mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 23:41:08 +00:00
With the exception of isWorldTour, isPlutoPak and isShareware when playing Duke these are always constant and this way can be used to completely eliminate unneeded code.
601 lines
20 KiB
601 lines
20 KiB
Copyright (C) 1996, 2003 - 3D Realms Entertainment
Copyright (C) 2000, 2003 - Matt Saettler (EDuke Enhancements)
Copyright (C) 2020 - Christoph Oelckers
This file is part of Enhanced Duke Nukem 3D version 1.5 - Atomic Edition
Duke Nukem 3D is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Original Source: 1996 - Todd Replogle
Prepared for public release: 03/21/2003 - Charlie Wiederhold, 3D Realms
EDuke enhancements integrated: 04/13/2003 - Matt Saettler
Note: EDuke source was in transition. Changes are in-progress in the
source as it is released.
class DukeStatusBar : DukeCommonStatusBar
int fontheight[2];
TextureID ThreeByFive[12];
HUDFont indxfont;
override int, int GetReservedScreenSpace(int viewsize)
int sbar = tileHeight("BOTTOMSTATUSBAR");
return 0, sbar;
override void Init()
numberFont = HUDFont.Create(BigFont, 0, Mono_Off, 1, 1 );
indxfont = HUDFont.Create(Font.FindFont("IndexFont"), 4, Mono_CellRight, 1, 1 );
miniFont = HUDFont.Create(SmallFont2, 0, Mono_Off, 1, 1 );
digiFont = HUDFont.Create(Font.FindFont("DigiFont"), 1, Mono_Off, 1, 1 );
// optionally draw at the top of the screen.
SetSize(tileHeight("BOTTOMSTATUSBAR"), 320, 200);
scale = 1;
// get the true size of the font.
fontheight[1] = fontheight[0] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= 9; i++)
let name = String.Format("BIGALPHANUM%d", i);
let zerotex = TexMan.CheckForTexture(name, TexMan.Type_Any);
if (zerotex.IsValid())
int fh0 = TexMan.CheckRealHeight(zerotex);
int fh1 = fh0;
let hitex = Raze.PickTexture(zerotex);
if (hitex.IsValid())
let osize = TexMan.GetScaledSize(zerotex);
let dsize = TexMan.GetScaledSize(hitex);
int dReal = TexMan.CheckRealHeight(hitex);
fh1 = int(dReal * osize.Y / dsize.Y);
if (fh0 > fontheight[0]) fontheight[0] = fh0;
if (fh1 > fontheight[1]) fontheight[1] = fh1;
for (int i = 0; i <= 11; i++)
let str = String.Format("THREEBYFIVE%d", i);
ThreeByFive[i] = TexMan.CheckForTexture(str, TexMan.Type_Any);
// Helpers
int getinvamountforitem(DukePlayer p, int which)
switch (which)
return p.firstaid_amount;
return (p.steroids_amount + 3) >> 2;
return (p.holoduke_amount + 15) / 24;
return (p.jetpack_amount + 15) >> 4;
case Duke.ICON_HEATS:
return p.heat_amount / 12;
case Duke.ICON_SCUBA:
return (p.scuba_amount + 63) >> 6;
case Duke.ICON_BOOTS:
return p.boot_amount >> 1;
return -1;
int getinvamount(DukePlayer p)
return getinvamountforitem(p, p.inven_icon);
int GetMoraleOrShield(DukePlayer p)
// special handling for WW2GI
int lAmount = p.GetGameVar("PLR_MORALE", -1);
if (lAmount == -1) lAmount = p.shield_amount;
return lAmount;
// Fullscreen HUD variant #1
