2007-01-12 22:42:19 +00:00
* mpadec - MPEG audio decoder
* Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Dmitriy Startsev (dstartsev@rambler.ru)
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
/* $Id: layer3.c,v 1.2 2004/12/13 06:47:35 metal_man Exp $ */
#include "mpadec_internal.h"
extern const uint32_t bitmask[17];
extern bandinfo_t band_info[];
extern newhuff_t hufft[], hufftc[];
extern const FLOAT newcos[8];
extern const FLOAT tfcos36[9];
extern const FLOAT tfcos12[3];
extern const FLOAT cs[8];
extern const FLOAT ca[8];
extern uint32_t getbits(mpadec_t mpadec, unsigned n);
extern uint16_t update_crc(uint16_t init, uint8_t *buf, int length);
static int decode_layer3_sideinfo(mpadec_t mpadec)
register struct mpadec_t *mpa = (struct mpadec_t *)mpadec;
int ch, gr, ms_stereo, powdiff, databits = 0;
static const uint8_t tabs[2][5] = { { 2, 9, 5, 3, 4 }, { 1, 8, 1, 2, 9 } };
const uint8_t *tab = tabs[mpa->frame.LSF];
ms_stereo = ((mpa->frame.mode == MPG_MD_JOINT_STEREO) && (mpa->frame.mode_ext & 2));
powdiff = ((mpa->frame.channels > 1) && (mpa->config.mode == MPADEC_CONFIG_MONO)) ? 4 : 0;
mpa->sideinfo.main_data_begin = GETBITS(tab[1]);
if (mpa->frame.channels == 1) mpa->sideinfo.private_bits = GETBITS(tab[2]);
else mpa->sideinfo.private_bits = GETBITS(tab[3]);
if (!mpa->frame.LSF) {
for (ch = 0; ch < mpa->frame.channels; ch++) {
mpa->sideinfo.ch[ch].gr[0].scfsi = -1;
mpa->sideinfo.ch[ch].gr[1].scfsi = GETBITS(4);
for (gr = 0; gr < tab[0]; gr++) {
for (ch = 0; ch < mpa->frame.channels; ch++) {
register grinfo_t *grinfo = &mpa->sideinfo.ch[ch].gr[gr];
grinfo->part2_3_length = GETBITS(12);
grinfo->big_values = GETBITS(9);
databits += grinfo->part2_3_length;
if (grinfo->big_values > 288) grinfo->big_values = 288;
grinfo->pow2gain = mpa->tables.gainpow2 + 256 - GETBITS(8) + powdiff;
if (ms_stereo) grinfo->pow2gain += 2;
grinfo->scalefac_compress = GETBITS(tab[4]);
if (GETBITS(1)) {
grinfo->block_type = (uint8_t)GETBITS(2);
grinfo->mixed_block_flag = (uint8_t)GETBITS(1);
grinfo->table_select[0] = GETBITS(5);
grinfo->table_select[1] = GETBITS(5);
grinfo->table_select[2] = 0;
grinfo->full_gain[0] = grinfo->pow2gain + (GETBITS(3) << 3);
grinfo->full_gain[1] = grinfo->pow2gain + (GETBITS(3) << 3);
grinfo->full_gain[2] = grinfo->pow2gain + (GETBITS(3) << 3);
if (!grinfo->block_type) {
mpa->error = TRUE;
return 0;
} else mpa->error = FALSE;
if (mpa->frame.LSF) {
if (grinfo->block_type == 2) {
if (grinfo->mixed_block_flag) {
if (mpa->frame.frequency_index == 8) grinfo->region1start = 48;
else grinfo->region1start = 48 >> 1;
} else {
if (mpa->frame.frequency_index == 8) grinfo->region1start = 36;
else grinfo->region1start = 36 >> 1;
} else {
if (mpa->frame.frequency_index == 8) grinfo->region1start = 54;
else grinfo->region1start = 54 >> 1;
} else grinfo->region1start = 36 >> 1;
grinfo->region2start = 576 >> 1;
} else {
grinfo->block_type = 0;
grinfo->mixed_block_flag = 0;
grinfo->table_select[0] = GETBITS(5);
grinfo->table_select[1] = GETBITS(5);
grinfo->table_select[2] = GETBITS(5);
register int tmp = GETBITS(4);
grinfo->region1start = band_info[mpa->frame.frequency_index].long_idx[tmp + 1] >> 1;
tmp += GETBITS(3);
grinfo->region2start = band_info[mpa->frame.frequency_index].long_idx[tmp + 2] >> 1;
if (!mpa->frame.LSF) grinfo->preflag = (uint8_t)GETBITS(1);
