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v0.1.5 Modified By RedTechie Last Compile Date: 24/07/04 (Model System Dedicated Version)
Features Added:
Bugs Found:
Bugs Fixed:
Known Bugs:
v0.1.4 Modified By J2J Last Compile Date: 24/07/04 (Model System Dedicated Version)
Features Added:
-Secondary Fire on TR-116 activates wireframe view to see thru walls in local area portal. (j2j)
-Changed model loading path to /models/players_rpgx/ (j2j)
-Updated the Animation.cfg parser function, imported string tables from single player, and removed extra info parsing (for now) (j2j)
-Single player model now load succesfully into holomatch game. (j2j)
Bugs Found:
Bugs Fixed:
-TR-116 nullshader tmp fixed by removing the guts of the wall hit function. (j2j)
Known Bugs:
Too many to list.
Fix animation that are played with various player movments
Add emote function
Rank System
v0.1.3 Modified By RedTechie Last Compile Date: 22/07/04
Features Added:
-Brand new scoreboard (Also fixed intermission scoreboards)
-New forcefield features(zap sound when touched, cvar controlable damage if 0 no health damage will occure, admins can remove forcefields but shooting at them with a alt grenade, force fields are now non damage taking, forcefields now last forever no time limit)
-added cvar rpg_invisibletripmines when set to 0 turns tripmines into time mines and every one can see them when set to 1 turned to tripmines and only admins can see them and walk threw them
-New health bar added first steps to health system ;)
-Flight and cloak status on left hand side of screen
-New n00b features (ghosted, nocliped, they change to the n00b class without a respawn, N00bs cant chat at all)
-Uncommeted out J2J's drag code probly going to get yelled out but its good code :D (only prob what would be cool is if we could get the play to hover in front of the player dragging him and always stay in front of him....kinda like the force in jk with the grip force) But this code is awsome for throwing N00bs off the map into the void :D
-Medics revive if cvar rpg_medicsrevive is turned on (1 or 0)
-Class selection in team menu now used the new rpg classes
-Cloaked admins have a sprite above there heads that only other admins can see saying there cloacked
Bugs Found:
-nullshader for TR-116 :P (COUGH wallmark texture COUGH)
-Red line for TR-116
Bugs Fixed:
-md5 script removed on J2J's request
-Health bar now uses dat text files
Known Bugs:
-Eng Tool's fire still dosnt remove mines when shooting at one trace won't trace a mind :S
-Shake cmd is not finished (its in g_cmds.c and cg_consolecmds.c) g_cmds.c calls it in cg_consolecmds.c it needs to loop to all clients on the server and that loop code needs to be in g_cmds.c so its not hackable
-Portal camera map entity still fricken sways its not a sea ship its a star ship
-Suicide while rpg_medicsrevive is on (forcekill, kill, forcekillradius) dosnt play death animation
-Effects gun
-Toggle switch for drag cmd
-possibly NPC's :)
-apply the same invisible stuff to regular fire on grenades and also takes sounds out of both except for the explostion sound
-admin cmd to freeentity on all tripmines
-admin cmd to revive all
v0.1.2 Modified By J2J Last Compile Date: 28/06/04
Features Added:
Phaser and Phaser Compression Rifle sounds added from Nemisis.
Score Board: Score replace with Client Number (Hey its a rpg, who needs a score, right?)
Bugs Found:
Bugs Fixed:
Cloak and Flight now only availible for Admin class.
Known Bugs:
v0.1.1 Modified By J2J Last Compile Date: 23/06/04
Features Added:
(Non-Code) - Swaped primary grenades to the single player version model.[In pak3.pk3, add all new contnent here till next release] -Now using extracted.
Added Easter Egg.
Added yet another mapper (yam) to the credits.
Transporter Tricorder now has personal coordinates
Transporter Power Up now has custom transport points.
Added chat commands to return server exe OS, and direct cmd to shutdown server (due to fuckface carter)
Added Chat to Area function, and made it default chat.
Bugs Found:
Ext. Laser bug: Flash light pile up effect still visible to other players when owner is in spec;
Also it piles up flash lights when in an invalid class, and no class is the right class!
Tripmines crash the server when a player comes into direct contact, assuming ent trace is going through, -causing a error
Cloaking only works if clients health is 40 or more.
Cloaking still availible for marines, possible oversight?
Bugs Fixed:
Trip mines now expload for non admin classes properly, and never for a passing admin;
Trip mines know don't crash the game ever, working perfectly;
Laser/Flashlight Problems fixed, so that admin and marine class can have laser, and no layering of lights.
Noclip spectating nolonger uses doors or transporter entities.
Changed all of Phenix's stricmp functions to Q_stricmp for QVM compile (:P)
Known Bugs:
No clip spectating still jerky.
v0.1.0 Modified By Phenix Last Compile Date: 14/06/04
Features Added:
New UI color scheme change;
New UI Main Menu (RPG-X Credits, Player Model);
Version Info / Control;
Development Only: Rcon Get Command for use of selected RPG-X Team member only;
-This has been added due to the recent leak of an older preview version by Fuck-Face Carter
And everything before this.
Bugs Found:
Bug Fixes:
Known Bugs:
Tripmines expload at random (mostly when the owner admin is NOT in admin class, then expload at anyone);
Noclip Spectating has jerky movment, still uses door transporter entities;
TR-116 produces 1000s of errors on primary fire, and secondary fire whilst invisible still has effect.
Bugs when using marine laser in admin class, it piles up flash lights. Same in the actual marine class.
Player Model on main menu does not change weapons with the weapon display as it should. |