void FullscreenHUD1(DukePlayer p)
int fh = fontheight[hw_hightile ? 1 : 0];
String format;
TextureID img;
double imgScale;
double baseScale = (scale * (fh+1));
double texty = -fh - 2.5;
// Health
img = TexMan.CheckForTexture(isNamWW2GI()? "FIRSTAID_ICON" : "COLA");
let siz = TexMan.GetScaledSize(img);
imgScale = baseScale / siz.Y;
DrawTexture(img, (2, -1.5), DI_ITEM_LEFT_BOTTOM, scale:(imgScale, imgScale));
if (!althud_flashing || p.last_extra > (gs.max_player_health >> 2) || (PlayClock & 32) || (p.IsFrozen() && p.last_extra < 2))
int s = -8;
if (althud_flashing && p.last_extra > gs.max_player_health)
s += Raze.bsin(Raze.GetBuildTime() << 5) >> 10;
int intens = clamp(255 - 6 * s, 0, 255);
format = String.Format("%d", p.last_extra);
DrawString(numberFont, format, (25, texty), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED, intens / 255., 0, 0);
// Armor
img = TexMan.CheckForTexture("SHIELD");
siz = TexMan.GetScaledSize(img);
imgScale = baseScale / siz.Y;
DrawTexture(img, (67.375, -1.5), DI_ITEM_LEFT_BOTTOM, scale:(imgScale, imgScale));
format = String.Format("%d", GetMoraleOrShield(p));
DrawString(numberFont, format, (85, texty), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED, 1, 0, 0);
// Weapon
int weapon = p.curr_weapon;
if (weapon == DukeWpn.HANDREMOTE_WEAPON) weapon = DukeWpn.HANDBOMB_WEAPON;
let wicon = ammo_sprites[weapon];
if (wicon.length() > 0)
int ammo = p.ammo_amount[weapon];
if (weapon != DukeWpn.PISTOL_WEAPON || (weapon == DukeWpn.PISTOL_WEAPON && !cl_showmagamt))
format = String.Format("%d", ammo);
int clip = CalcMagazineAmount(ammo, isNam() ? 20 : 12, p.kickback_pic >= 1);
format = String.Format("%d/%d", clip, ammo - clip);
img = TexMan.CheckForTexture(wicon, TexMan.TYPE_Any);
siz = TexMan.GetScaledSize(img);
imgScale = baseScale / siz.Y;
let imgX = 20.;
let strlen = format.length();
if (strlen > 1)
imgX += (imgX * 0.6) * (strlen - 1);
if (weapon != DukeWpn.KNEE_WEAPON && (!althud_flashing || PlayClock & 32 || ammo > (Duke.MaxAmmoAmount(weapon) / 10)))
DrawString(numberFont, format, (-3, texty), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED);
if (weapon != 7 || !isNam())
DrawTexture(img, (-imgX, -1.5), DI_ITEM_RIGHT_BOTTOM, scale:(imgScale, imgScale));
// Selected inventory item
uint icon = p.inven_icon;
if (icon > 0)
int x = 128;
if (icon < Duke.ICON_MAX)
img = TexMan.CheckForTexture(item_icons[icon], TexMan.TYPE_Any);
siz = TexMan.GetScaledSize(img);
imgScale = baseScale / siz.Y;
DrawTexture(img, (x, -1.5), DI_ITEM_LEFT_BOTTOM, scale:(imgScale, imgScale));
int percentv = getinvamount(p);
format = String.Format("%3d%%", percentv);
int color = percentv > 50 ? 11 : percentv > 25 ? 23 : 2;
DrawString(miniFont, format, (x + 36.5, -indxfont.mFont.GetHeight() + 0.5), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, pt:Translation.MakeID(Translation_Remap, color));
String text;
