Christoph Oelckers cac032cb1c - made the menu dim darker and a bit more opaque.
The recent localization work has made it apparent that on many images the menu was extremely hard to read because its colors often clash with the background.
The choice of a bright overlay color with extremely low opacity is simply not enough to make the menus comfortable to navigate. Chex Quest was particularly bad but the problem existed in many Doom mods as well.
This also changes the CQ dim color to something a bit more green to better fit with the theme.
2019-03-03 08:29:10 +01:00

516 lines
11 KiB

// A bare-bones MAPINFO for Hexen.
include "mapinfo/common.txt"
// Most of the MAPINFO is still in hexen.wad.
noloopfinalemusic = true
titlepage = "TITLE"
creditpage = "CREDIT"
titlemusic = "HEXEN"
titletime = 8
advisorytime = 6
pagetime = 5
chatsound = "Chat"
finalemusic = "hub"
finaleflat = "-NOFLAT-"
finalepage = "CREDIT"
infopage = "HELP1", "HELP2", "CREDIT"
quitsound = ""
borderflat = "F_022"
border = HereticBorder
telefogheight = 32
defkickback = 150
skyflatname = "F_SKY"
translator = "xlat/heretic.txt" // not really correct but this was used before.
defaultbloodcolor = "68 00 00"
defaultbloodparticlecolor = "ff 00 00"
backpacktype = "BagOfHolding" // Hexen doesn't have a backpack so use Heretic's.
//statusbar = "sbarinfo/hexen.txt"
statusbarclass = "HexenStatusBar"
intermissionmusic = "hub"
intermissioncounter = false
weaponslot = 1, "FWeapFist", "CWeapMace", "MWeapWand"
weaponslot = 2, "FWeapAxe", "CWeapStaff", "MWeapFrost"
weaponslot = 3, "FWeapHammer", "CWeapFlame", "MWeapLightning"
weaponslot = 4, "FWeapQuietus", "CWeapWraithverge", "MWeapBloodscourge"
dimcolor = "00 00 80"
dimamount = 0.35
bluramount = 0.0
menuslidercolor = "Orange"
definventorymaxamount = 25
defaultrespawntime = 12
defaultdropstyle = 1
pickupcolor = "d7 ba 45"
quitmessages = "$*RAVENQUITMSG"
menufontcolor_title = "UNTRANSLATED"
menufontcolor_label = "RED"
menufontcolor_value = "UNTRANSLATED"
menufontcolor_action = "UNTRANSLATED"
menufontcolor_header = "GOLD"
menufontcolor_highlight = "YELLOW"
menufontcolor_selection = "BRICK"
menubackbutton = "M_BACK_X"
PlayerClasses = "FighterPlayer", "ClericPlayer", "MagePlayer"
nightmarefast = true
pausesign = "PAUSED"
gibfactor = 0.5
cursorpic = "hexncurs"
textscreenx = 10
textscreeny = 5
defaultendsequence = "Inter_Chess"
maparrow = "maparrows/dagger.txt"
statscreen_mapnamefont = "BigFont"
statscreen_finishedfont = "SmallFont"
statscreen_enteringfont = "SmallFont"
statscreen_coop = "CoopStatusScreen"
statscreen_dm = "DeathmatchStatusScreen"
statscreen_single = "RavenStatusScreen"
messageboxclass = "MessageBoxMenu"
normforwardmove = 0x19, 0x32
normsidemove = 0x18, 0x28
5 = ZWingedStatue
6 = ZRock1
7 = ZRock2
9 = ZRock3
10 = CWeapStaff
12 = FWeaponPiece1
13 = FWeaponPiece2
15 = ZRock4
16 = FWeaponPiece3
17 = ZChandelier
18 = CWeaponPiece1
19 = CWeaponPiece2
20 = CWeaponPiece3
21 = MWeaponPiece1
22 = MWeaponPiece2
23 = MWeaponPiece3
24 = ZTreeDead
25 = ZTree
26 = ZTreeSwamp150
27 = ZTreeSwamp120
28 = ZStumpBurned
29 = ZStumpBare
30 = ArtiPork
31 = Demon1
32 = ArtiSuperHealth
33 = ArtiTorch
34 = Wraith
36 = ArtiTeleport
37 = ZStumpSwamp1
38 = ZStumpSwamp2
39 = ZShroomLarge1
40 = ZShroomLarge2
41 = ZShroomLarge3
42 = ZShroomSmall1
44 = ZShroomSmall2
45 = ZShroomSmall3
46 = ZShroomSmall4
47 = ZShroomSmall5
48 = ZStalagmitePillar
49 = ZStalagmiteLarge
