Christoph Oelckers 66d28a24b8 - disabled the scripted virtual function module after finding out that it only works if each single class that may serve as a parent for scripting is explicitly declared.
Needless to say, this is simply too volatile and would require constant active maintenance, not to mention a huge amount of work up front to get going.
It also hid a nasty problem with the Destroy method. Due to the way the garbage collector works, Destroy cannot be exposed to scripts as-is. It may be called from scripts but it may not be overridden from scripts because the garbage collector can call this function after all data needed for calling a scripted override has already been destroyed because if that data is also being collected there is no guarantee that proper order of destruction is observed. So for now Destroy is just a normal native method to scripted classes
2016-11-25 00:25:26 +01:00

591 lines
16 KiB

#include <assert.h>
#include "info.h"
#include "gi.h"
#include "a_pickups.h"
#include "templates.h"
#include "g_level.h"
#include "d_player.h"
#include "serializer.h"
#include "cmdlib.h"
IMPLEMENT_CLASS(AArmor, false, false)
IMPLEMENT_CLASS(ABasicArmor, false, false)
IMPLEMENT_CLASS(ABasicArmorPickup, false, false)
IMPLEMENT_CLASS(ABasicArmorBonus, false, false)
IMPLEMENT_CLASS(AHexenArmor, false, false)
DEFINE_FIELD(ABasicArmor, AbsorbCount)
DEFINE_FIELD(ABasicArmor, SavePercent)
DEFINE_FIELD(ABasicArmor, MaxAbsorb)
DEFINE_FIELD(ABasicArmor, MaxFullAbsorb)
DEFINE_FIELD(ABasicArmor, BonusCount)
DEFINE_FIELD(ABasicArmor, ArmorType)
DEFINE_FIELD(ABasicArmor, ActualSaveAmount)
// ABasicArmor :: Serialize
void ABasicArmor::Serialize(FSerializer &arc)
Super::Serialize (arc);
auto def = (ABasicArmor *)GetDefault();
arc("savepercent", SavePercent, def->SavePercent)
("bonuscount", BonusCount, def->BonusCount)
("maxabsorb", MaxAbsorb, def->MaxAbsorb)
("maxfullabsorb", MaxFullAbsorb, def->MaxFullAbsorb)
("absorbcount", AbsorbCount, def->AbsorbCount)
("armortype", ArmorType, def->ArmorType)
("actualsaveamount", ActualSaveAmount, def->ActualSaveAmount);
// ABasicArmor :: Tick
// If BasicArmor is given to the player by means other than a
// BasicArmorPickup, then it may not have an icon set. Fix that here.
void ABasicArmor::Tick ()
Super::Tick ();
AbsorbCount = 0;
if (!Icon.isValid())
FString icon = gameinfo.ArmorIcon1;
if (SavePercent >= gameinfo.Armor2Percent && gameinfo.ArmorIcon2.Len() != 0)
icon = gameinfo.ArmorIcon2;
if (icon[0] != 0)
Icon = TexMan.CheckForTexture (icon, FTexture::TEX_Any);
// ABasicArmor :: CreateCopy
AInventory *ABasicArmor::CreateCopy (AActor *other)
// BasicArmor that is in use is stored in the inventory as BasicArmor.
// BasicArmor that is in reserve is not.
ABasicArmor *copy = Spawn<ABasicArmor> ();
copy->SavePercent = SavePercent != 0 ? SavePercent : 0.33335; // slightly more than 1/3 to avoid roundoff errors.
copy->Amount = Amount;
copy->MaxAmount = MaxAmount;
copy->Icon = Icon;
copy->BonusCount = BonusCount;
copy->ArmorType = ArmorType;
copy->ActualSaveAmount = ActualSaveAmount;
GoAwayAndDie ();
return copy;
// ABasicArmor :: HandlePickup
bool ABasicArmor::HandlePickup (AInventory *item)
if (item->GetClass() == RUNTIME_CLASS(ABasicArmor))
// You shouldn't be picking up BasicArmor anyway.