int pal;
[text, pal] = ontext(p);
if (text.length() > 0) DrawString(miniFont, text, (x + 36.5, -miniFont.mFont.GetHeight() - 9.5), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, pt:Translation.MakeID(Translation_Remap, pal));
// keys
if (p.got_access & 1) DrawImage("ACCESSCARD", (-12, -23.5), DI_ITEM_RIGHT, 1, (-1, -1), (0.5, 0.5), STYLE_Translucent, 0xffffffff, Translation.MakeID(Translation_Remap, 0));
if (p.got_access & 4) DrawImage("ACCESSCARD", (-7 , -21.5), DI_ITEM_RIGHT, 1, (-1, -1), (0.5, 0.5), STYLE_Translucent, 0xffffffff, Translation.MakeID(Translation_Remap, 23));
if (p.got_access & 2) DrawImage("ACCESSCARD", (-2 , -19.5), DI_ITEM_RIGHT, 1, (-1, -1), (0.5, 0.5), STYLE_Translucent, 0xffffffff, Translation.MakeID(Translation_Remap, 21));
// Fullscreen HUD variant #2
void FullscreenHUD2(DukePlayer p)
// health
DrawImage("HEALTHBOX", (5, -2), DI_ITEM_LEFT_BOTTOM, scale:(scale, scale));
int health = p.IsFrozen() ? 1 : p.last_extra;
String format = String.Format("%d", health);
DrawString(digiFont, format, (20, -digiFont.mFont.GetHeight() * scale - 3), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED, scale:(scale, scale));
// ammo
DrawImage("AMMOBOX", (37, -2), DI_ITEM_LEFT_BOTTOM, scale:(scale, scale));
int wp = (p.curr_weapon == DukeWpn.HANDREMOTE_WEAPON) ? DukeWpn.HANDBOMB_WEAPON : p.curr_weapon;
format = String.Format("%d", p.ammo_amount[wp]);
DrawString(digiFont, format, (52, -digiFont.mFont.GetHeight() * scale - 3), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER, Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED, scale:(scale, scale));
// inventory
uint icon = p.inven_icon;
if (icon > 0)
int x = 73;
DrawImage("INVENTORYBOX", (69, -2), DI_ITEM_LEFT_BOTTOM, scale:(scale, scale));
if (icon < Duke.ICON_MAX)
DrawImage(item_icons[icon], (x, -13.5), DI_ITEM_LEFT|DI_ITEM_VCENTER, scale:(scale, scale));
int percentv = getinvamount(p);
format = String.Format("%3d%%", percentv);
int color = percentv > 50 ? 11 : percentv > 25 ? 23 : 2;
DrawString(miniFont, format, (x + 34, -indxfont.mFont.GetHeight() - 3), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, pt:Translation.MakeID(Translation_Remap, color));
String text;
int pal;
[text, pal] = ontext(p);
if (text.length() > 0) DrawString(miniFont, text, (x + 34, -miniFont.mFont.GetHeight() - 14), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, pt:Translation.MakeID(Translation_Remap, pal));
// Fullscreen HUD drawer
void DrawHud(DukePlayer p, int style, SummaryInfo info)
BeginHUD(1, false, 320, 200);
if (style == 1)
DrawInventory(p, 0, -46, DI_SCREEN_CENTER_BOTTOM);
DoLevelStats(fontheight[hw_hightile ? 1 : 0] + 6, info);
else if (style == 2)
DrawInventory(p, netgame ? 56 : 65, -28, DI_SCREEN_CENTER_BOTTOM);
DoLevelStats(tileHeight("HEALTHBOX") + 4, info);
DrawInventory(p, 0, -28, DI_SCREEN_CENTER_BOTTOM);
DoLevelStats(2, info);
