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synced 2025-03-03 16:11:33 +00:00
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192 lines
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#include "xlat/doom.txt"
// xlat file for Eternity levels.
// Many specials are unsupported, especially portal stuff.
// Some unsupported linedefs wouldn't be hard to add to ZDoom,
// or are already there but implemented differently. Others are
// practically impossible, or aren't worth the effort.
define Unsupported (0)
// The tag for such a line is actually a key to find, in an ExtraData lump
// indicated for the current level by the EMAPINFO lump, what line special
// to actually use. This is how parameterized linedefs are used by Eternity
// in the Doom format. "xlating" this would thus be quite complicated...
270 = 0, Unsupported() // "ExtraDataSpecial"
// These two are standard MBF specials, no need to redefine them, they're in xlat/doom.txt
// 271 = 0, Static_Init (tag, Init_TransferSky, 0)
// 272 = 0, Static_Init (tag, Init_TransferSky, 1)
// Small script starters. Small is considered deprecated now anyway.
273 = 0, Unsupported() // "WR_StartScript_1S"
274 = 0, Unsupported() // "W1_StartScript"
275 = 0, Unsupported() // "W1_StartScript_1S"
276 = 0, Unsupported() // "SR_StartScript"
277 = 0, Unsupported() // "S1_StartScript"
278 = 0, Unsupported() // "GR_StartScript"
279 = 0, Unsupported() // "G1_StartScript"
280 = 0, Unsupported() // "WR_StartScript"
// 3D mid-textures
281 = 0, Sector_Attach3DMidtex(tag, 0, 0) // "3DMidTex_MoveWithFloor"
282 = 0, Sector_Attach3DMidtex(tag, 0, 1) // "3DMidTex_MoveWithCeiling"
// Plane portals are not supported in ZDoom, though they probably wouldn't be too hard to implement.
283 = 0, Unsupported() // "Portal_PlaneCeiling"
284 = 0, Unsupported() // "Portal_PlaneFloor"
285 = 0, Unsupported() // "Portal_PlaneFloorCeiling"
286 = 0, Unsupported() // "Portal_HorizonCeiling"
287 = 0, Unsupported() // "Portal_HorizonFloor"
288 = 0, Unsupported() // "Portal_HorizonFloorCeiling"
289 = 0, Unsupported() // "Portal_LineTransfer"
// Skybox portals
290 = 0, Sector_SetPortal(tag, 2, 1, 1, 0) // "Portal_SkyboxCeiling"
291 = 0, Sector_SetPortal(tag, 2, 0, 1, 0) // "Portal_SkyboxFloor"
292 = 0, Sector_SetPortal(tag, 2, 2, 1, 0) // "Portal_SkyboxFloorCeiling"
// Sector specials
293 = 0, Sector_SetWind(tag, 0, 0, 1) // "TransferHereticWind"
294 = 0, Sector_SetCurrent(tag, 0, 0, 1) // "TransferHereticCurrent"
// Anchored portals -- Sector_SetPortal needs to allow to set both floor and ceiling, though.
295 = 0, Sector_SetPortal(tag, 0, 1, 1, 0) // "Portal_AnchoredCeiling"
296 = 0, Sector_SetPortal(tag, 0, 0, 1, 0) // "Portal_AnchoredFloor"
297 = 0, Sector_SetPortal(tag, 0, 2, 1, 0) // "Portal_AnchoredFloorCeiling"
298 = 0, Sector_SetPortal(tag, 0, 1, 0, 0) // "Portal_AnchorLine"
299 = 0, Sector_SetPortal(tag, 0, 0, 0, 0) // "Portal_AnchorLineFloor"
// Parameterized linedefs
// They are never used directly in Doom-format maps. Instead, it passes through ExtraData and 270.
// Hexen format is incomplete; and Quasar wants to use ZDoom-compatible special values for UDMF.
// So there is no need to bother with them and they are listed only for completeness' sake.
