Christoph Oelckers 4e052f2857 - use a separate variable pointing to the current level for the UI code.
UI always runs on the primary level, so this does not need the ability to operate on multiple levels. Additionally, this can later be set to null when running play code so that scope violations result in an abort.
2019-01-25 18:31:40 +01:00

602 lines
14 KiB

class StrifeStatusBar : BaseStatusBar
// Number of tics to move the popscreen up and down.
const POP_TIME = (Thinker.TICRATE/8);
// Popscreen height when fully extended
const POP_HEIGHT = 104;
// Number of tics to scroll keys left
const KEY_TIME = (Thinker.TICRATE/3);
enum eImg
TextureID Images[imgNEGATIVE + 1];
int CursorImage;
int CurrentPop, PendingPop, PopHeight, PopHeightChange;
int KeyPopPos, KeyPopScroll;
HUDFont mYelFont, mGrnFont, mBigFont;
override void Init()
static const Name strifeLumpNames[] =
"INVFONY%", ""
SetSize(32, 320, 200);
for(int i = 0; i <= imgNEGATIVE; i++)
Images[i] = TexMan.CheckForTexture(strifeLumpNames[i], TexMan.TYPE_MiscPatch);
CursorImage = Images[imgINVCURS].IsValid() ? imgINVCURS : imgCURSOR01;
mYelFont = HUDFont.Create("Indexfont_Strife_Yellow", 7, true, 1, 1);
mGrnFont = HUDFont.Create("Indexfont_Strife_Green", 7, true, 1, 1);
mBigFont = HUDFont.Create("BigFont", 0, false, 2, 2);
override void NewGame ()
Reset ();
override int GetProtrusion(double scaleratio) const
return 10;
override void Draw (int state, double TicFrac)
Super.Draw (state, TicFrac);
if (state == HUD_StatusBar)
DrawMainBar (TicFrac);
if (state == HUD_Fullscreen)
DrawFullScreenStuff ();
// Draw pop screen (log, keys, and status)
if (CurrentPop != POP_None && PopHeight < 0)
// This uses direct low level draw commands and would otherwise require calling
// BeginStatusBar(true);
DrawPopScreen (screen.GetHeight(), TicFrac);
override void ShowPop (int popnum)
if (popnum == CurrentPop)
if (popnum == POP_Keys)
Inventory item;
KeyPopPos += 10;
KeyPopScroll = 280;
int i = 0;
for (item = CPlayer.mo.Inv; item != NULL; item = item.Inv)
if (item is "Key")
if (i == KeyPopPos)
PendingPop = POP_None;
// Do not scroll keys horizontally when dropping the popscreen
KeyPopScroll = 0;
KeyPopPos -= 10;
KeyPopPos = 0;
PendingPop = popnum;
override bool MustDrawLog(int state)
// Tell the base class to draw the log if the pop screen won't be displayed.
