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// $Logfile:: /Code/DLLs/game/playerheuristics.h $
// $Revision:: 10 $
// $Author:: Steven $
// $Date:: 10/13/03 9:11a $
// Copyright (C) 2001 by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// This source may not be distributed and/or modified without
// expressly written permission by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// PlayerHeuristics Class Definition.
class PlayerHeuristics;
// PlayerHeuristics class
// This class and file are in a state of transition, and currently, is messy.
// I have, at least, managed to pull most of the heuristic stuff out of player.cpp and place it here,
// for now.
// Future Plans:
// Where this mess is headed -- Eventually, I would like to create a new system where we have a
// Heuristics manager that is seperate from anything in the game ( like Player, or Weapon ) and
// Thus could be used by anyone to track their own stats.
// PlayerHeuristics would still be around, though its role would change to that of an intermediary
// between the new Heuristics Manager and Player. It would control what stats it's tracking and
// manage any _PLAYER_ specific heuristic data.
#include "player.h"
class PlayerHeuristics : public Class
PlayerHeuristics( const PlayerHeuristics &pHeuristic );
void ShowHeuristics( const Player *player );
void SaveHeuristics( const Player *player );
void LoadHeuristics();
void ReadInHeuristicData(Script& script, str& levelName);
void WriteOutHeuristicData( const str& levelName );
void CreateInitialHeuristicFile();
void OpenPlayerHeuristicFile();
void ClosePlayerHeuristicFile();
void CheckForHeuristicFile();
float CalculateSkillLevel();
void ClearLevelStatistics(void);
void SetShotsFired( long int shots);
void IncrementShotsFired( void );
void SetShotsHit( long int shots);
void IncrementShotsHit();
void SetNumberOfDeaths( long int deaths);
void IncrementNumberOfDeaths();
void SetTimeOnLevel( float levelTime );
void SetPlayerHealth( int health );
void SetPing (int ping_value );
void SetItemsPickedUp ( int items );
void IncrementItemsPickedUp ();
void IncrementTeammatesKilled(void);
void SetSpecialEvents( int specialevent );
void IncrementSpecialEvents();
void UpdateShotsFired( void );
void SetEnemiesKilled( long int enemies );
void IncrementEnemiesKilled(void);
//Mission objectives
void SetObjectives(int numMissionObjectives);
void IncrementCompleteObjectives();
void IncrementFailedObjectives();
//Single Player Stats Persistent
long int shotsFired;
long int shotsHit;
long int numberOfDeaths;
long int enemiesKilled;
//level properties...
//these are the statistics for that instance of the level
long int shotsFiredInLevel;
long int shotsHitInLevel;
long int enemiesKilledInLevel;
long int teammatesKilledInLevel;
int numObjectives;
int numCompleteObjectives;
int numFailedObjectives;
float timeOnLevel;
float levelStartTime;
float levelEndTime;
float playerHealth;
str lastLevel;
str currentLevel;
//Multiplayer Stats
int ping;
int itemsPickedUp;
int specialEvents;
//Weapon Stats
//Skill Level
float skillLevel;
#endif /* __PLAYER_HEURISTICS_H__ */