// Helper for weapon display
void DrawWeaponNum(int index, double x, double y, int num1, int num2, int shade, int numdigits)
if (isShareware() && (ind > DukeWpn.HANDBOMB_WEAPON || ind < 0))
minitextshade(x + 1, y - 4, "ORDER", 20, 11, 2 + 8 + 16);
String format;
bool parsedDivisor = false;
num1 = max(num1, 0);
num2 = max(num2, 0);
if (numdigits == 2)
num1 = min(num1, 99);
num2 = min(num2, 99);
format = String.Format("%2d/%d", num1, num2);
num1 = min(num1, 999);
num2 = min(num2, 999);
format = String.Format("%3d/%d", num1, num2);
DrawTexture(ThreeByFive[index], (x - 7, y), DI_ITEM_LEFT|DI_ITEM_VCENTER, 1, (-1, -1), (1, 1), STYLE_Translucent, Raze.ShadeToLight(shade - 10), Translation.MakeID(Translation_Remap, 7));
let pe = Raze.ShadeToLight(shade);
DrawTexture(ThreeByFive[10], (x - 3, y), DI_ITEM_LEFT | DI_ITEM_VCENTER, 1, (-1, -1), (1, 1), STYLE_Translucent, pe);
for (uint i = 0; i < format.Length(); i++)
int cc = format.ByteAt(i);
if (cc != " ")
int c = cc == "/" ? 11 : cc - int("0");
DrawTexture(ThreeByFive[c], (x + 4 * i + (parsedDivisor ? 1 : 0), y), DI_ITEM_LEFT | DI_ITEM_VCENTER, col:pe);
if (cc == "/")
parsedDivisor = true;
// Weapon display (Duke only)
int ShadeForWeapon(DukePlayer p, int weapon, int optweapon = -1)
// Headache-inducing math at play here.
return (((!p.ammo_amount[weapon]) | (!p.gotweapon[weapon])) * 9) + 12 - 18 * ((p.curr_weapon == weapon) || (optweapon != -1 && p.curr_weapon == optweapon));
void DrawWeaponAmounts(DukePlayer p, double x, double y)
int cw = p.curr_weapon;
DrawWeaponNum(2, x, y, p.ammo_amount[DukeWpn.PISTOL_WEAPON], Duke.MaxAmmoAmount(DukeWpn.PISTOL_WEAPON), 12 - 20 * (cw == DukeWpn.PISTOL_WEAPON), 3);
DrawWeaponNum(3, x, y + 6, p.ammo_amount[DukeWpn.SHOTGUN_WEAPON], Duke.MaxAmmoAmount(DukeWpn.SHOTGUN_WEAPON), ShadeForWeapon(p, DukeWpn.SHOTGUN_WEAPON), 3);
DrawWeaponNum(4, x, y + 12, p.ammo_amount[DukeWpn.CHAINGUN_WEAPON], Duke.MaxAmmoAmount(DukeWpn.CHAINGUN_WEAPON), ShadeForWeapon(p, DukeWpn.CHAINGUN_WEAPON), 3);
DrawWeaponNum(5, x + 39, y, p.ammo_amount[DukeWpn.RPG_WEAPON], Duke.MaxAmmoAmount(DukeWpn.RPG_WEAPON), ShadeForWeapon(p, DukeWpn.RPG_WEAPON), 2);
DrawWeaponNum(6, x + 39, y + 6, p.ammo_amount[DukeWpn.HANDBOMB_WEAPON], Duke.MaxAmmoAmount(DukeWpn.HANDBOMB_WEAPON), ShadeForWeapon(p, DukeWpn.HANDBOMB_WEAPON, DukeWpn.HANDREMOTE_WEAPON), 2);
if (p.subweapon & (1 << DukeWpn.GROW_WEAPON)) // original code says: if(!p.ammo_amount[SHRINKER_WEAPON] || cw == GROW_WEAPON)
DrawWeaponNum(7, x + 39, y + 12, p.ammo_amount[DukeWpn.GROW_WEAPON], Duke.MaxAmmoAmount(DukeWpn.GROW_WEAPON), ShadeForWeapon(p, DukeWpn.GROW_WEAPON), 2);
DrawWeaponNum(7, x + 39, y + 12, p.ammo_amount[DukeWpn.SHRINKER_WEAPON], Duke.MaxAmmoAmount(DukeWpn.SHRINKER_WEAPON), ShadeForWeapon(p, DukeWpn.SHRINKER_WEAPON), 2);
DrawWeaponNum(8, x + 70, y, p.ammo_amount[DukeWpn.DEVISTATOR_WEAPON], Duke.MaxAmmoAmount(DukeWpn.DEVISTATOR_WEAPON), ShadeForWeapon(p, DukeWpn.DEVISTATOR_WEAPON), 2);
