mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 18:41:17 +00:00
838 lines
13 KiB
838 lines
13 KiB
// MAPINFO for Heretic (Shareware and Retail)
include "mapinfo/common.txt"
titlepage = "TITLE"
creditpage = "CREDIT"
titlemusic = "MUS_TITL"
titletime = 8
advisorytime = 6
pagetime = 5
chatsound = "misc/chat"
finalemusic = "MUS_CPTD"
finaleflat = "FLOOR25"
finalepage = "CREDIT"
infopage = "HELP1", "HELP2", "CREDIT"
quitsound = ""
borderflat = "FLAT513"
border = HereticBorder
telefogheight = 32
defkickback = 150
skyflatname = "F_SKY1"
translator = "xlat/heretic.txt"
defaultbloodcolor = "68 00 00"
defaultbloodparticlecolor = "ff 00 00"
backpacktype = "BagOfHolding"
armoricons = "SHLDA0", 0.75, "SHD2A0"
statusbar = "sbarinfo/heretic.txt"
intermissionmusic = "mus_intr"
intermissioncounter = false
weaponslot = 1, "Staff", "Gauntlets"
weaponslot = 2, "GoldWand"
weaponslot = 3, "Crossbow"
weaponslot = 4, "Blaster"
weaponslot = 5, "SkullRod"
weaponslot = 6, "PhoenixRod"
weaponslot = 7, "Mace"
dimcolor = "00 00 ff"
dimamount = 0.2
definventorymaxamount = 16
defaultrespawntime = 12
defaultdropstyle = 1
endoom = "ENDTEXT"
pickupcolor = "d7 ba 45"
quitmessages = "$*RAVENQUITMSG"
menufontcolor_title = "UNTRANSLATED"
menufontcolor_label = "GREEN"
menufontcolor_value = "UNTRANSLATED"
menufontcolor_action = "UNTRANSLATED"
menufontcolor_header = "GOLD"
menufontcolor_highlight = "YELLOW"
menufontcolor_selection = "DARKGREEN"
menubackbutton = "M_BACK_H"
playerclasses = "HereticPlayer"
nightmarefast = true
pausesign = "PAUSED"
gibfactor = 0.5
cursorpic = "herecurs"
textscreenx = 20
textscreeny = 5
defaultendsequence = "Inter_Pic1"
maparrow = "maparrows/dagger.txt"
statscreen_mapnamefont = "BigFont"
statscreen_finishedfont = "SmallFont"
statscreen_enteringfont = "SmallFont"
5 = HereticImpLeader
6 = Ironlich
7 = Sorcerer1
8 = BagOfHolding
9 = Minotaur
10 = GoldWandAmmo
12 = GoldWandHefty
13 = MaceAmmo
15 = Wizard
16 = MaceHefty
17 = SkullHang70
18 = CrossbowAmmo
19 = CrossbowHefty
20 = SkullRodAmmo
21 = SkullRodHefty
22 = PhoenixRodAmmo
23 = PhoenixRodHefty
24 = SkullHang60
25 = SkullHang45
26 = SkullHang35
27 = SerpentTorch
28 = Chandelier
29 = SmallPillar
30 = ArtiEgg
31 = EnchantedShield
32 = ArtiSuperHealth
33 = ArtiTorch
34 = ArtiTimeBomb
35 = SuperMap
36 = ArtiTeleport
37 = StalagmiteSmall
38 = StalagmiteLarge
39 = StalactiteSmall
40 = StalactiteLarge
41 = SoundWaterfall
42 = SoundWind
43 = PodGenerator
44 = Barrel
45 = MummyLeader
46 = MummyLeaderGhost
47 = BrownPillar
48 = Moss1
49 = Moss2
50 = WallTorch
51 = HangingCorpse
52 = TeleGlitterGenerator2
53 = Blaster
54 = BlasterAmmo
55 = BlasterHefty
56 = BossSpot
64 = Knight
65 = KnightGhost
66 = HereticImp
68 = Mummy
69 = MummyGhost
70 = Beast
73 = KeyGreen
74 = TeleGlitterGenerator1
75 = ArtiInvisibility
76 = FireBrazier
79 = KeyBlue
