Added weapon balancing and tech control cvars to 3ZB2 DLL.
Added Vampire and Ammogen techs to 3ZB2 game DLL.
Fixed func_door_secret movement bug (when built with origin brush) in Zaero DLL.
Fixed armor stacking bug in default Lazarus, missionpack, and Zaero DLLs.
Removed unused tech cvars in default Lazarus DLL.
Changed parsing of TE_BLASTER_COLORED tempent.
Added new SCR_DrawPic() variants in cl_screen.c.
Added new graphics for text fields and sliders in menus.
Improved mouse interaction for menu sliders.
Added resettargets developer command to default Lazarus and missionpack DLLs.
Added hint_test developer command to missionpack DLL.
Fixed freeze developer command in default Lazarus and missionpack DLLs so it can be used more than once.
More tweaks to Tactician Gunner prox mine safety checks in misssionpack DLL.
Added powerarmortype field to default Lazaus DLL. This changes the savegame version.
Added support for blood_type value of 4 to default Lazaurus, missionpack, and Zaero DLLs.
Added support for Lazarus initially dead monsters (health < 0) to missionpack DLL.
Added support for Lazarus monsterjump cvar (berserk, gunner, infantry, mutant, parasite) to missionpack DLL.
Cleaned up surface rendering code from mpolyvertex_t refactoring.
Overhauled child entity movement in default Lazarus DLL.
Added bbox versions of various triggers to default Lazarus DLL.
Added level.maptype field to default Lazarus DLL.
Added entity class IDs to default Lazarus DLL.
Incremented savegame version for default Lazarus DLL.