mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 10:51:56 +00:00
- Add a slightly faster truecolor model drawer
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 280 additions and 119 deletions
@ -1177,21 +1177,30 @@ void ScreenTriangle::DrawSWRender(const TriDrawTriangleArgs *args, WorkerThreadD
// Make variables local so the compiler can optimize without worrying about pointer aliasing
// Draw the triangle:
bool depthTest = args->uniforms->DepthTest();
bool writeColor = args->uniforms->WriteColor();
bool writeStencil = args->uniforms->WriteStencil();
bool writeDepth = args->uniforms->WriteDepth();
if (args->destBgra)
int num_cores = thread->num_cores;
for (int y = topY + thread->skipped_by_thread(topY); y < bottomY; y += num_cores)
DrawSpan32(y, leftEdge[y], rightEdge[y], args);
int num_cores = thread->num_cores;
for (int y = topY + thread->skipped_by_thread(topY); y < bottomY; y += num_cores)
DrawSpan8(y, leftEdge[y], rightEdge[y], args);
int bmode = (int)args->uniforms->BlendMode();
auto drawFunc = args->destBgra ? ScreenTriangle::TriDrawers32[bmode] : ScreenTriangle::TriDrawers8[bmode];
float *zbuffer = args->zbuffer;
int pitch = args->pitch;
int stencilpitch = args->stencilPitch * 8;
int color = ((int)(ptrdiff_t)args->uniforms->TexturePixels()) >> 2;
#ifndef NO_SSE
void ScreenTriangle::DrawSpan32(int y, int x0, int x1, const TriDrawTriangleArgs *args)
float v1X = args->v1->x;
float v1Y = args->v1->y;
float v1W = args->v1->w;
@ -1200,12 +1209,15 @@ void ScreenTriangle::DrawSWRender(const TriDrawTriangleArgs *args, WorkerThreadD
float stepXW = args->gradientX.W;
float stepXU = args->gradientX.U;
float stepXV = args->gradientX.V;
float stepYW = args->gradientY.W;
float stepYU = args->gradientY.U;
float stepYV = args->gradientY.V;
float startX = x0 + (0.5f - v1X);
float startY = y + (0.5f - v1Y);
float posXW = v1W + stepXW * startX + args->gradientY.W * startY;
float posXU = v1U + stepXU * startX + args->gradientY.U * startY;
float posXV = v1V + stepXV * startX + args->gradientY.V * startY;
const uint32_t *texPixels = (const uint32_t*)args->uniforms->TexturePixels();
int texWidth = args->uniforms->TextureWidth();
int texHeight = args->uniforms->TextureHeight();
auto colormaps = args->uniforms->BaseColormap();
bool is_fixed_light = args->uniforms->FixedLight();
uint32_t lightmask = is_fixed_light ? 0 : 0xffffffff;
@ -1214,69 +1226,100 @@ void ScreenTriangle::DrawSWRender(const TriDrawTriangleArgs *args, WorkerThreadD
float globVis = args->uniforms->GlobVis() * (1.0f / 32.0f);
light += light >> 7; // 255 -> 256
// Draw the triangle:
float *zbufferLine = args->zbuffer + args->stencilPitch * 8 * y;
if (args->destBgra)
uint32_t *dest = (uint32_t*)args->dest;
uint32_t *destLine = dest + args->pitch * y;
int x = x0;
int sseEnd = x0 + (x1 - x0) / 2 * 2;
while (x < sseEnd)
uint32_t *dest = (uint32_t*)args->dest;
const uint32_t *texPixels = (const uint32_t*)args->uniforms->TexturePixels();
int num_cores = thread->num_cores;
