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synced 2025-03-13 13:12:45 +00:00
git-svn-id: https://unknownworlds.svn.cloudforge.com/ns1@376 67975925-1194-0748-b3d5-c16f83f1a3a1
871 lines
101 KiB
871 lines
101 KiB
"Language" "English"
"Alien1Team" "Kharaa"
"Alien2Team" "Kharaa"
"AlienAward" "You just got resources for killing an enemy!"
"AlienEnergyDescription" "Energy"
"AlienResourcePrefix" "Resources"
"AlreadyOnTeam" "You are already on a team. Go back to the ready room first to switch teams."
"AlreadyVoted" "You can only vote once per game."
"ArmorCategory" "Armor"
"AutoTeam" "Auto-assigned"
"BannedFromCommand" "You have been temporarily banned from commanding on this server. Many servers will let you command again in a few hours."
"BlipStatus_0" "enemy"
"BlipStatus_1" "weak enemy"
"BlipStatus_3" "is under attack"
"BlipStatus_5" "is Gorge"
"BuildCategory" "Build"
"Building" "Building: "
"CAM_OPTIONS" "Camera Options"
"CanOnlyJoinTeamYouveReinforced" "You have already seen the other team, you can only join that team until next round."
"CantJoinAfterSpectating" "You cannot join the game in progress once you've been a spectator."
"CantSwitchTeamsAfterGameStart" "You can't switch teams once the game has started."
"CantSwitchTeamsInTournyMode" "You can't switch teams during tournament mode."
"CarryResourcePrefix" "Carrying %d resources"
"ChooseAnUpgrade" "Choose an upgrade by opening your pop-up menu (right-click by default)!"
"ClassCommander" "Commander"
"ClassDead" "Dead"
"ClassDigesting" "Digesting"
"ClassGestating" "Gestating"
"ClassHeavyMarine" "Heavy"
"ClassLevel1" "Skulk"
"ClassLevel2" "Gorge"
"ClassLevel3" "Lerk"
"ClassLevel4" "Fade"
"ClassLevel5" "Onos"
"ClassReinforcing" "Reinforcing"
"CocoonMessage" "You have been cocooned! "
"CommandStationDestroyed" "This command console is destroyed and can no longer be used!"
"CommandStationInUse" "Your team already has a commander, the command console can't be used."
"CommandStationOtherTeam" "This command console belongs to the other team."
"CommandStationWaitTime" "You must wait longer before entering the command console again."
"Commander" "Comm"
"CommanderMessage" "Left-click or marquee-select players and right-click a location, structure or player to give them an order. The menu in the lower right lets you build structures and equip your soldiers."
"Cost" "Cost:"
"DEATHS" "Deaths"
"Defect" "Leave squad"
"DefectAfterGameStart" "You can only defect after the game starts."
"DefectMessageToLeader" "A player has defected from your squad."
"Digested" "Being digested..."
"DigestingPlayer" "Digesting %s..."
"Directed" "Directed"
"EditingParticleSystem" "Found particle system, use F7 to edit"
"Elapsed" "elapsed"
"Enemy" "Enemy"
"Energy" "Energy: "
"EvolvingMessage" "Evolving..."
"Exclamation" "!"
"Friend" "Friend"
"GameBegun" "The game has begun."
"GameDraw" "Draw game!"
"GameStarting" "The game is about to start..."
"GameTime" "Game time"
"GameWontStart" "The game won't start until both sides have players."
"GameWontStartUntilReady" "Game won't start until both teams type 'ready'."
"GestationMessage" "You are now gestating into a new alien lifeform. Get ready to hatch..."
"Handicap" "Handicap"
"HelpTextAlienBuildStructure" "There is an unbuilt alien structure nearby. Alien structures build slowly on their own, but as a builder, you can speed it up. Point at the base of the structure and hold your 'use' key."
"HelpTextAlienCommandMenu" "Press your 'pop-up menu' key to change lifeforms and evolve upgrades (default is right mouse button)."
"HelpTextAlienCommunication" "You can communicate with your team via hive sight by using your pop-up menu. If you see enemies coming towards one of your hives, open your pop-up menu, move down, right, up, then release. Your teammates will see 'incoming' on hive sight."
"HelpTextAlienEnergy" "The yellow bar on the right is your energy. Abilities cost energy to use."
"HelpTextAlienHiveSight" "The animated icons on your screen indicate your team's 'hive sight'. Green icons are your team's gorges, yellow-reddish icons show hive locations and red icons show structures or friends under attack."
"HelpTextAlienPendingUpgrades" "The small blinking icon(s) on the right side of your screen means you can now evolve new traits! Open the pop-up menu and make a choice of one of the upgrades."
"HelpTextAlienPopupMenu" "Use your 'pop-up menu' to build structures, evolve upgrades, and switch teams (right mouse button)."
"HelpTextAlienResource" "Find a resource node and build one of these on top of it to capture resources for your team."
"HelpTextAlienResources" "The blue bar on the left is your resources. You get resources from your team's resource towers. Resources can be spent using the pop-up menu."
"HelpTextAlienUnderAttack" "One of your teammates or structures is under attack. Spin your view around and look for the hive sight alert."
"HelpTextAlienVisionMode" "The locations of all aliens and their structures are always known to the hive mind. It can show you all lifeforms on your team when you press your 'flashlight' key."
"HelpTextAlienWeapons" "Use the mousewheel or the number keys to switch abilities. A red icon means that ability is disabled until you get more hives."
"HelpTextArmoryResupply" "'Use' the armory to get free ammo for your current weapon."
"HelpTextAttackDefensiveChamber" "This is an enemy defensive chamber, it heals enemy players and structures."
"HelpTextAttackHive" "Gather your teammates and go find an alien hive to destroy!"
"HelpTextAttackMovementChamber" "This is an enemy movement chamber, it allows them to teleport to their hive and gives them energy."
"HelpTextAttackNearbyHive" "There is an enemy hive nearby, go kill it to stop the alien menace!"
"HelpTextAttackNearbyStation" "This is the enemy's command console, attack it!"
"HelpTextAttackOffensiveChamber" "This is an enemy offense chamber, watch out!"
"HelpTextAttackSensoryChamber" "This is an enemy sensory chamber."
"HelpTextAttackTower" "This resource tower earns resources for the enemy...destroy it!"
"HelpTextBite" "Get close to your enemies and press your attack key to bite them."
"HelpTextBuildTower" "Point at the base of this resource tower and hold your 'use' key to build it."
"HelpTextBuildTurret" "Point at the base of this turret and hold your 'use' key to build it."
"HelpTextBuilder" "You are now a Gorge. Stay out of combat and use your pop-up menu to build different structures."
"HelpTextBuyLifeform" "Aliens can morph into new lifeforms. Try it: hold your pop-up menu button (right mouse button by default), move your mouse down, then right, then release."
"HelpTextBuyUpgrade" "Aliens can evolve new traits by displaying the pop-up menu. Try it: hold your pop-up menu button (right mouse button by default), and move the mouse right."
"HelpTextCSAttractMode" "Point at this command console and press your 'use' key to activate command mode."
