Vitaly Novichkov ceec12056a Upgrade libADLMIDI and libOPNMIDI
Added ability to switch emulator and it's accuracy level ("enabling of 'run at PCM rate' reduces accuracy, and also reduces CPU usage")
Added draft code for future external banks support (WOPL format for ADLMIDI and WOPN format for OPNMIDI)

ADLMIDI 1.3.3   2018-06-19
 * Fixed an inability to load another custom bank without of library re-initialization
 * Optimizing the MIDI banks management system for MultiBanks (Thanks to [Jean Pierre Cimalando](https://github.com/jpcima) for a work!)
 * Fixed incorrect 4-op counter which is still catch 4-op instruments on 2-op banks
 * Fixed an incorrect processing of auto-flags
 * Fixed incorrect initial MIDI tempo when MIDI file doesn't includes the tempo event
 * Channel and Note Aftertouch features are now supported correctly! Aftertouch is the tremolo / vibrato, NOT A VOLUME!
 * Updated DosBox OPL3 emulator up to r4111 of official DosBox trunk (Thanks to [Jean Pierre Cimalando](https://github.com/jpcima) for a work!)
 * The automatical choosing of 4 operator channels count has been improved (Thanks to [Jean Pierre Cimalando](https://github.com/jpcima) for a work!)
 * Added optional HQ resampler for Nuked OPL3 emulators which does usage of Zita-Resampler library (Thanks to [Jean Pierre Cimalando](https://github.com/jpcima) for a work!)

ADLMIDI 1.3.2   2018-04-24
 * Added ability to disable MUS and XMI converters
 * Added ability to disable embedded MIDI sequencer to use library as RealTime synthesizer only or use any custom MIDI sequencer plugins.
 * Fixed blank instruments fallback in multi-bank support. When using non-zero bank, if instrument is blank, then, instrument will be taken from a root (I.e. zero bank).
 * Added support for real-time switching the emulator
 * Added support for CC-120 - "All sound off" on the MIDI channel
 * Changed logic of CC-74 Brightness to affect sound only between 0 and 64 like real XG synthesizers. Ability to turn on a full-ranged brightness (to use full 0...127 range) is kept.
 * Added support for different output sample formats (PCM8, PCM8U, PCM16, PCM16U, PCM32, PCM32U, Float32, and Float64) (Thanks to [Jean Pierre Cimalando](https://github.com/jpcima) for a work!)
 * Reworked MIDI channels management to avoid any memory reallocations while music processing for a hard real time. (Thanks to [Jean Pierre Cimalando](https://github.com/jpcima) for a work!)

OPNMIDI 1.3.0   2018-06-19
 * Optimizing the MIDI banks management system for MultiBanks (Thanks to [Jean Pierre Cimalando](https://github.com/jpcima) for a work!)
 * Fixed incorrect initial MIDI tempo when MIDI file doesn't includes the tempo event
 * Fixed an incorrect processing of auto-flags
 * MAME YM2612 now results a more accurate sound as internal using of native sample rate makes more correct sound generation
 * Channel and Note Aftertouch features are now supported correctly! Aftertouch is the tremolo / vibrato, NOT A VOLUME!
 * Added optional HQ resampler for Nuked OPL3 emulators which does usage of Zita-Resampler library (Thanks to [Jean Pierre Cimalando](https://github.com/jpcima) for a work!)

OPNMIDI 1.2.0   2018-04-24
 * Added ability to disable MUS and XMI converters
 * Added ability to disable embedded MIDI sequencer to use library as RealTime synthesizer only or use any custom MIDI sequencer plugins.
 * Fixed blank instruments fallback in multi-bank support. When using non-zero bank, if instrument is blank, then, instrument will be taken from a root (I.e. zero bank).
 * Added support for real-time switching the emulator
 * Added support for MAME YM2612 Emulator
 * Added support for CC-120 - "All sound off" on the MIDI channel
 * Changed logic of CC-74 Brightness to affect sound only between 0 and 64 like real XG synthesizers. Ability to turn on a full-ranged brightness (to use full 0...127 range) is kept.
 * Added support for different output sample formats (PCM8, PCM8U, PCM16, PCM16U, PCM32, PCM32U, Float32, and Float64) (Thanks to [Jean Pierre Cimalando](https://github.com/jpcima) for a work!)
 * Reworked MIDI channels management to avoid any memory reallocations while music processing for a hard real time. (Thanks to [Jean Pierre Cimalando](https://github.com/jpcima) for a work!)
2018-06-22 17:30:51 +02:00

