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=EDuke32 ChangeLog=
==1.4.0 beta 2=
- Core: reworked/enhanced Polymost shading
- Core: cleaned up code to properly build without Polymost/OpenGL support
- Core: added widescreen support for Polymost
- Core: added support for toggling correct HUD model rendering on/off
- Core: removed broken support for linking OpenGL statically
- Core: added support for DDS textures (JF)
- Core: added support for dynamically loading GTK (JF)
- Game: new startup window (JF)
- Game: added support for using the mouse and a joystick simultaneously (JF)
- Game: fixed an issue preventing skill selection, bonus screen and episode ending animation sounds from playing
- Game: fixed a problem where the player was unable to exit some pools of water in some maps
- Game: made further adjustments to the weapon properties in order to more closely emulate Duke 1.5
- Game: fixed an issue where you could disable map exits in multiplayer, have all players quit, start a single player game and then have exits continue to kill you
- Multiplayer: fixed numerous minor bugs in the voting system
- Multiplayer: added a more noticeable message to indicate that the player hasn't voted yet in an active vote
- Multiplayer: added support for /me in text chat
- Multiplayer: increased size of player chat icon
- Multiplayer: added "nat-free" support from Adam Fazakerley
- Multiplayer: fixed inventory respawn bug
- Multiplayer: minor fixes to DukesterX 1.5 compatibility wrapper
- CON: reworked movement_lock member of the player struct to use bit flags
- CON: reworked findnearactor3d, findnearactor3dvar, findnearsprite3d, and findnearsprite3dvar
- CON: added findnearactorz, findnearactorzvar, findnearspritez, and findnearspritezvar
- CON: added WEAPON_FLAG_RESET (65536) to weapon system in order to properly emulate the chaingun and freezer
- CON: fixed "eshoot" and added "ezshoot"
- CON: reworked weapon system; note that your custom weapons may need adjustments to work again
- CON: updated sample enhance.con
==1.4.0 beta 1=
- Core: added support for defining dummy tiles in the def files to eliminate the need for placeholders for hightile art
- Core: added a temporary projection hack to reduce HOM at the top and bottom of the screen
- Core: fixed P2P multiplayer with more than two players
- Core: fixed a nasty memory corruption issue with screen tinting that resulted in crashes in the classic renderer
- Core: fixed a palette issue with the in-game textured 2D map in Polymost
- Core: fixed a mouse input bug in winlayer that resulted in loss of input precision
- Core: modified the def loader to perform two passes; one to load GRPs early in game startup, and one to do the rest later on
- Core: tweaks to caching system to leave more memory available for hightile art
- Core: proper alpha sorting on md3 models
- Core: removed usegoodalpha in favor of an alternate sprite sorting algorithm (note: rendering glitches may occur)
- Core: attempt to correct display perspective in order to properly display HUD models
- Core: netcode packet rate now 26 (was 40)
- Core: don't use 100% CPU when waiting for players to join a multiplayer game
- Core: reduce mouse wheel input lock time to 25ms (was 100ms)
- Game: completely reworked mouse sensitivity and added an input filter slider
- Game: changed the weapon switching to be less restrictive in order to assist weapon changes via mouse wheel
- Game: added support for alt+enter to switch between fullscreen and windowed mode
- Game: added an option to disable demo playback cameras
- Game: added support for scaling the crosshair to 1/2 or 1/4 normal size
- Game: added an option to enable autoaim only for hitscan weapons (bullets)
- Game: changed the default video mode to 1024x768x32 and added several fallback choices
- Game: reworked the quicksave and quickload functions such as to not prompt the player on use
- Game: set the default controls to WSAD + mouse aiming
- Game: restore the pause key behavior from Duke 1.5 wherein the "GAME PAUSED" message isn't displayed when shift is pressed while pausing
- Game: fixed an infinite loop and a palette corruption bug regarding the video setup menu and switching to the classic renderer
- Game: fixed an issue where the automap would scroll itself and/or jitter when the game was paused while moving
- Game: fixed pistol timing to more closely match Duke 1.5
- Game: fixed long-standing quick kick animation bug
- Game: fixed kick attack speed to more closely match Duke 1.5
- Game: fixed an issue with shift+F5 not allowing selection of music defined for episode 5 and up
- Game: changed the default menu background to something more pleasing
- Game: restructured the option menus to make more sense
- Game: expanded the "HUD weapon" menu option to allow displaying a weapon's pickup sprite instead of the HUD art
- Multiplayer: Duke Talk menu option can now be set to "all" to hear enemy pain sounds
- Multiplayer: added an option to disable nuke button exits in deathmatch
- Multiplayer: greatly improved the text chat by increasing the text buffer size and by implementing basic line wrapping
- Multiplayer: added a voting system for map changes along with a menu option to automatically vote yes or no
- Multiplayer: added an icon above the heads of other players for when they're chatting or using the menu
- Multiplayer: added an option to automatically send messages to all players rather than prompting
- Multiplayer: added an option to display the name of the opponent you're currently aiming at
- Multiplayer: added a player setup menu to configure player name, color, macros, and weapon/aiming options mid-game