"HelpTextCloseWeldable" "This area can be welded shut with a welder."
"HelpTextCommanderAttack" "This target can be attacked! Right-click to give an attack order."
"HelpTextCommanderBuild" "This structure has not been fully built. Select a player then right-click this structure to give him an order to build it."
"HelpTextCommanderGet" "Right-click here to give an order to pick this up."
"HelpTextCommanderGiveOrders" "Right-click on the ground or a structure to give an order."
"HelpTextCommanderLogout" "You can leave commander mode by clicking the red 'logout' button in the upper-right corner of your screen."
"HelpTextCommanderResearchComplete" "Your research is complete. Press your 'jump' key to go to the site of the research."
"HelpTextCommanderSelectPlayers" "Left-click on players or drag a box around them to select them."
"HelpTextCommanderUnderAttack" "You are under attack! Press your 'jump' key to go to the alert."
"HelpTextCommanderUpgradeComplete" "Your upgrade is complete. Press your 'jump' key to go to the upgraded structure."
"HelpTextCommanderUse" "Doors, lifts and other moving structures can be 'hacked' by the commander. Left-click to hack this structure."
"HelpTextCommanderUseable" "As commander, you can 'use' any buttons or switches by left-clicking them."
"HelpTextCommanderWeld" "This target can be welded. Buy a welder for a teammate, then right-click here to give a welding order."
"HelpTextDisableHelp" "You can turn off this help text by unchecking the 'show hints' checkbox your multiplayer customization menu (cl_autohelp 0)."
"HelpTextEmptyHiveNotNearby" "Hives can only be built at hive locations (look for infestation and a translucent hive indicator)."
"HelpTextExplainTower" "This active resource tower periodically gives your team resources."
"HelpTextFlight" "Try tapping your jump key to fly. You can also hold your jump key while in the air to glide."
"HelpTextFriendlyDefensiveChamber" "This defensive chamber will regenerate players and structures nearby. It makes a sloshing sound when it heals."
"HelpTextFriendlyMovementChamber" "Press your 'use' key on this movement chamber to teleport to a hive under attack. It also gives you energy when nearby."
"HelpTextFriendlyOffensiveChamber" "This is an offense chamber, it will shoot at your enemies."
"HelpTextFriendlySensoryChamber" "This is a sensory chamber, it cloaks nearby players and structures."
"HelpTextJetpacks" "Your commander has researched jet-packs for your team. Hold your jump key to use."
"HelpTextMarineCommandMenu" "Press your 'pop-up menu' key to communicate with your team (default is right mouse button)."
"HelpTextMarinePopupMenu" "Use your 'pop-up menu' to access voice commands, ask for orders, leave the team, and more (right mouse button)."
"HelpTextOpenWeldable" "This area can be opened with a welder."
"HelpTextOrder" "You have been given an order by the commander. The blue circle on your screen describes the location and type of your order. Use your pop-up menu to ask for orders or acknowledge them."
"HelpTextOtherHiveBlocked" "The hive is blocked by a player or structure. Clear the area nearby and try again."
"HelpTextOtherHiveBuilding" "Only one hive can be built at a time. Wait until the other hive is built before starting this one."
"HelpTextPhaseGate" "Enter the phase gate to teleport."
"HelpTextPopupMenu" "Hold your right mouse button (secondary attack) to show the pop-up menu."
"HelpTextResourceDropoff" "You earned resource points for your team!"
"HelpTextSpores" "Press your attack button to launch a spore cloud that hurts players inside it."
"HelpTextWallwalking" "You can hold your duck key to walk up walls and ceilings."
"HelpTextWeb" "Fire web strands at walls and floors to create webs between them. Enemies that touch webs are slowed and can't use their weapons temporarily."
"InvalidOrderGiven" "Invalid order"
"JetpackEnergyHUDText" "Jet-pack energy"
"LATENCY" "Latency"
"LineComplete" "Fully upgraded."
"LogoutText" "LOGOUT"
"Marine1Team" "Frontiersmen"
"Marine2Team" "Frontiersmen"
"MarineAward" "Your team just killed an enemy!"
"MarineAwardToCommander" "Your team earned points for killing an enemy!"
"MarineAwardToLeader" "Your squad just received points for killing an enemy!"
"MarineResourcePrefix" "Team resources: "
"MenuAck" "'Acknowledged'"
"MenuAdmin" "Admin"
"MenuAdrenaline" "Adrenaline"
"MenuAlienAdvBuild" "Advanced"
"MenuAlienBigMorph" "Advanced"
"MenuAlienBuild" "Build"
"MenuAlienBuildUpgrades" "Upgrades"
"MenuAlienComm" "Voice"
"MenuAlienCommSayingFive" "Attack"
"MenuAlienCommSayingFour" "Incoming"
"MenuAlienCommSayingOne" "Chuckle"
"MenuAlienCommSayingSix" "I'm building here"
"MenuAlienCommSayingThree" "Need backup"
"MenuAlienCommSayingTwo" "Need healing"
"MenuAlienCommSayingsEast" "Sayings"
"MenuAlienCommSayingsWest" "Yells"
"MenuAlienDefenseChamber" "Defense chamber"
"MenuAlienDefenseUpgrades" "Defensive"
"MenuAlienHive" "Hive"
"MenuAlienMorphLevel1" "Skulk"
"MenuAlienMorphLevel2" "Gorge"
"MenuAlienMorphLevel3" "Lerk"
"MenuAlienMorphLevel4" "Fade"
"MenuAlienMorphLevel5" "Onos"
"MenuAlienMovementChamber" "Movement chamber"
"MenuAlienMovementUpgrades" "Movement"
"MenuAlienOffensiveChamber" "Offense chamber"
"MenuAlienResourceTower" "Resource tower"
"MenuAlienRoot" "Start"
"MenuAlienSensoryChamber" "Sensory chamber"
"MenuAlienSensoryUpgrades" "Sensory"
"MenuAlienSmallMorph" "Lifeform"
"MenuAlienUpgrade" "Evolve upgrade"
"MenuAlienUpgradeDefOne" "Carapace"
"MenuAlienUpgradeDefThree" "Redemption"
"MenuAlienUpgradeDefTwo" "Regeneration"
"MenuAlienUpgradeMoveOne" "Celerity"
"MenuAlienUpgradeMoveThree" "Silence"
"MenuAlienUpgradeMoveTwo" "Adrenaline"
"MenuAlienUpgradeSenOne" "Cloaking"
"MenuAlienUpgradeSenThree" "Scent of Fear"
"MenuAlienUpgradeSenTwo" "Focus"
"MenuAllClear" "'All clear'"
"MenuAmmo" "Ammo"
"MenuArea" "Area"
"MenuArmorFull" "Armor full"
"MenuArmorUpgrade" "Heavy"
"MenuAttackObj" "Attack"
"MenuAttacked" "'Attacked!'"
"MenuBlazeOfGlory" "Blaze"
"MenuBuilding" "Build"
"MenuBuy" "Buy"
"MenuBuyArmorLifeSupport" "Sustain"
"MenuBuyArmorMotionTrack" "Tracker"
"MenuCameraTower" "Camera"
"MenuCeaseFire" "Cease fire"
"MenuCheer" "Cheer"
"MenuComms" "Comms"
"MenuCoverMe" "'Cover me!'"
