mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 07:33:29 +00:00
Note that this completely disables the newly added keywords 'play' and 'ui' for unversioned code to allow using them as identifiers as I have found at least one mod that uses a variable named 'play' that would have been rendered broken otherwise. This also disables many ZScript only keywords for other parsing jobs.
348 lines
11 KiB
Executable file
348 lines
11 KiB
Executable file
class BaseEvent native version("2.4") { } // just a base class. it doesn't inherit from Object on the scripting side so you can't call Destroy() on it and break everything.
class RenderEvent : BaseEvent native ui version("2.4")
native readonly Vector3 ViewPos;
native readonly double ViewAngle;
native readonly double ViewPitch;
native readonly double ViewRoll;
native readonly double FracTic;
native readonly Actor Camera;
class WorldEvent : BaseEvent native play version("2.4")
// for loaded/unloaded
native readonly bool IsSaveGame;
// this will be true if we are re-entering the hub level.
native readonly bool IsReopen;
// for thingspawned/thingdied/thingdestroyed
native readonly Actor Thing;
// for thingdied. can be null
native readonly Actor Inflictor;
// for thingdamaged.
native readonly int Damage;
native readonly Actor DamageSource;
native readonly Name DamageType;
native readonly EDmgFlags DamageFlags;
native readonly double DamageAngle;
class PlayerEvent : BaseEvent native play version("2.4")
// this is the player number that caused the event.
// note: you can get player struct from this by using players[e.PlayerNumber]
native readonly int PlayerNumber;
// this will be true if we are re-entering the hub level.
native readonly bool IsReturn;
class UiEvent : BaseEvent native ui version("2.4")
// d_gui.h
enum EGUIEvent
Type_FirstMouseEvent, // ?
Type_WheelRight, // ???
Type_WheelLeft, // ???
Type_BackButtonDown, // ???
Type_BackButtonUp, // ???
Type_FwdButtonDown, // ???
Type_FwdButtonUp, // ???
// for KeyDown, KeyRepeat, KeyUp
enum ESpecialGUIKeys
Key_PgDn = 1,
Key_PgUp = 2,
Key_Home = 3,
Key_End = 4,
Key_Left = 5,
Key_Right = 6,
Key_Alert = 7, // ASCII bell
Key_Backspace = 8, // ASCII
Key_Tab = 9, // ASCII
Key_LineFeed = 10, // ASCII
Key_Down = 10,
Key_VTab = 11, // ASCII
Key_Up = 11,
Key_FormFeed = 12, // ASCII
Key_Return = 13, // ASCII
Key_F1 = 14,
Key_F2 = 15,
Key_F3 = 16,
Key_F4 = 17,
Key_F5 = 18,
Key_F6 = 19,
Key_F7 = 20,
Key_F8 = 21,
Key_F9 = 22,
Key_F10 = 23,
Key_F11 = 24,
Key_F12 = 25,
Key_Del = 26,
Key_Escape = 27, // ASCII
Key_Free1 = 28,
Key_Free2 = 29,
Key_Back = 30, // browser back key
Key_CEscape = 31 // color escape
native readonly EGUIEvent Type;
native readonly String KeyString;
native readonly int KeyChar;
native readonly int MouseX;
native readonly int MouseY;
native readonly bool IsShift;
native readonly bool IsCtrl;
native readonly bool IsAlt;
class InputEvent : BaseEvent native play version("2.4")
enum EGenericEvent
Type_GUI, // unused, kept for completeness
// ew.