for (int y = topY + thread->skipped_by_thread(topY); y < bottomY; y += num_cores)
if (zbufferLine[x] <= posXW && zbufferLine[x + 1] <= posXW + stepXW)
int x0 = leftEdge[y];
int x1 = rightEdge[y];
zbufferLine[x] = posXW;
zbufferLine[x + 1] = posXW + stepXW;
uint32_t *destLine = dest + pitch * y;
float *zbufferLine = zbuffer + stencilpitch * y;
uint32_t fgcolor[2];
int32_t lightshade[2];
float posXW = v1W + stepXW * (x0 + (0.5f - v1X)) + stepYW * (y + (0.5f - v1Y));
float posXU = v1U + stepXU * (x0 + (0.5f - v1X)) + stepYU * (y + (0.5f - v1Y));
float posXV = v1V + stepXV * (x0 + (0.5f - v1X)) + stepYV * (y + (0.5f - v1Y));
float rcpW = 0x01000000 / posXW;
int32_t u = (int32_t)(posXU * rcpW);
int32_t v = (int32_t)(posXV * rcpW);
uint32_t texelX = ((((uint32_t)u << 8) >> 16) * texWidth) >> 16;
uint32_t texelY = ((((uint32_t)v << 8) >> 16) * texHeight) >> 16;
fgcolor[0] = texPixels[texelX * texHeight + texelY];
int x = x0;
while (x < x1)
fixed_t lightpos = FRACUNIT - (int)(clamp(shade - MIN(24.0f / 32.0f, globVis * posXW), 0.0f, 31.0f / 32.0f) * (float)FRACUNIT);
lightpos = (lightpos & lightmask) | ((light << 8) & ~lightmask);
lightshade[0] = lightpos >> 8;
posXW += stepXW;
posXU += stepXU;
posXV += stepXV;
rcpW = 0x01000000 / posXW;
u = (int32_t)(posXU * rcpW);
v = (int32_t)(posXV * rcpW);
texelX = ((((uint32_t)u << 8) >> 16) * texWidth) >> 16;
texelY = ((((uint32_t)v << 8) >> 16) * texHeight) >> 16;
fgcolor[1] = texPixels[texelX * texHeight + texelY];
lightpos = FRACUNIT - (int)(clamp(shade - MIN(24.0f / 32.0f, globVis * posXW), 0.0f, 31.0f / 32.0f) * (float)FRACUNIT);
lightpos = (lightpos & lightmask) | ((light << 8) & ~lightmask);
lightshade[1] = lightpos >> 8;
posXW += stepXW;
posXU += stepXU;
posXV += stepXV;
__m128i mfgcolor = _mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i*)fgcolor);
mfgcolor = _mm_unpacklo_epi8(mfgcolor, _mm_setzero_si128());
__m128i mlightshade = _mm_loadl_epi64((const __m128i*)lightshade);
mlightshade = _mm_shuffle_epi32(mlightshade, _MM_SHUFFLE(1, 0, 1, 0));
mlightshade = _mm_packs_epi32(mlightshade, mlightshade);
__m128i mdestcolor = _mm_srli_epi16(_mm_mullo_epi16(mfgcolor, mlightshade), 8);
mdestcolor = _mm_packus_epi16(mdestcolor, _mm_setzero_si128());
mdestcolor = _mm_or_si128(mdestcolor, _mm_set1_epi32(0xff000000));
_mm_storel_epi64((__m128i*)(destLine + x), mdestcolor);
x += 2;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
bool processPixel = depthTest ? zbufferLine[x] <= posXW : true;
if (processPixel) // Pixel is visible (passed stencil and depth tests)
if (zbufferLine[x] <= posXW)
if (writeColor)
float rcpW = 0x01000000 / posXW;
int32_t u = (int32_t)(posXU * rcpW);
int32_t v = (int32_t)(posXV * rcpW);
uint32_t texelX = ((((uint32_t)u << 8) >> 16) * texWidth) >> 16;
uint32_t texelY = ((((uint32_t)v << 8) >> 16) * texHeight) >> 16;
uint32_t fgcolor = texPixels[texelX * texHeight + texelY];
uint32_t fgcolor_r = RPART(fgcolor);
uint32_t fgcolor_g = GPART(fgcolor);
uint32_t fgcolor_b = BPART(fgcolor);
uint32_t fgcolor_a = APART(fgcolor);