164 lines
4.7 KiB

File: fm.h -- header file for software emulation for FM sound generator
#ifndef FM_HHHHH
#define FM_HHHHH
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include "mamedef.h"
/* --- select emulation chips --- */
#define BUILD_YM2203 (HAS_YM2203) // build YM2203(OPN) emulator
#define BUILD_YM2608 (HAS_YM2608) // build YM2608(OPNA) emulator
#define BUILD_YM2610 (HAS_YM2610) // build YM2610(OPNB) emulator
#define BUILD_YM2610B (HAS_YM2610B) // build YM2610B(OPNB?)emulator
#define BUILD_YM2612 (HAS_YM2612) // build YM2612(OPN2) emulator
#define BUILD_YM3438 (HAS_YM3438) // build YM3438(OPN) emulator
#define BUILD_YM2203 0
#define BUILD_YM2608 0
#define BUILD_YM2610 0
#define BUILD_YM2610B 0
#define BUILD_YM2612 1
#define BUILD_YM3438 0
/* select bit size of output : 8 or 16 */
#define FM_SAMPLE_BITS 16
/* select timer system internal or external */
/* --- speedup optimize --- */
/* busy flag enulation , The definition of FM_GET_TIME_NOW() is necessary. */
/* #define FM_BUSY_FLAG_SUPPORT 1 */
/* --- external SSG(YM2149/AY-3-8910)emulator interface port */
/* used by YM2203,YM2608,and YM2610 */
typedef struct _ssg_callbacks ssg_callbacks;
struct _ssg_callbacks
void (*set_clock)(void *param, int clock);
void (*write)(void *param, int address, int data);
int (*read)(void *param);
void (*reset)(void *param);
/* --- external callback funstions for realtime update --- */
#define TIME_TYPE attotime
#define UNDEFINED_TIME attotime_zero
#define FM_GET_TIME_NOW(machine) timer_get_time(machine)
#define ADD_TIMES(t1, t2) attotime_add((t1), (t2))
#define COMPARE_TIMES(t1, t2) attotime_compare((t1), (t2))
#define MULTIPLY_TIME_BY_INT(t,i) attotime_mul(t, i)
/* compiler dependence */
#if 0
#ifndef OSD_CPU_H
#define OSD_CPU_H
typedef unsigned char UINT8; /* unsigned 8bit */
typedef unsigned short UINT16; /* unsigned 16bit */
typedef unsigned int UINT32; /* unsigned 32bit */
typedef signed char INT8; /* signed 8bit */
typedef signed short INT16; /* signed 16bit */
typedef signed int INT32; /* signed 32bit */
#endif /* OSD_CPU_H */
typedef stream_sample_t FMSAMPLE;
#if (FM_SAMPLE_BITS==16)
typedef INT16 FMSAMPLE;
typedef unsigned char FMSAMPLE;
typedef void (*FM_TIMERHANDLER)(void *param,int c,int cnt,int clock);
typedef void (*FM_IRQHANDLER)(void *param,int irq);
/* FM_TIMERHANDLER : Stop or Start timer */
/* int n = chip number */
/* int c = Channel 0=TimerA,1=TimerB */
/* int count = timer count (0=stop) */
/* doube stepTime = step time of one count (sec.)*/
/* FM_IRQHHANDLER : IRQ level changing sense */
/* int n = chip number */
/* int irq = IRQ level 0=OFF,1=ON */
#if (BUILD_YM2612||BUILD_YM3438)
* @brief Initialize chip and return the instance
* @param param Unused, keep NULL
* @param baseclock YM2612 clock
* @param rate Output sample rate
* @param TimerHandler Keep NULL
* @param IRQHandler Keep NULL
* @return Chip instance or NULL on any error
void * ym2612_init(void *param, int baseclock, int rate,
* @brief Free chip instance
* @param chip Chip instance
void ym2612_shutdown(void *chip);
* @brief Reset state of the chip
* @param chip Chip instance
void ym2612_reset_chip(void *chip);
* @brief Generate stereo output of specified length
* @param chip Chip instance
* @param buffer Output sound buffer
* @param frames Output buffer size in frames (one frame - two array entries of the buffer)
* @param mix 0 - override buffer data, 1 - mix output data with a content of the buffer
void ym2612_generate(void *chip, FMSAMPLE *buffer, int frames, int mix);
#define ym2612_update_one(chip, buffer, length) ym2612_generate(chip, buffer, length, 0)
* @brief Single-Sample generation prepare
* @param chip Chip instance
void ym2612_pre_generate(void *chip);
* @brief Generate single stereo PCM frame. Will be used native sample rate of 53267 Hz
* @param chip Chip instance
* @param buffer One stereo PCM frame
void ym2612_generate_one_native(void *chip, FMSAMPLE buffer[2]);
/* void ym2612_post_generate(void *chip, int length); */
int ym2612_write(void *chip, int a,unsigned char v);
unsigned char ym2612_read(void *chip,int a);
int ym2612_timer_over(void *chip, int c );
void ym2612_postload(void *chip);
void ym2612_set_mutemask(void *chip, UINT32 MuteMask);
void ym2612_setoptions(UINT8 Flags);
#endif /* (BUILD_YM2612||BUILD_YM3438) */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* FM_HHHHH */