enum EDoomInputKeys
Key_Pause = 0xc5, // DIK_PAUSE
Key_RightArrow = 0xcd, // DIK_RIGHT
Key_LeftArrow = 0xcb, // DIK_LEFT
Key_UpArrow = 0xc8, // DIK_UP
Key_DownArrow = 0xd0, // DIK_DOWN
Key_Escape = 0x01, // DIK_ESCAPE
Key_Enter = 0x1c, // DIK_RETURN
Key_Space = 0x39, // DIK_SPACE
Key_Tab = 0x0f, // DIK_TAB
Key_F1 = 0x3b, // DIK_F1
Key_F2 = 0x3c, // DIK_F2
Key_F3 = 0x3d, // DIK_F3
Key_F4 = 0x3e, // DIK_F4
Key_F5 = 0x3f, // DIK_F5
Key_F6 = 0x40, // DIK_F6
Key_F7 = 0x41, // DIK_F7
Key_F8 = 0x42, // DIK_F8
Key_F9 = 0x43, // DIK_F9
Key_F10 = 0x44, // DIK_F10
Key_F11 = 0x57, // DIK_F11
Key_F12 = 0x58, // DIK_F12
Key_Grave = 0x29, // DIK_GRAVE
Key_Backspace = 0x0e, // DIK_BACK
Key_Equals = 0x0d, // DIK_EQUALS
Key_Minus = 0x0c, // DIK_MINUS
Key_LShift = 0x2A, // DIK_LSHIFT
Key_LCtrl = 0x1d, // DIK_LCONTROL
Key_LAlt = 0x38, // DIK_LMENU
Key_RShift = Key_LSHIFT,
Key_RCtrl = Key_LCTRL,
Key_RAlt = Key_LALT,
Key_Ins = 0xd2, // DIK_INSERT
Key_Del = 0xd3, // DIK_DELETE
Key_End = 0xcf, // DIK_END
Key_Home = 0xc7, // DIK_HOME
Key_PgUp = 0xc9, // DIK_PRIOR
Key_PgDn = 0xd1, // DIK_NEXT
Key_Mouse1 = 0x100,
Key_Mouse2 = 0x101,
Key_Mouse3 = 0x102,
Key_Mouse4 = 0x103,
Key_Mouse5 = 0x104,
Key_Mouse6 = 0x105,
Key_Mouse7 = 0x106,
Key_Mouse8 = 0x107,
Key_FirstJoyButton = 0x108,
Key_Joy1 = (Key_FirstJoyButton+0),
Key_Joy2 = (Key_FirstJoyButton+1),
Key_Joy3 = (Key_FirstJoyButton+2),
Key_Joy4 = (Key_FirstJoyButton+3),
Key_Joy5 = (Key_FirstJoyButton+4),
Key_Joy6 = (Key_FirstJoyButton+5),
Key_Joy7 = (Key_FirstJoyButton+6),
Key_Joy8 = (Key_FirstJoyButton+7),
Key_LastJoyButton = 0x187,
Key_JoyPOV1_Up = 0x188,
Key_JoyPOV1_Right = 0x189,
Key_JoyPOV1_Down = 0x18a,
Key_JoyPOV1_Left = 0x18b,
Key_JoyPOV2_Up = 0x18c,
Key_JoyPOV3_Up = 0x190,
Key_JoyPOV4_Up = 0x194,
Key_MWheelUp = 0x198,
Key_MWheelDown = 0x199,
Key_MWheelRight = 0x19A,
Key_MWheelLeft = 0x19B,
Key_JoyAxis1Plus = 0x19C,
Key_JoyAxis1Minus = 0x19D,
Key_JoyAxis2Plus = 0x19E,
Key_JoyAxis2Minus = 0x19F,
Key_JoyAxis3Plus = 0x1A0,
Key_JoyAxis3Minus = 0x1A1,
Key_JoyAxis4Plus = 0x1A2,
Key_JoyAxis4Minus = 0x1A3,
Key_JoyAxis5Plus = 0x1A4,
Key_JoyAxis5Minus = 0x1A5,
Key_JoyAxis6Plus = 0x1A6,
Key_JoyAxis6Minus = 0x1A7,
Key_JoyAxis7Plus = 0x1A8,
Key_JoyAxis7Minus = 0x1A9,
Key_JoyAxis8Plus = 0x1AA,
Key_JoyAxis8Minus = 0x1AB,
Num_JoyAxisButtons = 8,
Key_Pad_LThumb_Right = 0x1AC,
Key_Pad_LThumb_Left = 0x1AD,
Key_Pad_LThumb_Down = 0x1AE,
Key_Pad_LThumb_Up = 0x1AF,
Key_Pad_RThumb_Right = 0x1B0,
Key_Pad_RThumb_Left = 0x1B1,
Key_Pad_RThumb_Down = 0x1B2,
Key_Pad_RThumb_Up = 0x1B3,
Key_Pad_DPad_Up = 0x1B4,
Key_Pad_DPad_Down = 0x1B5,
Key_Pad_DPad_Left = 0x1B6,
Key_Pad_DPad_Right = 0x1B7,
Key_Pad_Start = 0x1B8,
Key_Pad_Back = 0x1B9,
Key_Pad_LThumb = 0x1BA,
Key_Pad_RThumb = 0x1BB,
Key_Pad_LShoulder = 0x1BC,
Key_Pad_RShoulder = 0x1BD,
Key_Pad_LTrigger = 0x1BE,
Key_Pad_RTrigger = 0x1BF,
Key_Pad_A = 0x1C0,
Key_Pad_B = 0x1C1,
Key_Pad_X = 0x1C2,
Key_Pad_Y = 0x1C3,
Num_Keys = 0x1C4
native readonly EGenericEvent Type;
native readonly int KeyScan; // as in EDoomInputKeys enum
native readonly String KeyString;
native readonly int KeyChar; // ASCII char (if any)
native readonly int MouseX;