DrawWeaponNum(9, x + 70, y + 6, p.ammo_amount[DukeWpn.TRIPBOMB_WEAPON], Duke.MaxAmmoAmount(DukeWpn.TRIPBOMB_WEAPON), ShadeForWeapon(p, DukeWpn.TRIPBOMB_WEAPON), 2);
DrawWeaponNum(0, x + 70, y + 12, p.ammo_amount[DukeWpn.FREEZE_WEAPON], Duke.MaxAmmoAmount(DukeWpn.FREEZE_WEAPON), ShadeForWeapon(p, DukeWpn.FREEZE_WEAPON), 2);
// Status bar drawer
void Statusbar(DukePlayer p)
let bsb = TexMan.CheckForTexture("BOTTOMSTATUSBAR", Texman.Type_Any);
let siz = TexMan.GetScaledSize(bsb);
int h = int(siz.Y);
int top = 200 - h;
int left = (320 - int(siz.X)) / 2;
BeginStatusBar(false, 320, 200, h);
DrawInventory(p, 160, 154, 0);
if (hud_size == Hud_StbarOverlay) Set43ClipRect();
DrawTexture(bsb, (left, top), DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP, 1);
String format;
if (ud.multimode > 1 && !ud.coop)
DrawTexture("KILLSICON", (228, top + 8), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS, 1, 0, 0);
format = String.Format("%d", max(p.frag - p.fraggedself, 0));
DrawString(digiFont, format, (287, top + 17), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER);
let key = TexMan.CheckForTexture("ACCESS_ICON", TexMan.Type_Any);
if (p.got_access & 4) DrawTexture(key, (275.5, top + 16), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS, style:STYLE_Translucent, translation:Translation.MakeID(Translation_Remap, 23));
if (p.got_access & 2) DrawTexture(key, (288.5, top + 16), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS, style:STYLE_Translucent, translation:Translation.MakeID(Translation_Remap, 21));
if (p.got_access & 1) DrawTexture(key, (282, top + 23), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS, style:STYLE_Translucent, translation:Translation.MakeID(Translation_Remap, 0));
DrawWeaponAmounts(p, 96, top + 15.5);
int num = (p.IsFrozen()) ? 1 : p.last_extra;
format = String.Format("%d", num);
DrawString(digiFont, format, (31, top + 17), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER);
format = String.Format("%d", GetMoraleOrShield(p));
DrawString(digiFont, format, (63, top + 17), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER);
if (p.curr_weapon != DukeWpn.KNEE_WEAPON)
int wep = (p.curr_weapon == DukeWpn.HANDREMOTE_WEAPON)? DukeWpn.HANDBOMB_WEAPON : p.curr_weapon;
format = String.Format("%d", p.ammo_amount[wep]);
DrawString(digiFont, format, (207, top + 17), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER);
int icon = p.inven_icon;
if (icon)
int x = 232;
if (icon < Duke.ICON_MAX)
DrawImage(item_icons[icon], (x, top + 20.5), DI_ITEM_LEFT | DI_ITEM_VCENTER);
int percentv = getinvamount(p);
format = String.Format("%3d%%", percentv);
int color = percentv > 50 ? 11 : percentv > 25 ? 23 : 2;
DrawString(miniFont, format, (x + 34, top + 24), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, Font.CR_NATIVEPAL, 1, 0, 0, (1, 1), Translation.MakeID(Translation_Remap, color));