grinfo->scalefac_scale = (uint8_t)GETBITS(1);
grinfo->count1table_select = (uint8_t)GETBITS(1);
databits -= 8*mpa->sideinfo.main_data_begin;
return databits;
static int III_get_scale_factors(mpadec_t mpadec, grinfo_t *gr_info, int32_t *scf)
register struct mpadec_t *mpa = (struct mpadec_t *)mpadec;
register grinfo_t *grinfo = gr_info;
int numbits = 0;
static uint8_t slen[2][16] = { {0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4},
{0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3} };
static uint8_t stab[3][6][4] = { { { 6, 5, 5,5 } , { 6, 5, 7,3 } , { 11,10,0,0} ,
{ 7, 7, 7,0 } , { 6, 6, 6,3 } , { 8, 8,5,0} } ,
{ { 9, 9, 9,9 } , { 9, 9,12,6 } , { 18,18,0,0} ,
{12,12,12,0 } , {12, 9, 9,6 } , { 15,12,9,0} } ,
{ { 6, 9, 9,9 } , { 6, 9,12,6 } , { 15,18,0,0} ,
{ 6,15,12,0 } , { 6,12, 9,6 } , { 6,18,9,0} } };
if (!mpa->frame.LSF) {
int i, num0 = slen[0][grinfo->scalefac_compress], num1 = slen[1][grinfo->scalefac_compress];
if (grinfo->block_type == 2) {
i = 18; numbits = 18*(num0 + num1);
if (grinfo->mixed_block_flag) {
numbits -= num0;
for (; i; i--) *scf++ = GETBITS(num0);
for (i = 18; i; i--) *scf++ = GETBITS(num1);
scf[0] = scf[1] = scf[2] = 0;
} else {
if (grinfo->scfsi < 0) {
for (i = 11; i; i--) *scf++ = GETBITS(num0);
for (i = 10; i; i--) *scf++ = GETBITS(num1);
numbits = 10*(num0 + num1) + num0;
*scf = 0;
} else {
numbits = 0;
if (!(grinfo->scfsi & 8)) {
for (i = 6; i; i--) *scf++ = GETBITS(num0);
numbits += 6*num0;
} else scf += 6;
if (!(grinfo->scfsi & 4)) {
for (i = 5; i; i--) *scf++ = GETBITS(num0);
numbits += 5*num0;
} else scf += 5;
if (!(grinfo->scfsi & 2)) {
for (i = 5; i; i--) *scf++ = GETBITS(num1);
numbits += 5*num1;
} else scf += 5;
if (!(grinfo->scfsi & 1)) {
for (i = 5; i; i--) *scf++ = GETBITS(num1);
numbits += 5*num1;
} else scf += 5;
*scf = 0;
} else {
int i, j, n = 0;
unsigned s_len; uint8_t *pnt;
if ((mpa->frame.mode == MPG_MD_JOINT_STEREO) && (mpa->frame.mode_ext & 1)) {
s_len = mpa->tables.i_slen2[grinfo->scalefac_compress >> 1];
} else s_len = mpa->tables.n_slen2[grinfo->scalefac_compress];
grinfo->preflag = (uint8_t)((s_len >> 15) & 1);
if (grinfo->block_type == 2) n = grinfo->mixed_block_flag ? 2 : 1;
pnt = stab[n][(s_len >> 12) & 7];
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
int num = s_len & 7;
s_len >>= 3;
if (num) {
for (j = 0; j < (int)pnt[i]; j++) *scf++ = GETBITS(num);
numbits += pnt[i]*num;
} else for (j = 0; j < (int)pnt[i]; j++) *scf++ = 0;
for (i = (n << 1) + 1; i; i--) *scf++ = 0;
return numbits;
static int III_decode_samples(mpadec_t mpadec, grinfo_t *gr_info, FLOAT xr[SBLIMIT][SSLIMIT], int32_t *scf, int part2bits)
register struct mpadec_t *mpa = (struct mpadec_t *)mpadec;
register grinfo_t *grinfo = gr_info;
int shift = 1 + grinfo->scalefac_scale, l[3], l3;
int part2remain = grinfo->part2_3_length - part2bits;
FLOAT *xrptr = (FLOAT *)xr; int32_t *me;
static uint8_t pretab1[22] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 0 };
static uint8_t pretab2[22] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
l3 = ((576 >> 1) - grinfo->big_values) >> 1;
if (grinfo->big_values <= grinfo->region1start) {
l[0] = grinfo->big_values;
l[1] = l[2] = 0;
} else {
l[0] = grinfo->region1start;
if (grinfo->big_values <= grinfo->region2start) {