"MenuCovering" "'Covering'"
"MenuDefMatrix" "Def matrix"
"MenuDefendObj" "Defend"
"MenuDemote" "Demote"
"MenuDeploy" "Deploy"
"MenuDistressBeacon" "Distress beacon"
"MenuDropWeapon" "Drop"
"MenuEnemySpotted" "'Enemy here'"
"MenuEquip" "Equip"
"MenuEquipment" "Equipment"
"MenuFireTarget" "Fire target"
"MenuFlamer" "Flamer"
"MenuFollowMe" "'Follow me'"
"MenuGL" "Grenade launcher"
"MenuGrenades" "Grenades"
"MenuGuard" "Guard"
"MenuHMG" "HMG"
"MenuHealth" "'Health'"
"MenuHeavy" "Heavy"
"MenuHeavyArmor" "Heavy armor"
"MenuHello" "'Hello'"
"MenuInPosition" "'In position'"
"MenuIncoming" "Incoming"
"MenuIntel" "Intel"
"MenuJetpack" "Jetpack"
"MenuJetpacks" "Jet-packs"
"MenuLight" "Light"
"MenuMarineRoot" "Start"
"MenuMines" "Mines"
"MenuMotionTracking" "Motion-tracking"
"MenuMoveOut" "'Move out'"
"MenuMoveTo" "Move to"
"MenuNeedAmmo" "'Need ammo'"
"MenuNeedHealth" "'Need health'"
"MenuNeedHelp" "'Need help'"
"MenuNeedOrder" "'Need order'"
"MenuNextWeapon" "Next weapon"
"MenuNuke" "Nuke"
"MenuOrders" "Orders"
"MenuPhaseGate" "Phase gate"
"MenuPowerups" "Stim"
"MenuProceed" "Proceed"
"MenuPromote" "Promote"
"MenuProtect" "Protect"
"MenuRank" "Rank"
"MenuReady" "Ready"
"MenuReinforce" "Reinforce"
"MenuReloadWeapon" "Reload"
"MenuRepair" "Repair"
"MenuResupply" "Resupply"
"MenuRetreat" "'Retreat!'"
"MenuRogerThat" "'Roger that'"
"MenuSay" "Say"
"MenuScan" "Scan area"
"MenuSelf" "Me"
"MenuShotgun" "Shotgun"
"MenuSiegeTurret" "Siege"
"MenuSupport" "Support"
"MenuTakeCover" "Take cover"
"MenuTalk" "Talk"
"MenuTarget" "Target"
"MenuTaunt" "Taunt"
"MenuTeam" "Team"
"MenuTurret" "Turret"
"MenuUnlockHiveThree" "Unlock next ability"
"MenuUnlockHiveTwo" "Unlock next ability"
"MenuUpgradeArmor1" "Armor level 1"
"MenuUpgradeArmor2" "Armor level 2"
"MenuUpgradeArmor3" "Armor level 3"
"MenuUpgradeDamage1" "Damage level 1"
"MenuUpgradeDamage2" "Damage level 2"
"MenuUpgradeDamage3" "Damage level 3"
"MenuUpgradeMG" "Upgrade"
"MenuUpgradeWeapon" "Weapon"
"MenuUse" "Use"
"MenuVoteCommanderDown" "Eject commander"
"MenuWeapon" "Weapon"
"MenuWelder" "Welder"
"MenuYell" "Yell"
"Menu_Alien1Team" "Join aliens"
"Menu_LeaveGame" "Exit game"
"Menu_Marine1Team" "Join marines"
"Menu_OK" "OK"
"Menu_ReadyRoom" "Ready room"
"Menu_Spectate" "SPECTATE"
"MustBeBuilder" "You must be a Gorge to build this structure."
"MustGestateOnGround" "You must stand on flat ground to gestate."
"MustGestateUp" "You can only change to to higher lifeforms."
"Muted" "Muted"
"NeedMoreRoomToGestate" "You need more room to gestate."
"NeedOneHiveForStructure" "Your team needs a hive to build this structure."
"NeedOneHiveToGestate" "Your team needs a hive to gestate into this lifeform."
"NeedThreeHivesForStructure" "Your team needs three hives to build this structure."
"NeedThreeHivesToGestate" "Your team needs three hives to gestate into this lifeform."
"NeedTwoHivesForStructure" "Your team needs two hives to build this structure."
"NeedTwoHivesToGestate" "Your team needs two hives to gestate into this lifeform."
"NeedsAnotherHiveForStructure" "Your team needs another hive to build this structure."
"NoCommander" "No commander"
"NoParticleSystem" "That particle system couldn't be found."
"NoReadyRoomWhileDigested" "You can't go to the ready room while being digested."
"NoSpectating" "Spectating isn't allowed on this server."
"No_longer_hear_that_player" "no longer hear that player"
"NotFullyBuilt" "Not fully built"
"NotWhileDigesting" "You can't gestate while digesting a player."
"NumericalEventAmmo" "Ammo received"
"NumericalEventHealth" "health"
"NumericalEventResources" "resources"
"NumericalEventResourcesDonated" "Resources donated"
"OBS_CHASE_FREE" "Free chase camera"
"OBS_CHASE_LOCKED" "Locked chase camera"
"OBS_IN_EYE" "In-eye camera"
"OBS_MAP_CHASE" "Map chase camera"
"OBS_MAP_FREE" "Map free camera"
"OBS_ROAMING" "Free look camera"
"ObjectivesVsAliens" "You are fighting aliens! Aliens respawn at hives, so to win the game, you must kill all the alien hives and then kill the aliens."
"ObjectivesVsMarines" "You are fighting marines! Marines respawn at infantry portals, so to win the game, you must kill all their infantry portals, then kill all the marines."
"ObsInEyePrefix" "Viewing through eyes of"
"ObserverMessage" "You are an observer. You won't be able to join this game but you can join the next game."
"Order2" "Move to waypoint"
"Order3" "Attack target"
"Order4" "Build %s"
"Order5" "Guard %s"
"Order6" "Use welder at waypoint"
"Order7" "Get %s"
"Order9" "Hold your position"
"OverwatchRange" "Target range: %f"
"PLAYER" "Player"
"PLAYERS" "Players"
"Paralyzed" "Paralyzed"
"Parasited" "Parasited"
"Player_plural" "Players"
"Points" "points"
"Prerequisite" "Requires: "
"PrimalScreamed" "Primal scream"
"RadioCategory" "Radio"
"Range" "%d meters"
"RankBeforeGameStart" "You can only change ranks before the game starts."
