Christoph Oelckers 4e052f2857 - use a separate variable pointing to the current level for the UI code.
UI always runs on the primary level, so this does not need the ability to operate on multiple levels. Additionally, this can later be set to null when running play code so that scope violations result in an abort.
2019-01-25 18:31:40 +01:00

219 lines
6.4 KiB

class HereticStatusBar : BaseStatusBar
DynamicValueInterpolator mHealthInterpolator;
HUDFont mHUDFont;
HUDFont mIndexFont;
HUDFont mBigFont;
InventoryBarState diparms;
InventoryBarState diparms_sbar;
private int wiggle;
override void Init()
SetSize(42, 320, 200);
// Create the font used for the fullscreen HUD
Font fnt = "HUDFONT_RAVEN";
mHUDFont = HUDFont.Create(fnt, fnt.GetCharWidth("0") + 1, true, 1, 1);
mIndexFont = HUDFont.Create(fnt, fnt.GetCharWidth("0"), true);
fnt = "BIGFONT";
mBigFont = HUDFont.Create(fnt, fnt.GetCharWidth("0"), true, 2, 2);
diparms = InventoryBarState.Create(mIndexFont);
diparms_sbar = InventoryBarState.CreateNoBox(mIndexFont, boxsize:(31, 31), arrowoffs:(0,-10));
mHealthInterpolator = DynamicValueInterpolator.Create(0, 0.25, 1, 8);
override int GetProtrusion(double scaleratio) const
return scaleratio > 0.7? 8 : 0;
override void NewGame ()
mHealthInterpolator.Reset (0);
override void Tick()
// wiggle the chain if it moves
if (currentUILevel.time & 1)
wiggle = (mHealthInterpolator.GetValue() != CPlayer.health) && Random[ChainWiggle](0, 1);
override void Draw (int state, double TicFrac)
Super.Draw (state, TicFrac);
if (state == HUD_StatusBar)
DrawMainBar (TicFrac);
else if (state == HUD_Fullscreen)
DrawFullScreenStuff ();
protected void DrawMainBar (double TicFrac)
DrawImage("BARBACK", (0, 158), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
DrawImage("LTFCTOP", (0, 148), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
DrawImage("RTFCTOP", (290, 148), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
if (isInvulnerable())
//god mode
DrawImage("GOD1", (16, 167), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
DrawImage("GOD2", (287, 167), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
DrawImage("CHAINCAC", (0, 190), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
// wiggle the chain if it moves
int inthealth = mHealthInterpolator.GetValue();
DrawGem("CHAIN", "LIFEGEM2",inthealth, CPlayer.mo.GetMaxHealth(true), (2, 191 + wiggle), 15, 25, 16, (multiplayer? DI_TRANSLATABLE : 0) | DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP);
DrawImage("LTFACE", (0, 190), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
DrawImage("RTFACE", (276, 190), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
DrawShader(SHADER_HORZ, (19, 190), (16, 10));
DrawShader(SHADER_HORZ|SHADER_REVERSE, (278, 190), (16, 10));
if (!isInventoryBarVisible())
if (!deathmatch)
DrawImage("LIFEBAR", (34, 160), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
DrawImage("ARMCLEAR", (57, 171), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
DrawString(mHUDFont, FormatNumber(mHealthInterpolator.GetValue(), 3), (88, 170), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT);
DrawImage("STATBAR", (34, 160), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
DrawImage("ARMCLEAR", (57, 171), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
DrawString(mHUDFont, FormatNumber(CPlayer.FragCount, 3), (88, 170), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT);
DrawString(mHUDFont, FormatNumber(GetArmorAmount(), 3), (255, 170), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT);