l[1] = grinfo->big_values - l[0]; l[2] = 0;
} else {
l[1] = grinfo->region2start - l[0];
l[2] = grinfo->big_values - grinfo->region2start;
if (grinfo->block_type == 2) {
int32_t i, max[4], step = 0, lwin = 0, cb = 0;
register FLOAT v = 0.0;
register int32_t *m, mc;
if (grinfo->mixed_block_flag) {
max[3] = -1;
max[0] = max[1] = max[2] = 2;
m = mpa->tables.map[mpa->frame.frequency_index][0];
me = mpa->tables.mapend[mpa->frame.frequency_index][0];
} else {
max[0] = max[1] = max[2] = max[3] = -1;
m = mpa->tables.map[mpa->frame.frequency_index][1];
me = mpa->tables.mapend[mpa->frame.frequency_index][1];
mc = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
int lp = l[i];
newhuff_t *h = hufft + grinfo->table_select[i];
for (; lp; lp--, mc--) {
register int x, y;
if (!mc) {
mc = *m++;
xrptr = ((FLOAT *)xr) + (*m++);
lwin = *m++;
cb = *m++;
if (lwin == 3) {
v = grinfo->pow2gain[(*scf++) << shift];
step = 1;
} else {
v = grinfo->full_gain[lwin][(*scf++) << shift];
step = 3;
register int16_t *val = h->table;
while ((y = *val++) < 0) {
if (GETBITS(1)) val -= y;
x = y >> 4;
y &= 0x0F;
if ((x == 15) && h->linbits) {
max[lwin] = cb;
part2remain -= h->linbits + 1;
x += GETBITS(h->linbits);
if (GETBITS(1)) *xrptr = -mpa->tables.ispow[x]*v;
else *xrptr = mpa->tables.ispow[x]*v;
} else if (x) {
max[lwin] = cb;
if (GETBITS(1)) *xrptr = -mpa->tables.ispow[x]*v;
else *xrptr = mpa->tables.ispow[x]*v;
} else *xrptr = 0.0;
xrptr += step;
if ((y == 15) && h->linbits) {
max[lwin] = cb;
part2remain -= h->linbits + 1;
y += GETBITS(h->linbits);
if (GETBITS(1)) *xrptr = -mpa->tables.ispow[y]*v;
else *xrptr = mpa->tables.ispow[y]*v;
} else if (y) {
max[lwin] = cb;
if (GETBITS(1)) *xrptr = -mpa->tables.ispow[y]*v;
else *xrptr = mpa->tables.ispow[y]*v;
} else *xrptr = 0.0;
xrptr += step;
for (; l3 && (part2remain > 0); l3--) {
newhuff_t *h = hufftc + grinfo->count1table_select;
register int16_t *val = h->table, a;
while ((a = *val++) < 0) {
if (part2remain < 0) {
a = 0;
if (GETBITS(1)) val -= a;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (!(i & 1)) {
if (!mc) {
mc = *m++;
xrptr = ((FLOAT *)xr) + (*m++);
lwin = *m++;
cb = *m++;
if (lwin == 3) {
v = grinfo->pow2gain[(*scf++) << shift];
step = 1;
} else {
v = grinfo->full_gain[lwin][(*scf++) << shift];
step = 3;
if (a & (8 >> i)) {
max[lwin] = cb;
if (part2remain < 0) {
if (GETBITS(1)) *xrptr = -v;
else *xrptr = v;
} else *xrptr = 0.0;
xrptr += step;
if (lwin < 3) {
while (1) {
for (; mc > 0; mc--) {
xrptr[0] = xrptr[3] = 0.0;
xrptr += 6;
if (m >= me) break;
mc = *m++;
xrptr = ((FLOAT *)xr) + (*m++);
if ((*m++) == 0) break;
grinfo->maxband[0] = max[0] + 1;
grinfo->maxband[1] = max[1] + 1;
grinfo->maxband[2] = max[2] + 1;
grinfo->maxbandl = max[3] + 1;
int rmax = max[0] > max[1] ? max[0] : max[1];
rmax = (rmax > max[2] ? rmax : max[2]) + 1;
grinfo->maxb = rmax ? mpa->tables.short_limit[mpa->frame.frequency_index][rmax] : mpa->tables.long_limit[mpa->frame.frequency_index][max[3] + 1];
} else {
uint8_t *pretab = grinfo->preflag ? pretab1 : pretab2;
int32_t i, max = -1, cb = 0, mc = 0;
int32_t *m = mpa->tables.map[mpa->frame.frequency_index][2];
register FLOAT v = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
int lp = l[i];
newhuff_t *h = hufft + grinfo->table_select[i];
for (; lp; lp--, mc--) {
register int x, y;
if (!mc) {