50 = ZStalagmiteMedium
51 = ZStalagmiteSmall
52 = ZStalactiteLarge
53 = MWeapFrost
54 = ZWallTorch
55 = ZWallTorchUnlit
56 = ZStalactiteMedium
57 = ZStalactiteSmall
58 = ZMossCeiling1
59 = ZMossCeiling2
60 = ZSwampVine
61 = ZCorpseKabob
62 = ZCorpseSleeping
63 = ZTombstoneRIP
64 = ZTombstoneShane
65 = ZTombstoneBigCross
66 = ZTombstoneBrianR
67 = ZTombstoneCrossCircle
68 = ZTombstoneSmallCross
69 = ZTombstoneBrianP
71 = ZCorpseHanging
72 = ZStatueGargoyleGreenTall
73 = ZStatueGargoyleBlueTall
74 = ZStatueGargoyleGreenShort
76 = ZStatueGargoyleBlueShort
77 = ZBannerTattered
78 = ZTreeLarge1
79 = ZTreeLarge2
80 = ZTreeGnarled1
81 = CrystalVial
82 = ArtiHealth
83 = ArtiFly
84 = ArtiInvulnerability2
86 = ArtiDarkServant
87 = ZTreeGnarled2
88 = ZLog
89 = ZStalactiteIceLarge
90 = ZStalactiteIceMedium
91 = ZStalactiteIceSmall
92 = ZStalactiteIceTiny
93 = ZStalagmiteIceLarge
94 = ZStalagmiteIceMedium
95 = ZStalagmiteIceSmall
96 = ZStalagmiteIceTiny
97 = ZRockBrown1
98 = ZRockBrown2
99 = ZRockBlack
100 = ZRubble1
101 = ZRubble2
102 = ZRubble3
103 = ZVasePillar
104 = Pottery1
105 = Pottery2
106 = Pottery3
107 = Centaur
108 = ZCorpseLynched
109 = ZCorpseLynchedNoHeart
110 = ZCorpseSitting
111 = BloodPool
112 = LittleFly
113 = LeafSpawner
114 = Bishop
115 = CentaurLeader
116 = ZTwinedTorch
117 = ZTwinedTorchUnlit
118 = Bridge
119 = ZCandle
120 = SerpentLeader
121 = Serpent
122 = Mana1
123 = FWeapHammer
124 = Mana2
140 = TeleSmoke
254 = Dragon
1410 = SoundWindHexen
3000 = "$PolyAnchor"
3001 = "$PolySpawn"
3002 = "$PolySpawnCrush"
8000 = ArtiPoisonBag
8002 = ArtiSpeedBoots
8003 = ArtiBoostMana
8004 = Mana3
8005 = MeshArmor
8006 = FalconShield
8007 = PlatinumHelm
8008 = AmuletOfWarding
8009 = CWeapFlame
8010 = FWeapAxe
8020 = IceGuy
8030 = KeySteel
8031 = KeyCave
8032 = KeyAxe
8033 = KeyFire
8034 = KeyEmerald
8035 = KeyDungeon
8036 = KeySilver
8037 = KeyRusted
8038 = KeyHorn
8039 = KeySwamp
8040 = MWeapLightning
8041 = ArtiBoostArmor
8042 = ZFireBull
8043 = ZFireBullUnlit
8044 = ZStatueGargoyleStripeTall
8045 = ZStatueGargoyleDarkRedTall
8046 = ZStatueGargoyleRedTall
8047 = ZStatueGargoyleTanTall
8048 = ZStatueGargoyleRustTall
8049 = ZStatueGargoyleDarkRedShort
8050 = ZStatueGargoyleRedShort
8051 = ZStatueGargoyleTanShort
8052 = ZStatueGargoyleRustShort
8060 = FireThing
8061 = BrassTorch
8062 = TreeDestructible
8063 = ZChandelierUnlit
8064 = ZSuitOfArmor
8065 = ZBell
8066 = ZBlueCandle
8067 = ZIronMaiden
8068 = ZXmasTree
8069 = ZCauldron
8070 = ZCauldronUnlit
8071 = ZChainBit32
8072 = ZChainBit64
8073 = ZChainEndHeart
8074 = ZChainEndHook1
8075 = ZChainEndHook2
8076 = ZChainEndSpike
8077 = ZChainEndSkull
8080 = Demon2
8100 = ZBarrel
8101 = ZShrub1
8102 = ZShrub2
8103 = ZBucket
8104 = ZPoisonShroom
8200 = KeyCastle
8500 = TableShit1
8501 = TableShit2
8502 = TableShit3
8503 = TableShit4
8504 = TableShit5
8505 = TableShit6
8506 = TableShit7
8507 = TableShit8
8508 = TableShit9
8509 = TableShit10
9002 = PuzzSkull
9003 = PuzzGemBig
9004 = PuzzGemRed
9005 = PuzzGemGreen1
9006 = PuzzGemBlue1
9007 = PuzzBook1
9008 = PuzzBook2
9009 = PuzzGemGreen2
9010 = PuzzGemBlue2
9011 = ZWingedStatueNoSkull
9012 = ZGemPedestal
9014 = PuzzFlameMask
9015 = PuzzFWeapon
9016 = PuzzCWeapon
9017 = PuzzMWeapon
9018 = PuzzGear1
9019 = PuzzGear2
9020 = PuzzGear3
9021 = PuzzGear4
9100 = "$Player5Start"
9101 = "$Player6Start"
9102 = "$Player7Start"
9103 = "$Player8Start"