- Multiplayer: added support for Rancidmeat network configuration files via -rmnet command line parameter
- Multiplayer: detect and correct internal vs external IP address issues when using Rancidmeat configuration files
- Multiplayer: added dummy duke3d_w32.exe to facilitate EDuke32 multiplayer via DukesterX 1.5
- Multiplayer: added support for in-game selection and loading of different user maps
- Multiplayer: added support for various player death messages which can be redefined in the CONs
- Multiplayer: added support for Quake-style color codes in player names and text chat (code format is ^<palette>)
- Multiplayer: limit player name to 10 characters (not counting color codes)
- Multiplayer: fixed issue where multiple players trying to step on the same shrunken enemy would kill the game
- Multiplayer: fixed issue where briefly tapping the jump key would produce a lag effect during the resulting jump
- Multiplayer: fixed issue where using the jetpack + steroids would produce a lag effect in P2P mode
- Multiplayer: fixed several out-of-sync issues
- Multiplayer: fixed a long-standing bug wherein a player death could be counted as both a death and a suicide
- Multiplayer: fixed screen resizing issue when typing - and = in chat
- CON: added "save" command to allow the creation of automatic checkpoints
- CON: added "cansee" and "canseespr" commands to easily determine whether two sprites or sets of coordinates have visibility
- CON: added "definegamefuncname" command to change the key names used in the configuration file and in the control setup menus
- CON: added additional safety checks to get/setuserdef/player/sector/sprite/wall/input
- CON: added support for Quake-style color codes in quotes (code format is ^<palette>)
- CON: added extra timing checks to the weapon system; note that weapons with strange TOTALTIME and FIREDELAY values may no longer fire
- CON: save quotes, dynamic-to-static tile remapping information, extended sprite flags and sprite caching info to savegames
- CON: reworked the quote system to use dynamically allocated memory and doubled the length of each individual quote
- CON: fixed a savegame issue where some gamevar values may not have been restored properly and added more sanity checks to savegame loading
- CON: fixed an issue with FRAMEEFFECT1 sprites ending up with the wrong tspr->picnum
- CON: fixed a potential issue where custom projectiles that hit a player wouldn't knock the player back
- CON: fixed a bug in the findnearactor3d command and further sped up findnearactor3d and findnearsprite3d
- CON: fixed an issue where tab characters in CON files could screw up label names
- CON: fixed a crash that occurred when hitscan type custom projectiles with trails were fired at a wall from a distance of 0
- CON: removed the RENDERSIZE attribute for weapons
- CON: made slight optimizations to various commands
- Console: added the following cvars: "crosshair", "cl_autoaim", "cl_automsg", "cl_autovote", "cl_democams", "cl_drawweapon", "cl_idplayers",
"cl_messagetime", "cl_mousefilter", "cl_showcoords", "cl_showfps", "cl_smoothinput", "cl_statusbarmode", "cl_statusbarscale",
"cl_weaponswitch" and "r_precache"
- Console: added "addpath" command to add a new directory to the game's virtual filesystem pool
- Mapster32: better smoothing of mouse input when using 3D mode mouselook
- Mapster32: add ' F key combo to replace nonexistent tiles with tile 0
- Game: fixed issue with multiplayer switches
- Core: sync with JFBuild SVN
- Core: on-disk compressed texture cache for greatly improved level load times (JF)
- Core: virtual game file system similar to Quake (JF)
- Core: re-tooled screen tinting and gamma correction in OpenGL (JF)
- Game: sync with JFDuke3D SVN
- Game: added option to disable automatic weapon switching (JF)
- Game: mouse input smoothing (JF)
- Game: pre-caching of HUD sprites (JF)
- Game: redesigned game settings menu with several new options
- Game: menus are now drawn over the status bar rather than under it and have a tinted background in OpenGL
- Game: FPS counter color now changes when frame rate is under 40
- Game: added -z# command line parameter to set CON compiler verbosity level
- Game: added parsing of autoexec.cfg on startup
- Game: adjusted default tripbomb plant delay to match Duke3D 1.5
- CON: added getinput/setinput commands to read/write to/from sync[] in conjunction with EVENT_PROCESSINPUT
- CON: completely rewritten compiler error handling
- CON: findnearactor/findnearsprite and variants now exponentially faster
- CON: better handling of duplicate event errors
- CON: improvements to switch/case commands, fixes several bugs
- CON: added per-actor flags for controlling shade, shadow, NVG presence, et cetera
- Console: added "exec", "cmenu", "gamma", "give" and "sensitivity" console commands
- Mapster32 changes:
- General: mouse input smoothing (JF)
- General: informational messages now logged to console and mapster32.log
- General: improved mass palette change function
- General: improved mass visibility change function
- 2D mode: improved search function
- 2D mode: added shift-G key combination to increase grid size
- 2D mode: added guide lines to the top and left side of the screen; hold shift for full guide
- 3D mode: added + and - shortcut keys for incrementing/decrementing tile number
- 3D mode: added mouse control for commonly used functions
- 3D mode: refined various status messages
- 3D mode: mouse cursor now fades from white to black to increase visibility
- Minor fixes to getwall/setwall
- Engine updated to newest snapshot
- Updated to current developmental JFDuke3D and engine, including precaching system.