"Rank_Alien_1" "Level 1: Hatchling"
"Rank_Alien_10" "Level 10: Behemoth"
"Rank_Alien_2" "Level 2: Xenoform"
"Rank_Alien_3" "Level 3: Minion"
"Rank_Alien_4" "Level 4: Ambusher"
"Rank_Alien_5" "Level 5: Attacker"
"Rank_Alien_6" "Level 6: Rampager"
"Rank_Alien_7" "Level 7: Slaughterer"
"Rank_Alien_8" "Level 8: Eliminator"
"Rank_Alien_9" "Level 9: Nightmare"
"Rank_Marine_1" "Level 1: Private"
"Rank_Marine_10" "Level 10: General"
"Rank_Marine_2" "Level 2: Private First Class"
"Rank_Marine_3" "Level 3: Corporal"
"Rank_Marine_4" "Level 4: Sergeant"
"Rank_Marine_5" "Level 5: Lieutenant"
"Rank_Marine_6" "Level 6: Captain"
"Rank_Marine_7" "Level 7: Commander"
"Rank_Marine_8" "Level 8: Major"
"Rank_Marine_9" "Level 9: Field Marshal"
"ReadyRoomMessage" "You are in the Ready Room. Walk through an entrance to join a team or observe the game."
"ReceiveHeavyArmor" "Your armor has been upgraded to heavy armor. You are now more protected against enemies."
"ReceiveJetpackArmor" "You now have a jet-pack armor upgrade. Press and hold your jump key to use it."
"ReceiveLifeSupportArmor" "You now have a LifeSupport (TM) system. When you get near death, you will be protected until help arrives."
"ReceiveMotionTrackArmor" "You now have a motion-tracker built into your armor."
"Recycling" "Recycling..."
"ReinforcementMessage" "You are waiting in line to spawn back in."
"Reinforcements" "Reinforcements"
"ReinforcementsText" "Reinforcements: "
"ReinforcingMessage" "You are now spawning back in..."
"Remaining" "left"
"Researching" "Researching: "
"Resources" "Resources: "
"ResourcesDepleted" "Resources depleted"
"SCORE" "Score"
"SCORES" "Player information"
"SoldierMessage" "You are now a soldier. Try to follow orders from your commander, and do your best to keep the enemy from killing your teammates and destroying your structures."
"Spec_Help" "Press F4 for Ready Room Use LEFT and RIGHT keys, JUMP and FIRE to change view."
"Spec_Help2" "Your text messages and voice can only be seen by other Spectators"
"Spec_Map" "Map"
"Spec_Mode1" "Locked Chase-Camera"
"Spec_Mode2" "Free Chase-Camera"
"Spec_Mode3" "Free look"
"Spec_Mode4" "First Person"
"Spec_Mode5" "Free Map Overview"
"Spec_Mode6" "Chase Map Overview"
"Spec_NoTarget" "No valid targets. Cannot switch to Chase-Camera Mode."
"Spec_Replay" "Instant Replay"
"Spec_Slow_Motion" "Slow Motion"
"Spec_duck" "Press DUCK for Spectator Menu"
"SpectatorTeam" "Spectators"
"Spectators" "Spectators"
"SpectatorsNotAllowed" "This server does not currently allow spectators."
"SquadIndicator" "You're in Squad %d"
"Stunned" "Stunned"
"TEAM" "Team"
"TEAMS" "Teams"
"TeamOneWon" "Team one won the game!"
"TeamTwoWon" "Team two won the game!"
"Team_AutoAssign" "AUTO ASSIGN"
"TechNodeHelp_0" "<none>"
"TechNodeHelp_1" "Switch to your next weapon."
"TechNodeHelp_10" "'Incoming'"
"TechNodeHelp_101" "Increases amount of armor. Each level of carapace absorbs roughly 16% more damage."
"TechNodeHelp_102" "You automatically heal all damage over time. Higher levels will heal you faster."
"TechNodeHelp_103" "The hive will automatically try to save you when you're near death, pulling you back to the hive to heal."
"TechNodeHelp_104" "Sharpness - Your melee damage is increased by half."
"TechNodeHelp_105" "Piercing - Your ranged damage is increased by half."
"TechNodeHelp_106" "Penetration - Shots go through walls and targets (not implemented)."
"TechNodeHelp_107" "Permanently boosts max speed."
"TechNodeHelp_108" "Get energy back faster. Each level of adrenaline increases your base energy recovery rate by 33%."
"TechNodeHelp_109" "Each level of silence makes your footsteps and movement sounds quieter."
"TechNodeHelp_11" "'ATTACK'"
"TechNodeHelp_110" "Standing still for a bit makes you nearly invisible. Higher levels of cloaking make you cloak faster. Observatories and scanner sweeps will uncloak you."
"TechNodeHelp_111" "Each level of focus decreases your rate of fire, but increases effectiveness (damage, or effect of ability)."
"TechNodeHelp_112" "Your hive sight will show you when your enemies are weakened."
"TechNodeHelp_113" "Gestate to Skulk. This is a fast, small alien that is best suited for one on one combat, harassment and guerilla tactics. Can climb walls (disable with the 'duck' key)."
"TechNodeHelp_114" "Gestate to Gorge. Creates and grows resource towers, hives, upgrade chambers and turrets. Weak in combat, can also heal friends and friendly structures."
"TechNodeHelp_115" "Gestate to Lerk. Provides versatile combat support. Has long-range spike shooting, choking area-effect spores and protective 'umbra' ability. Fly by tapping the jump key. Glide by holding the jump key while in the air."
"TechNodeHelp_116" "Gestate to Fade. A powerfully built fighter, with swiping attacks, an acid rocket attack, and teleportation."
"TechNodeHelp_117" "Gestate to Onos. A behemoth that can stomp to stun his enemies, charge through enemies and devour them. This alien is capable of taking on many marines at once."
"TechNodeHelp_12" "'I'm building here'"
"TechNodeHelp_2" "Reloads your current weapon."
"TechNodeHelp_20" "Level 1 player armor"
"TechNodeHelp_21" "Level 2 player armor"
"TechNodeHelp_22" "Level 3 player armor"
"TechNodeHelp_23" "Weapons, mines, turrets do +10%% damage"
"TechNodeHelp_24" "Weapons, mines, turrets do +20%% damage"
"TechNodeHelp_25" "Weapons, mines, turrets do +30%% damage"
"TechNodeHelp_26" "Upgrade to advanced turret factory"
"TechNodeHelp_28" "Allows jet-pack modules"
"TechNodeHelp_29" "Allows heavy armor"
"TechNodeHelp_3" "Drop your current weapon, to get more speed, or to give to someone else to use."
"TechNodeHelp_30" "Respawns all dead marines at the marine start."
"TechNodeHelp_31" "Allows commander to deploy health packs"
"TechNodeHelp_32" "Cancel research"
"TechNodeHelp_33" "All moving enemies become visible."
"TechNodeHelp_34" "Allows scanning and phase gate construction"
"TechNodeHelp_35" "Improve speed of resource collection"
"TechNodeHelp_36" "Shocks enemies that get too close"
"TechNodeHelp_38" "Gives heavy armor to soldier."
"TechNodeHelp_39" "Gives jet-pack ability to soldier."
"TechNodeHelp_40" "Spawns players"
"TechNodeHelp_41" "Gives resources"
"TechNodeHelp_43" "Allows turrets"
"TechNodeHelp_45" "Weapon and armor upgrades."
"TechNodeHelp_46" "Experimental technology"
"TechNodeHelp_48" "Access to new weapons."