mc = *m++;
cb = *m++;
if (cb == 21) v = 0.0;
else v = grinfo->pow2gain[((*scf++) + (*pretab++)) << shift];
register int16_t *val = h->table;
while ((y = *val++) < 0) {
if (GETBITS(1)) val -= y;
x = y >> 4;
y &= 0x0F;
if ((x == 15) && h->linbits) {
max = cb;
part2remain -= h->linbits + 1;
x += GETBITS(h->linbits);
if (GETBITS(1)) *xrptr++ = -mpa->tables.ispow[x]*v;
else *xrptr++ = mpa->tables.ispow[x]*v;
} else if (x) {
max = cb;
if (GETBITS(1)) *xrptr++ = -mpa->tables.ispow[x]*v;
else *xrptr++ = mpa->tables.ispow[x]*v;
} else *xrptr++ = 0.0;
if ((y == 15) && h->linbits) {
max = cb;
part2remain -= h->linbits + 1;
y += GETBITS(h->linbits);
if (GETBITS(1)) *xrptr++ = -mpa->tables.ispow[y]*v;
else *xrptr++ = mpa->tables.ispow[y]*v;
} else if (y) {
max = cb;
if (GETBITS(1)) *xrptr++ = -mpa->tables.ispow[y]*v;
else *xrptr++ = mpa->tables.ispow[y]*v;
} else *xrptr++ = 0.0;
for (; l3 && (part2remain > 0); l3--) {
newhuff_t *h = hufftc + grinfo->count1table_select;
register int16_t *val = h->table, a;
while ((a = *val++) < 0) {
if (part2remain < 0) {
a = 0;
if (GETBITS(1)) val -= a;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (!(i & 1)) {
if (!mc) {
mc = *m++;
cb = *m++;
v = grinfo->pow2gain[((*scf++) + (*pretab++)) << shift];
if (a & (8 >> i)) {
max = cb;
if (part2remain < 0) {
if (GETBITS(1)) *xrptr++ = -v;
else *xrptr++ = v;
} else *xrptr++ = 0.0;
grinfo->maxbandl = max + 1;
grinfo->maxb = mpa->tables.long_limit[mpa->frame.frequency_index][max + 1];
while (xrptr < &xr[SBLIMIT][0]) *xrptr++ = 0.0;
while (part2remain > 0) {
register unsigned tmp, i = (part2remain > 16) ? 16 : part2remain;
tmp = GETBITS(i);
part2remain -= i;
i = tmp;
mpa->error = (uint8_t)((part2remain < 0) ? TRUE : FALSE);
return mpa->error;
static void III_i_stereo(mpadec_t mpadec, grinfo_t *gr_info, FLOAT xrbuf[2][SBLIMIT][SSLIMIT], int32_t *scalefac)
register struct mpadec_t *mpa = (struct mpadec_t *)mpadec;
register grinfo_t *grinfo = gr_info;
bandinfo_t *bi = &band_info[mpa->frame.frequency_index];
int tab = mpa->frame.LSF + (grinfo->scalefac_compress & mpa->frame.LSF);
int ms_stereo = ((mpa->frame.mode == MPG_MD_JOINT_STEREO) && (mpa->frame.mode_ext & 2)) ? TRUE : FALSE;
const FLOAT *tab1, *tab2;
tab1 = mpa->tables.istabs[tab][ms_stereo][0];
tab2 = mpa->tables.istabs[tab][ms_stereo][1];
if (grinfo->block_type == 2) {
int lwin, do_l = grinfo->mixed_block_flag;
for (lwin = 0; lwin < 3; lwin++) {
int32_t is_p, sb, idx, sfb = grinfo->maxband[lwin];
if (sfb > 3) do_l = FALSE;
for (; sfb < 12; sfb++) {
is_p = scalefac[3*sfb + lwin - grinfo->mixed_block_flag];
if (is_p != 7) {
FLOAT t1 = tab1[is_p], t2 = tab2[is_p];
sb = bi->short_diff[sfb];
idx = bi->short_idx[sfb] + lwin;
for (; sb; sb--, idx += 3) {
register FLOAT v = xr[0][idx];
xr[0][idx] = v*t1;
xr[1][idx] = v*t2;
is_p = scalefac[3*11 + lwin - grinfo->mixed_block_flag];
sb = bi->short_diff[12];
idx = bi->short_idx[12] + lwin;
if (is_p != 7) {
FLOAT t1 = tab1[is_p], t2 = tab2[is_p];
for (; sb; sb--, idx += 3) {
register FLOAT v = xr[0][idx];
xr[0][idx] = v*t1;
xr[1][idx] = v*t2;
if (do_l) {
int sfb = grinfo->maxbandl;
int idx = bi->long_idx[sfb];
for (; sfb < 8; sfb++) {
int sb = bi->long_diff[sfb];
int is_p = scalefac[sfb];
if (is_p != 7) {
FLOAT t1 = tab1[is_p], t2 = tab2[is_p];
for (; sb; sb--, idx++) {