80 = KeyYellow
81 = CrystalVial
82 = ArtiHealth
83 = ArtiFly
84 = ArtiInvulnerability
85 = SilverShield
86 = ArtiTomeOfPower
87 = Volcano
90 = Clink
92 = Snake
94 = KeyGizmoBlue
95 = KeyGizmoGreen
96 = KeyGizmoYellow
118 = Bridge
1200 = HereticSoundSequence1
1201 = HereticSoundSequence2
1202 = HereticSoundSequence3
1203 = HereticSoundSequence4
1204 = HereticSoundSequence5
1205 = HereticSoundSequence6
1206 = HereticSoundSequence7
1207 = HereticSoundSequence8
1208 = HereticSoundSequence9
1209 = HereticSoundSequence10
2001 = Crossbow
2002 = MaceSpawner
2003 = PhoenixRod
2004 = SkullRod
2005 = Gauntlets
2035 = Pod
4001 = "$Player5Start"
4002 = "$Player6Start"
4003 = "$Player7Start"
4004 = "$Player8Start"
9042 = GoldWand
1 = Clink
2 = MummyLeader
3 = Beast
4 = Mummy
5 = HereticImp
6 = Knight
7 = HereticImpLeader
8 = MummyGhost
9 = MummyLeaderGhost
10 = HereticImpBall
11 = GoldWandAmmo
12 = GoldWandHefty
14 = ArtiEgg
15 = ArtiFly
18 = ArtiTeleport
19 = Wizard
20 = Ironlich
21 = Bridge
23 = CrystalVial
24 = ArtiHealth
25 = ArtiSuperHealth
27 = Crossbow
28 = Blaster
29 = PhoenixRod
30 = SkullRod
31 = Mace
32 = Gauntlets
33 = CrossbowAmmo
34 = CrossbowHefty
35 = MaceAmmo
36 = MaceHefty
37 = BlasterAmmo
38 = BlasterHefty
40 = EggFX
68 = SilverShield
69 = EnchantedShield
72 = ArtiTimeBomb
73 = ArtiTorch
85 = KeyBlue
86 = KeyGreen
87 = KeyYellow
110 = SoundWind
111 = SoundWaterfall
120 = BeastBall
121 = Feather
122 = Chicken
123 = VolcanoBlast
124 = VolcanoTBlast
125 = Pod
126 = PodGenerator
127 = KnightAxe
128 = RedAxe
129 = KnightGhost
131 = MummyFX1
132 = Snake
133 = ArtiInvulnerability
134 = ArtiTomeOfPower
135 = ArtiInvisibility
136 = BagOfHolding
137 = SuperMap
138 = SnakeProjA
139 = SnakeProjB
140 = WizardFX1
141 = BossSpot
142 = Sorcerer1
143 = Sorcerer2
144 = SorcererFX1
145 = Sorcerer2FX1
146 = Sorcerer2FX2
147 = CrossbowFX1
148 = CrossbowFX2
149 = CrossbowFX3
150 = Volcano
151 = GoldWandFX1
152 = GoldWandFX2
153 = MaceFX4
154 = MaceFX1
155 = MaceFX3
156 = MaceFX2
157 = Ripper
158 = SkullRodAmmo
159 = SkullRodHefty
160 = HornRodFX1
161 = PhoenixRodAmmo
162 = PhoenixRodHefty
163 = PhoenixFX1
164 = HeadFX1
165 = Whirlwind
166 = TeleGlitterGenerator1
167 = TeleGlitterGenerator2
skill baby
AmmoFactor = 1.5
DoubleAmmoFactor = 1.5
DamageFactor = 0.5
SpawnFilter = Baby
skill easy
DoubleAmmoFactor = 1.5
SpawnFilter = Easy
skill normal
DoubleAmmoFactor = 1.5
SpawnFilter = Normal
skill hard
DoubleAmmoFactor = 1.5
SpawnFilter = Hard
Name = "$MNU_SMITE"
skill nightmare
AmmoFactor = 1.5
DoubleAmmoFactor = 1.5
SpawnFilter = Nightmare
episode e1m1
name = "$MNU_COTD"
key = "c"
episode e2m1
name = "$MNU_HELLSMAW"
key = "h"
episode e3m1
name = "$MNU_DOME"
key = "d"
episode e4m1
name = "$MNU_OSSUARY"
key = "o"
episode e5m1
name = "$MNU_DEMESNE"
key = "s"
// Episode 1
