2018-12-01 16:03:58 +00:00
extend class PlayerPawn
// APlayerPawn :: AddInventory
override void AddInventory (Inventory item)
// Adding inventory to a voodoo doll should add it to the real player instead.
if (player != NULL && player.mo != self && player.mo != NULL)
player.mo.AddInventory (item);
Super.AddInventory (item);
// If nothing is selected, select this item.
if (InvSel == NULL && item.bInvBar)
InvSel = item;
2018-12-01 16:09:23 +00:00
// APlayerPawn :: RemoveInventory
override void RemoveInventory (Inventory item)
bool pickWeap = false;
// Since voodoo dolls aren't supposed to have an inventory, there should be
// no need to redirect them to the real player here as there is with AddInventory.
// If the item removed is the selected one, select something else, either the next
// item, if there is one, or the previous item.
if (player != NULL)
if (InvSel == item)
InvSel = item.NextInv ();
if (InvSel == NULL)
InvSel = item.PrevInv ();
if (InvFirst == item)
InvFirst = item.NextInv ();
if (InvFirst == NULL)
InvFirst = item.PrevInv ();
if (item == player.PendingWeapon)
player.PendingWeapon = WP_NOCHANGE;
if (item == player.ReadyWeapon)
// If the current weapon is removed, clear the refire counter and pick a new one.
pickWeap = true;
player.ReadyWeapon = NULL;
player.refire = 0;
Super.RemoveInventory (item);
if (pickWeap && player.mo == self && player.PendingWeapon == WP_NOCHANGE)
PickNewWeapon (NULL);
2018-12-01 16:17:08 +00:00
// APlayerPawn :: UseInventory
override bool UseInventory (Inventory item)
let itemtype = item.GetClass();
if (player.cheats & CF_TOTALLYFROZEN)
{ // You can't use items if you're totally frozen
return false;
if ((level.FROZEN) && (player == NULL || player.timefreezer == 0))
// Time frozen
return false;
if (!Super.UseInventory (item))
// Heretic and Hexen advance the inventory cursor if the use failed.
// Should this behavior be retained?
return false;
if (player == players[consoleplayer])
A_PlaySound(item.UseSound, CHAN_ITEM);
StatusBar.FlashItem (itemtype); // Fixme: This shouldn't be called from here, because it is in the UI.
return true;
2018-12-01 16:03:58 +00:00