbox at point blank.
Made edict_t pointer arrays static in server, default Lazarus, and missionpack DLLs due to stack size concerns.
Added contact grenade mode for special monster flag for gunners in default Lazarus and missionpack DLLs.
Changed func_door_secret in missionpack DLL to have the correct die function (door_secret_die) if health is set.
Moved misc, model_*, and target entity code to new source files g_misc_laz.c, g_misc_nm.c, g_model.c, and g_target_laz.c in missionpack DLL.