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// $Logfile:: /Code/DLLs/game/CinematicArmature.h $
// $Revision:: 24 $
// $Author:: Steven $
// $Date:: 5/16/03 8:27p $
// Copyright (C) 2002 by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// This source is may not be distributed and/or modified without
// expressly written permission by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// DESCRIPTION: Classes related to supporting Cinematic Armature. The
// CinematicArmature itself is a singleton that governs
// the loading, cacheing, playing, and stopping of
// cinematics. The Cinematic class represents a single
// cinematic with actors, cameras, objects, and associated
// events.
// Forward declarations
class Cinematic ;
class CinematicArmature ;
class CinematicActor ;
class CinematicCamera ;
#include "g_local.h"
#include "actor.h"
#include "container.h"
extern CinematicArmature theCinematicArmature ;
extern Event EV_Cinematic_CinematicThink;
extern Event EV_Cinematic_Start ;
extern Event EV_Cinematic_Stop ;
extern Event EV_Cinematic_Loop ;
extern Event EV_Cinematic_Pause ;
extern Event EV_Cinematic_Continue ;
typedef SafePtr<Cinematic> CinematicPtr;
// CinematicActor -- Represents an actor in a cinematic. This
// stores data about the actor participating in
// the cinematic, including their name, tiki,
// origin at the start of the cinematic, etc.
// It also stores a pointer to the Actor class
// once the cinematic begins.
class CinematicActor : public Listener
typedef enum
} CinematicActorState ;
typedef enum
} CinematicActorAfterBehavior ;
CLASS_PROTOTYPE( CinematicActor );
~CinematicActor() { }
bool isAtSpot( void ) { return _isAtSpot ; }
bool isAnimDone( void ) { return _isAnimDone ; }
bool isRootActor( void ) { return _rootActor ; }
bool doesSnapToSpot( void ) { return _snapToSpot ; }
bool doesIgnorePain( void ) { return _ignorePain ; }
bool doesIgnoreSight( void ) { return _ignoreSight ; }
bool doesIgnoreSound( void ) { return _ignoreSound ; }
bool doesRemoveAfterCinematic( void ) { return _removeAfter ; }
const str& getName() { return _name ; }
const str& getTiki() { return _tiki ; }
const str& getAnim() { return _anim ; }
const str& getMoveAnim() { return _moveAnim ; }
Vector getOrigin() { return _origin ; }
ActorPtr getActor() { return _actor ; }
CinematicActorAfterBehavior getAfterBehavior() { return _afterBehavior ; }
void setName( const str &name) { _name = name ; }
void setTiki( const str &tiki) { _tiki = tiki ; }
void setMoveAnim( const str &anim) { _moveAnim = anim ; }
void setOriginOffset( const Vector &off) { _originOffset = off ; }
void setYawOffset( float yawOffset ) { _yawOffset = yawOffset ; }
void setSnapToSpot( bool snapToSpot ) { _snapToSpot = snapToSpot ; }
void setIgnorePain( bool ignorePain ) { _ignorePain = ignorePain ; }
void setIgnoreSight( bool ignoreSight ) { _ignoreSight = ignoreSight ; }
void setIgnoreSound( bool ignoreSound ) { _ignoreSound = ignoreSound ; }
void setRemoveAfter( bool removeAfter ) { _removeAfter = removeAfter ; }
void setRootActor( bool rootActor ) { _rootActor = rootActor ; }
void setAlwaysSpawn( bool alwaysSpawn ) { _alwaysSpawn = alwaysSpawn ; }
void setAfterBehavior( const str &s );
void setAnim( const str &anim);
bool parse( Script &cinematicFile );
void getToPosition( void );
void takeControlOfActor( const Vector &origin=Vector( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), float yaw=0.0f );
void releaseControlOfActor( void );
void playAnimation( void );
void reset( void );
void debug( void );
void Archive( Archiver &arc );
// Event handlers
void actorControlLostEvent( Event *ev );
void actorBehaviorFinishedEvent( Event *ev );
void _spawn();
void _turnActor( bool useAnims );
void _locateActor();
str _name ;
str _tiki ;
str _anim ;
str _moveAnim ;
Vector _origin ;
Vector _originOffset ;
ActorPtr _actor ;
float _yaw ;
float _yawOffset ;
bool _snapToSpot ;
bool _ignorePain ;
bool _ignoreSight ;
bool _ignoreSound ;
bool _isAtSpot ;
bool _isAnimDone ;
bool _hasActorControl ;
bool _rootActor ;
bool _removeAfter ;
bool _alwaysSpawn ;
CinematicActorAfterBehavior _afterBehavior ;
CinematicActorState _state ;
// Name: Archive
// Class: CinematicActor
// Description: Archives (loads or saves) data of a Cinematic actor.
