Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/ZDoom/qzdoom.git synced 2025-03-12 22:02:00 +00:00
Christoph Oelckers 050acc9271 - added rudimentary support for SVE.wad from the Strife Veteran edition so that the extended single player campaign is usable:
* all new things got either an sctor definition or are explicitly deleted through the 'doomednums' section in MAPINFO. CTC related actors are non-functional!
* added a 'noskillflags' option to 'doomednums' so that the lightmap definition things in the maps can be repurposed as dynamic lights.
* added the new dagger powerup.
* added MAPINFO entries for the added maps.
2017-05-01 21:25:54 +02:00

334 lines
6.1 KiB

// no conversation IDs were ever defined for other Games than Strife so this is all there is.
2 = WeaponSmith
3 = BarKeep
4 = Armorer
5 = Medic
6 = Peasant1
7 = Peasant2
8 = Peasant3
9 = Peasant4
10 = Peasant5
11 = Peasant6
12 = Peasant7
13 = Peasant8
14 = Peasant9
15 = Peasant10
16 = Peasant11
17 = Peasant12
18 = Peasant13
19 = Peasant14
20 = Peasant15
21 = Peasant16
22 = Peasant17
23 = Peasant18
24 = Peasant19
25 = Peasant20
26 = Peasant21
27 = Peasant22
28 = Zombie
29 = AcolyteToBe
30 = ZombieSpawner
31 = Tank1
32 = Tank2
33 = Tank3
34 = Tank4
35 = Tank5
36 = Tank6
37 = KneelingGuy
38 = Beggar1
39 = Beggar2
40 = Beggar3
41 = Beggar4
42 = Beggar5
43 = Rebel1
44 = Rebel2
45 = Rebel3
46 = Rebel4
47 = Rebel5
48 = Rebel6
49 = Macil1
50 = Macil2
51 = RocketTrail
52 = Reaver
53 = AcolyteTan
54 = AcolyteRed
55 = AcolyteRust
56 = AcolyteGray
57 = AcolyteDGreen
58 = AcolyteGold
59 = AcolyteLGreen
60 = AcolyteBlue
61 = AcolyteShadow
62 = Templar
63 = Crusader
64 = StrifeBishop
65 = Oracle
66 = Loremaster
67 = AlienSpectre1
68 = AlienChunkSmall
69 = AlienChunkLarge
70 = AlienSpectre2
71 = AlienSpectre3
72 = AlienSpectre4
73 = AlienSpectre5
74 = EntityBoss
75 = EntitySecond
76 = EntityNest
77 = EntityPod
78 = SpectralLightningH1
79 = SpectralLightningH2
80 = SpectralLightningBall1
81 = SpectralLightningBall2
82 = SpectralLightningH3
84 = SpectralLightningBigBall1
85 = SpectralLightningBigBall2
86 = SpectralLightningV1
87 = SpectralLightningV2
88 = SpectralLightningSpot
89 = SpectralLightningBigV1
90 = SpectralLightningBigV2
91 = Sentinel
92 = Stalker
93 = Inquisitor
94 = InquisitorArm
95 = Programmer
96 = ProgrammerBase
97 = LoreShot
98 = LoreShot2
99 = MiniMissile
102 = PoisonBolt
106 = HEGrenade
107 = PhosphorousGrenade
108 = InquisitorShot
121 = KlaxonWarningLight
122 = CeilingTurret
123 = Piston
124 = Computer
125 = MedPatch
126 = MedicalKit
127 = SurgeryKit
128 = DegninOre
129 = MetalArmor
130 = LeatherArmor
131 = WaterBottle
132 = Mug
133 = BaseKey
134 = GovsKey
135 = Passcard
136 = IDBadge
137 = PrisonKey
138 = SeveredHand
139 = Power1Key
140 = Power2Key
141 = Power3Key
142 = GoldKey
143 = IDCard
144 = SilverKey
145 = OracleKey
146 = MilitaryID
147 = OrderKey
148 = WarehouseKey
149 = BrassKey
150 = RedCrystalKey
151 = BlueCrystalKey
152 = ChapelKey
153 = CatacombKey
154 = SecurityKey
155 = CoreKey
156 = MaulerKey
157 = FactoryKey
158 = MineKey
159 = NewKey5
160 = ShadowArmor
161 = EnvironmentalSuit
162 = GuardUniform
163 = OfficersUniform
164 = StrifeMap
165 = Scanner
166 = TeleporterBeacon
167 = Targeter
168 = Coin
169 = Gold10
170 = Gold25
171 = Gold50