"TechNodeHelp_49" "Upgrade to advanced armory"
"TechNodeHelp_5" "Leave game and go back to the ready room. This will let you switch teams, observe the game, or take a break."
"TechNodeHelp_50" "Allows nuke construction."
"TechNodeHelp_51" "Reconnaisance technology"
"TechNodeHelp_52" "Allows commander to deploy health packs in the field"
"TechNodeHelp_53" "Gives temporary sight into an area and reveals cloaked players."
"TechNodeHelp_55" "Lightspeed travel"
"TechNodeHelp_56" "Build a sentry turret."
"TechNodeHelp_57" "High-powered blast turret, fires sonically through walls."
"TechNodeHelp_58" "An auxillary command console."
"TechNodeHelp_59" "Gives marine 50 health."
"TechNodeHelp_6" "If the commander is deliberately trying to ruin the game, select this to vote the commander out of the command console. If enough votes are received, he will be ejected for the rest of the game."
"TechNodeHelp_60" "One clip for any weapon."
"TechNodeHelp_61" "Five mines/claymores"
"TechNodeHelp_62" "Repairs buildings and armor, affects weldables, burns webs."
"TechNodeHelp_64" "For close encounters"
"TechNodeHelp_65" "High-powered assault rifle."
"TechNodeHelp_66" "Grenade launcher "
"TechNodeHelp_67" "Droppable baby nuke."
"TechNodeHelp_69" "Destroy this structure, get some resources back."
"TechNodeHelp_7" "'chuckle'"
"TechNodeHelp_8" "'Need healing'"
"TechNodeHelp_80" "Ask your commander for orders. The commander will be notified that you are looking for something to do, and will give you an order."
"TechNodeHelp_81" "Tell your commander that you are acknowledging his orders. Follow the instructions for your current waypoint to carry out your orders. When completed, the waypoint will go away automatically."
"TechNodeHelp_85" "Basic build menu"
"TechNodeHelp_86" "Advanced build menu"
"TechNodeHelp_87" "Open assist menu"
"TechNodeHelp_88" "Open equipment menu"
"TechNodeHelp_9" "'Need backup'"
"TechNodeHelp_90" "Create resource tower: Collects resources for your team. It can only be built at a resource nozzle with resources (indicated by a white 'fountain')."
"TechNodeHelp_91" "Create offensive chamber: organic turret that attacks enemy players and structures. Damage: 20"
"TechNodeHelp_92" "Create defensive chamber: gives defensive upgrades, heals players and structures."
"TechNodeHelp_93" "Create sensory chamber: gives sensory upgrades. and cloaks nearby players and structures. Blocks motion-tracking within range."
"TechNodeHelp_94" "Create movement chamber: gives movement upgrades, automatically gives energy to nearby teammates."
"TechNodeHelp_95" "Create hive: Allows access to higher lifeforms and abilities (must be built at a hive location)."
"TechNodeLabel_0" "None"
"TechNodeLabel_10" "Attacked"
"TechNodeLabel_101" "Carapace"
"TechNodeLabel_102" "Regeneration"
"TechNodeLabel_103" "Redemption"
"TechNodeLabel_107" "Celerity"
"TechNodeLabel_108" "Adrenaline"
"TechNodeLabel_109" "Silence"
"TechNodeLabel_11" "Attack"
"TechNodeLabel_110" "Cloaking"
"TechNodeLabel_111" "Focus"
"TechNodeLabel_112" "Scent of Fear"
"TechNodeLabel_113" "Skulk"
"TechNodeLabel_114" "Gorge"
"TechNodeLabel_115" "Lerk"
"TechNodeLabel_116" "Fade"
"TechNodeLabel_117" "Onos"
"TechNodeLabel_118" "Unlock #2 ability"
"TechNodeLabel_12" "Destroy"
"TechNodeLabel_126" "Unlock #3 ability"
"TechNodeLabel_13" "Confirmed"
"TechNodeLabel_14" "Focus team"
"TechNodeLabel_15" "Powerful"
"TechNodeLabel_20" "Armor #1"
"TechNodeLabel_21" "Armor #2"
"TechNodeLabel_22" "Armor #3"
"TechNodeLabel_23" "Weapons #1"
"TechNodeLabel_24" "Weapons #2"
"TechNodeLabel_25" "Weapons #3"
"TechNodeLabel_26" "Advanced turret factory"
"TechNodeLabel_28" "Jet-packs"
"TechNodeLabel_29" "Heavy armor"
"TechNodeLabel_30" "Distress beacon"
"TechNodeLabel_31" "Level 4 needed"
"TechNodeLabel_32" "Cancel"
"TechNodeLabel_33" "Motion-tracking"
"TechNodeLabel_34" "Phase tech"
"TechNodeLabel_35" "Upgrade tower"
"TechNodeLabel_36" "Electrical defense"
"TechNodeLabel_38" "Heavy armor"
"TechNodeLabel_39" "Jet-pack"
"TechNodeLabel_40" "Infantry portal"
"TechNodeLabel_41" "Resource tower"
"TechNodeLabel_43" "Turret factory"
"TechNodeLabel_45" "Arms lab"
"TechNodeLabel_46" "Prototype lab"
"TechNodeLabel_48" "Armory"
"TechNodeLabel_49" "Advanced armory"
"TechNodeLabel_50" "Nuke plant"
"TechNodeLabel_51" "Observatory"
"TechNodeLabel_52" "Health nanotech"
"TechNodeLabel_53" "Scanner Sweep"
"TechNodeLabel_54" "Level 7 needed"
"TechNodeLabel_55" "Phase gate"
"TechNodeLabel_56" "Turret"
"TechNodeLabel_57" "Siege turret"
"TechNodeLabel_58" "Command console"
"TechNodeLabel_59" "Health"
"TechNodeLabel_60" "Ammo"
"TechNodeLabel_61" "Mines"
"TechNodeLabel_62" "Welder"
"TechNodeLabel_63" "Med kit"
"TechNodeLabel_64" "Shotgun"
"TechNodeLabel_65" "HMG"
"TechNodeLabel_66" "Grenade launcher"
"TechNodeLabel_67" "Nuke"
"TechNodeLabel_69" "Recycle"
"TechNodeLabel_85" "Build"
"TechNodeLabel_86" "Advanced"
"TechNodeLabel_87" "Assist"
"TechNodeLabel_88" "Equip"
"TechNodeLabel_95" "Unlock ability"
"TimeLimit" "Time limit"
"TooManyPlayersOnTeam" "There are too many players on this team already."
"TooManyStructuresInArea" "There are too many structures in this area."
"TooManyStructuresOfThisTypeNearby" "There are too many structures of this type nearby."
"TooManyWebs" "Your team has reached the maximum number of webs allowed."
"TooManyWebsNearby" "There are too many webs in this area."
"Umbraed" "In umbra"
"Unassigned" "Unassigned"
"UndefinedTeam" "Ready Room"
"Unmuted" "Unmuted"
"UpgradeNotAvailable" "This upgrade isn't available at this time."
"User3CommanderDesc_22" "Gives resources when a resource tower is built upon it. These resources are infinite."
