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synced 2025-02-19 18:12:06 +00:00
surprised if this doesn't build in Linux right now. The CMakeLists.txt were checked with MinGW and NMake, but how they fair under Linux is an unknown to me at this time. - Converted most sprintf (and all wsprintf) calls to either mysnprintf or FStrings, depending on the situation. - Changed the strings in the wbstartstruct to be FStrings. - Changed myvsnprintf() to output nothing if count is greater than INT_MAX. This is so that I can use a series of mysnprintf() calls and advance the pointer for each one. Once the pointer goes beyond the end of the buffer, the count will go negative, but since it's an unsigned type it will be seen as excessively huge instead. This should not be a problem, as there's no reason for ZDoom to be using text buffers larger than 2 GB anywhere. - Ripped out the disabled bit from FGameConfigFile::MigrateOldConfig(). - Changed CalcMapName() to return an FString instead of a pointer to a static buffer. - Changed startmap in d_main.cpp into an FString. - Changed CheckWarpTransMap() to take an FString& as the first argument. - Changed d_mapname in g_level.cpp into an FString. - Changed DoSubstitution() in ct_chat.cpp to place the substitutions in an FString. - Fixed: The MAPINFO parser wrote into the string buffer to construct a map name when given a Hexen map number. This was fine with the old scanner code, but only a happy coincidence prevents it from crashing with the new code - Added the 'B' conversion specifier to StringFormat::VWorker() for printing binary numbers. - Added CMake support for building with MinGW, MSYS, and NMake. Linux support is probably broken until I get around to booting into Linux again. Niceties provided over the existing Makefiles they're replacing: * All command-line builds can use the same build system, rather than having a separate one for MinGW and another for Linux. * Microsoft's NMake tool is supported as a target. * Progress meters. * Parallel makes work from a fresh checkout without needing to be primed first with a single-threaded make. * Porting to other architectures should be simplified, whenever that day comes. - Replaced the makewad tool with zipdir. This handles the dependency tracking itself instead of generating an external makefile to do it, since I couldn't figure out how to generate a makefile with an external tool and include it with a CMake-generated makefile. Where makewad used a master list of files to generate the package file, zipdir just zips the entire contents of one or more directories. - Added the gdtoa package from netlib's fp library so that ZDoom's printf-style formatting can be entirely independant of the CRT. SVN r1082 (trunk)
223 lines
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223 lines
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class Actor extends Thinker
action native A_MonsterRail();
action native A_BFGSpray(optional class<Actor> spraytype, optional eval int numrays, optional eval int damagecount);
action native A_Pain();
action native A_NoBlocking();
action native A_XScream();
action native A_Look();
action native A_Chase(optional state melee, optional state missile, optional eval int flags);
action native A_FaceTarget();
action native A_PosAttack();
action native A_Scream();
action native A_SPosAttack();
action native A_SPosAttackUseAtkSound();
action native A_VileChase();
action native A_VileStart();
action native A_VileTarget();
action native A_VileAttack();
action native A_StartFire();
action native A_Fire();
action native A_FireCrackle();
action native A_Tracer();
action native A_SkelWhoosh();
action native A_SkelFist();
action native A_SkelMissile();
action native A_FatRaise();
action native A_FatAttack1(optional class<Actor> spawntype);
action native A_FatAttack2(optional class<Actor> spawntype);
action native A_FatAttack3(optional class<Actor> spawntype);
action native A_BossDeath();
action native A_CPosAttack();
action native A_CPosRefire();
action native A_TroopAttack();
action native A_SargAttack();
action native A_HeadAttack();
action native A_BruisAttack();
action native A_SkullAttack(optional eval float speed);
action native A_Metal();
action native A_SpidRefire();
action native A_BabyMetal();
action native A_BspiAttack();
action native A_Hoof();
action native A_CyberAttack();
action native A_PainAttack(optional class<Actor> spawntype);
action native A_DualPainAttack(optional class<Actor> spawntype);
action native A_PainDie(optional class<Actor> spawntype);
action native A_KeenDie();
action native A_BrainPain();
action native A_BrainScream();