return true;
if (item->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(ABasicArmorBonus)) && !(item->ItemFlags & IF_IGNORESKILL))
ABasicArmorBonus *armor = static_cast<ABasicArmorBonus*>(item);
armor->SaveAmount = int(armor->SaveAmount * G_SkillProperty(SKILLP_ArmorFactor));
else if (item->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(ABasicArmorPickup)) && !(item->ItemFlags & IF_IGNORESKILL))
ABasicArmorPickup *armor = static_cast<ABasicArmorPickup*>(item);
armor->SaveAmount = int(armor->SaveAmount * G_SkillProperty(SKILLP_ArmorFactor));
if (Inventory != NULL)
return Inventory->HandlePickup (item);
return false;
// ABasicArmor :: AbsorbDamage
void ABasicArmor::AbsorbDamage (int damage, FName damageType, int &newdamage)
int saved;
if (!DamageTypeDefinition::IgnoreArmor(damageType))
int full = MAX(0, MaxFullAbsorb - AbsorbCount);
if (damage < full)
saved = damage;
saved = full + int((damage - full) * SavePercent);
if (MaxAbsorb > 0 && saved + AbsorbCount > MaxAbsorb)
saved = MAX(0, MaxAbsorb - AbsorbCount);
if (Amount < saved)
saved = Amount;
newdamage -= saved;
Amount -= saved;
AbsorbCount += saved;
if (Amount == 0)
// The armor has become useless
SavePercent = 0;
ArmorType = NAME_None; // Not NAME_BasicArmor.
// Now see if the player has some more armor in their inventory
// and use it if so. As in Strife, the best armor is used up first.
ABasicArmorPickup *best = NULL;
AInventory *probe = Owner->Inventory;
while (probe != NULL)
if (probe->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(ABasicArmorPickup)))
ABasicArmorPickup *inInv = static_cast<ABasicArmorPickup*>(probe);
if (best == NULL || best->SavePercent < inInv->SavePercent)
best = inInv;
probe = probe->Inventory;
if (best != NULL)
Owner->UseInventory (best);
damage = newdamage;
// Once the armor has absorbed its part of the damage, then apply its damage factor, if any, to the player
if ((damage > 0) && (ArmorType != NAME_None)) // BasicArmor is not going to have any damage factor, so skip it.
// This code is taken and adapted from APowerProtection::ModifyDamage().
// The differences include not using a default value, and of course the way
// the damage factor info is obtained.
DmgFactors *df = PClass::FindActor(ArmorType)->DamageFactors;
if (df != NULL)
damage = newdamage = df->Apply(damageType, damage);
if (Inventory != NULL)
Inventory->AbsorbDamage (damage, damageType, newdamage);
DEFINE_FIELD(ABasicArmorPickup, SavePercent)
DEFINE_FIELD(ABasicArmorPickup, MaxAbsorb)
DEFINE_FIELD(ABasicArmorPickup, MaxFullAbsorb)
DEFINE_FIELD(ABasicArmorPickup, SaveAmount)
// ABasicArmorPickup :: Serialize
void ABasicArmorPickup::Serialize(FSerializer &arc)
Super::Serialize (arc);
auto def = (ABasicArmorPickup *)GetDefault();
arc("savepercent", SavePercent, def->SavePercent)
("saveamount", SaveAmount, def->SaveAmount)
("maxabsorb", MaxAbsorb, def->MaxAbsorb)
("maxfullabsorb", MaxFullAbsorb, def->MaxFullAbsorb);
// ABasicArmorPickup :: CreateCopy
AInventory *ABasicArmorPickup::CreateCopy (AActor *other)
ABasicArmorPickup *copy = static_cast<ABasicArmorPickup *> (Super::CreateCopy (other));
if (!(ItemFlags & IF_IGNORESKILL))
SaveAmount = int(SaveAmount * G_SkillProperty(SKILLP_ArmorFactor));
copy->SavePercent = SavePercent;
copy->SaveAmount = SaveAmount;
copy->MaxAbsorb = MaxAbsorb;
copy->MaxFullAbsorb = MaxFullAbsorb;
return copy;
// ABasicArmorPickup :: Use
// Either gives you new armor or replaces the armor you already have (if
// the SaveAmount is greater than the amount of armor you own). When the
// item is auto-activated, it will only be activated if its max amount is 0
// or if you have no armor active already.