10000 = FogSpawner
10001 = FogPatchSmall
10002 = FogPatchMedium
10003 = FogPatchLarge
10011 = WraithBuried
10030 = Ettin
10040 = ArtiTeleportOther
10060 = FireDemon
10080 = Heresiarch
10090 = ThrustFloorDown
10091 = ThrustFloorUp
10100 = FighterBoss
10101 = ClericBoss
10102 = MageBoss
10110 = ArtiBlastRadius
10120 = ArtiHealingRadius
10200 = Korax
10225 = BatSpawner
10500 = FlameSmallTemp
10501 = FlameSmall
10502 = FlameLargeTemp
10503 = FlameLarge
1 = Centaur
2 = CentaurLeader
3 = Demon1
4 = Ettin
5 = FireDemon
6 = Serpent
7 = SerpentLeader
8 = Wraith
9 = WraithBuried
10 = FireBall
11 = Mana1
12 = Mana2
13 = ArtiSpeedBoots
14 = ArtiPork
15 = ArtiFly
16 = ArtiDarkServant
17 = ArtiTeleportOther
18 = ArtiTeleport
19 = Bishop
20 = IceGuy
21 = Bridge
22 = ArtiBoostArmor
23 = CrystalVial
24 = ArtiHealth
25 = ArtiSuperHealth
26 = ArtiBoostMana
27 = FWeapAxe
28 = FWeapHammer
29 = FWeaponPiece1
30 = FWeaponPiece2
31 = FWeaponPiece3
32 = CWeapStaff
33 = CWeaponPiece1
34 = CWeaponPiece2
35 = CWeaponPiece3
36 = MWeapFrost
37 = MWeaponPiece1
38 = MWeaponPiece2
39 = MWeaponPiece3
40 = PorkFX
50 = Arrow
51 = Dart
52 = PoisonDart
53 = RipperBall
64 = ProjectileBlade
65 = IceShard
66 = FlameSmall2
67 = FlameLarge2
68 = MeshArmor
69 = FalconShield
70 = PlatinumHelm
71 = AmuletOfWarding
72 = ArtiPoisonBag
73 = ArtiTorch
74 = ArtiBlastRadius
75 = Mana3
76 = PuzzSkull
77 = PuzzGemBig
78 = PuzzGemRed
79 = PuzzGemGreen1
80 = PuzzGemGreen2
81 = PuzzGemBlue1
82 = PuzzGemBlue2
83 = PuzzBook1
84 = PuzzBook2
85 = KeySteel
86 = KeyCave
87 = KeyAxe
88 = KeyFire
89 = KeyEmerald
90 = KeyDungeon
91 = KeySilver
92 = KeyRusted
93 = KeyHorn
94 = KeySwamp
95 = HWaterDrip
96 = FlameSmallTemp
97 = FlameSmall
98 = FlameLargeTemp
99 = FlameLarge
100 = Demon1Mash
101 = Demon2Mash
102 = EttinMash
103 = CentaurMash
104 = ThrustFloorUp
105 = ThrustFloorDown
106 = WraithFX4
107 = WraithFX5
108 = WraithFX2
110 = SoundWindHexen
133 = ArtiInvulnerability2
skill baby
AmmoFactor = 1.5
DoubleAmmoFactor = 1.5
DamageFactor = 0.5
SpawnFilter = Baby
playerclassname = "fighter", "$MNU_SQUIRE"
playerclassname = "cleric", "$MNU_ALTARBOY"
playerclassname = "mage", "$MNU_APPRENTICE"
skill easy
DoubleAmmoFactor = 1.5
SpawnFilter = Easy
playerclassname = "fighter", "$MNU_KNIGHT"
playerclassname = "cleric", "$MNU_ACOLYTE"
playerclassname = "mage", "$MNU_ENCHANTER"
skill normal
DoubleAmmoFactor = 1.5
SpawnFilter = Normal
playerclassname = "fighter", "$MNU_WARRIOR"
playerclassname = "cleric", "$MNU_PRIEST"
playerclassname = "mage", "$MNU_SORCERER"
skill hard
DoubleAmmoFactor = 1.5
SpawnFilter = Hard
Name = "$MNU_SMITE"
playerclassname = "fighter", "$MNU_BERSERKER"
playerclassname = "cleric", "$MNU_CARDINAL"
playerclassname = "mage", "$MNU_WARLOCK"
skill nightmare
AmmoFactor = 1.5
DoubleAmmoFactor = 1.5
SpawnFilter = Nightmare
playerclassname = "fighter", "$MNU_TITAN"
playerclassname = "cleric", "$MNU_POPE"
playerclassname = "mage", "$MNU_ARCHMAGE"
episode "&wt@01"
name = "Hexen - Beyond Heretic"
key = "h"
cluster 1
exittext = "clus1msg"
pic = "interpic"
cluster 2
exittext = "clus2msg"
pic = "interpic"
cluster 3
exittext = "clus3msg"
pic = "interpic"
cluster 4
exittext = "clus4msg"
pic = "interpic"
// There is also support for showing a clus5msg after cluster 5, but
// since it isn't used, and it would intefere with the finale if I
// included it here, I'm leaving out the clusterdef for cluster 5.