return false;
void Reset ()
CurrentPop = POP_None;
PendingPop = POP_NoChange;
PopHeight = 0;
KeyPopPos = 0;
KeyPopScroll = 0;
override void Tick ()
Super.Tick ();
PopHeightChange = 0;
if (PendingPop != POP_NoChange)
if (PopHeight < 0)
PopHeightChange = POP_HEIGHT / POP_TIME;
CurrentPop = PendingPop;
PendingPop = POP_NoChange;
if (CurrentPop == POP_None)
PopHeight = 0;
else if (PopHeight > -POP_HEIGHT)
if (PopHeight < -POP_HEIGHT)
PopHeight = -POP_HEIGHT;
PopHeightChange = -POP_HEIGHT / POP_TIME;
if (KeyPopScroll > 0)
KeyPopScroll -= 280 / KEY_TIME;
if (KeyPopScroll < 0)
KeyPopScroll = 0;
private void FillBar(double x, double y, double start, double stopp, Color color1, Color color2)
Fill(color1, x, y, (stopp-start)*2, 1);
Fill(color2, x, y+1, (stopp-start)*2, 1);
protected void DrawHealthBar(int health, int x, int y)
Color green1 = Color(255, 180, 228, 128); // light green
Color green2 = Color(255, 128, 180, 80); // dark green
Color blue1 = Color(255, 196, 204, 252); // light blue
Color blue2 = Color(255, 148, 152, 200); // dark blue
Color gold1 = Color(255, 224, 188, 0); // light gold
Color gold2 = Color(255, 208, 128, 0); // dark gold
Color red1 = Color(255, 216, 44, 44); // light red
Color red2 = Color(255, 172, 28, 28); // dark red
if (health == 999)
FillBar (x, y, 0, 100, gold1, gold2);
if (health <= 100)
if (health <= 10)
FillBar (x, y, 0, health, red1, red2);
else if (health <= 20)
FillBar (x, y, 0, health, gold1, gold2);
FillBar (x, y, 0, health, green1, green2);
//FillBar (x, y, health, 100, 0, 0);
int stopp = 200 - health;
FillBar (x, y, 0, stopp, green1, green2);
FillBar (x, y, stopp, 100, blue1, blue2);
protected void DrawMainBar (double TicFrac)
Inventory item;
int i;
// Pop screen (log, keys, and status)
if (CurrentPop != POP_None && PopHeight < 0)
double tmp, h;
[tmp, tmp, h] = StatusbarToRealCoords(0, 0, 8);
DrawPopScreen (int(GetTopOfStatusBar() - h), TicFrac);
DrawImage("INVBACK", (0, 168), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
DrawImage("INVTOP", (0, 160), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
// Health
DrawString(mGrnFont, FormatNumber(CPlayer.health, 3, 5), (79, 162), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT);
int points;
if (CPlayer.cheats & CF_GODMODE)
points = 999;
points = min(CPlayer.health, 200);
DrawHealthBar (points, 49, 172);
DrawHealthBar (points, 49, 175);
// Armor
item = CPlayer.mo.FindInventory('BasicArmor');
if (item != NULL && item.Amount > 0)
DrawInventoryIcon(item, (2, 177), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
DrawString(mYelFont, FormatNumber(item.Amount, 3, 5), (27, 191), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT);
// Ammo
Inventory ammo1 = GetCurrentAmmo ();
if (ammo1 != NULL)
DrawString(mGrnFont, FormatNumber(ammo1.Amount, 3, 5), (311, 162), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT);
DrawInventoryIcon (ammo1, (290, 181), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
// Sigil
item = CPlayer.mo.FindInventory('Sigil');
if (item != NULL)
DrawInventoryIcon (item, (253, 175), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
// Inventory
CPlayer.inventorytics = 0;
CPlayer.mo.InvFirst = ValidateInvFirst (6);
i = 0;
for (item = CPlayer.mo.InvFirst; item != NULL && i < 6; item = item.NextInv())
int flags = item.Amount <= 0? DI_ITEM_OFFSETS|DI_DIM : DI_ITEM_OFFSETS;
if (item == CPlayer.mo.InvSel)
DrawTexture (Images[CursorImage], (42 + 35*i, 180), flags, 1. - itemflashFade);
DrawInventoryIcon (item, (48 + 35*i, 182), flags);
DrawString(mYelFont, FormatNumber(item.Amount, 3, 5), (75 + 35*i, 191), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT);
protected void DrawFullScreenStuff ()
// Draw health (use red color if health is below the run health threashold.)