172 = Gold300
173 = BeldinsRing
174 = OfferingChalice
175 = Ear
176 = Communicator
177 = HEGrenadeRounds
178 = PhosphorusGrenadeRounds
179 = ClipOfBullets
180 = BoxOfBullets
181 = MiniMissiles
182 = CrateOfMissiles
183 = EnergyPod
184 = EnergyPack
185 = PoisonBolts
186 = ElectricBolts
187 = AmmoSatchel
188 = AssaultGun
189 = AssaultGunStanding
190 = FlameThrower
191 = FlameThrowerParts
192 = MiniMissileLauncher
193 = Mauler
194 = StrifeCrossbow
195 = StrifeGrenadeLauncher
196 = Sigil1
197 = Sigil2
198 = Sigil3
199 = Sigil4
200 = Sigil5
201 = PowerCrystal
202 = RatBuddy
203 = WoodenBarrel
204 = ExplosiveBarrel2
205 = TargetPractice
206 = LightSilverFluorescent
207 = LightBrownFluorescent
208 = LightGoldFluorescent
209 = LightGlobe
210 = PillarTechno
211 = PillarAztec
212 = PillarAztecDamaged
213 = PillarAztecRuined
214 = PillarHugeTech
215 = PillarAlienPower
216 = SStalactiteBig
217 = SStalactiteSmall
218 = SStalagmiteBig
219 = CavePillarTop
220 = CavePillarBottom
221 = SStalagmiteSmall
222 = Candle
223 = StrifeCandelabra
224 = WaterDropOnFloor
225 = WaterfallSplash
226 = WaterDrip
227 = WaterFountain
228 = HeartsInTank
229 = TeleportSwirl
230 = DeadCrusader
231 = DeadStrifePlayer
232 = DeadPeasant
233 = DeadAcolyte
234 = DeadReaver
235 = DeadRebel
236 = SacrificedGuy
237 = PileOfGuts
238 = StrifeBurningBarrel
239 = BurningBowl
240 = BurningBrazier
241 = SmallTorchLit
242 = SmallTorchUnlit
243 = CeilingChain
244 = CageLight
245 = Statue
246 = StatueRuined
247 = MediumTorch
248 = OutsideLamp
249 = PoleLantern
250 = SRock1
251 = SRock2
252 = SRock3
253 = SRock4
254 = StickInWater
255 = Rubble1
256 = Rubble2
257 = Rubble3
258 = Rubble4
259 = Rubble5
260 = Rubble6
261 = Rubble7
262 = Rubble8
263 = SurgeryCrab
264 = LargeTorch
265 = HugeTorch
266 = PalmTree
267 = BigTree2
268 = PottedTree
269 = TreeStub
270 = ShortBush
271 = TallBush
272 = ChimneyStack
273 = BarricadeColumn
274 = Pot
275 = Pitcher
276 = Stool
277 = MetalPot
278 = Tub
279 = Anvil
280 = TechLampSilver
281 = TechLampBrass
282 = Tray
283 = AmmoFiller
284 = SigilBanner
285 = RebelBoots
286 = RebelHelmet
287 = RebelShirt
288 = PowerCoupling
289 = BrokenPowerCoupling
290 = AlienBubbleColumn
291 = AlienFloorBubble
292 = AlienCeilingBubble
293 = AlienAspClimber
294 = AlienSpiderLight
297 = FireDroplet
298 = AmmoFillup
299 = HealthFillup
300 = info
301 = RaiseAlarm
302 = OpenDoor222
303 = CloseDoor222
304 = PrisonPass
305 = OpenDoor224
306 = UpgradeStamina
307 = UpgradeAccuracy
308 = InterrogatorReport
309 = HealthTraining
310 = GunTraining
311 = OraclePass
312 = QuestItem1
313 = QuestItem2
314 = QuestItem3
315 = QuestItem4
316 = QuestItem5
317 = QuestItem6
318 = QuestItem7
319 = QuestItem8
320 = QuestItem9
321 = QuestItem10
322 = QuestItem11
323 = QuestItem12
324 = QuestItem13
325 = QuestItem14
326 = QuestItem15
327 = QuestItem16
328 = QuestItem17
329 = QuestItem18
330 = QuestItem19
331 = QuestItem20
332 = QuestItem21
333 = QuestItem22
334 = QuestItem23
335 = QuestItem24
336 = QuestItem25
337 = QuestItem26
338 = QuestItem27
339 = QuestItem28
340 = QuestItem29
341 = QuestItem30
342 = QuestItem31
343 = SlideshowStarter
345 = SVEBlueChalice
346 = SVEFlagSpotRed
347 = SVEFlagSpotBlue
348 = SVETalismanRed
349 = SVETalismanGreen
350 = SVETalismanBlue
351 = SVEOpenDoor225