map E1M1 lookup "HHUSTR_E1M1"
next = "E1M2"
secretnext = "E1M9"
sky1 = "SKY1"
cluster = 1
music = "MUS_E1M1"
map E1M2 lookup "HHUSTR_E1M2"
next = "E1M3"
secretnext = "E1M9"
sky1 = "SKY1"
cluster = 1
music = "MUS_E1M2"
map E1M3 lookup "HHUSTR_E1M3"
next = "E1M4"
secretnext = "E1M9"
sky1 = "SKY1"
cluster = 1
music = "MUS_E1M3"
map E1M4 lookup "HHUSTR_E1M4"
next = "E1M5"
secretnext = "E1M9"
sky1 = "SKY1"
cluster = 1
music = "MUS_E1M4"
map E1M5 lookup "HHUSTR_E1M5"
next = "E1M6"
secretnext = "E1M9"
sky1 = "SKY1"
cluster = 1
music = "MUS_E1M5"
map E1M6 lookup "HHUSTR_E1M6"
next = "E1M7"
secretnext = "E1M9"
sky1 = "SKY1"
cluster = 1
music = "MUS_E1M6"
map E1M7 lookup "HHUSTR_E1M7"
next = "E1M8"
secretnext = "E1M9"
sky1 = "SKY1"
cluster = 1
music = "MUS_E1M7"
map E1M8 lookup "HHUSTR_E1M8"
next = "EndGame1"
secretnext = "E1M9"
sky1 = "SKY1"
cluster = 1
music = "MUS_E1M8"
map E1M9 lookup "HHUSTR_E1M9"
next = "E1M7"
secretnext = "E1M7"
sky1 = "SKY1"
cluster = 1
music = "MUS_E1M9"
// Episode 2
map E2M1 lookup "HHUSTR_E2M1"
next = "E2M2"
secretnext = "E2M9"
sky1 = "SKY2"
cluster = 2
music = "MUS_E2M1"
map E2M2 lookup "HHUSTR_E2M2"
next = "E2M3"
secretnext = "E2M9"
sky1 = "SKY2"
cluster = 2
music = "MUS_E2M2"
map E2M3 lookup "HHUSTR_E2M3"
next = "E2M4"
secretnext = "E2M9"
sky1 = "SKY2"
cluster = 2
music = "MUS_E2M3"
map E2M4 lookup "HHUSTR_E2M4"
next = "E2M5"
secretnext = "E2M9"
sky1 = "SKY2"
cluster = 2
music = "MUS_E2M4"
map E2M5 lookup "HHUSTR_E2M5"
next = "E2M6"
secretnext = "E2M9"
sky1 = "SKY2"
cluster = 2
music = "MUS_E1M4"
map E2M6 lookup "HHUSTR_E2M6"
next = "E2M7"
secretnext = "E2M9"
sky1 = "SKY2"
cluster = 2
music = "MUS_E2M6"
map E2M7 lookup "HHUSTR_E2M7"
next = "E2M8"
secretnext = "E2M9"
sky1 = "SKY2"
cluster = 2
music = "MUS_E2M7"
map E2M8 lookup "HHUSTR_E2M8"
next = "EndGameW"
secretnext = "E2M9"
sky1 = "SKY2"
cluster = 2
music = "MUS_E2M8"
map E2M9 lookup "HHUSTR_E2M9"
next = "E2M5"
secretnext = "E2M5"
sky1 = "SKY2"
cluster = 2
music = "MUS_E2M9"
// Episode 3
map E3M1 lookup "HHUSTR_E3M1"
next = "E3M2"
secretnext = "E3M9"
sky1 = "SKY3"
cluster = 3
music = "MUS_E1M1"
map E3M2 lookup "HHUSTR_E3M2"
next = "E3M3"
secretnext = "E3M9"
sky1 = "SKY3"
cluster = 3
music = "MUS_E3M2"
map E3M3 lookup "HHUSTR_E3M3"
next = "E3M4"
secretnext = "E3M9"
sky1 = "SKY3"
cluster = 3
music = "MUS_E3M3"
map E3M4 lookup "HHUSTR_E3M4"
next = "E3M5"
secretnext = "E3M9"
sky1 = "SKY3"
cluster = 3
music = "MUS_E1M6"
map E3M5 lookup "HHUSTR_E3M5"
next = "E3M6"
secretnext = "E3M9"
sky1 = "SKY3"
cluster = 3
music = "MUS_E1M3"
map E3M6 lookup "HHUSTR_E3M6"
next = "E3M7"
secretnext = "E3M9"
sky1 = "SKY3"
cluster = 3
music = "MUS_E1M2"
map E3M7 lookup "HHUSTR_E3M7"
next = "E3M8"
secretnext = "E3M9"
sky1 = "SKY3"
cluster = 3
music = "MUS_E1M5"
map E3M8 lookup "HHUSTR_E3M8"
next = "EndDemon"
secretnext = "E3M9"