"User3CommanderDesc_23" "Select the command console to see the range in which you can build infantry portals. If the command console is destroyed, you will be ejected back to the ground, and unable to command. Protect it at all costs."
"User3CommanderDesc_25" "Gives free ammo to friendly soldiers. Allows construction of shotguns, mines and welders within range. Select the armory to see this range."
"User3CommanderDesc_26" "Gives free ammo to friendly soldiers. Allows construction of heavy machine guns and grenade launchers within range. Select the advanced armory to see this range."
"User3CommanderDesc_34" "Automated Siege Cannon (ASC). Sonic weapon that attacks structures, even through walls. Doesn't attack players. It can't attack targets that are too close. Select the ASC to see its minimum and maximum range (it can hit anything in the green). Range: 400 Damage: 165 (double vs. structures)"
"User3CommanderDesc_37" "Spawns marines in from home. Without an infantry portal, the marines can't respawn."
"User3CommanderDesc_38" "Nuke is arming, protect it while it finishes. Once armed, nuke detonates, doing massive damage to nearby players and structures."
"User3CommanderDesc_41" "Allows light-speed travel to other phase gates. Multiple gates are needed to function properly."
"User3CommanderName_33" "Automatically shoots at enemies and enemy structures. Weak against upgraded and higher-lifeform aliens. Must be built within range of a turret factory, but a turret factory isn't needed to continue working. Select the turret to see its range. Won't shoot cloaked players. Good against low level aliens. Damage: 10"
"User3Desc_17" "Aliens spawn here, grants access to higher alien lifeforms and upgrades."
"User3Desc_22" "Gives resources when a resource tower is built upon it. These resources are infinite."
"User3Desc_23" "Used by the marine commander to create structures and research new technologies."
"User3Desc_24" "Allows sentry turrets to be built within range. Turrets need the factory to continue functioning. The commander can select the turret factory to see this range."
"User3Desc_25" "Gives ammo and allows construction of shotguns, mines and welders within range."
"User3Desc_26" "Gives ammo and allows construction of heavy machine guns and grenade launchers within range."
"User3Desc_27" "Allows access to armor and ammunition upgrades."
"User3Desc_28" "Allows access to heavy armor and jetpacks."
"User3Desc_29" "Sights nearby 'blips' and uncloaks all enemies within range. Gives access to Scanner Sweep, Motion Sensor upgrade and Distress Beacon."
"User3Desc_33" "Automatically shoots at enemies in range."
"User3Desc_34" "Automated Siege Cannon (ASC). Sonic weapon that attacks structures, even through walls, but doesn't attack players."
"User3Desc_35" "Collects resources for your team at regular intervals."
"User3Desc_38" "Nuke is arming, and must be destroyed before it finishes! Once armed, nuke detonates, doing massive damage to nearby players and structures."
"User3Desc_39" "Pick up to gain heavy armor. Can't be used with jet-pack. Provides protection from spores."
"User3Desc_40" "Pick up jet-pack module to gain jet-packing ability. Can't be used with heavy armor."
"User3Desc_41" "Allows light-speed travel to other phase gates. Step onto the gate to teleport to another gate."
"User3Desc_42" "Slowly heals nearby friendly players and structures. Provides one level of defensive upgrades (Carapace, Regeneration and Redemption)."
"User3Desc_43" "Aliens can use them to teleport to the farthest hive. Provides one level of movement upgrades (Celerity, Adrenaline and Silence). Destroying these chambers will remove alien upgrades."
"User3Desc_44" "Organic turret that automatically attacks enemy players and structures. Damage: 20"
"User3Desc_45" "Detects enemies in range, parasites those that touch it, and provides sensory upgrades (Cloaking, Focus, Scent of Fear)."
"User3Desc_46" "Collects resources for the enemy."
"User3Desc_47" "Outfits soldier with heavy armor."
"User3Desc_48" "Outfits soldier with jet-pack."
"User3Desc_49" "Allows construction of sentry turrets and siege turrets."
"User3Desc_57" "Detonates on contact"
"User3FriendlyDesc_17" "You spawn here. It will heal you when you are close by. Provides 'hive sight', which communicates friends, enemies and alerts to your team. Protect your hives at all costs."
"User3FriendlyDesc_23" "Used by the marine commander to create structures and research new technologies. Your commander is displayed at the top-middle of your screen. If your team doesn't have a commander, you can become one by 'using' the command console."
"User3FriendlyDesc_25" "'Use' the armory to get free ammo for your current weapon. Also allows construction of shotguns and mines within range."
"User3FriendlyDesc_26" "'Use' the advanced armory to get free ammo for your current weapon. Also allows construction of heavy machine guns and grenade launchers within range."
"User3FriendlyDesc_34" "Automated Siege Cannon (ASC). Sonic weapon that attacks structures, even through walls. Doesn't attack players. Range: 400 Damage: 165 (double vs. structures) "
"User3FriendlyDesc_37" "Spawns marines in from home. Without an infantry portal, your team won't be able to respawn, so keep it safe."
"User3FriendlyDesc_38" "Nuke is arming, protect it while it finishes. Once armed, nuke detonates, doing massive damage to nearby players and structures."
"User3FriendlyDesc_43" "Walk to chamber and press your 'use' button to teleport to a hive under attack. Provides one level of movement upgrades (Celerity, Adrenaline and Silence)."
"User3FriendlyDesc_46" "Collects resources for your team and never runs out."
"User3FriendlyDesc_47" "Outfits soldier with heavy armor."
"User3FriendlyDesc_48" "Outfits soldier with jet-pack."
"User3FriendlyDesc_49" "Allows construction of sentry turrets and siege turrets."
"User3FriendlyDesc_57" "Detonates on contact"
"User3FriendlyName_33" "Automatically shoots at your enemies. Weak against upgraded and higher-lifeform aliens. Must be built within range of a turret factory. Damage: 10"
"User3Name_1" "soldier"
"User3Name_15" "equipment"
"User3Name_17" "Hive"
"User3Name_2" "commander"
"User3Name_22" "Resource nozzle"
"User3Name_23" "command console"
"User3Name_24" "turret factory"
"User3Name_25" "armory"
"User3Name_26" "advanced armory"
"User3Name_27" "arms lab"
"User3Name_28" "prototype lab"
"User3Name_29" "observatory"
"User3Name_3" "skulk"
"User3Name_30" "chemlab"
"User3Name_31" "medlab"
"User3Name_33" "sentry turret"
"User3Name_34" "siege cannon"
"User3Name_35" "resource tower"
"User3Name_37" "infantry portal"
"User3Name_38" "nuke"
"User3Name_39" "Heavy armor"
"User3Name_4" "gorge"
"User3Name_40" "Jet-pack"
"User3Name_41" "Phase gate"
"User3Name_42" "Defense chamber"
"User3Name_43" "Movement chamber"
"User3Name_44" "Offense chamber"
"User3Name_45" "Sensory chamber"
"User3Name_46" "Resource tower"
"User3Name_47" "Heavy armor module"
"User3Name_48" "Jet-pack module"
"User3Name_49" "Advanced turret factory"
"User3Name_5" "lerk"
"User3Name_57" "Mine"
"User3Name_6" "fade"
"User3Name_7" "onos"
"User3Name_8" "embryo"
"VOICE" "Voice"
"VoteCancelled" "The vote to eject the commander has been cancelled."
