Christoph Oelckers 4e0934369c - made the menu dim darker and a bit more opaque.
The recent localization work has made it apparent that on many images the menu was extremely hard to read because its colors often clash with the background.
The choice of a bright overlay color with extremely low opacity is simply not enough to make the menus comfortable to navigate. Chex Quest was particularly bad but the problem existed in many Doom mods as well.
This also changes the CQ dim color to something a bit more green to better fit with the theme.
2019-04-28 22:52:09 +02:00

286 lines
5.4 KiB

// MAPINFO for Chex Quest
include "mapinfo/common.txt"
include "mapinfo/doomitems.txt"
titlepage = "TITLEPIC"
creditpage = "CREDIT", "HELP1"
titlemusic = "$MUSIC_INTRO"
titletime = 5
advisorytime = 0
pagetime = 5
chatsound = "misc/chat2"
finalemusic = "$MUSIC_VICTOR"
finaleflat = "FLOOR4_8"
finalepage = "CREDIT", "VICTORY2", "ENDPIC"
infopage = "HELP1", "CREDIT"
quitsound = "menu/quit1"
borderflat = "FLOOR7_2"
border = DoomBorder
telefogheight = 0
defkickback = 100
skyflatname = "F_SKY1"
translator = "xlat/doom.txt"
defaultbloodcolor = "3f 7d 39"
defaultbloodparticlecolor = "5f af 57"
backpacktype = "ZorchPack"
armoricons = "ARM1A0", 0.5, "ARM2A0"
statusbar = "sbarinfo/doom.txt"
intermissionmusic = "$MUSIC_INTER"
intermissioncounter = true
weaponslot = 1, "Bootspoon", "SuperBootspork"
weaponslot = 2, "MiniZorcher"
weaponslot = 3, "LargeZorcher", "SuperLargeZorcher"
weaponslot = 4, "RapidZorcher"
weaponslot = 5, "ZorchPropulsor"
weaponslot = 6, "PhasingZorcher"
weaponslot = 7, "LAZDevice"
dimcolor = "50 80 00"
dimamount = 0.35
bluramount = 0.0
menuslidercolor = "Orange"
definventorymaxamount = 25
defaultrespawntime = 12
defaultdropstyle = 1
dontcrunchcorpses = true
endoom = "ENDOOM"
drawreadthis = true
pickupcolor = "d7 ba 45"
quitmessages = "$QUITMSG", "$QUITMSG23", "$QUITMSG24", "$QUITMSG25", "$QUITMSG26", "$QUITMSG27", "$QUITMSG28", "$QUITMSG29"
menufontcolor_title = "GREEN"
menufontcolor_label = "UNTRANSLATED"
menufontcolor_value = "GRAY"
menufontcolor_action = "GRAY"
menufontcolor_header = "YELLOW"
menufontcolor_highlight = "BLUE"
menufontcolor_selection = "GOLD"
menubackbutton = "M_BACK_H"
playerclasses = "ChexPlayer"
pausesign = "M_PAUSE"
gibfactor = 1
cursorpic = "chexcurs"
textscreenx = 10
textscreeny = 10
defaultendsequence = "Inter_Pic1"
maparrow = "maparrows/arrow.txt", "maparrows/ddtarrow.txt"
statscreen_mapnamefont = "BigFont"
statscreen_finishedpatch = "WIF"
statscreen_enteringpatch = "WIENTER"
statscreen_coop = "CoopStatusScreen"
statscreen_dm = "DeathmatchStatusScreen"
statscreen_single = "DoomStatusScreen"
messageboxclass = "MessageBoxMenu"
normforwardmove = 0x19, 0x32
normsidemove = 0x18, 0x28