- New projectile definition syntax, uses labels like setprojectile
- Cheat redefinition allowing both the "D" and "N" keys as well as the actual cheats to be changed.
- Gametype customization via definegametype command
- Logo and title screen customization via LOGO_FLAGS gamevar
- All defined labels are now marked as a specific type, guaranteeing more stability and fixing some broken mods.
- Potential multiplayer sync problems are now reported on startup
- Con commenting system rewritten to be more error free and allow comments in the middle of commands
- New quote manipulation abilities, allowing the user to:
- Redefine quotes mid-game
- Plug the values of gamevars into quotes
- Concatenate the contents of one quote onto the end of another
- Copy one quote to another quote position
- All event names are now internally defined and no longer need definitions in the CONs.
- Modified variable system to allow constants in place of read only gamevars and to allow prefixing a variable name with
a minus to use the negative of the var's value
- Pitch and roll control for models, accessed via get/setactor[].pitch and .roll. Also see .mdxoff, .mdyoff and .mdzoff.
- All hard coded tile definitions are now changeable from defs.con (note: enable dynamic remapping via dynamicremap command)
- The values of gamevars can be saved to and read from the .cfg
- Weapon control enhancement: all weapons now have a WEAPONx_RELOADSOUND1 and a WEAPONx_RELOADSOUND2 which control which
sounds are played when the magazine is inserted or removed.
- Added WEAPON_FLAG_RELOAD_TIMING (defined as 32768) hack for special reload sound timing on things like the pistol
- Added the following primitives:
- definecheat
- cheatkeys
- userquote
- precache
- projectile
- redefinequote
- dynquote
- getpname
- qstrcat
- qstrcpy
- setsprite
- rotatepoint
- dragpoint
- getzrange
- changespritestat
- getceilzofslope
- getflorzofslope
- neartag
- definegametype
- changespritesect
- spriteflags
- savegamevar
- readgamevar
- findnearsprite
- findnearsprite3d
- findnearspritevar
- findnearsprite3dvar
- dynamicremap
- Miscellaneous cleanups all over the code (the diff is 36,000+ lines!)
- Updated to current developmental JFDuke3D and engine
- Added the following primitives:
- displayrandvar
- displayrandvarvar
- checkavailinven
- globalsoundvar
- guniqhudid
- getprojectile
- getthisprojectile
- setthisprojectile
- Modified projectile system as follows:
- Each projectile in flight now has its own properties which can be set using
get/setthisprojectile in event 64
- setprojectile sets the default for all projectiles of that type, whereas
setthisprojectile only affects the specific projectile
- Fixed range property not working on RPG type projectiles
- Upped max sounds to 1500
- Added support for more/less than 4 episodes. The number of episodes is defined by
the last definevolumename instance found upon compilation. Max is 8.
- Added EVENT_GETMENUTILE: RETURN value sets background for main menu, set MENU_TILE
var to 1 for tiled, leave set to 0 for an image that fills the screen.
- Added EVENT_SPAWN: called every time an actor is spawned, use this to set properties
on actors at spawn time.
- Logo animation and splash screens disabled during multiplayer
- Out of sync fix for event 64
- Added support for setting the loogiex and loogiey members of the player struct
- Minor internal changes, bug and compiler warning fixes
- Added setvar console command for debugging
- Modified WEAPKEY events; support weapon key remapping (set RETURN to desired weapon num)
- Mapster32 changes:
- Fixed bug which disabled creating masked walls
- Added ' D 2D mode key combination to delete all sprites of a specific picnum
- Added ' N key combination to enable/disable noclip
- Fixed a few compiler warnings
- Updated to current JFDuke3D and engine, which brings the following:
- MD3 support
- fixed network sync issues
- minor renderer fixes
- Player movement events now work in multiplayer (thanks JonoF)
- Added sound_pitch member to player struct
- Added multi-purpose event "64" which runs on all sprites in the game, allowing for
manipulation of virtually everything in the game world
- Added user-definable colored fog: simply add lines similar to the following to your duke3d.def:
fogpal <palette number> <red intensity> <green intensity> <blue intensity>
Intensities range from 0-63, and palettes 26, 27, 28 and 29 are pre-defined for you as
white, red, green and blue respectively. Sector visibility controls fog density.