DrawString(mGrnFont, FormatNumber(CPlayer.health, 3), (4, -10), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, (CPlayer.health < CPlayer.mo.RunHealth)? Font.CR_BRICK : Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED);
DrawImage("I_MDKT", (14, -17));
// Draw armor
let armor = CPlayer.mo.FindInventory('BasicArmor');
if (armor != NULL && armor.Amount != 0)
DrawString(mYelFont, FormatNumber(armor.Amount, 3), (35, -10));
DrawInventoryIcon(armor, (45, -17));
// Draw ammo
Inventory ammo1, ammo2;
int ammocount1, ammocount2;
[ammo1, ammo2, ammocount1, ammocount2] = GetCurrentAmmo ();
if (ammo1 != NULL)
// Draw primary ammo in the bottom-right corner
DrawString(mGrnFont, FormatNumber(ammo1.Amount, 3), (-23, -10));
DrawInventoryIcon(ammo1, (-14, -17));
if (ammo2 != NULL && ammo1!=ammo2)
// Draw secondary ammo just above the primary ammo
DrawString(mGrnFont, FormatNumber(ammo1.Amount, 3), (-23, -48));
DrawInventoryIcon(ammo1, (-14, -55));
if (deathmatch)
{ // Draw frags (in DM)
DrawString(mBigFont, FormatNumber(CPlayer.FragCount, 3), (4, 1));
// Draw inventory
if (CPlayer.inventorytics == 0)
if (CPlayer.mo.InvSel != null)
if (itemflashFade > 0)
DrawTexture(Images[CursorImage], (-42, -15));
DrawString(mYelFont, FormatNumber(CPlayer.mo.InvSel.Amount, 3, 5), (-30, -10), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT);
DrawInventoryIcon(CPlayer.mo.InvSel, (-42, -17), DI_DIMDEPLETED);
CPlayer.mo.InvFirst = ValidateInvFirst (6);
int i = 0;
Inventory item;
Vector2 box = TexMan.GetScaledSize(Images[CursorImage]) - (4, 4); // Fit oversized icons into the box.
if (CPlayer.mo.InvFirst != NULL)
for (item = CPlayer.mo.InvFirst; item != NULL && i < 6; item = item.NextInv())
if (item == CPlayer.mo.InvSel)
DrawTexture(Images[CursorImage], (-90+i*35, -3), DI_SCREEN_CENTER_BOTTOM, 0.75);
if (item.Icon.isValid())
DrawInventoryIcon(item, (-90+i*35, -5), DI_SCREEN_CENTER_BOTTOM|DI_DIMDEPLETED, 0.75);
DrawString(mYelFont, FormatNumber(item.Amount, 3, 5), (-72 + i*35, -8), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT|DI_SCREEN_CENTER_BOTTOM);
protected void DrawPopScreen (int bottom, double TicFrac)
String buff;
String label;
int i;
Inventory item;
int xscale, yscale, left, top;
int bars = (CurrentPop == POP_Status) ? imgINVPOP : imgINVPOP2;
int back = (CurrentPop == POP_Status) ? imgINVPBAK : imgINVPBAK2;
// Extrapolate the height of the popscreen for smoother movement
int height = clamp (PopHeight + int(TicFrac * PopHeightChange), -POP_HEIGHT, 0);
xscale = CleanXfac;
yscale = CleanYfac;
left = screen.GetWidth()/2 - 160*CleanXfac;
top = bottom + height * yscale;
screen.DrawTexture (Images[back], true, left, top, DTA_CleanNoMove, true, DTA_Alpha, 0.75);
screen.DrawTexture (Images[bars], true, left, top, DTA_CleanNoMove, true);
switch (CurrentPop)
case POP_Log:
// Draw the latest log message.
screen.DrawText(SmallFont2, Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED, left + 210 * xscale, top + 8 * yscale, currentUILevel.TimeFormatted(),
DTA_CleanNoMove, true);
if (CPlayer.LogText.Length() > 0)
BrokenLines lines = SmallFont2.BreakLines(CPlayer.LogText, 272);
for (i = 0; i < lines.Count(); ++i)
screen.DrawText(SmallFont2, Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED, left + 24 * xscale, top + (18 + i * 12)*yscale,
lines.StringAt(i), DTA_CleanNoMove, true);
case POP_Keys:
// List the keys the player has.