5 = ChexBlueCard
6 = ChexYellowCard
8 = Zorchpack
9 = FlemoidusBipedicus
13 = ChexRedCard
17 = PhasingZorchPack
25 = ChexTallFlower2
28 = ChexTallFlower
30 = ChexCavernStalagmite
31 = ChexSubmergedPlant
32 = ChexCavernColumn
33 = ChexMineCart
34 = ChexChemicalFlask
35 = ChexGasTank
37 = ChexFlagOnPole
41 = ChexChemicalBurner
43 = ChexOrangeTree
44 = ChexSlimeFountain
45 = ChexCivilian1
47 = ChexAppleTree
48 = ChexSpaceship
54 = ChexBananaTree
55 = ChexLightColumn
56 = ChexCivilian2
57 = ChexCivilian3
82 = SuperLargeZorcher
2001 = LargeZorcher
2002 = RapidZorcher
2003 = ZorchPropulsor
2004 = PhasingZorcher
2005 = SuperBootspork
2006 = LAZDevice
2007 = MiniZorchRecharge
2008 = LargeZorchRecharge
2010 = PropulsorZorch
2011 = BowlOfFruit
2012 = BowlOfVegetables
2013 = SuperchargeBreakfast
2014 = GlassOfWater
2015 = SlimeRepellent
2018 = ChexArmor
2019 = SuperChexArmor
2025 = SlimeProofSuit
2026 = ComputerAreaMap
2028 = ChexLandingLight
2046 = PropulsorZorchPack
2047 = PhasingZorch
2048 = MiniZorchPack
2049 = LargeZorchPack
3001 = ArmoredFlemoidusBipedicus
3002 = FlemoidusCycloptisCommonus
3003 = Flembrane
3004 = FlemoidusCommonus
3006 = ChexSoul
5010 = MiniZorcher
skill baby
AmmoFactor = 2
DamageFactor = 0.5
SpawnFilter = Baby
PicName = "M_JKILL"
Key = "i"
skill easy
SpawnFilter = Easy
PicName = "M_ROUGH"
Key = "h"
skill normal
SpawnFilter = Normal
PicName = "M_HURT"
Key = "h"
skill hard
SpawnFilter = Hard
PicName = "M_ULTRA"
Key = "u"
skill nightmare
AmmoFactor = 2
RespawnTime = 12
SpawnFilter = Nightmare
PicName = "M_NMARE"
MustConfirm = "$CNIGHTMARE"
Key = "n"
episode e1m1
picname = "M_EPI1"
name = "Chex Quest"
key = "k"
sucktime = 1
map E1M1 lookup "CHUSTR_E1M1"
levelnum = 1
titlepatch = "WILV00"
next = "E1M2"
secretnext = "E1M9"
sky1 = "SKY1"
cluster = 1
par = 30
music = "$MUSIC_E1M1"
map E1M2 lookup "CHUSTR_E1M2"
levelnum = 2
titlepatch = "WILV01"
next = "E1M3"
secretnext = "E1M9"
sky1 = "SKY1"
cluster = 1
par = 75
music = "$MUSIC_E1M2"
map E1M3 lookup "CHUSTR_E1M3"
levelnum = 3
titlepatch = "WILV02"
next = "E1M4"
secretnext = "E1M9"
sky1 = "SKY1"
cluster = 1
par = 120
music = "$MUSIC_E1M3"
map E1M4 lookup "CHUSTR_E1M4"
levelnum = 4
titlepatch = "WILV03"
next = "E1M5"
secretnext = "E1M9"
sky1 = "SKY1"
cluster = 1
par = 90
music = "$MUSIC_E1M4"
map E1M5 lookup "CHUSTR_E1M5"
levelnum = 5
titlepatch = "WILV04"
next = "EndGame1"
secretnext = "E1M9"
sky1 = "SKY1"
cluster = 1
par = 165
music = "$MUSIC_E1M5"
// Clusters (correspond with same-numbered episode)
cluster 1
flat = "FLOOR4_8"
exittext = lookup, "CE1TEXT"
cluster 2
flat = "SFLR6_1"
exittext = lookup, "CE2TEXT"
cluster 3
flat = "MFLR8_4"
exittext = lookup, "CE3TEXT"
cluster 4
flat = "MFLR8_3"
exittext = lookup, "CE4TEXT"