if (fgcolor_a > 127)
if (texPixels)
float rcpW = 0x01000000 / posXW;
int32_t u = (int32_t)(posXU * rcpW);
int32_t v = (int32_t)(posXV * rcpW);
fixed_t lightpos = FRACUNIT - (int)(clamp(shade - MIN(24.0f / 32.0f, globVis * posXW), 0.0f, 31.0f / 32.0f) * (float)FRACUNIT);
lightpos = (lightpos & lightmask) | ((light << 8) & ~lightmask);
int lightshade = lightpos >> 8;
uint32_t texelX = ((((uint32_t)u << 8) >> 16) * texWidth) >> 16;
uint32_t texelY = ((((uint32_t)v << 8) >> 16) * texHeight) >> 16;
uint32_t fgcolor = texPixels[texelX * texHeight + texelY];
fgcolor_r = (fgcolor_r * lightshade) >> 8;
fgcolor_g = (fgcolor_g * lightshade) >> 8;
fgcolor_b = (fgcolor_b * lightshade) >> 8;
uint32_t fgcolor_r = RPART(fgcolor);
uint32_t fgcolor_g = GPART(fgcolor);
uint32_t fgcolor_b = BPART(fgcolor);
uint32_t fgcolor_a = APART(fgcolor);
if (fgcolor_a > 127)
fixed_t lightpos = FRACUNIT - (int)(clamp(shade - MIN(24.0f / 32.0f, globVis * posXW), 0.0f, 31.0f / 32.0f) * (float)FRACUNIT);
lightpos = (lightpos & lightmask) | ((light << 8) & ~lightmask);
int lightshade = lightpos >> 8;
fgcolor_r = (fgcolor_r * lightshade) >> 8;
fgcolor_g = (fgcolor_g * lightshade) >> 8;
fgcolor_b = (fgcolor_b * lightshade) >> 8;
destLine[x] = 0xff000000 | (fgcolor_r << 16) | (fgcolor_g << 8) | fgcolor_b;
destLine[x] = color;
destLine[x] = 0xff000000 | (fgcolor_r << 16) | (fgcolor_g << 8) | fgcolor_b;
if (writeDepth)
zbufferLine[x] = posXW;
zbufferLine[x] = posXW;
posXW += stepXW;
@ -1286,68 +1329,184 @@ void ScreenTriangle::DrawSWRender(const TriDrawTriangleArgs *args, WorkerThreadD
while (x < x1)
uint8_t *dest = args->dest;
const uint8_t *texPixels = args->uniforms->TexturePixels();
int num_cores = thread->num_cores;
for (int y = topY + thread->skipped_by_thread(topY); y < bottomY; y += num_cores)
if (zbufferLine[x] <= posXW)
int x0 = leftEdge[y];
int x1 = rightEdge[y];
float rcpW = 0x01000000 / posXW;
int32_t u = (int32_t)(posXU * rcpW);
int32_t v = (int32_t)(posXV * rcpW);
uint8_t *destLine = dest + pitch * y;
float *zbufferLine = zbuffer + stencilpitch * y;
uint32_t texelX = ((((uint32_t)u << 8) >> 16) * texWidth) >> 16;
uint32_t texelY = ((((uint32_t)v << 8) >> 16) * texHeight) >> 16;
uint32_t fgcolor = texPixels[texelX * texHeight + texelY];
float posXW = v1W + stepXW * (x0 + (0.5f - v1X)) + stepYW * (y + (0.5f - v1Y));
float posXU = v1U + stepXU * (x0 + (0.5f - v1X)) + stepYU * (y + (0.5f - v1Y));
float posXV = v1V + stepXV * (x0 + (0.5f - v1X)) + stepYV * (y + (0.5f - v1Y));
int x = x0;
while (x < x1)
uint32_t fgcolor_r = RPART(fgcolor);
uint32_t fgcolor_g = GPART(fgcolor);
uint32_t fgcolor_b = BPART(fgcolor);
uint32_t fgcolor_a = APART(fgcolor);
if (fgcolor_a > 127)
bool processPixel = depthTest ? zbufferLine[x] <= posXW : true;
if (processPixel) // Pixel is visible (passed stencil and depth tests)
if (writeColor)
if (texPixels)
float rcpW = 0x01000000 / posXW;
int32_t u = (int32_t)(posXU * rcpW);
int32_t v = (int32_t)(posXV * rcpW);