bool ABasicArmorPickup::Use (bool pickup)
ABasicArmor *armor = Owner->FindInventory<ABasicArmor> ();
if (armor == NULL)
armor = Spawn<ABasicArmor> ();
armor->BecomeItem ();
Owner->AddInventory (armor);
// If you already have more armor than this item gives you, you can't
// use it.
if (armor->Amount >= SaveAmount + armor->BonusCount)
return false;
// Don't use it if you're picking it up and already have some.
if (pickup && armor->Amount > 0 && MaxAmount > 0)
return false;
armor->SavePercent = SavePercent;
armor->Amount = SaveAmount + armor->BonusCount;
armor->MaxAmount = SaveAmount;
armor->Icon = Icon;
armor->MaxAbsorb = MaxAbsorb;
armor->MaxFullAbsorb = MaxFullAbsorb;
armor->ArmorType = this->GetClass()->TypeName;
armor->ActualSaveAmount = SaveAmount;
return true;
// ABasicArmorBonus
DEFINE_FIELD(ABasicArmorBonus, SavePercent)
DEFINE_FIELD(ABasicArmorBonus, MaxSaveAmount)
DEFINE_FIELD(ABasicArmorBonus, MaxAbsorb)
DEFINE_FIELD(ABasicArmorBonus, MaxFullAbsorb)
DEFINE_FIELD(ABasicArmorBonus, SaveAmount)
DEFINE_FIELD(ABasicArmorBonus, BonusCount)
DEFINE_FIELD(ABasicArmorBonus, BonusMax)
// ABasicArmorBonus :: Serialize
void ABasicArmorBonus::Serialize(FSerializer &arc)
Super::Serialize (arc);
auto def = (ABasicArmorBonus *)GetDefault();
arc("savepercent", SavePercent, def->SavePercent)
("saveamount", SaveAmount, def->SaveAmount)
("maxsaveamount", MaxSaveAmount, def->MaxSaveAmount)
("bonuscount", BonusCount, def->BonusCount)
("bonusmax", BonusMax, def->BonusMax)
("maxabsorb", MaxAbsorb, def->MaxAbsorb)
("maxfullabsorb", MaxFullAbsorb, def->MaxFullAbsorb);
// ABasicArmorBonus :: CreateCopy
AInventory *ABasicArmorBonus::CreateCopy (AActor *other)
ABasicArmorBonus *copy = static_cast<ABasicArmorBonus *> (Super::CreateCopy (other));
if (!(ItemFlags & IF_IGNORESKILL))
SaveAmount = int(SaveAmount * G_SkillProperty(SKILLP_ArmorFactor));
copy->SavePercent = SavePercent;
copy->SaveAmount = SaveAmount;
copy->MaxSaveAmount = MaxSaveAmount;
copy->BonusCount = BonusCount;
copy->BonusMax = BonusMax;
copy->MaxAbsorb = MaxAbsorb;
copy->MaxFullAbsorb = MaxFullAbsorb;
return copy;
// ABasicArmorBonus :: Use
// Tries to add to the amount of BasicArmor a player has.
bool ABasicArmorBonus::Use (bool pickup)
ABasicArmor *armor = Owner->FindInventory<ABasicArmor> ();
bool result = false;
if (armor == NULL)
armor = Spawn<ABasicArmor> ();
armor->BecomeItem ();
armor->Amount = 0;
armor->MaxAmount = MaxSaveAmount;
Owner->AddInventory (armor);
if (BonusCount > 0 && armor->BonusCount < BonusMax)
armor->BonusCount = MIN (armor->BonusCount + BonusCount, BonusMax);
result = true;
int saveAmount = MIN (SaveAmount, MaxSaveAmount);
if (saveAmount <= 0)
{ // If it can't give you anything, it's as good as used.
return BonusCount > 0 ? result : true;
// If you already have more armor than this item can give you, you can't
// use it.
