#define BOT_RELEASE_COMPILE //Define this when compiling a version that should be released.
#define NOCOLOR 11
#define MAXTHINGNODES 100 //Path stuff (paths created between items).
#define SPAWN_DELAY 80 //Used to determine how many tics there are between each bot spawn when bot's are being spawned in a row (like when entering a new map).
#define BOTFILENAME "bots.cfg"
#define MAX_TRAVERSE_DIST 100000000 //10 meters, used within b_func.c
#define AVOID_DIST 45000000 //Try avoid incoming missiles once they reached this close
#define SAFE_SELF_MISDIST (140*FRACUNIT) //Distance from self to target where it's safe to pull a rocket.
#define FRIEND_DIST 15000000 //To friend.
#define DARK_DIST 5000000 //Distance that bot can see enemies in the dark from.
#define WHATS_DARK 50 //light value thats classed as dark.
#define MAX_MONSTER_TARGET_DIST 50000000 //Too high can slow down the performance, see P_mobj.c
#define ENEMY_SCAN_FOV (120*ANGLE_1)
#define THINGTRYTICK 1000
#define MAXMOVEHEIGHT (32*FRACUNIT) //MAXSTEPMOVE but with jumping counted in.
#define GETINCOMBAT 35000000 //Max distance to item. if it's due to be icked up in a combat situation.
#define SHOOTFOV (60*ANGLE_1)
#define AFTERTICS (2*TICRATE) //Seconds that bot will be alert on an recent enemy. Ie not looking the other way
#define MAXROAM (4*TICRATE) //When this time is elapsed the bot will roam after something else.
//monster mod
#define MSPAWN_DELAY 20//Tics between each spawn.
#define MMAXSELECT 100 //Maximum number of monsters that can be selected at a time.