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synced 2025-02-17 09:01:30 +00:00
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struct KeyBindings native
native static String NameKeys(int k1, int k2);
native int, int GetKeysForCommand(String cmd);
native void SetBind(int key, String cmd);
native void UnbindACommand (String str);
struct OptionValues native
native static int GetCount(Name group);
native static String GetText(Name group, int index);
native static double GetValue(Name group, int index);
native static String GetTextValue(Name group, int index);
struct JoystickConfig native
enum EJoyAxis
JOYAXIS_None = -1,
// JOYAXIS_Roll, // Ha ha. No roll for you.
native float GetSensitivity();
native void SetSensitivity(float scale);
native float GetAxisScale(int axis);
native void SetAxisScale(int axis, float scale);
native float GetAxisDeadZone(int axis);
native void SetAxisDeadZone(int axis, float zone);
native int GetAxisMap(int axis);
native void SetAxisMap(int axis, int gameaxis);
class Menu : Object native
enum EMenuKey
// These are not buttons but events sent from other menus
enum EMenuMouse
enum EMenuState
Off, // Menu is closed
On, // Menu is opened
WaitKey, // Menu is opened and waiting for a key in the controls menu
OnNoPause, // Menu is opened but does not pause the game
native Menu mParentMenu;
void Init(Menu parent)
mParentMenu = parent;
native static int MenuTime();
native static void SetVideoMode();
native static Menu GetCurrentMenu();
native static JoystickConfig GetCurrentJoystickConfig();
native static void SetMenu(Name mnu, int param = 0);
native static void StartMessage(String msg, int mode = 0, Name command = 'none');
virtual bool TranslateKeyboardEvents() { return true; }
virtual void SetFocus(MenuItemBase fc) {}
virtual bool CheckFocus(MenuItemBase fc) { return false; }
virtual void ReleaseFocus() {}
virtual void ResetColor() {}
native virtual bool Responder(InputEvent ev);
native virtual bool MenuEvent (int mkey, bool fromcontroller);
native virtual bool MouseEvent(int type, int mx, int my);
native virtual void Drawer();
native void Close();
native MenuItemBase GetItem(Name n);
native void ActivateMenu();
static void MenuSound(Sound snd)
S_Sound (snd, CHAN_VOICE | CHAN_UI, snd_menuvolume, ATTN_NONE);
static void DrawConText (int color, int x, int y, String str)
screen.DrawText (ConFont, color, x, y, str, DTA_CellX, 8 * CleanXfac_1, DTA_CellY, 8 * CleanYfac_1);
class MenuDescriptor : Object native
native Name mMenuName;
native String mNetgameMessage;
native Class<Menu> mClass;
native static MenuDescriptor GetDescriptor(Name n);
class ListMenuDescriptor : MenuDescriptor native
native Array<ListMenuItem> mItems;
native int mSelectedItem;
native int mSelectOfsX;
native int mSelectOfsY;
native TextureID mSelector;
native int mDisplayTop;
native int mXpos, mYpos;
native int mWLeft, mWRight;
native int mLinespacing; // needs to be stored for dynamically created menus
native int mAutoselect; // this can only be set by internal menu creation functions
native Font mFont;
native int mFontColor;
native int mFontColor2;
native bool mCenter;
void Reset()
// Reset the default settings (ignore all other values in the struct)
mSelectOfsX = 0;
mSelectOfsY = 0;
mDisplayTop = 0;
mXpos = 0;
mYpos = 0;
mLinespacing = 0;
mNetgameMessage = "";
mFont = NULL;
mFontColor = Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED;
mFontColor2 = Font.CR_UNTRANSLATED;
struct FOptionMenuSettings
int mTitleColor;
int mFontColor;
int mFontColorValue;
int mFontColorMore;
int mFontColorHeader;
int mFontColorHighlight;
int mFontColorSelection;
int mLinespacing;
class OptionMenuDescriptor : MenuDescriptor native
native Array<OptionMenuItem> mItems;
native String mTitle;
native int mSelectedItem;
native int mDrawTop;
native int mScrollTop;
native int mScrollPos;
native int mIndent;
native int mPosition;
native bool mDontDim;
native void CalcIndent();
//native OptionMenuItem GetItem(Name iname);
void Reset()
// Reset the default settings (ignore all other values in the struct)
mPosition = 0;
mScrollTop = 0;
mIndent = 0;
mDontDim = 0;
class OptionMenu : Menu native
native OptionMenuDescriptor mDesc;
native bool CanScrollUp;
native bool CanScrollDown;
native int VisBottom;
native OptionMenuItem mFocusControl;
void Init(Menu parent, OptionMenuDescriptor desc)
mParentMenu = parent;
mDesc = desc;
if (mDesc != NULL && mDesc.mSelectedItem == -1) mDesc.mSelectedItem = FirstSelectable();
int FirstSelectable()
if (mDesc != NULL)
// Go down to the first selectable item
int i = -1;
while (i < mDesc.mItems.Size() && !mDesc.mItems[i].Selectable());
if (i>=0 && i < mDesc.mItems.Size()) return i;
return -1;
override void SetFocus(MenuItemBase fc)
mFocusControl = OptionMenuItem(fc);
override bool CheckFocus(MenuItemBase fc)
return mFocusControl == fc;
override void ReleaseFocus()
mFocusControl = NULL;