if (armor->Amount >= MaxSaveAmount + armor->BonusCount)
return result;
if (armor->Amount <= 0)
{ // Should never be less than 0, but might as well check anyway
armor->Amount = 0;
armor->Icon = Icon;
armor->SavePercent = SavePercent;
armor->MaxAbsorb = MaxAbsorb;
armor->ArmorType = this->GetClass()->TypeName;
armor->MaxFullAbsorb = MaxFullAbsorb;
armor->ActualSaveAmount = MaxSaveAmount;
armor->Amount = MIN(armor->Amount + saveAmount, MaxSaveAmount + armor->BonusCount);
armor->MaxAmount = MAX (armor->MaxAmount, MaxSaveAmount);
return true;
DEFINE_FIELD(AHexenArmor, Slots)
DEFINE_FIELD(AHexenArmor, SlotsIncrement)
// AHexenArmor :: Serialize
void AHexenArmor::Serialize(FSerializer &arc)
Super::Serialize (arc);
auto def = (AHexenArmor *)GetDefault();
arc.Array("slots", Slots, def->Slots, 5, true)
.Array("slotsincrement", SlotsIncrement, def->SlotsIncrement, 4);
// AHexenArmor :: CreateCopy
AInventory *AHexenArmor::CreateCopy (AActor *other)
// Like BasicArmor, HexenArmor is used in the inventory but not the map.
// health is the slot this armor occupies.
// Amount is the quantity to give (0 = normal max).
AHexenArmor *copy = Spawn<AHexenArmor> ();
copy->AddArmorToSlot (other, health, Amount);
GoAwayAndDie ();
return copy;
// AHexenArmor :: CreateTossable
// Since this isn't really a single item, you can't drop it. Ever.
AInventory *AHexenArmor::CreateTossable ()
return NULL;
// AHexenArmor :: HandlePickup
bool AHexenArmor::HandlePickup (AInventory *item)
if (item->IsKindOf (RUNTIME_CLASS(AHexenArmor)))
if (AddArmorToSlot (Owner, item->health, item->Amount))
item->ItemFlags |= IF_PICKUPGOOD;
return true;
else if (Inventory != NULL)
return Inventory->HandlePickup (item);
return false;
// AHexenArmor :: AddArmorToSlot
bool AHexenArmor::AddArmorToSlot (AActor *actor, int slot, int amount)
APlayerPawn *ppawn;
double hits;
if (actor->player != NULL)
ppawn = static_cast<APlayerPawn *>(actor);
ppawn = NULL;
if (slot < 0 || slot > 3)
return false;
if (amount <= 0)
hits = SlotsIncrement[slot];
if (Slots[slot] < hits)
Slots[slot] = hits;
return true;
hits = amount * 5;
auto total = Slots[0] + Slots[1] + Slots[2] + Slots[3] + Slots[4];
auto max = SlotsIncrement[0] + SlotsIncrement[1] + SlotsIncrement[2] + SlotsIncrement[3] + Slots[4] + 4 * 5;
if (total < max)
Slots[slot] += hits;
return true;
return false;
// AHexenArmor :: AbsorbDamage
void AHexenArmor::AbsorbDamage (int damage, FName damageType, int &newdamage)
if (!DamageTypeDefinition::IgnoreArmor(damageType))
double savedPercent = Slots[0] + Slots[1] + Slots[2] + Slots[3] + Slots[4];
if (savedPercent)
{ // armor absorbed some damage
if (savedPercent > 100)
savedPercent = 100;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (Slots[i])
// 300 damage always wipes out the armor unless some was added
// with the dragon skin bracers.
if (damage < 10000)
Slots[i] -= damage * SlotsIncrement[i] / 300.;
if (Slots[i] < 2)
Slots[i] = 0;
Slots[i] = 0;
int saved = int(damage * savedPercent / 100.);
if (saved > savedPercent*2)
saved = int(savedPercent*2);
newdamage -= saved;
damage = newdamage;
if (Inventory != NULL)
Inventory->AbsorbDamage (damage, damageType, newdamage);
void AHexenArmor::DepleteOrDestroy()
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
Slots[i] = 0;