String text;
int pal;
[text, pal] = ontext(p);
if (text.length() > 0) DrawString(miniFont, text, (x + 34, top + 14), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, Font.CR_NATIVEPAL, 1, 0, 0, (1, 1), Translation.MakeID(Translation_Remap, pal));
override void UpdateStatusBar(SummaryInfo info)
let p = Duke.GetViewPlayer();
if (hud_size >= Hud_Mini)
DrawHud(p, hud_size == Hud_Nothing ? 0 : hud_size == Hud_Full ? 1 : 2, info);
DoLevelStats(-1, info);
override void GetAllStats(HudStats stats)
stats.info.fontscale = 1.;
stats.info.statfont = SmallFont;
stats.info.letterColor = Font.TEXTCOLOR_ORANGE;
if (isNamWW2GI())
stats.info.statfont = ConFont;
stats.info.spacing = 8;
stats.info.standardColor = Font.TEXTCOLOR_YELLOW;
stats.info.completeColor = Font.TEXTCOLOR_FIRE;
stats.info.spacing = 7;
stats.info.standardColor = Font.TEXTCOLOR_CREAM;
stats.info.completeColor = Font.TEXTCOLOR_FIRE;
let p = Duke.GetViewPlayer();
stats.healthicon = isNamWW2GI()? "FIRSTAID_ICON" : "COLA";
stats.healthvalue = p.last_extra;
let armorval = GetMoraleOrShield(p);
if (armorval > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if (p.got_access & (1 << i))
static const int translations[] = { 8, 23, 21 };
stats.keytranslations.Push(Translation.MakeID(Translation_Remap, translations[i]));
// omits all weapons where ammo == weapon or secondary fire mode.
static const String weaponIcons[] = { "", "FIRSTGUNSPRITE", "SHOTGUNSPRITE", "CHAINGUNSPRITE", "RPGSPRITE", "" /*pipe bomb*/, "SHRINKERSPRITE",
"DEVISTATORSPRITE", "" /*trip bomb*/, "FREEZESPRITE", "" /*handremote*/, "" /*grower*/, "FLAMETHROWERSPRITE" };
int maxweap = isWorldTour()? 12 : 10;
for(int i = 0; i <= maxweap; i++)
if (p.gotweapon[i] && weaponIcons[i] != "")
if (p.curr_weapon == i ||
(p.curr_weapon == DukeWpn.HANDREMOTE_WEAPON && i == DukeWpn.HANDBOMB_WEAPON) ||
(p.curr_weapon == DukeWpn.GROW_WEAPON && i == DukeWpn.SHRINKER_WEAPON))
stats.weaponselect = stats.weaponicons.Size();
int maxammo = isWorldTour()? 11 : 10;
for(int i = 0; i < maxammo; i++)
int ammonum = ammoorder[i];
if (ammonum == DukeWpn.GROW_WEAPON && !isPlutoPak()) continue;
if (p.curr_weapon == ammonum || (p.curr_weapon == DukeWpn.HANDREMOTE_WEAPON && ammonum == DukeWpn.HANDBOMB_WEAPON))
stats.ammoselect = stats.ammoicons.Size();
int num = p.ammo_amount[ammonum];
int n = 0, j = 0;
if (p.firstaid_amount > 0) { n |= 1; j++; }
if (p.steroids_amount > 0) { n |= 2; j++; }
if (p.holoduke_amount > 0) { n |= 4; j++; }
if (p.jetpack_amount > 0) { n |= 8; j++; }
if (p.heat_amount > 0) { n |= 16; j++; }
if (p.scuba_amount > 0) { n |= 32; j++; }
if (p.boot_amount > 0) { n |= 64; j++; }
for(int bit = 0; bit < 7; bit++)
int i = 1 << bit;
if (n & i)
if (p.inven_icon == bit + 1) stats.inventoryselect = stats.inventoryicons.Size();
stats.inventoryamounts.Push(getinvamountforitem(p, bit + 1));