// Parameters: Archiver& -- reference to archiver object to store the data.
// Returns: None
inline void CinematicActor::Archive
Archiver &arc
Listener::Archive( arc );
arc.ArchiveString( &_name );
arc.ArchiveString( &_tiki );
arc.ArchiveString( &_anim );
arc.ArchiveString( &_moveAnim );
arc.ArchiveVector( &_origin );
arc.ArchiveVector( &_originOffset );
// Archive safe pointer to the actor ( actor is already archived as an entity)
arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &_actor );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &_yaw );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &_yawOffset );
arc.ArchiveBool( &_snapToSpot );
arc.ArchiveBool( &_ignorePain );
arc.ArchiveBool( &_ignoreSight );
arc.ArchiveBool( &_ignoreSound );
arc.ArchiveBool( &_isAtSpot );
arc.ArchiveBool( &_isAnimDone );
arc.ArchiveBool( &_hasActorControl );
arc.ArchiveBool( &_rootActor );
arc.ArchiveBool( &_removeAfter );
arc.ArchiveBool( &_alwaysSpawn );
// Enumerations
ArchiveEnum( _afterBehavior, CinematicActorAfterBehavior );
ArchiveEnum( _state, CinematicActorState );
// CinematicCamera -- Represents a single cinematic camera. This is
// a wrapper around a regular camera. The cinematic
// camera is given stage directions, including when
// to cut to the next camera. It is also usually
// instantiated at load time, and delays actual
// instantiation of the real camera until the
// cinematic begins.
class CinematicCamera : public Listener
typedef enum
} CameraMoveType ;
typedef enum
} CameraLookType ;
CLASS_PROTOTYPE( CinematicCamera );
~CinematicCamera() { }
bool isAnimDone() { return !_playing ; }
bool isSelfRemoving( void ) { return _selfRemoving ; }
const str& getName( void ) { return _name ; }
const str& getCamFIle( void ) { return _camFile ; }
const str& getMoveActor( void ) { return _moveActor ; }
const str& getLookActor( void ) { return _lookActor ; }
void getToPosition( void );
void setName( const str &name ) { _name = name ; }
void setCamFile( const str &camFile ) { _camFile = camFile ; }
void setOriginOffset( const Vector &originOffset ) { _originOffset = originOffset ; }
void setYawOffset( float yawOffset ) { _yawOffset = yawOffset ; }
void setMoveActor( const str &moveActor ) { _moveActor = moveActor ; }
void setLookActor( const str &lookActor ) { _lookActor = lookActor ; }
void setMoveType( CameraMoveType moveType ) { _moveType = moveType ; }
void setLookType( CameraLookType lookType ) { _lookType = lookType ; }
void setSelfRemovingFlag( bool selfRemoving ) { _selfRemoving = selfRemoving ; }
void setMoveType( const str &moveType );
void setLookType( const str &lookType );
void start( void );
void cut( void );
void takeControlOfCamera( const Vector &origin=Vector( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), float yaw=0.0f );
void releaseControlOfCamera();
bool parse( Script &cinematicFile );
void reset( void );
void debug( void ) { }
void Archive( Archiver &arc );
void _locateCamera( void );
void _spawn( void );
void _handleStopPlayingEvent( Event *ev );
CameraMoveType _moveType ;
CameraLookType _lookType ;
CameraPtr _camera ;
Vector _originOffset ;
float _yawOffset ;
bool _playing ;
bool _selfRemoving ;
str _name ;
str _camFile ;
str _moveActor ;
str _lookActor ;
// Name: Archive
// Class: CinematicCut
// Description: Archives (loads or saves) the data of a Cinematic Camera
// Parameters: Archiver& -- reference to Archiver that stores the data.