sky1 = "SKY3"
cluster = 3
music = "MUS_E1M9"
map E3M9 lookup "HHUSTR_E3M9"
next = "E3M5"
secretnext = "E3M5"
sky1 = "SKY3"
cluster = 3
music = "MUS_E2M6"
// Episode 4
map E4M1 lookup "HHUSTR_E4M1"
next = "E4M2"
secretnext = "E4M9"
sky1 = "SKY1"
cluster = 4
music = "MUS_E1M6"
map E4M2 lookup "HHUSTR_E4M2"
next = "E4M3"
secretnext = "E4M9"
sky1 = "SKY1"
cluster = 4
music = "MUS_E1M2"
map E4M3 lookup "HHUSTR_E4M3"
next = "E4M4"
secretnext = "E4M9"
sky1 = "SKY1"
cluster = 4
music = "MUS_E1M3"
map E4M4 lookup "HHUSTR_E4M4"
next = "E4M5"
secretnext = "E4M9"
sky1 = "SKY1"
cluster = 4
music = "MUS_E1M4"
map E4M5 lookup "HHUSTR_E4M5"
next = "E4M6"
secretnext = "E4M9"
sky1 = "SKY1"
cluster = 4
music = "MUS_E1M5"
map E4M6 lookup "HHUSTR_E4M6"
next = "E4M7"
secretnext = "E4M9"
sky1 = "SKY1"
cluster = 4
music = "MUS_E1M1"
map E4M7 lookup "HHUSTR_E4M7"
next = "E4M8"
secretnext = "E4M9"
sky1 = "SKY1"
cluster = 4
music = "MUS_E1M7"
map E4M8 lookup "HHUSTR_E4M8"
next = "EndGame4"
secretnext = "E4M9"
sky1 = "SKY1"
cluster = 4
music = "MUS_E1M8"
map E4M9 lookup "HHUSTR_E4M9"
next = "E4M5"
secretnext = "E4M5"
sky1 = "SKY1"
cluster = 4
music = "MUS_E1M9"
// Episode 5
map E5M1 lookup "HHUSTR_E5M1"
next = "E5M2"
secretnext = "E5M9"
sky1 = "SKY3"
cluster = 5
music = "MUS_E2M1"
map E5M2 lookup "HHUSTR_E5M2"
next = "E5M3"
secretnext = "E5M9"
sky1 = "SKY3"
cluster = 5
music = "MUS_E2M2"
map E5M3 lookup "HHUSTR_E5M3"
next = "E5M4"
secretnext = "E5M9"
sky1 = "SKY3"
cluster = 5
music = "MUS_E2M3"
map E5M4 lookup "HHUSTR_E5M4"
next = "E5M5"
secretnext = "E5M9"
sky1 = "SKY3"
cluster = 5
music = "MUS_E2M4"
map E5M5 lookup "HHUSTR_E5M5"
next = "E5M6"
secretnext = "E5M9"
sky1 = "SKY3"
cluster = 5
music = "MUS_E1M4"
map E5M6 lookup "HHUSTR_E5M6"
next = "E5M7"
secretnext = "E5M9"
sky1 = "SKY3"
cluster = 5
music = "MUS_E2M6"
map E5M7 lookup "HHUSTR_E5M7"
next = "E5M8"
secretnext = "E5M9"
sky1 = "SKY3"
cluster = 5
music = "MUS_E2M7"
map E5M8 lookup "HHUSTR_E5M8"
next = "EndGame1"
secretnext = "E5M9"
sky1 = "SKY3"
cluster = 5
music = "MUS_E2M8"
map E5M9 lookup "HHUSTR_E5M9"
next = "E5M4"
secretnext = "E5M4"
sky1 = "SKY3"
cluster = 5
music = "MUS_E2M9"
// Episode 6
map E6M1 "Untitled"
next = "E6M2"
secretnext = "E6M2"
sky1 = "SKY1"
cluster = 6
music = "MUS_E3M2"
map E6M2 "Untitled"
next = "E6M3"
secretnext = "E6M3"
sky1 = "SKY1"
cluster = 6
music = "MUS_E3M3"
map E6M3 "Untitled"
next = "E6M1"
secretnext = "E6M1"
sky1 = "SKY1"
cluster = 6
music = "MUS_E1M6"
// Clusters (correspond with same-numbered episode)
cluster 1
flat = "FLOOR25"
exittext = lookup, "HE1TEXT"
cluster 2
flat = "FLATHUH1"
exittext = lookup, "HE2TEXT"
cluster 3
flat = "FLTWAWA2"
exittext = lookup, "HE3TEXT"
cluster 4
flat = "FLOOR28"
exittext = lookup, "HE4TEXT"
cluster 5
flat = "FLOOR08"
exittext = lookup, "HE5TEXT"
cluster 6
flat = "FLOOR25"