fixed_t lightpos = FRACUNIT - (int)(clamp(shade - MIN(24.0f / 32.0f, globVis * posXW), 0.0f, 31.0f / 32.0f) * (float)FRACUNIT);
lightpos = (lightpos & lightmask) | ((light << 8) & ~lightmask);
int lightshade = lightpos >> 8;
uint32_t texelX = ((((uint32_t)u << 8) >> 16) * texWidth) >> 16;
uint32_t texelY = ((((uint32_t)v << 8) >> 16) * texHeight) >> 16;
uint8_t fgcolor = texPixels[texelX * texHeight + texelY];
fgcolor_r = (fgcolor_r * lightshade) >> 8;
fgcolor_g = (fgcolor_g * lightshade) >> 8;
fgcolor_b = (fgcolor_b * lightshade) >> 8;
fixed_t lightpos = FRACUNIT - (int)(clamp(shade - MIN(24.0f / 32.0f, globVis * posXW), 0.0f, 31.0f / 32.0f) * (float)FRACUNIT);
lightpos = (lightpos & lightmask) | ((light << 8) & ~lightmask);
int lightshade = lightpos >> 8;
lightshade = ((256 - lightshade) * NUMCOLORMAPS) & 0xffffff00;
uint8_t shadedfg = colormaps[lightshade + fgcolor];
if (fgcolor != 0)
destLine[x] = shadedfg;
destLine[x] = color;
if (writeDepth)
zbufferLine[x] = posXW;
posXW += stepXW;
posXU += stepXU;
posXV += stepXV;
destLine[x] = 0xff000000 | (fgcolor_r << 16) | (fgcolor_g << 8) | fgcolor_b;
zbufferLine[x] = posXW;
posXW += stepXW;
posXU += stepXU;
posXV += stepXV;
void ScreenTriangle::DrawSpan32(int y, int x0, int x1, const TriDrawTriangleArgs *args)
float v1X = args->v1->x;
float v1Y = args->v1->y;
float v1W = args->v1->w;
float v1U = args->v1->u * v1W;
float v1V = args->v1->v * v1W;
float stepXW = args->gradientX.W;
float stepXU = args->gradientX.U;
float stepXV = args->gradientX.V;
float startX = x0 + (0.5f - v1X);
float startY = y + (0.5f - v1Y);
float posXW = v1W + stepXW * startX + args->gradientY.W * startY;
float posXU = v1U + stepXU * startX + args->gradientY.U * startY;
float posXV = v1V + stepXV * startX + args->gradientY.V * startY;
const uint32_t *texPixels = (const uint32_t*)args->uniforms->TexturePixels();
int texWidth = args->uniforms->TextureWidth();
int texHeight = args->uniforms->TextureHeight();
bool is_fixed_light = args->uniforms->FixedLight();
uint32_t lightmask = is_fixed_light ? 0 : 0xffffffff;
uint32_t light = args->uniforms->Light();
float shade = 2.0f - (light + 12.0f) / 128.0f;
float globVis = args->uniforms->GlobVis() * (1.0f / 32.0f);
light += light >> 7; // 255 -> 256
float *zbufferLine = args->zbuffer + args->stencilPitch * 8 * y;
uint32_t *dest = (uint32_t*)args->dest;
uint32_t *destLine = dest + args->pitch * y;
int x = x0;
while (x < x1)
if (zbufferLine[x] <= posXW)
float rcpW = 0x01000000 / posXW;
int32_t u = (int32_t)(posXU * rcpW);
int32_t v = (int32_t)(posXV * rcpW);
uint32_t texelX = ((((uint32_t)u << 8) >> 16) * texWidth) >> 16;
uint32_t texelY = ((((uint32_t)v << 8) >> 16) * texHeight) >> 16;
uint32_t fgcolor = texPixels[texelX * texHeight + texelY];
uint32_t fgcolor_r = RPART(fgcolor);
uint32_t fgcolor_g = GPART(fgcolor);
uint32_t fgcolor_b = BPART(fgcolor);
uint32_t fgcolor_a = APART(fgcolor);
if (fgcolor_a > 127)
fixed_t lightpos = FRACUNIT - (int)(clamp(shade - MIN(24.0f / 32.0f, globVis * posXW), 0.0f, 31.0f / 32.0f) * (float)FRACUNIT);