register FLOAT v = xr[0][idx];
xr[0][idx] = v*t1;
xr[1][idx] = v*t2;
} else idx += sb;
} else {
int sfb = grinfo->maxbandl;
int is_p, idx = bi->long_idx[sfb];
for (; sfb < 21; sfb++) {
int sb = bi->long_diff[sfb];
is_p = scalefac[sfb];
if (is_p != 7) {
FLOAT t1 = tab1[is_p], t2 = tab2[is_p];
for (; sb; sb--, idx++) {
register FLOAT v = xr[0][idx];
xr[0][idx] = v*t1;
xr[1][idx] = v*t2;
} else idx += sb;
is_p = scalefac[20];
if (is_p != 7) {
int sb = bi->long_diff[21];
FLOAT t1 = tab1[is_p], t2 = tab2[is_p];
for (; sb; sb--, idx++) {
register FLOAT v = xr[0][idx];
xr[0][idx] = v*t1;
xr[1][idx] = v*t2;
static void III_antialias(grinfo_t *gr_info, FLOAT xr[SBLIMIT][SSLIMIT])
register grinfo_t *grinfo = gr_info;
int sblim;
if (grinfo->block_type == 2) {
if (!grinfo->mixed_block_flag) return;
sblim = 1;
} else sblim = grinfo->maxb - 1;
int sb;
FLOAT *xr1 = (FLOAT *)xr[1];
for (sb = sblim; sb; sb--, xr1 += 10) {
int ss;
FLOAT *xr2 = xr1;
for (ss = 0; ss < 8; ss++) {
register FLOAT bu = *--xr2, bd = *xr1;
*xr2 = bu*cs[ss] - bd*ca[ss];
*xr1++ = bd*cs[ss] + bu*ca[ss];
static void dct36(register FLOAT *in, register FLOAT *out1, register FLOAT *out2, register FLOAT *w, register FLOAT *ts)
FLOAT tmp[18];
in[17] += in[16]; in[16] += in[15]; in[15] += in[14];
in[14] += in[13]; in[13] += in[12]; in[12] += in[11];
in[11] += in[10]; in[10] += in[9]; in[9] += in[8];
in[8] += in[7]; in[7] += in[6]; in[6] += in[5];
in[5] += in[4]; in[4] += in[3]; in[3] += in[2];
in[2] += in[1]; in[1] += in[0];
in[17] += in[15]; in[15] += in[13]; in[13] += in[11]; in[11] += in[9];
in[9] += in[7]; in[7] += in[5]; in[5] += in[3]; in[3] += in[1];
FLOAT t0, t1, t2;
t0 = newcos[7]*(in[8] + in[16] - in[4]);
t1 = newcos[7]*in[12];
t3 = in[0];
t2 = t3 - t1 - t1;
tmp[1] = tmp[7] = t2 - t0;
tmp[4] = t2 + t0 + t0;
t3 += t1;
t2 = newcos[6]*(in[10] + in[14] - in[2]);
tmp[1] -= t2;
tmp[7] += t2;
FLOAT t0, t1, t2;
t0 = newcos[0]*(in[4] + in[8]);
t1 = newcos[1]*(in[8] - in[16]);
t2 = newcos[2]*(in[4] + in[16]);
tmp[2] = tmp[6] = t3 - t0 - t2;
tmp[0] = tmp[8] = t3 + t0 + t1;
tmp[3] = tmp[5] = t3 - t1 + t2;
FLOAT t1, t2, t3;
t1 = newcos[3]*(in[2] + in[10]);
t2 = newcos[4]*(in[10] - in[14]);
t3 = newcos[6]*in[6];
FLOAT t0 = t1 + t2 + t3;
tmp[0] += t0;
tmp[8] -= t0;
t2 -= t3;
t1 -= t3;
t3 = newcos[5]*(in[2] + in[14]);
t1 += t3;
tmp[3] += t1;
tmp[5] -= t1;
t2 -= t3;
tmp[2] += t2;
tmp[6] -= t2;
FLOAT t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7;
t1 = newcos[7]*in[13];
t2 = newcos[7]*(in[9] + in[17] - in[5]);
t3 = in[1] + t1;
t4 = in[1] - t1 - t1;
t5 = t4 - t2;
t0 = newcos[0]*(in[5] + in[9]);
t1 = newcos[1]*(in[9] - in[17]);
tmp[13] = (t4 + t2 + t2)*tfcos36[17 - 13];
t2 = newcos[2]*(in[5] + in[17]);
t6 = t3 - t0 - t2;
t0 += t3 + t1;
t3 += t2 - t1;
t2 = newcos[3]*(in[3] + in[11]);
t4 = newcos[4]*(in[11] - in[15]);
t7 = newcos[6]*in[7];
t1 = t2 + t4 + t7;
tmp[17] = (t0 + t1)*tfcos36[17 - 17];
tmp[9] = (t0 - t1)*tfcos36[17 - 9];
t1 = newcos[5]*(in[3] + in[15]);
t2 += t1 - t7;
tmp[14] = (t3 + t2)*tfcos36[17 - 14];
t0 = newcos[6]*(in[11] + in[15] - in[3]);
tmp[12] = (t3 - t2)*tfcos36[17 - 12];
t4 -= t1 + t7;
tmp[16] = (t5 - t0)*tfcos36[17 - 16];
tmp[10] = (t5 + t0)*tfcos36[17 - 10];
tmp[15] = (t6 + t4)*tfcos36[17 - 15];
tmp[11] = (t6 - t4)*tfcos36[17 - 11];
#define DCT36_MACRO(v) { \
