mirror of
synced 2025-02-07 15:31:02 +00:00
For now only with font-printed map names. Allowing this with titlepatches will require more work and an option to disable.
221 lines
4.4 KiB
221 lines
4.4 KiB
include "mapinfo/common.txt"
include "mapinfo/doomitems.txt"
titlepage = "TITLEPIC"
creditpage = "CREDIT"
titlemusic = "$MUSIC_DM2TTL"
titletime = 11
advisorytime = 0
pagetime = 5
chatsound = "misc/chat"
finalemusic = "$MUSIC_READ_M"
finaleflat = "SLIME16"
finalepage = "CREDIT"
infopage = "HELP", "CREDIT"
quitsound = "menu/quit2"
borderflat = "GRNROCK"
border = DoomBorder
telefogheight = 0
defkickback = 100
skyflatname = "F_SKY1"
translator = "xlat/doom.txt"
defaultbloodcolor = "68 00 00"
defaultbloodparticlecolor = "ff 00 00"
backpacktype = "Backpack"
armoricons = "ARM1A0", 0.5, "ARM2A0"
//statusbar = "sbarinfo/doom.txt"
statusbarclass = "DoomStatusBar"
intermissionmusic = "$MUSIC_DM2INT"
intermissioncounter = true
weaponslot = 1, "Fist", "Chainsaw"
weaponslot = 2, "Pistol"
weaponslot = 3, "Shotgun", "SuperShotgun"
weaponslot = 4, "Chaingun"
weaponslot = 5, "RocketLauncher"
weaponslot = 6, "PlasmaRifle"
weaponslot = 7, "BFG9000"
dimcolor = "30 26 00"
dimamount = 0.5
bluramount = 0.0
menuslidercolor = "Orange"
definventorymaxamount = 25
defaultrespawntime = 12
defaultdropstyle = 1
endoom = "ENDOOM"
pickupcolor = "d7 ba 45"
quitmessages = "$QUITMSG", "$QUITMSG1", "$QUITMSG2", "$QUITMSG3", "$QUITMSG4", "$QUITMSG5", "$QUITMSG6", "$QUITMSG7",
menufontcolor_title = "RED"
menufontcolor_label = "UNTRANSLATED"
menufontcolor_value = "GRAY"
menufontcolor_action = "GRAY"
menufontcolor_header = "GOLD"
menufontcolor_highlight = "YELLOW"
menufontcolor_selection = "BRICK"
menubackbutton = "M_BACK_D"
playerclasses = "DoomPlayer"
pausesign = "M_PAUSE"
gibfactor = 1
cursorpic = "doomcurs"
textscreenx = 10
textscreeny = 10
defaultendsequence = "Inter_Cast"
maparrow = "maparrows/arrow.txt", "maparrows/ddtarrow.txt"
statscreen_mapnamefont = "*BigFont"
statscreen_finishedfont = "*BigFont", "red"
statscreen_enteringfont = "*BigFont", "red"
statscreen_contentfont = "*BigFont", "red"
statscreen_authorFont = "*SmallFont", "brick"
statscreen_coop = "CoopStatusScreen"
statscreen_dm = "DeathmatchStatusScreen"
statscreen_single = "DoomStatusScreen"
messageboxclass = "MessageBoxMenu"
normforwardmove = 0x19, 0x32
normsidemove = 0x18, 0x28
1 = ShotgunGuy
2 = ChaingunGuy
3 = BaronOfHell
4 = Zombieman
5 = DoomImp
6 = Arachnotron
7 = SpiderMastermind
8 = Demon
9 = Spectre
10 = DoomImpBall
11 = Clip
12 = Shell
19 = Cacodemon
20 = Revenant
21 = ZBridge
22 = ArmorBonus
23 = Stimpack
24 = Medikit
25 = Soulsphere
27 = Shotgun
28 = Chaingun
29 = RocketLauncher
30 = PlasmaRifle
31 = BFG9000
32 = Chainsaw
33 = SuperShotgun
51 = PlasmaBall
53 = RevenantTracer
68 = GreenArmor
69 = BlueArmor
75 = Cell
85 = BlueCard
86 = RedCard
87 = YellowCard
88 = YellowSkull
89 = RedSkull
90 = BlueSkull
98 = ArchvileFire
100 = StealthBaron
101 = StealthHellKnight
102 = StealthZombieMan
103 = StealthShotgunGuy
110 = LostSoul
111 = Archvile
112 = Fatso
113 = HellKnight
114 = Cyberdemon
115 = PainElemental
116 = WolfensteinSS
117 = StealthArachnotron
118 = StealthArchvile
119 = StealthCacodemon
120 = StealthChaingunGuy
121 = StealthDemon
122 = StealthDoomImp
123 = StealthFatso
124 = StealthRevenant
125 = ExplosiveBarrel
126 = CacodemonBall
127 = Rocket
128 = BFGBall
129 = ArachnotronPlasma
131 = BulletPuff
132 = Megasphere
133 = InvulnerabilitySphere
134 = Berserk
135 = BlurSphere
136 = RadSuit
137 = Allmap
138 = Infrared
139 = ClipBox
140 = RocketAmmo
141 = RocketBox
142 = CellPack
143 = ShellBox
144 = Backpack
145 = GibbedMarine
146 = Gibs
147 = ColonGibs
148 = SmallBloodPool
149 = BurningBarrel
150 = BrainStem
151 = ScriptedMarine
152 = HealthBonus
153 = FatShot
154 = BaronBall
216 = Grenade
skill baby
AmmoFactor = 2
DamageFactor = 0.5
SpawnFilter = Baby
PicName = "M_JKILL"
Name = "$SKILL_BABY"
Key = "i"
skill easy
SpawnFilter = Easy
PicName = "M_ROUGH"
Name = "$SKILL_EASY"
Key = "h"
skill normal
SpawnFilter = Normal
PicName = "M_HURT"
Key = "h"
skill hard
SpawnFilter = Hard
PicName = "M_ULTRA"
Name = "$SKILL_HARD"
Key = "u"
skill nightmare
AmmoFactor = 2
RespawnTime = 12
SpawnFilter = Nightmare
PicName = "M_NMARE"
Key = "n"