300: "Door_Raise"
301: "Door_Open"
302: "Door_Close"
303: "Door_CloseWaitOpen"
304: "Door_WaitRaise"
305: "Door_WaitClose"
306: "Floor_RaiseToHighest"
307: "Floor_LowerToHighest"
308: "Floor_RaiseToLowest"
309: "Floor_LowerToLowest"
310: "Floor_RaiseToNearest"
311: "Floor_LowerToNearest"
312: "Floor_RaiseToLowestCeiling"
313: "Floor_LowerToLowestCeiling"
314: "Floor_RaiseToCeiling"
315: "Floor_RaiseByTexture"
316: "Floor_LowerByTexture"
317: "Floor_RaiseByValue"
318: "Floor_LowerByValue"
319: "Floor_MoveToValue"
320: "Floor_RaiseInstant"
321: "Floor_LowerInstant"
322: "Floor_ToCeilingInstant"
323: "Ceiling_RaiseToHighest"
324: "Ceiling_ToHighestInstant"
325: "Ceiling_RaiseToNearest"
326: "Ceiling_LowerToNearest"
327: "Ceiling_RaiseToLowest"
328: "Ceiling_LowerToLowest"
329: "Ceiling_RaiseToHighestFloor"
330: "Ceiling_LowerToHighestFloor"
331: "Ceiling_ToFloorInstant"
332: "Ceiling_LowerToFloor"
333: "Ceiling_RaiseByTexture"
334: "Ceiling_LowerByTexture"
335: "Ceiling_RaiseByValue"
336: "Ceiling_LowerByValue"
337: "Ceiling_MoveToValue"
338: "Ceiling_RaiseInstant"
339: "Ceiling_LowerInstant"
340: "Stairs_BuildUpDoom"
341: "Stairs_BuildDownDoom"
342: "Stairs_BuildUpDoomSync"
343: "Stairs_BuildDownDoomSync"
// Two-way portals are not supported yet either
344 = 0, Unsupported() // "Portal_TwowayCeiling"
345 = 0, Unsupported() // "Portal_TwowayFloor"
346 = 0, Unsupported() // "Portal_TwowayAnchorLine"
347 = 0, Unsupported() // "Portal_TwowayAnchorLineFloor"
// More parameterized linedefs
348: "Polyobj_StartLine"
349: "Polyobj_ExplicitLine"
350: "Polyobj_DoorSlide"
351: "Polyobj_DoorSwing"
352: "Polyobj_Move"
353: "Polyobj_OR_Move"
354: "Polyobj_RotateRight"
355: "Polyobj_OR_RotateRight"
356: "Polyobj_RotateLeft"
357: "Polyobj_OR_RotateLeft"
// Eternity's linked portals, vertical link version (floor-to-ceiling)
358 = 0, Unsupported() // "Portal_LinkedCeiling"
359 = 0, Unsupported() // "Portal_LinkedFloor"
360 = 0, Unsupported() // "Portal_LinkedAnchorLine"
361 = 0, Unsupported() // "Portal_LinkedAnchorLineFloor"
// Even more parameterized linedefs
362: "Pillar_Build"
363: "Pillar_BuildAndCrush"
364: "Pillar_Open"
365: "ACS_Execute"
366: "ACS_Suspend"
367: "ACS_Terminate"
368: "Light_RaiseByValue"
369: "Light_LowerByValue"
370: "Light_ChangeToValue"
371: "Light_Fade"
372: "Light_Glow"
373: "Light_Flicker"
374: "Light_Strobe"
375: "Radius_Quake"
// Eternity's linked portals, horizontal link version (wall-to-wall)
376 = 0, Unsupported() // "Portal_LinkedLineToLine"
377 = 0, Unsupported() // "Portal_LinkedLineToLineAnchor"
// The famous Hexen linedef
// 378 = Line_SetIdentification
// Attached sectors == linked sectors; However, the implementation in Eternity
// is based on front sectors of tagged lines, not on sector tags. So instead
// of Sector_SetLink, we pass through Static_Init to translate those.
379 = 0, Static_Init(tag, 3, 1) // "Attach_SetCeilingControl"
380 = 0, Static_Init(tag, 3, 0) // "Attach_SetFloorControl"
381 = 0, Static_Init(0, 3, 0, 1) // "Attach_FloorToControl"
382 = 0, Static_Init(0, 3, 1, 2) // "Attach_CeilingToControl"
383 = 0, Static_Init(0, 3, 0, 5) // "Attach_MirrorFloorToControl"
384 = 0, Static_Init(0, 3, 0, 10) // "Attach_MirrorCeilingToControl"
// Attach tagged portal to front sector
385 = 0, Sector_SetPortal(0, 1, 2, tag) // "Apply_PortalToFrontsector"
// Slopes!
386 = 0, Plane_Align (1, 0) // "Slope_FrontsectorFloor"
387 = 0, Plane_Align (0, 1) // "Slope_FrontsectorCeiling"
388 = 0, Plane_Align (1, 1) // "Slope_FrontsectorFloorAndCeiling"
389 = 0, Plane_Align (2, 0) // "Slope_BacksectorFloor"
390 = 0, Plane_Align (0, 2) // "Slope_BacksectorCeiling"
391 = 0, Plane_Align (2, 2) // "Slope_BacksectorFloorAndCeiling"
392 = 0, Plane_Align (2, 1) // "Slope_BackFloorAndFrontCeiling"
393 = 0, Plane_Align (1, 2) // "Slope_BackCeilingAndFrontFloor"
394 = 0, Plane_Copy (tag, 0) // "Slope_FrontFloorToTaggedSlope"
395 = 0, Plane_Copy (0, tag) // "Slope_FrontCeilingToTaggedSlope"
396 = 0, Plane_Copy(tag, tag)// "Slope_FrontFloorAndCeilingToTaggedSlope"
// Last parameterized linedefs
// 397 = Floor_Waggle
// 398 = Thing_Spawn
// 399 = Thing_SpawnNoFog
// 400 = Teleport_EndGame