register FLOAT tmpval = tmp[(v)] + tmp[17 - (v)]; \
out2[9 + (v)] = tmpval*w[27 + (v)]; \
out2[8 - (v)] = tmpval*w[26 - (v)]; \
tmpval = tmp[(v)] - tmp[17 - (v)]; \
ts[SBLIMIT*(8 - (v))] = out1[8 - (v)] + tmpval*w[8 - (v)]; \
ts[SBLIMIT*(9 + (v))] = out1[9 + (v)] + tmpval*w[9 + (v)]; \
#undef DCT36_MACRO
static void dct12(register FLOAT *in, register FLOAT *out1, register FLOAT *out2, register FLOAT *w, register FLOAT *ts)
#define DCT12_PART1 in5 = in[5*3]; \
in5 += (in4 = in[4*3]); \
in4 += (in3 = in[3*3]); \
in3 += (in2 = in[2*3]); \
in2 += (in1 = in[1*3]); \
in1 += (in0 = in[0*3]); \
in5 += in3; in3 += in1; \
in2 *= newcos[6]; \
in3 *= newcos[6];
#define DCT12_PART2 in0 += in4*newcos[7]; \
in4 = in0 + in2; \
in0 -= in2; \
in1 += in5*newcos[7]; \
in5 = (in1 + in3)*tfcos12[0]; \
in1 = (in1 - in3)*tfcos12[2]; \
in3 = in4 + in5; \
in4 -= in5; \
in2 = in0 + in1; \
in0 -= in1;
FLOAT in0, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5;
ts[0*SBLIMIT] = out1[0]; ts[1*SBLIMIT] = out1[1]; ts[2*SBLIMIT] = out1[2];
ts[3*SBLIMIT] = out1[3]; ts[4*SBLIMIT] = out1[4]; ts[5*SBLIMIT] = out1[5];
register FLOAT tmp0, tmp1 = in0 - in4;
register FLOAT tmp2 = (in1 - in5)*tfcos12[1];
tmp0 = tmp1 + tmp2;
tmp1 -= tmp2;
ts[(17 - 1)*SBLIMIT] = out1[17 - 1] + tmp0*w[11 - 1];
ts[(12 + 1)*SBLIMIT] = out1[12 + 1] + tmp0*w[6 + 1];
ts[(6 + 1)*SBLIMIT] = out1[6 + 1] + tmp1*w[1];
ts[(11 - 1)*SBLIMIT] = out1[11 - 1] + tmp1*w[5 - 1];
ts[(17 - 0)*SBLIMIT] = out1[17 - 0] + in2*w[11 - 0];
ts[(12 + 0)*SBLIMIT] = out1[12 + 0] + in2*w[6 + 0];
ts[(12 + 2)*SBLIMIT] = out1[12 + 2] + in3*w[6 + 2];
ts[(17 - 2)*SBLIMIT] = out1[17 - 2] + in3*w[11 - 2];
ts[(6 + 0)*SBLIMIT] = out1[6 + 0] + in0*w[0];
ts[(11 - 0)*SBLIMIT] = out1[11 - 0] + in0*w[5 - 0];
ts[(6 + 2)*SBLIMIT] = out1[6 + 2] + in4*w[2];
ts[(11 - 2)*SBLIMIT] = out1[11 - 2] + in4*w[5 - 2];
FLOAT in0, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5;
register FLOAT tmp0, tmp1 = in0 - in4;
register FLOAT tmp2 = (in1 - in5)*tfcos12[1];
tmp0 = tmp1 + tmp2;
tmp1 -= tmp2;
out2[5 - 1] = tmp0*w[11 - 1];
out2[0 + 1] = tmp0*w[6 + 1];
ts[(12 + 1)*SBLIMIT] += tmp1*w[0 + 1];
ts[(17 - 1)*SBLIMIT] += tmp1*w[5 - 1];
out2[5 - 0] = in2*w[11 - 0];
out2[0 + 0] = in2*w[6 + 0];
out2[0 + 2] = in3*w[6 + 2];
out2[5 - 2] = in3*w[11 - 2];
ts[(12 + 0)*SBLIMIT] += in0*w[0];
ts[(17 - 0)*SBLIMIT] += in0*w[5 - 0];
ts[(12 + 2)*SBLIMIT] += in4*w[2];
ts[(17 - 2)*SBLIMIT] += in4*w[5 - 2];
FLOAT in0, in1, in2, in3, in4, in5;
out2[12] = out2[13] = out2[14] = out2[15] = out2[16] = out2[17] = 0.0;
register FLOAT tmp0, tmp1 = in0 - in4;
register FLOAT tmp2 = (in1 - in5)*tfcos12[1];
tmp0 = tmp1 + tmp2;
tmp1 -= tmp2;
out2[11 - 1] = tmp0*w[11 - 1];
out2[6 + 1] = tmp0*w[6 + 1];
out2[0 + 1] += tmp1*w[1];
out2[5 - 1] += tmp1*w[5 - 1];
out2[11 - 0] = in2*w[11 - 0];
out2[6 + 0] = in2*w[6 + 0];
out2[6 + 2] = in3*w[6 + 2];
out2[11 - 2] = in3*w[11 - 2];
out2[0 + 0] += in0*w[0];
out2[5 - 0] += in0*w[5 - 0];
out2[0 + 2] += in4*w[2];
out2[5 - 2] += in4*w[5 - 2];
#undef DCT12_PART1
#undef DCT12_PART2
static void III_hybrid(mpadec_t mpadec, grinfo_t *gr_info, FLOAT fs_in[SBLIMIT][SSLIMIT], FLOAT ts_out[SSLIMIT][SBLIMIT], int channel)
register struct mpadec_t *mpa = (struct mpadec_t *)mpadec;
register grinfo_t *grinfo = gr_info;
FLOAT *tsptr = (FLOAT *)ts_out;
FLOAT *out1, *out2;