action native A_BrainDie();
action native A_BrainAwake();
action native A_BrainSpit(optional class<Actor> spawntype);
action native A_SpawnSound();
action native A_SpawnFly(optional class<Actor> spawntype);
action native A_BrainExplode();
action native A_Die(optional name damagetype);
action native A_Detonate();
action native A_Mushroom(optional class<Actor> spawntype, optional eval int numspawns);
action native A_SetFloorClip();
action native A_UnSetFloorClip();
action native A_HideThing();
action native A_UnHideThing();
action native A_SetInvulnerable();
action native A_UnSetInvulnerable();
action native A_SetReflective();
action native A_UnSetReflective();
action native A_SetReflectiveInvulnerable();
action native A_UnSetReflectiveInvulnerable();
action native A_SetShootable();
action native A_UnSetShootable();
action native A_NoGravity();
action native A_Gravity();
action native A_LowGravity();
action native A_SetGravity(eval float gravity);
action native A_Fall();
action native A_SetSolid();
action native A_UnsetSolid();
action native A_SetFloat();
action native A_UnsetFloat();
action native A_M_Saw();
action native A_ScreamAndUnblock();
action native A_ActiveAndUnblock();
action native A_ActiveSound();
action native A_FastChase();
action native A_FreezeDeath();
action native A_FreezeDeathChunks();
action native A_GenericFreezeDeath();
action native A_IceGuyDie();
action native A_CentaurDefend();
action native A_BishopMissileWeave();
action native A_CStaffMissileSlither();
action native A_PlayerScream();
action native A_SkullPop(optional class<Actor> skulltype);
action native A_CheckPlayerDone();
action native A_Wander();
action native A_Look2();
action native A_TossGib();
action native A_SentinelBob();
action native A_SentinelRefire();
action native A_Tracer2();
action native A_SetShadow();
action native A_ClearShadow();
action native A_GetHurt();
action native A_TurretLook();
action native A_KlaxonBlare();
action native A_Countdown();
action native A_AlertMonsters();
action native A_ClearSoundTarget();
action native A_FireAssaultGun();
action native A_CheckTerrain();
action native A_MissileAttack();
action native A_MeleeAttack();
action native A_ComboAttack();
action native A_BulletAttack();
action native A_PlaySound(sound whattoplay);
action native A_PlayWeaponSound(sound whattoplay);
action native A_FLoopActiveSound();
action native A_LoopActiveSound();
action native A_StopSound();
action native A_PlaySoundEx(sound whattoplay, coerce name slot, optional eval bool looping, optional eval int attenuation);
action native A_StopSoundEx(coerce name slot);
action native A_SeekerMissile(eval int threshold, eval int turnmax);
action native A_Jump(eval int chance, state label, ...);
action native A_CustomMissile(class<Actor> missiletype, eval float spawnheight, eval int spawnofs_xy, optional eval float angle, optional eval int flags, optional eval float pitch);
action native A_CustomBulletAttack(eval float spread_xy, eval float spread_z, eval int numbullets, eval int damageperbullet, optional class<Actor> pufftype, optional eval float range, optional eval bool aimfacing);
action native A_CustomRailgun(eval int damage, optional eval int spawnofs_xy, optional color color1, optional color color2, optional eval bool silent, optional eval bool aim, optional eval float maxdiff, optional class<Actor> pufftype);
action native A_JumpIfHealthLower(eval int health, state label);
action native A_JumpIfCloser(eval float distance, state label);
action native A_JumpIfInventory(class<Inventory> itemtype, eval int itemamount, state label);
action native A_GiveInventory(class<Inventory> itemtype, optional eval int amount);
action native A_TakeInventory(class<Inventory> itemtype, optional eval int amount);
action native A_SpawnItem(class<Actor> itemtype, optional eval float distance, optional eval float zheight, optional evalnot bool useammo, optional eval bool transfer_translation);
action native A_SpawnItemEx(class<Actor> itemtype, optional eval float xofs, optional eval float yofs, optional eval float zofs, optional eval float xmom, optional eval float ymom, optional eval float zmom, optional eval float angle, optional eval int flags, optional eval int chance);
action native A_Print(string whattoprint, optional eval float time, optional string fontname);
action native A_SetTranslucent(eval float alpha, optional eval int style);
action native A_FadeIn(optional eval float reduce);
action native A_FadeOut(optional eval float reduce);
action native A_SpawnDebris(class<Actor> spawntype, optional eval bool transfer_translation, optional eval float mult_h, optional eval float mult_v);