// Returns: None
inline void CinematicCamera::Archive
Archiver &arc
Listener::Archive( arc );
// Enumerations
ArchiveEnum( _moveType, CameraMoveType );
ArchiveEnum( _lookType, CameraLookType );
// Archive off pointer to the camera (camera is archived as normal entity
arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &_camera );
arc.ArchiveVector( &_originOffset );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &_yawOffset );
arc.ArchiveBool( &_playing );
arc.ArchiveBool( &_selfRemoving );
arc.ArchiveString( &_name );
arc.ArchiveString( &_camFile );
arc.ArchiveString( &_moveActor );
arc.ArchiveString( &_lookActor );
// CinematicCut -- Represents a single cinematic camera cut.
class CinematicCut : public Listener
CLASS_PROTOTYPE( CinematicCut );
~CinematicCut() { }
bool doesLerp( void ) { return _lerpFlag ; }
CinematicCamera *getCinematicCamera( void ) { return _cinematicCamera ; }
const str &getCameraName( void ) { return _cameraName ; }
int getFrame( void ) { return _frame ; }
int getFadeOut( void ) { return _fadeOut ; }
int getFadeIn( void ) { return _fadeIn ; }
void setCinematicCamera( CinematicCamera *camera ) { _cinematicCamera = camera ; }
void setCameraName( const str &name ) { _cameraName = name ; }
void setFrame( unsigned int frame ) { _frame = frame ; }
void setFadeOut( unsigned int fadeOut ) { _fadeOut = fadeOut ; }
void setFadeIn( unsigned int fadeIn ) { _fadeIn = fadeIn ; }
void setLerpFlag( bool lerpFlag ) { _lerpFlag = lerpFlag ; }
void postEvents( void );
bool parse( Script &cinematicFile );
void reset( void );
void stop( void );
void debug( void ) { }
void Archive( Archiver &arc );
void _locateCamera( void );
void _spawn( void );
void _handleFadeOutEvent( Event *event );
void _handleCutEvent( Event *event );
CinematicCamera *_cinematicCamera ;
bool _lerpFlag ;
int _frame ;
int _fadeOut ;
int _fadeIn ;
str _cameraName ;
// Name: Archive
// Class: CinematicCut
// Description: Archives (loads or saves) a Cinematic Cut's data.
// Parameters: Archiver& -- reference to object archiving the data.
// Returns: None
inline void CinematicCut::Archive
Archiver &arc
Listener::Archive( arc );
arc.ArchiveObjectPointer( ( Class**) &_cinematicCamera );
arc.ArchiveBool( &_lerpFlag );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &_frame );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &_fadeOut );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &_fadeIn );
arc.ArchiveString( &_cameraName );
// CinematicOrigin -- Specifies an origin for a given cinematic.
// This enables the cinematic to be played
// relative to this origin, rather than in
// absolute coordinates on a map.
class CinematicOrigin : public Listener
CLASS_PROTOTYPE( CinematicOrigin );
~CinematicOrigin() { }
Vector getOrigin( void ) { return _origin ; }
const str& getName( void ) { return _name ; }
float getYaw( void ) { return _yaw ; }
void setOrigin( const Vector origin ) { _origin = origin ; }
void setYaw( float yaw ) { _yaw = yaw ; }
void setName( const str &name ) { _name = name ; }
bool parse( Script &cinematicFile );
void debug( void );
void Archive( Archiver &arc );
Vector _origin ;
str _name ;
float _yaw ;
// Name: Archive
// Class: CinematicOrigin
// Description: Arhives (loads or saves) a cinematic origin.
// Parameters: Archiver& -- reference to archive object.