unsigned bt = grinfo->block_type, sb = 0;
register unsigned b = mpa->hybrid_block[channel];
out1 = mpa->hybrid_buffers[b][channel];
b ^= 1;
out2 = mpa->hybrid_buffers[b][channel];
mpa->hybrid_block[channel] = (uint8_t)b;
if (grinfo->mixed_block_flag) {
sb = 2;
dct36(fs_in[0], out1, out2, mpa->tables.win[0][0], tsptr);
dct36(fs_in[1], out1 + SSLIMIT, out2 + SSLIMIT, mpa->tables.win[1][0], tsptr + 1);
out1 += 36; out2 += 36; tsptr += 2;
if (bt == 2) {
for (; sb < grinfo->maxb; sb += 2, out1 += 36, out2 += 36, tsptr += 2) {
dct12(fs_in[sb], out1, out2, mpa->tables.win[0][2], tsptr);
dct12(fs_in[sb + 1], out1 + SSLIMIT, out2 + SSLIMIT, mpa->tables.win[1][2], tsptr + 1);
} else {
for (; sb < grinfo->maxb; sb += 2, out1 += 36, out2 += 36, tsptr += 2) {
dct36(fs_in[sb], out1, out2, mpa->tables.win[0][bt], tsptr);
dct36(fs_in[sb + 1], out1 + SSLIMIT, out2 + SSLIMIT, mpa->tables.win[1][bt], tsptr + 1);
for (; sb < SBLIMIT; sb++, tsptr++) {
register int i;
for (i = 0; i < SSLIMIT; i++) {
tsptr[i*SBLIMIT] = *out1++;
*out2++ = 0.0;
void decode_layer3(mpadec_t mpadec, uint8_t *buffer)
register struct mpadec_t *mpa = (struct mpadec_t *)mpadec;
uint8_t *saved_next_byte = mpa->next_byte;
uint32_t saved_bytes_left = mpa->bytes_left;
int32_t dbits, scalefacs[2][39];
int ch, gr, ss, i_stereo, ms_stereo, single, channels, granules = mpa->frame.LSF ? 1 : 2;
mpa->error = FALSE;
mpa->bits_left = 0;
if (mpa->config.crc && mpa->frame.CRC) {
mpa->crc = update_crc(mpa->crc, mpa->next_byte, mpa->ssize << 3);
if (mpa->crc != mpa->frame.crc) mpa->error = TRUE;
dbits = decode_layer3_sideinfo(mpa);
mpa->dsize = (((dbits < 0) ? 0 : dbits) + 7) >> 3;
mpa->next_byte = saved_next_byte + mpa->ssize;
mpa->bytes_left = saved_bytes_left - mpa->ssize;
mpa->bits_left = 0;
saved_next_byte = NULL;
saved_bytes_left = mpa->bytes_left;
if (mpa->error) mpa->sideinfo.main_data_begin = mpa->reservoir_size + 1;
if (mpa->sideinfo.main_data_begin) {
if (mpa->sideinfo.main_data_begin <= mpa->reservoir_size) {
uint8_t *ptr = mpa->reservoir + mpa->reservoir_size;
uint32_t tmp = mpa->frame.frame_size - mpa->hsize - mpa->ssize;
if (tmp > (sizeof(mpa->reservoir) - mpa->reservoir_size)) tmp = sizeof(mpa->reservoir) - mpa->reservoir_size;
saved_next_byte = mpa->next_byte;
memcpy(ptr, mpa->next_byte, tmp);
mpa->next_byte = ptr - mpa->sideinfo.main_data_begin;
mpa->bytes_left = mpa->sideinfo.main_data_begin + tmp;
} else {
uint32_t tmp = mpa->frame.frame_size - mpa->hsize - mpa->ssize;
if (tmp > 512) {
mpa->next_byte += tmp - 512;
mpa->bytes_left -= tmp - 512;
tmp = 512;
if ((mpa->reservoir_size) && (mpa->reservoir_size > 512)) {
memmove(mpa->reservoir, mpa->reservoir + mpa->reservoir_size - 512, 512);
mpa->reservoir_size = 512;
memcpy(mpa->reservoir + mpa->reservoir_size, mpa->next_byte, tmp);
mpa->reservoir_size += tmp;
mpa->next_byte += tmp;
mpa->bytes_left -= tmp;
memset(buffer, 0, mpa->frame.decoded_size);
mpa->error = TRUE;
if (mpa->frame.mode == MPG_MD_JOINT_STEREO) {
i_stereo = mpa->frame.mode_ext & 1;
ms_stereo = (mpa->frame.mode_ext & 2) >> 1;
} else i_stereo = ms_stereo = 0;
if (mpa->frame.channels > 1) switch (mpa->config.mode) {
case MPADEC_CONFIG_MONO: single = 0; break;
case MPADEC_CONFIG_CHANNEL1: single = 1; break;
case MPADEC_CONFIG_CHANNEL2: single = 2; break;
default: single = -1; break;