lightpos = (lightpos & lightmask) | ((light << 8) & ~lightmask);
int lightshade = lightpos >> 8;
fgcolor_r = (fgcolor_r * lightshade) >> 8;
fgcolor_g = (fgcolor_g * lightshade) >> 8;
fgcolor_b = (fgcolor_b * lightshade) >> 8;
destLine[x] = 0xff000000 | (fgcolor_r << 16) | (fgcolor_g << 8) | fgcolor_b;
zbufferLine[x] = posXW;
posXW += stepXW;
posXU += stepXU;
posXV += stepXV;
void ScreenTriangle::DrawSpan8(int y, int x0, int x1, const TriDrawTriangleArgs *args)
float v1X = args->v1->x;
float v1Y = args->v1->y;
float v1W = args->v1->w;
float v1U = args->v1->u * v1W;
float v1V = args->v1->v * v1W;
float stepXW = args->gradientX.W;
float stepXU = args->gradientX.U;
float stepXV = args->gradientX.V;
float startX = x0 + (0.5f - v1X);
float startY = y + (0.5f - v1Y);
float posXW = v1W + stepXW * startX + args->gradientY.W * startY;
float posXU = v1U + stepXU * startX + args->gradientY.U * startY;
float posXV = v1V + stepXV * startX + args->gradientY.V * startY;
auto colormaps = args->uniforms->BaseColormap();
const uint32_t *texPixels = (const uint32_t*)args->uniforms->TexturePixels();
int texWidth = args->uniforms->TextureWidth();
int texHeight = args->uniforms->TextureHeight();
bool is_fixed_light = args->uniforms->FixedLight();
uint32_t lightmask = is_fixed_light ? 0 : 0xffffffff;
uint32_t light = args->uniforms->Light();
float shade = 2.0f - (light + 12.0f) / 128.0f;
float globVis = args->uniforms->GlobVis() * (1.0f / 32.0f);
light += light >> 7; // 255 -> 256
float *zbufferLine = args->zbuffer + args->stencilPitch * 8 * y;
uint32_t *dest = (uint32_t*)args->dest;
uint32_t *destLine = dest + args->pitch * y;
int x = x0;
while (x < x1)
if (zbufferLine[x] <= posXW)
float rcpW = 0x01000000 / posXW;
int32_t u = (int32_t)(posXU * rcpW);
int32_t v = (int32_t)(posXV * rcpW);
uint32_t texelX = ((((uint32_t)u << 8) >> 16) * texWidth) >> 16;
uint32_t texelY = ((((uint32_t)v << 8) >> 16) * texHeight) >> 16;
uint8_t fgcolor = texPixels[texelX * texHeight + texelY];
fixed_t lightpos = FRACUNIT - (int)(clamp(shade - MIN(24.0f / 32.0f, globVis * posXW), 0.0f, 31.0f / 32.0f) * (float)FRACUNIT);
lightpos = (lightpos & lightmask) | ((light << 8) & ~lightmask);
int lightshade = lightpos >> 8;
lightshade = ((256 - lightshade) * NUMCOLORMAPS) & 0xffffff00;
uint8_t shadedfg = colormaps[lightshade + fgcolor];
if (fgcolor != 0)
destLine[x] = shadedfg;
posXW += stepXW;
posXU += stepXU;
posXV += stepXV;
@ -150,6 +150,8 @@ class ScreenTriangle
static void Draw(const TriDrawTriangleArgs *args, WorkerThreadData *thread);
static void DrawSWRender(const TriDrawTriangleArgs *args, WorkerThreadData *thread);
static void DrawSpan8(int y, int x0, int x1, const TriDrawTriangleArgs *args);
static void DrawSpan32(int y, int x0, int x1, const TriDrawTriangleArgs *args);
static void(*TriDrawers8[])(int, int, uint32_t, uint32_t, const TriDrawTriangleArgs *);
static void(*TriDrawers32[])(int, int, uint32_t, uint32_t, const TriDrawTriangleArgs *);
Reference in a new issue