// Returns: None
inline void CinematicOrigin::Archive
Archiver &arc
Listener::Archive( arc );
arc.ArchiveVector( &_origin );
arc.ArchiveString( &_name );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &_yaw );
// Cinematic -- Represents a single cinematic. A cinematic is made
// up of actors, cameras, and other objects. The
// cinematic is responsible for coordinating these
// entities working together to recreate the cinematic
// in the game. The data for the cinematic is read
// from a text file when the Cinematic object is
// instantiated by the CinematicArmature (the coordinator
// of all cinematics).
class Cinematic : public Entity
typedef enum
} CinematicStage ;
Cinematic( const str &filename );
virtual ~Cinematic();
bool doesResetCamera( void ) { return _resetCamera ; }
str& getStartThread( void ) { return _startThread ; }
str& getStopThread( void ) { return _stopThread ; }
str& getFilename( void ) { return _filename ; }
void setResetCameraFlag( bool resetCamera ) { _resetCamera = resetCamera ; }
void setLooping( bool looping ) { _looping = looping ; }
void setFilename( const str &filename ) { _filename = filename ; }
void setStartThread( const str &startThread ) { _startThread = startThread ; }
void setStopThread( const str &stopThread ) { _stopThread = stopThread ; }
void setStartThreadEvent( Event *ev );
void setStopThreadEvent( Event *ev );
void debug( void );
bool load( void );
void start( bool callStartThread = true );
void stop( bool callEndThread = true );
void reset( void );
void startAtNamedOrigin( const str &originName, bool callStartThread = true );
void startAtOrigin( const Vector& origin=Vector( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), float yaw=0.0f, bool callStartThread = true );
void Think();
virtual void Archive( Archiver &arc );
CinematicActor *getCinematicActorByName( const str &name );
CinematicCamera *getCinematicCameraByName( const str &cameraName );
CinematicOrigin *getCinematicOriginByName( const str &originName );
void handleBeginEvent( Event *ev );
void handleBeginAtEvent( Event *ev );
void handleEndEvent( Event *ev );
void handleSetBeginThreadEvent( Event *ev );
void handleSetEndThreadEvent( Event *ev );
void init();
bool parseActors( Script &cinematicFile );
bool parseActor( Script &cinematicFile );
bool parseCameras( Script &cinematicFile );
bool parseCamera( Script &cinematicFile );
bool parseCut( Script &cinematicFile );
bool parseObjects( Script &cinematicFile );
bool parseObject( Script &cinematicFile );
bool parseOrigins( Script &cinematicFile );
bool parseOrigin( Script &cinematicFile );
bool parseOpenBlock( Script &cinematicFile, const str &blockName, const str &openToken="{" );
bool parseCloseBlock( Script &cinematicFile, const str &blockName, const str &closeToken="}" );
bool areActorsAtTheirPlaces();
bool checkForCompletion();
void _startAnimation();
void _endAnimation();
Container<CinematicActor*> _actorList ;
Container<CinematicCamera*> _cameraList ;
Container<CinematicCut*> _cutList ;
Container<CinematicOrigin*> _originList ;
str _filename ;
str _startThread;
str _stopThread ;
bool _looping ;
bool _playing ;
bool _callStartThreadFlag ;
bool _resetCamera ;
CinematicStage _stage ;
// Name: Archive
// Class: Cinematic
// Description: Archives (loads or saves) a cinematic's data.
// Parameters: Archiver& -- reference to object archiving data.