} else single = 1;
channels = (single < 0) ? 2 : 1;
for (gr = 0; gr < granules; gr++) {
grinfo_t *grinfo = &mpa->sideinfo.ch[0].gr[gr];
int32_t part2bits = III_get_scale_factors(mpa, grinfo, scalefacs[0]);
if (III_decode_samples(mpa, grinfo, mpa->hybrid_in[0], scalefacs[0], part2bits)) {
unsigned size = mpa->frame.decoded_size;
if (!mpa->frame.LSF && gr) size >>= 1;
memset(buffer, 0, size);
mpa->error = TRUE;
goto done;
if (mpa->frame.channels > 1) {
grinfo = &mpa->sideinfo.ch[1].gr[gr];
part2bits = III_get_scale_factors(mpa, grinfo, scalefacs[1]);
if (III_decode_samples(mpa, grinfo, mpa->hybrid_in[1], scalefacs[1], part2bits)) {
unsigned size = mpa->frame.decoded_size;
if (!mpa->frame.LSF && gr) size >>= 1;
memset(buffer, 0, size);
mpa->error = TRUE;
goto done;
if (ms_stereo) {
FLOAT *in0 = (FLOAT *)(mpa->hybrid_in[0]), *in1 = (FLOAT *)(mpa->hybrid_in[1]);
unsigned i, maxb = mpa->sideinfo.ch[0].gr[gr].maxb;
if (mpa->sideinfo.ch[1].gr[gr].maxb > maxb) maxb = mpa->sideinfo.ch[1].gr[gr].maxb;
for (i = 0; i < SSLIMIT*maxb; i++) {
register FLOAT tmp0 = in0[i];
register FLOAT tmp1 = in1[i];
in0[i] = tmp0 + tmp1;
in1[i] = tmp0 - tmp1;
if (i_stereo) III_i_stereo(mpa, grinfo, mpa->hybrid_in, scalefacs[1]);
if (i_stereo || ms_stereo || !single) {
if (grinfo->maxb > mpa->sideinfo.ch[0].gr[gr].maxb) mpa->sideinfo.ch[0].gr[gr].maxb = grinfo->maxb;
else grinfo->maxb = mpa->sideinfo.ch[0].gr[gr].maxb;
if (!single) {
register unsigned i;
FLOAT *in0 = (FLOAT *)(mpa->hybrid_in[0]), *in1 = (FLOAT *)(mpa->hybrid_in[1]);
for (i = 0; i < SSLIMIT*grinfo->maxb; i++, in0++) *in0 = (*in0 + *in1++);
} else if (single == 2) {
register unsigned i;
FLOAT *in0 = (FLOAT *)(mpa->hybrid_in[0]), *in1 = (FLOAT *)(mpa->hybrid_in[1]);
for (i = 0; i < SSLIMIT*grinfo->maxb; i++, in0++) *in0 = *in1++;
for (ch = 0; ch < channels; ch++) {
grinfo = &mpa->sideinfo.ch[ch].gr[gr];
III_antialias(grinfo, mpa->hybrid_in[ch]);
III_hybrid(mpa, grinfo, mpa->hybrid_in[ch], mpa->hybrid_out[ch], ch);
if (single < 0) {
2007-01-12 23:24:13 +00:00
for (ss = 0; ss < SSLIMIT; ss++, buffer += mpa->synth_size) {
2007-01-12 22:42:19 +00:00
mpa->synth_func(mpa, mpa->hybrid_out[0][ss], 0, buffer);
mpa->synth_func(mpa, mpa->hybrid_out[1][ss], 1, buffer);
} else {
2007-01-12 23:24:13 +00:00
for (ss = 0; ss < SSLIMIT; ss++, buffer += mpa->synth_size) {
2007-01-12 22:42:19 +00:00
mpa->synth_func(mpa, mpa->hybrid_out[0][ss], 0, buffer);
register unsigned n = mpa->bits_left >> 3;
mpa->next_byte -= n;
mpa->bytes_left += n;
if (saved_next_byte) {
uint32_t tmp = mpa->frame.frame_size - mpa->hsize - mpa->ssize;
if (mpa->bytes_left) {
if (mpa->bytes_left > 512) {
mpa->next_byte += mpa->bytes_left - 512;
mpa->bytes_left = 512;
memmove(mpa->reservoir, mpa->next_byte, mpa->bytes_left);
mpa->reservoir_size = mpa->bytes_left;
} else mpa->reservoir_size = 0;
mpa->next_byte = saved_next_byte + tmp;
mpa->bytes_left = saved_bytes_left - tmp;
} else {
uint32_t tmp = mpa->frame.frame_size - mpa->hsize - mpa->ssize;
mpa->reservoir_size = 0;
if (tmp > (saved_bytes_left - mpa->bytes_left)) {
tmp -= saved_bytes_left - mpa->bytes_left;
if (tmp > 512) {
mpa->next_byte += tmp - 512;
mpa->bytes_left -= tmp - 512;
tmp = 512;
memcpy(mpa->reservoir, mpa->next_byte, tmp);
mpa->reservoir_size = tmp;
mpa->next_byte += tmp;
mpa->bytes_left -= tmp;