action native A_CheckSight(state label);
action native A_ExtChase(eval bool usemelee, eval bool usemissile, optional evalnot bool playactive, optional eval bool nightmarefast);
action native A_DropInventory(class<Inventory> itemtype);
action native A_SetBlend(color color1, eval float alpha, eval int tics, optional color color2);
action native A_ChangeFlag(string flagname, eval bool value);
action native A_JumpIf(eval bool expression, state label);
action native A_KillMaster();
action native A_KillChildren();
action native A_CheckFloor(state label);
action native A_PlayerSkinCheck(state label);
action native A_BasicAttack(int meleedamage, sound meleesound, class<actor> missiletype, float missileheight);
action native A_ThrowGrenade(class<Actor> itemtype, optional eval float zheight, optional eval float xymom, optional eval float zmom, optional evalnot bool useammo);
action native A_Recoil(eval float xymom);
action native A_JumpIfInTargetInventory(class<Inventory> itemtype, eval int amount, state label);
action native A_GiveToTarget(class<Inventory> itemtype, optional eval int amount);
action native A_TakeFromTarget(class<Inventory> itemtype, optional eval int amount);
action native A_CountdownArg(eval int argnum);
action native A_CustomMeleeAttack(eval int damage, optional sound meleesound, optional sound misssound, optional name damagetype, optional evalnot bool bleed);
action native A_CustomComboAttack(class<Actor> missiletype, eval float spawnheight, eval int damage, optional sound meleesound, optional name damagetype, optional evalnot bool bleed);
action native A_Burst(class<Actor> chunktype);
action native A_RadiusThrust(optional eval int force, optional eval int distance, optional evalnot bool affectsource);
action native A_Explode(optional eval int damage, optional eval int distance, optional evalnot bool hurtsource);
action native A_Stop();
action native A_Respawn(optional evalnot bool fog);
action native A_BarrelDestroy();
action native A_QueueCorpse();
action native A_DeQueueCorpse();
action native A_LookEx(optional eval int flags, optional eval float minseedist, optional eval float maxseedist, optional eval float maxheardist, optional eval float fov, optional state label);
action native A_ClearTarget();
action native A_JumpIfTargetInLOS (state label, optional eval float fov, optional eval bool projectiletarget);
action native A_DamageMaster(eval int amount, optional name damagetype);
action native A_DamageChildren(eval int amount, optional name damagetype);
action native A_SelectWeapon(class<Weapon> whichweapon);
action native A_Punch();
action native A_Feathers();
class Inventory extends Actor
action native A_JumpIfNoAmmo(state label);
action native A_CustomPunch(eval int damage, optional eval bool norandom, optional evalnot bool useammo, optional class<Actor> pufftype, optional eval float range);
action native A_FireBullets(eval float spread_xy, eval float spread_z, eval int numbullets, eval int damageperbullet, optional class<Actor> pufftype, optional evalnot bool useammo, optional eval float range);
action native A_FireCustomMissile(class<Actor> missiletype, optional eval float angle, optional evalnot bool useammo, optional eval int spawnofs_xy, optional eval float spawnheight, optional eval bool aimatangle);
action native A_RailAttack(eval int damage, optional eval int spawnofs_xy, optional evalnot int useammo, optional color color1, optional color color2, optional eval bool silent, optional eval float maxdiff, optional class<Actor> pufftype);
action native A_Light(eval int extralight);
action native A_Light0();
action native A_Light1();
action native A_Light2();
action native A_LightInverse();
action native A_WeaponReady();
action native A_Lower();
action native A_Raise();
action native A_FirePistol();
action native A_FireShotgun();
action native A_FireShotgun2();
action native A_OpenShotgun2();
action native A_LoadShotgun2();
action native A_CloseShotgun2();
action native A_FireCGun();
action native A_FireMissile();
action native A_FirePlasma();
action native A_FireRailgun();
action native A_FireRailgunLeft();
action native A_FireRailgunRight();
action native A_RailWait();
action native A_BFGsound();
action native A_FireBFG();
action native A_ReFire();
action native A_ClearReFire();
action native A_CheckReload();
action native A_GunFlash();
action native A_Saw(optional coerce sound fullsound, optional coerce sound hitsound, optional eval int damage, optional class<Actor> pufftype);
action native A_CheckForReload(eval int counter, state label);
action native A_ResetReloadCounter();