"VoteCast" "Your vote has been cast."
"VoteFailed" "The vote to eject the commander has failed."
"VoteIllegal" "A vote is illegal at this time."
"VoteStarted" "A vote to eject the commander has started. If the commander is being disruptive, use your pop-up menu to vote against him."
"VoteSucceeded" "The commander has been voted off the command console."
"Weapon10Help" "Parasite - Infects target with a parasite, making him show up on hive sight at all times. The parasite cannot be removed. Damage: %d"
"Weapon11Help" "Blink - Allows near-instant teleportation. Point in the direction to travel, and hold the button."
"Weapon12Help" "Xenocide - Explosive suicide. Shortly after activating, you blow up, doing heavy damage to everything nearby. Damage: %d"
"Weapon13Help" "Knife - Weapon of efficiency and desperation. Damage: %d"
"Weapon14Help" "Pistol - High-accuracy, and packs a punch, but small clip size. Damage: %d"
"Weapon15Help" "Machine gun - Good accuracy, high rate of fire, medium clip. Rate of fire: 10 bullets per second. Damage: %d"
"Weapon16Help" "Shotgun - For fast moving targets and for delivering lots of damage quickly to close targets. 10 pellets per shot. Damage: %d per pellet"
"Weapon17Help" "Heavy machine gun (HMG) - Heavy weaponry for larger targets and enemies. While quite inaccurate, it's massive clip size and rate of fire make it indispensable. Damage: %d per bullet (half vs. structures)"
"Weapon18Help" "Welder - Weld open or closed specially designated 'weldable' areas of the map. It can also repair structures, soldier armor, and can cut through webs. Damage: %d"
"Weapon19Help" "Mines - Use for defense, or protect your flank on an assault. Deploying on vertical surfaces extends a laser tripwire, placing on the ground turns them into land mines. Damage: %d"
"Weapon1Help" "Gore - Get close to your enemy and attack. Damage: %d (double vs. structures)"
"Weapon20Help" "Grenade launcher - Grenades detonate after 4 seconds and do splash damage. Damage: %d (double vs. structures) "
"Weapon21Help" "Leap - Jump forward quickly, slashing at everything in your way. Useful for movement, and also in combat. Damage: %d"
"Weapon22Help" "Charge - Trample forth in a rage, hurting everything you touch. The charge drains energy and stops when you run out of energy. Damage: incredible"
"Weapon23Help" "Umbra - Emits a bacterial mist that slows enemy bullets that enter it. Any friendly player or structure inside umbra rarely gets hits by bullets, but is still susceptible to explosive damage and non-bullet attacks. Lasts %d seconds."
"Weapon24Help" "Primal scream - All teammates within range during scream gain energy back faster, move faster and do more damage. Listen for their screams of defiance."
"Weapon25Help" "Bile bomb - Organic artillery only hurts structures. Damage: %d (area damage)"
"Weapon26Help" "Acid rocket - Slow moving projectile that does splash damage. Damage: %d"
"Weapon27Help" "Healing spray - Bacterial spray that heals friendly players and structures and hurts enemies in range. Damage: %d (area effect)"
"Weapon28Help" "Babbler - Creates a 'babbler', which is a weaker version of the level 1 alien. Babblers will seek out enemies on their own, but only live a short while. Damage: 20 (Bite), 40 (Xenocide)"
"Weapon29Help" "Stomp - Stuns all enemy players it touches for %d seconds."
"Weapon2Help" "Spit - Light ranged weapon to keep your enemies at bay. Damage: %d"
"Weapon30Help" "Devour - Eat a nearby enemy. Player is slowly digested, taking %d damage per second. Onos gets this this damage back as health. If Onos is killed before digestion completes, the enemy is freed."
"Weapon3Help" "Spores - Shoots a cloud of choking spores, that slowly damage enemy players in range. Damage: %d per second"
"Weapon4Help" "Spikes - Long-range instant-hit weapon. Damage: %d"
"Weapon5Help" "Bite - Deadly close-combat attack. Get close to your enemies and attack. Damage: %d"
"Weapon6Help" "Bite - Deadly close-combat attack. Get close to your enemies and attack. Damage: %d"
"Weapon7Help" "Swipe - Deadly close-combat attack. Get close to your enemies and attack. Good against players and structures. Damage: %d"
"Weapon8Help" "Webs - Shoot globules near each other and a web will be created between them. Webs slow enemies and prevent them from using their weapons for a time. Webs can be destroyed with the welder."
"Weapon9Help" "Metabolize - Heals damage at the cost of energy."
"WeaponCantBeDropped" "This weapon can't be dropped."
"WeaponCategory" "Weapons"
"WeaponPreventingCommandStation" "Your weapon is preventing use of the command console."
"Webbed" "Webbed"
"YouAreNowA" "You are now a"
"YouAreReinforcements" "You were called in as reinforcements!"
"YouCanJoinSoon" "You will join this team soon."
