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synced 2025-03-02 07:33:29 +00:00
Sadly, anything else makes no sense. All the recently made changes live or die, depending on this extension's presence. Without it, there are major performance issues with the buffer uploads. All of the traditional buffer upload methods are without exception horrendously slow, especially in the context of a Doom engine where frequent small updates are required. It could be solved with a complete restructuring of the engine, of course, but that's hardly worth the effort, considering it's only for legacy hardware whose market share will inevitably shrink considerably over the next years. And even then, under the best circumstances I'd still get the same performance as the old immediate mode renderer in GZDoom 1.x and still couldn't implement the additions I'd like to make. So, since I need to keep GZDoom 1.x around anyway for older GL 2.x hardware, it may as well serve for 3.x hardware, too. It's certainly less work than constantly trying to find workarounds for the older hardware's limitations that cost more time than working on future-proofing the engine. This new, trimmed down 4.x renderer runs on a core profile configuration and uses persistently mapped buffers for nearly everything that is getting transferred to the GPU. (The global uniforms are still being used as such but they'll be phased out after the first beta release.
220 lines
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220 lines
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OptionValue "SpriteclipModes"
0, "Never"
1, "Smart"
2, "Always"
3, "Smarter"
OptionValue "EnhancedStealth"
0, "Never"
1, "Infrared only"
2, "Infrared and torch"
3, "Any fixed colormap"
OptionValue "FilterModes"
0, "None"
1, "None (nearest mipmap)"
5, "None (linear mipmap)"
2, "Linear"
3, "Bilinear"
4, "Trilinear"
OptionValue "TextureFormats"
0, "RGBA8"
1, "RGB5_A1"
2, "RGBA4"
3, "RGBA2"
// [BB] Added modes for texture compression.
5, "S3TC_DXT1"
6, "S3TC_DXT3"
7, "S3TC_DXT5"
OptionValue "Anisotropy"
1, "Off"
2, "2x"
4, "4x"
8, "8x"
16, "16x"
OptionValue "Colormaps"
0, "Use as palette"
1, "Blend"
OptionValue "LightingModes"
0, "Standard"
1, "Bright"
2, "Doom"
3, "Dark"
4, "Legacy"
8, "Software"
OptionValue "Precision"
0, "Speed"
1, "Quality"
OptionValue "Hz"
0, "Optimal"
60, "60"
70, "70"
72, "72"
75, "75"
85, "85"
100, "100"
OptionValue "BillboardModes"
0, "Y Axis"
1, "X/Y Axis"
OptionValue "Particles"
0, "Square"
1, "Round"
2, "Smooth"
OptionValue "HqResizeModes"
0, "Off"
1, "Scale2x"
2, "Scale3x"
3, "Scale4x"
4, "hq2x"
5, "hq3x"
6, "hq4x"
OptionValue "FogMode"
0, "Off"
1, "Standard"
2, "Radial"
OptionValue "FuzzStyle"
0, "Shadow"
1, "Pixel fuzz"
2, "Smooth fuzz"
3, "Swirly fuzz"
4, "Translucent fuzz"
6, "Noise"
7, "Smooth Noise"
//5, "Jagged fuzz" I can't see any difference between this and 4 so it's disabled for now.