- Added movement_lock[] member to player struct. Functionality will be explained upon request
until the wiki is updated. As can be guessed, this is used to lock player movement.
- Fixed a couple of reload bugs
- Projectile system internally optimized and improved (ripped out remnants of variable based
system as well as modified the system to restore projectile defaults on game restart)
- Added the following primitives:
- movesprite
- checkavailweapon
- updatesectorz
- ssp
- stopallsounds
- soundoncevar
- stopsoundvar
Movesprite, checkavailweapon, updatesectorz and ssp work exactly as their
internal counterparts do. The sound commands are self-explanatory.
- Minor fixes to the error handling system -- it is now impossible to redefine internal
pointer gamevars. Some error messages also made more descriptive.
- Fixed handling of bad CON files
- Added "-condebug" command line parameter which prints one line to the init window per line
compiled. This is useful in cases where you've encountered a bug in the CON parser which
throws you into an infinite loop on compile, as you can see where the problem happened.
- Fixed "DNITEMS" cheat not triggering item cheat events
- CON commands "addlog" and "addlogvar" now print to console and log to eduke32.log
with all of the other log information rather than log.log
- Fixed multiplayer menu problem
- Added PROJECTILE_FLAG_RPG_IMPACT (defined as 32768) to projectile flags. This flag causes
an RPG type projectile to directly damage whatever it hits rather than do radius damage.
- By request, changed how Duke moves when submerging into and emerging from underwater sectors
- Various minor code clean-ups and fixes
- Mapster32 changes:
- Added ' 5 2D mode key combination for changing the shade of every parallaxed ceiling
on the map at once
- Added ' 6 2D mode key combination for changing the height of every parallaxed ceiling
on the map at once
- Added ' Z 2D mode key combination for offsetting an entire map on the Z plane. This
is useful for merging sections of maps into other maps.
- Added Left ALT ' 7 2D mode key combination for scaling the entire map (multiply)
- Added Left ALT ' 8 2D mode key combination for scaling the entire map (divide)
- Added ' M key combination for setting .extra member (this is the SW middle tag)
- Help menus re-organized to be more useful
- Added ' P 3D mode key combination to set palette on all sectors selected in 2D mode
- Added ; V 3D mode key combination to set visibility on all sectors selected in 2D mode
- Added support for running without lookup.dat (obviously, this will disable alt pals)
- Updated to current JFDuke3D and JFBuild release, see releasenotes.html for details
- Mapster32 updated to 1.0.1, hit F1 in 2D mode for new feature rundown
- Added "spritenoshade" command. This command works just like spritenvg and spriteshadow, and does
exactly what it claims to do.
- Fixed 1.2.0 bug which made the player's APLAYER sprite's position shift across the map each time a
bullet hole was left on a wall.
- Updated to current JFDuke3D and JFBuild release, see releasenotes.html for details
- Introduction of Mapster32, the enhanced Build editor version 1.0.0
- Lots of miscellaneous code clean-ups and bug fixes
- Fixed pre-placed tripbomb bug from EDuke32 1.0.0
- Increased MAXCYCLERS to 1024
- Renumbered EVENT_AIMDOWN to be event 63
- Ripped out unused NAM and WW2GI-specific code
- Ripped out unused code specific to foreign, demo and beta versions of Duke
- Added several new primitives, as follows:
- whilevarn
- switch
- case
- default
- endswitch
- shootvar
- soundvar
- findplayer
- findotherplayer
- activatebysector
- operatesectors
- operateactivators
- operatemasterswitches
- checkactivatormotion
- zshoot
- dist
- ldist
- shiftvarl
- shitvarr
- spritenvg
- getangle
- whilevarvarn
- hitscan
- getplayervar
- setplayervar
- mulscale
- setaspect
Descriptions of these commands will be available soon on EDukeWiki
- Added "reloading" member to player struct (1 when reloading, 0 when not, weapon changes blocked while 1)
- Fixed setuserdef
- Fixed eventloadactor
- Added ud.statusbarscale to get/setuserdef
- Restricted all screen drawing commands to events
- Fixed issues with several events
- SHOTSPARK1 now sets temp_data[6-8] to hitwall, hitsect and hitspr, in that order
- Tweaked the operation of weapons to allow identical operation to Duke3D 1.5 (may cause issues with some existing mods)
- All effector sprites now made non-blockable non-hitscan-sensitive on map start
- Added "range" field to custom projectile system