int pos, endpos, leftcol;
int clipleft, clipright;
pos = KeyPopPos;
endpos = pos + 10;
leftcol = 20;
clipleft = left + 17*xscale;
clipright = left + (320-17)*xscale;
if (KeyPopScroll > 0)
// Extrapolate the scroll position for smoother scrolling
int scroll = MAX (0, KeyPopScroll - int(TicFrac * (280./KEY_TIME)));
pos -= 10;
leftcol = leftcol - 280 + scroll;
i = 0;
for (item = CPlayer.mo.Inv; i < endpos && item != NULL; item = item.Inv)
if (!(item is "Key"))
if (i < pos)
label = item.GetTag();
int colnum = ((i-pos) / 5) & (KeyPopScroll > 0 ? 3 : 1);
int rownum = (i % 5) * 18;
screen.DrawTexture (item.Icon, true,
left + (colnum * 140 + leftcol)*xscale,
top + (6 + rownum)*yscale,
DTA_CleanNoMove, true,
DTA_ClipLeft, clipleft,
DTA_ClipRight, clipright);
screen.DrawText (SmallFont2, Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED,
left + (colnum * 140 + leftcol + 17)*xscale,
top + (11 + rownum)*yscale,
DTA_CleanNoMove, true,
DTA_ClipLeft, clipleft,
DTA_ClipRight, clipright);
case POP_Status:
// Show miscellaneous status items.
// Print stats
DrINumber2 (CPlayer.mo.accuracy, left+268*xscale, top+28*yscale, 7*xscale, imgFONY0);
DrINumber2 (CPlayer.mo.stamina, left+268*xscale, top+52*yscale, 7*xscale, imgFONY0);
// How many keys does the player have?
i = 0;
for (item = CPlayer.mo.Inv; item != NULL; item = item.Inv)
if (item is "Key")
DrINumber2 (i, left+268*xscale, top+76*yscale, 7*xscale, imgFONY0);
// Does the player have a communicator?
item = CPlayer.mo.FindInventory ("Communicator");
if (item != NULL)
screen.DrawTexture (item.Icon, true,
left + 280*xscale,
top + 74*yscale,
DTA_CleanNoMove, true);
// How much ammo does the player have?
static const class<Ammo> AmmoList[] = {
static const int AmmoY[] = {19, 35, 43, 59, 67, 75, 83};
for (i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
item = CPlayer.mo.FindInventory (AmmoList[i]);
if (item == NULL)
DrINumber2 (0, left+206*xscale, top+AmmoY[i] * yscale, 7*xscale, imgFONY0);
DrINumber2 (GetDefaultByType(AmmoList[i]).MaxAmount, left+239*xscale, top+AmmoY[i] * yscale, 7*xscale, imgFONY0);
DrINumber2 (item.Amount, left+206*xscale, top+AmmoY[i] * yscale, 7*xscale, imgFONY0);
DrINumber2 (item.MaxAmount, left+239*xscale, top+AmmoY[i] * yscale, 7*xscale, imgFONY0);
// What weapons does the player have?
static const class<Weapon> WeaponList[] =
static const int WeaponX[] = {23, 21, 57, 20, 55, 52};
static const int WeaponY[] = {19, 41, 50, 64, 20, 75};
for (i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
item = CPlayer.mo.FindInventory (WeaponList[i]);
if (item != NULL)
screen.DrawTexture (item.Icon, true,
left + WeaponX[i] * xscale,
top + WeaponY[i] * yscale,
DTA_CleanNoMove, true,
DTA_LeftOffset, 0,
DTA_TopOffset, 0);
void DrINumber2 (int val, int x, int y, int width, int imgBase) const
x -= width;
if (val == 0)
screen.DrawTexture (Images[imgBase], true, x, y, DTA_CleanNoMove, true);
while (val != 0)
screen.DrawTexture (Images[imgBase+val%10], true, x, y, DTA_CleanNoMove, true);
val /= 10;
x -= width;