"bastlocation_Refinery" "Hive Location - Refinery"
"bastlocation_atmosphericprocessing" "Atmospheric Processing"
"bastlocation_cargolock" "Heavy Lock Door"
"bastlocation_databank" "Databank Access"
"bastlocation_dockingbay" "Marine Start - Docking Bay 1"
"bastlocation_dockinghydraulics" "Docking Hydraulics"
"bastlocation_emshaft" "EM Drill Shaft"
"bastlocation_enginecorridor" "Engine Corridor"
"bastlocation_engineroom" "Hive Location - Engine Room"
"bastlocation_feedwatercontrol" "Hive Location - Feedwater Control"
"bastlocation_filtration" "Feedwater Filtration Access"
"bastlocation_furnace" "Steam Generation"
"bastlocation_lowerjunction" "Lower Junction"
"bastlocation_mainjunction" "Main Aft Junction"
"bastlocation_maintenanceaccess" "Maintenance Access Duct"
"bastlocation_maintenancejunction" "Maintenance Junction"
"bastlocation_ncorridor" "'N' Corridor"
"bastlocation_observationbridge" "Observation Bridge"
"bastlocation_portairlock" "Port Airlock"
"bastlocation_pressureequalization" "Pressure Equalization Conduit"
"bastlocation_starboardairlock" "Starboard Airlock"
"bastlocation_starboardcorridor" "Aft Starboard Corridor"
"bastlocation_trammaintenance" "Tram Maintenance"
"bastlocation_tramtunnel" "Tram Tunnel"
"bastlocation_ventilation" "Ventilation Conduit"
"bastlocation_watertreatment" "Water Treatment"
"caged_area2" "Upper Shipping Access"
"caged_auxgen" "Auxiliary Generator"
"caged_central" "Central Processing"
"caged_dsewer" "Lower Sewer"
"caged_hive1" "Hive Location - Sewer"
"caged_hive2" "Hive Location - Ventilation System"
"caged_hive3" "Hive Location - Generator"
"caged_marine" "Marine Spawn - Main Hold"
"caged_pure" "Purification Station 01"
"caged_service" "Shipping Tunnels"
"caged_upsewer" "Upper Sewer"
"caged_vaccess" "Ventilation Access"
"caged_work" "Stability Monitoring"
"eclipse_access1a" "Access Corridor 1A"
"eclipse_access1b" "Access Corridor 1B"
"eclipse_access1c" "Access Corridor 1C"
"eclipse_access1d" "Access Corridor 1D"
"eclipse_command" "Hive - Eclipse Command"
"eclipse_commandnorth" "Command Access North"
"eclipse_commandsouth" "Command Access South"
"eclipse_core" "Hive - Computer Core"
"eclipse_dock" "Docking Control"
"eclipse_genmon" "Primary Generator Monitors"
"eclipse_horseshoe" "The Horseshoe"
"eclipse_keyhole" "The Keyhole"
"eclipse_maint" "Hive - Maintenance Access"
"eclipse_marinespawn" "Marine Spawn - Cargo Transfer"
"eclipse_northcore" "North Core Access"
"eclipse_south" "South Loop"
"eclipse_station" "Station Access"
"eclipse_stationalpha" "Station Access Alpha"
"eclipse_stationeast" "Station Access East"
"eclipse_stationwest" "Station Access West"
"eclipse_subjunct" "Power Sub-Junction 3"
"eclipse_tjunct" "T-Junction"
"eclipse_triad" "Triad Generator Array"
"eclipse_triadb" "Triad Access B"
"eclipse_westcore" "West Core Access"
"heralocation_archive" "Hive Location - Archiving"
"heralocation_docking" "Marine Start - Landing Pad"
"heralocation_fogcorridor" "Maintenance Corridor"
"heralocation_hanger" "Marine Start - Loading bay"
"heralocation_holoroom" "Central Monitoring - 'Holoroom'"
"heralocation_maintenence" "Maintenance"
"heralocation_processing" "Processing"
"heralocation_processingcorea" "Data Core Alpha"
"heralocation_processingcoreb" "Hive Location - Data Core Delta"
"heralocation_reception" "Hera Entrance and Reception"
"heralocation_storage" "General Cargo Storage"
"heralocation_tube" "Hera Entrance Walkway"
"heralocation_ventilation" "Hive Location - Ventilation 3-C"
"nancy_airlock" "Airlock Exchange"
"nancy_aux" "Auxillary Command"
"nancy_bridge" "Bridge"
"nancy_cargo" "Cargo Hold 2"
"nancy_cockpit" "Cockpit"
"nancy_crawl" "Sub-tunnel"
"nancy_crew" "Crew Quarters"
"nancy_engine" "Port Engine Room"
"nancy_gen" "Auxiliary Generators"
"nancy_lockers" "Crew Lockers"
"nancy_maint" "Maintenance Shaft"
"nancy_mess" "Mess Hall"
"nancy_mother" "Noname"
"nancy_motherinter" "Mother Interface"
"nancy_port" "Port Airlock"
"nancy_shaft" "Maintenance Shaft"
"nancy_star" "Starboard Airlock"
"nancy_subspace" "Subspace Array Interface"
"nothinglocation_cargo" "Hive Location - Cargo Bay Foyer"
"nothinglocation_chamb" "Foreboding Antechamber"
"nothinglocation_comm" "Communications Hub 063"
"nothinglocation_dock" "Docking Wing 01"
"nothinglocation_eek" "Intimidation"
"nothinglocation_elev1" "Elevator Shaft 01"
"nothinglocation_elev2" "Elevator Shaft 02"
"nothinglocation_gen" "Generator Room"
"nothinglocation_junc1" "The Junction"
"nothinglocation_junc2" "The Junction"
"nothinglocation_kismet" "Ominous Kismet"
"nothinglocation_mias1" "Miasma Walkway"
"nothinglocation_mias2" "Miasma Walkway"
"nothinglocation_mias3" "Miasma Walkway"
"nothinglocation_ms" "Marine Start - S77 Vestibule"
"nothinglocation_paint1" "Painted Corridor"
"nothinglocation_paint2" "Painted Corridor"
"nothinglocation_paint3" "Painted Corridor"
"nothinglocation_pipe" "Pipe Room"
"nothinglocation_quad" "Quad Lift"
"nothinglocation_quada" "Quad Lift Area"
"nothinglocation_rr" "Space Station Nothing - Sub Sector 77"
"nothinglocation_san1" "Silo Access North"
"nothinglocation_san2" "Silo Access North"
"nothinglocation_sas1" "Silo Access South"
"nothinglocation_sas2" "Silo Access South"
"nothinglocation_silo" "Hive Location - PowerSilo"
"nothinglocation_things" "Room With Things"
"nothinglocation_thres1" "The Threshold"
"nothinglocation_thres2" "The Threshold"
"nothinglocation_vae" "Viaduct Access East"
"nothinglocation_vaw" "Viaduct Access West"
"nothinglocation_vent" "Ventilation Chamber"
"nothinglocation_viaduct" "Hive Location - The Great Viaduct"
"tanith_acid" "Acidic Solution Processing"
"tanith_cargo" "Cargo Storage"
"tanith_centerenter" "Central Entrance"
"tanith_central" "Central Access Tunnels"
"tanith_cpu" "Computer Control"
"tanith_east" "East Access Tunnels"
"tanith_enter" "Eastern Entrance"
"tanith_fusion" "Hive Location - Fusion Reactor"
"tanith_marinebase" "Marine Start - Uplink Command"
"tanith_north" "Northern Corridor"
"tanith_outsidebase" "Exterior Access Paths"
"tanith_reactor" "Reactor Room"
"tanith_research" "Research Labs"
"tanith_rr" "Tanith Ready Room"
"tanith_sat" "External Satellite Relay"
"tanith_satcomm" "Hive Location - Satellite Communications"
"tanith_storageenter" "Storage Entrance"
"tanith_transport" "Chemical Transport Room"
"tanith_waste" "Hive Location - Waste Handling"
"tanith_west" "West Access Corridor"
"tanith_westenter" "Western Entrance"
"testlocation1" "The translated refinery"
"veil_c12" "Emergency Nozzle C-12"
"veil_dome" "The Dome"
"veil_junctioneast" "East Junction"
"veil_junctionwest" "West Junction"
"veil_lifteast" "Lift 5 East"
"veil_marine" "Marine Spawn - Mobile Command Interface"
"veil_nano" "NanoGrid Status"
"veil_nanoeast" "NanoGrid Access East"
"veil_nanowest" "NanoGrid Access West"
"veil_overlook" "The Overlook"
"veil_pod1" "Monitoring Pod 1"
"veil_pod2" "Monitoring Pod 2"
"veil_power" "Power Core Status "
"veil_satellite" "Satellite Feed"
"veil_skylight" "West Skylights"
"veil_south" "Hive - Cargo Transfer South"
"veil_southeast" "Hive - The Pipeline"
"veil_swhive" "Hive - Sub-Sector 5B Access"
"veil_topography" "Topographical Analysis"
"veil_waypointing" "System Waypointing"
"veil_y" "Y Junction"