native readonly int MouseY;
class ConsoleEvent : BaseEvent native version("2.4")
// for net events, this will be the activator.
// for UI events, this is always -1, and you need to check if level is loaded and use players[consoleplayer].
native readonly int Player;
native readonly String Name;
native readonly int Args[3];
class StaticEventHandler : Object native play version("2.4")
// static event handlers CAN register other static event handlers.
// unlike EventHandler.Create that will not create them.
clearscope static native StaticEventHandler Create(class<StaticEventHandler> type);
clearscope static native StaticEventHandler CreateOnce(class<StaticEventHandler> type);
clearscope static native StaticEventHandler Find(Class<StaticEventHandler> type); // just for convenience. who knows.
clearscope static native bool Register(StaticEventHandler handler);
clearscope static native bool Unregister(StaticEventHandler handler);
// these are called when the handler gets registered or unregistered
// you can set Order/IsUiProcessor here.
virtual native void OnRegister();
virtual native void OnUnregister();
// actual handlers are here
virtual native void WorldLoaded(WorldEvent e);
virtual native void WorldUnloaded(WorldEvent e);
virtual native void WorldThingSpawned(WorldEvent e);
virtual native void WorldThingDied(WorldEvent e);
virtual native void WorldThingRevived(WorldEvent e);
virtual native void WorldThingDamaged(WorldEvent e);
virtual native void WorldThingDestroyed(WorldEvent e);
virtual native void WorldLightning(WorldEvent e); // for the sake of completeness.
virtual native void WorldTick(WorldEvent e);
virtual native ui void RenderFrame(RenderEvent e);
virtual native ui void RenderOverlay(RenderEvent e);
virtual native void PlayerEntered(PlayerEvent e);
virtual native void PlayerRespawned(PlayerEvent e);
virtual native void PlayerDied(PlayerEvent e);
virtual native void PlayerDisconnected(PlayerEvent e);
virtual native ui bool UiProcess(UiEvent e);
virtual native bool InputProcess(InputEvent e);
virtual native ui void ConsoleProcess(ConsoleEvent e);
virtual native void NetworkProcess(ConsoleEvent e);
// this value will be queried on Register() to decide the relative order of this handler to every other.
// this is most useful in UI systems.
// default is 0.
native readonly int Order;
native void SetOrder(int order);
// this value will be queried on user input to decide whether to send UiProcess to this handler.
native bool IsUiProcessor;
// this value determines whether mouse input is required.
native bool RequireMouse;
class EventHandler : StaticEventHandler native version("2.4")
clearscope static native StaticEventHandler Create(class<StaticEventHandler> type);
clearscope static native StaticEventHandler CreateOnce(class<StaticEventHandler> type);
clearscope static native StaticEventHandler Find(class<StaticEventHandler> type);
clearscope static native bool Register(StaticEventHandler handler);
clearscope static native bool Unregister(StaticEventHandler handler);
clearscope static native void SendNetworkEvent(String name, int arg1 = 0, int arg2 = 0, int arg3 = 0);