Ammo ammo1, ammo2;
[ammo1, ammo2] = GetCurrentAmmo();
if (ammo1 != null && ammo2 == null)
DrawString(mHUDFont, FormatNumber(ammo1.Amount, 3), (136, 162), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT);
DrawTexture(ammo1.icon, (123, 180), DI_ITEM_CENTER);
else if (ammo2 != null)
DrawString(mIndexFont, FormatNumber(ammo1.Amount, 3), (137, 165), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT);
DrawString(mIndexFont, FormatNumber(ammo2.Amount, 3), (137, 177), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT);
DrawTexture(ammo1.icon, (115, 169), DI_ITEM_CENTER);
DrawTexture(ammo2.icon, (115, 180), DI_ITEM_CENTER);
if (CPlayer.mo.CheckKeys(3, false, true)) DrawImage("YKEYICON", (153, 164), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
if (CPlayer.mo.CheckKeys(1, false, true)) DrawImage("GKEYICON", (153, 172), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
if (CPlayer.mo.CheckKeys(2, false, true)) DrawImage("BKEYICON", (153, 180), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
//inventory box
if (CPlayer.mo.InvSel != null)
DrawInventoryIcon(CPlayer.mo.InvSel, (194, 175), DI_ARTIFLASH|DI_ITEM_CENTER, boxsize:(28, 28));
if (CPlayer.mo.InvSel.Amount > 1)
DrawString(mIndexFont, FormatNumber(CPlayer.mo.InvSel.Amount, 3), (209, 182), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT);
DrawImage("INVBAR", (34, 160), DI_ITEM_OFFSETS);
DrawInventoryBar(diparms_sbar, (49, 160), 7, DI_ITEM_LEFT_TOP, HX_SHADOW);
protected void DrawFullScreenStuff ()
DrawImage("PTN1A0", (51, -3));
DrawString(mBigFont, FormatNumber(mHealthInterpolator.GetValue()), (41, -21), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT);
let armor = CPlayer.mo.FindInventory("BasicArmor");
if (armor != null && armor.Amount > 0)
DrawInventoryIcon(armor, (58, -24));
DrawString(mBigFont, FormatNumber(armor.Amount, 3), (41, -43), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT);
if (deathmatch)
DrawString(mHUDFont, FormatNumber(CPlayer.FragCount, 3), (70, -16));
Vector2 keypos = (60, -1);
int rowc = 0;
double roww = 0;
for(let i = CPlayer.mo.Inv; i != null; i = i.Inv)
if (i is "Key" && i.Icon.IsValid())
DrawTexture(i.Icon, keypos, DI_ITEM_LEFT_BOTTOM);
Vector2 size = TexMan.GetScaledSize(i.Icon);
keypos.Y -= size.Y + 2;
roww = max(roww, size.X);
if (++rowc == 3)
keypos.Y = -1;
keypos.X += roww + 2;
roww = 0;
rowc = 0;
Ammo ammo1, ammo2;
[ammo1, ammo2] = GetCurrentAmmo();
int y = -22;
if (ammo1 != null)
DrawTexture(ammo1.Icon, (-17, y));
DrawString(mHUDFont, FormatNumber(ammo1.Amount, 3), (-3, y+7), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT);
y -= 40;
if (ammo2 != null)
DrawTexture(ammo2.Icon, (-14, y));
DrawString(mHUDFont, FormatNumber(ammo2.Amount, 3), (-3, y+7), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT);
y -= 40;
if (!isInventoryBarVisible() && !currentUILevel.NoInventoryBar && CPlayer.mo.InvSel != null)
// This code was changed to always fit the item into the box, regardless of alignment or sprite size.
// Heretic's ARTIBOX is 30x30 pixels.
DrawImage("ARTIBOX", (-46, -1), 0, HX_SHADOW);
DrawInventoryIcon(CPlayer.mo.InvSel, (-46, -15), DI_ARTIFLASH|DI_ITEM_CENTER, boxsize:(28, 28));
if (CPlayer.mo.InvSel.Amount > 1)
DrawString(mIndexFont, FormatNumber(CPlayer.mo.InvSel.Amount, 3), (-32, -2 - mIndexFont.mFont.GetHeight()), DI_TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT);
if (isInventoryBarVisible())
DrawInventoryBar(diparms, (0, 0), 7, DI_SCREEN_CENTER_BOTTOM, HX_SHADOW);