// Returns: None
inline void Cinematic::Archive
Archiver &arc
Entity::Archive( arc );
// Archive actors
int numActors = _actorList.NumObjects();
arc.ArchiveInteger( &numActors );
if ( arc.Loading() )
_actorList.Resize( numActors );
for ( int actorIdx = 1; actorIdx <= numActors; ++actorIdx )
CinematicActor *actor = 0 ;
_actorList.AddObject( actor );
CinematicActor **actorPtr = &_actorList.ObjectAt( actorIdx );
*actorPtr = (CinematicActor*)arc.ReadObject();
for ( int actorIdx = 1; actorIdx <= numActors; ++actorIdx )
CinematicActor *actor = _actorList.ObjectAt( actorIdx );
arc.ArchiveObject( actor );
// Archive cameras
int numCameras = _cameraList.NumObjects();
arc.ArchiveInteger( &numCameras );
if ( arc.Loading() )
_cameraList.Resize( numCameras );
for ( int cameraIdx = 1; cameraIdx <= numCameras; ++cameraIdx )
CinematicCamera *camera = 0 ;
_cameraList.AddObject( camera );
CinematicCamera **cameraPtr = &_cameraList.ObjectAt( cameraIdx );
*cameraPtr = (CinematicCamera*)arc.ReadObject();
for ( int cameraIdx = 1; cameraIdx <= numCameras; ++cameraIdx )
CinematicCamera *camera = _cameraList.ObjectAt( cameraIdx );
arc.ArchiveObject( camera );
// Archive cuts
int numCuts = _cutList.NumObjects();
arc.ArchiveInteger( &numCuts );
if ( arc.Loading() )
_cutList.Resize( numCuts );
for ( int cutIdx = 1; cutIdx <= numCuts; ++cutIdx )
CinematicCut *cut = 0 ;
_cutList.AddObject( cut );
CinematicCut **cutPtr = &_cutList.ObjectAt( cutIdx );
*cutPtr = (CinematicCut*)arc.ReadObject();
for ( int cutIdx = 1; cutIdx <= numCuts; ++cutIdx )
CinematicCut *cut = _cutList.ObjectAt( cutIdx );
arc.ArchiveObject( cut );
// Archive origins
int numOrigins = _originList.NumObjects();
arc.ArchiveInteger( &numOrigins );
if ( arc.Loading() )
_cameraList.Resize( numCameras );
for ( int originIdx = 1; originIdx <= numOrigins; ++originIdx )
CinematicOrigin *origin = 0 ;
_originList.AddObject( origin );
CinematicOrigin **originPtr = &_originList.ObjectAt( originIdx );
*originPtr = (CinematicOrigin*)arc.ReadObject();
for ( int originIdx = 1; originIdx <= numOrigins; ++originIdx )
CinematicOrigin *origin = _originList.ObjectAt( originIdx );
arc.ArchiveObject( origin );
// Archive private members
arc.ArchiveString( &_filename );
arc.ArchiveString( &_startThread );
arc.ArchiveString( &_stopThread );
arc.ArchiveBool( &_playing );
arc.ArchiveBool( &_looping );
arc.ArchiveBool( &_callStartThreadFlag );
arc.ArchiveBool( &_resetCamera );
// Enumerations
ArchiveEnum( _stage, CinematicStage );
// CinematicArmature -- Coordinates the creation, playing, and
// removal of cinematics.
class CinematicArmature : public Listener
CLASS_PROTOTYPE(CinematicArmature );
static bool isInDebugMode( void ) { return _debug ; }
virtual void Archive( Archiver &arc );
void clearCinematicsList();
Cinematic* createCinematic( const str &cinematicName );
void deleteAllCinematics();
Cinematic* getCinematicByName( const str &cinematicName );
void setStartThread( Event *ev );
void setStopThread( Event *ev );
void debugCinematics( Event *ev );
void playCinematic( Event *ev );
void playCinematicAt( Event *ev );
void loadCinematic( Event *ev );
bool loadCinematic( const str &cinematicName );
Container<CinematicPtr> _cinematicList ;
Cinematic *_cinematic ;
static bool _debug ;
inline void CinematicArmature::Archive
Archiver &arc
Listener::Archive( arc );
int numCinematics = _cinematicList.NumObjects();
arc.ArchiveInteger( &numCinematics );
if ( arc.Loading() )
_cinematicList.Resize( numCinematics );
for ( int cinematicIdx = 1; cinematicIdx <= numCinematics; ++cinematicIdx )
Cinematic *cinematic = 0 ;
CinematicPtr *cinematicPtr = 0 ;
_cinematicList.AddObject( cinematic );
cinematicPtr = &_cinematicList.ObjectAt( cinematicIdx );
arc.ArchiveSafePointer( cinematicPtr );
for ( int cinematicIdx = 1; cinematicIdx <= numCinematics; ++cinematicIdx )
CinematicPtr *cinematic = &_cinematicList.ObjectAt( cinematicIdx );
arc.ArchiveSafePointer( cinematic );
arc.ArchiveObjectPointer( (Class**) &_cinematic );
arc.ArchiveBool( &_debug );