OptionMenu "GLTextureGLOptions"
Option "Textures enabled", gl_texture, "YesNo"
Option "Texture Filter mode", gl_texture_filter, "FilterModes"
Option "Anisotropic filter", gl_texture_filter_anisotropic, "Anisotropy"
Option "Texture Format", gl_texture_format, "TextureFormats"
Option "Enable hires textures", gl_texture_usehires, "YesNo"
Option "High Quality Resize mode", gl_texture_hqresize, "HqResizeModes"
Option "Resize textures", gl_texture_hqresize_textures, "OnOff"
Option "Resize sprites", gl_texture_hqresize_sprites, "OnOff"
Option "Resize fonts", gl_texture_hqresize_fonts, "OnOff"
Option "Precache GL textures", gl_precache, "YesNo"
Option "Camera textures offscreen", gl_usefb, "OnOff"
Option "Trim sprite edges", gl_trimsprites, "OnOff"
OptionMenu "GLLightOptions"
Option "Dynamic Lights enabled", gl_lights, "YesNo"
Option "Enable light definitions", gl_attachedlights, "YesNo"
Option "Clip lights", gl_lights_checkside, "YesNo"
Option "Lights affect sprites", gl_light_sprites, "YesNo"
Option "Lights affect particles", gl_light_particles, "YesNo"
Option "Force additive lighting", gl_lights_additive, "YesNo"
Slider "Light intensity", gl_lights_intensity, 0.0, 1.0, 0.1
Slider "Light size", gl_lights_size, 0.0, 2.0, 0.1
OptionMenu "GLPrefOptions"
Option "Sector light mode", gl_lightmode, "LightingModes"
Option "Fog mode", gl_fogmode, "FogMode"
Option "Fog forces fullbright", gl_brightfog, "YesNo"
Slider "Weapon light strength", gl_weaponlight, 0,32, 2
Option "Environment map on mirrors",gl_mirror_envmap, "OnOff"
Option "Enhanced night vision mode",gl_enhanced_nightvision, "OnOff"
Option "ENV shows stealth monsters",gl_enhanced_nv_stealth, "EnhancedStealth"
Option "Force brightness in fog", gl_spritebrightfog, "OnOff"
Option "Adjust sprite clipping", gl_spriteclip, "SpriteclipModes"
Option "Smooth sprite edges", gl_sprite_blend, "OnOff"
Option "Fuzz Style", gl_fuzztype, "FuzzStyle"
Option "Sprite billboard", gl_billboard_mode, "BillboardModes"
Option "Particle style", gl_particles_style, "Particles"
Slider "Ambient light level", gl_light_ambient, 1.0, 255.0, 5.0
Option "Rendering quality", gl_render_precise, "Precision"
OptionMenu "OpenGLOptions"
Submenu "Dynamic Light Options", "GLLightOptions"
Submenu "Texture Options", "GLTextureGLOptions"
Submenu "Preferences", "GLPrefOptions"
OptionMenu "VideoOptions"
Submenu "OpenGL Options", "OpenGLOptions"
Submenu "Scoreboard Options", "ScoreboardOptions"
StaticText " "
Slider "Screen size", "screenblocks", 3.0, 12.0, 1.0, 0
Slider "Gamma correction", "Gamma", 0.75, 3.0, 0.05, 2
Slider "Brightness", "vid_brightness", -0.8,0.8, 0.05
Slider "Contrast", "vid_contrast", 0.1, 3.0, 0.1
Option "Vertical Sync", "vid_vsync", "OnOff"
StaticText " "
Option "Screen wipe style", "wipetype", "Wipes"
Option "Show ENDOOM screen", "showendoom", "Endoom"
Option "Stretch short skies", "r_stretchsky", "OnOff"
Option "Use fuzz effect", "r_drawfuzz", "Fuzziness"
Slider "Lost Soul translucency", "transsouls", 0.25, 1.0, 0.05, 2
Option "Use fake contrast", "r_fakecontrast", "Contrast"
Option "Rocket Trails", "cl_rockettrails", "RocketTrailTypes"
Option "Blood Type", "cl_bloodtype", "BloodTypes"
Option "Bullet Puff Type", "cl_pufftype", "PuffTypes"
Slider "Number of particles", "r_maxparticles", 100, 10000, 100, 0
Option "Show player sprites", "r_drawplayersprites", "OnOff"
Option "Death camera", "r_deathcamera", "OnOff"
Option "Teleporter zoom", "telezoom", "OnOff"
Option "Interpolate monster movement", "nomonsterinterpolation", "NoYes"