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// $Logfile:: /Code/DLLs/game/weapon.h $
// $Revision:: 121 $
// $Author:: Steven $
// $Date:: 10/13/03 9:43a $
// Copyright (C) 1997 by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// This source is may not be distributed and/or modified without
// expressly written permission by Ritual Entertainment, Inc.
// Header file for Weapon class. The weapon class is the base class for
// all weapons in the game. Any entity created from a class derived from the weapon
// class will be usable by any Sentient (players and monsters) as a weapon.
class Weapon;
#ifndef __WEAPON_H__
#define __WEAPON_H__
#include "g_local.h"
#include "item.h"
#include "ammo.h"
#include "sentient.h"
extern Event EV_Weapon_GiveStartingAmmo;
extern Event EV_Weapon_GiveAmmoBoost;
typedef enum
} firetype_t;
typedef enum
} weaponstate_t;
typedef enum
} weaponaccuracy_t;
typedef enum
} ZoomStage;
// Bones used by weapon
typedef enum
} weaponbones_t;
#define INITIALIZE_WEAPONMODE_VAR(var,value) \
{ \
int _ii; \
for( _ii=0; _ii<MAX_FIREMODES; _ii++ ) \
{ \
var[_ii] = value; \
} \
class Player;
//------------------------- CLASS ------------------------------
// Name: ActiveWeapon
// Base Class: Class
// Description: This is an active weapon.
// Method of Use:
class ActiveWeapon : public Class
WeaponPtr weapon;
weaponhand_t hand;
void Archive( Archiver &arc );
inline ActiveWeapon::ActiveWeapon()
weapon = NULL;
inline void ActiveWeapon::Archive( Archiver &arc )
arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &weapon );
ArchiveEnum( hand, weaponhand_t );
class WeaponProperty : public Class
WeaponProperty( const str &property ) : _property( property ) { }
~WeaponProperty() { }
const str& getStringValue() { return _stringValue ; }
float getFloatValue() { return _floatValue ; }
void setStringValue( const str &value ) { _stringValue = value ; }
void setFloatValue( float value ) { _floatValue = value ; }
str _property ;
str _stringValue ;
float _floatValue ;
class WeaponProperties : public Class
~WeaponProperties() { }
WeaponProperty getWeaponProperty( const str &name );
void addWeaponProperty ( const str &weaponProperty );
Container<WeaponProperty> _weaponProperties ;
class Weapon : public Item
friend class Player;
friend class WeaponDualWield;
qboolean attached; // Is this weapon attached to something?
float nextweaponsoundtime; // The next time this weapon should sound off
str current_attachToTag; // The current name of the tag to attach itself to on the owner
str left_attachToTag; // Tag to use when weapon is wielded in the left hand
str right_attachToTag; // ...right hand
str dual_attachToTag; // ...dual handed
str leftholster_attachToTag; // Tag to use when weapon is put away from left hand
str rightholster_attachToTag; // ...right hand
str dualholster_attachToTag; // ...dual handed
float lastScale; // Used for attaching to holster
Vector lastAngles; // Used for attaching to holster
qboolean lastValid; // Used for attaching to holster
qboolean auto_putaway; // Weapon will put itself away when out of ammo
qboolean use_no_ammo; // Weapon will be able to be used when it has no ammo
qboolean crosshair; // Whether or not to display a crosshair with this weapon
qboolean torsoaim; // Whether or not to torso aim with this weapon
qboolean special_move; // Allows special movement or not
EntityPtr aim_target; // Current target of the weapon
firemode_t curmode; // The current weapon mode
firemode_t maxmode; // The maximum valid mode for this weapon
qboolean switchmode; // Speicifies that this is a switch mode weapon
qboolean targetidleflag; // Flag to specify if we have just left a target idle
int chx; // x screen coord crosshair offset
int chy; // y screen coord crosshair offset
Vector realvieworg; // real view origin (third person camera loc)
qboolean thirdperson; // whether or not the player is in 3rd person
bool useActorAiming;
float _powerRating; // how much damage per second the weapon will do
float _projectileDamage; // how much the projectile launched from this weapon will do -- needs to match the damage in the projectile .tik file ( used by AI )
float _projectileSpeed; // how fast the projectile launched from the weapon will move -- needs to match the damage in the projectile .tik file ( used by AI )
bool _arcProjectile; // whether or not to arc the projectile
float _lowArcRange; // range at which the projectile will switch from high trajectory to normal
bool _playMissSound; //Play snd_ricochet if the bullet impact hits a non-damagable entity
Container<EntityPtr> meleeVictims; // Melee victim list
float maxrange; // maximum effective firing distance (for AI)
float minrange; // minimum safe firing distance (for AI)
str viewmodel; // the viewmodel of the weapon
weaponstate_t weaponstate; // current state of the weapon
int rank; // rank of the weapon (relative to other weapons)
int order; // The order of this weapon in the inventory
SentientPtr last_owner; // The last owner of the weapon
float last_owner_trigger_time; // The time when the last owner may re-pickup this weapon
qboolean notdroppable; // makes the weapon not able to be dropped
int aimanim; // The aim animation to use for this weapon (so it shoots straight)
int aimframe; // The aim frame to use for this weapon (so it shoots straight)
Vector leftHolsterAngles; // Angles to set the weapon to when it's holstered
Vector rightHolsterAngles; // Angles to set the weapon to when it's holstered
Vector dualHolsterAngles; // Angles to set the weapon to when it's holstered
float holsterScale; // Scale the weapon should be set to when it's holstered
float _weildedScale;
qboolean quiet; // Makes the weapon not alert actors
float next_noise_time; // next time weapon will alert actors
float next_noammo_time; // next time we can play out of ammo sound
int burstcount; // The current amount of burst ammo used
int burstcountmax; // Max amount of ammo for a burst
// Each of these arrays is used to describe the properties of the weapon
// in its primary(index 0) and alternate(index 1) mode
str ammo_type[MAX_FIREMODES]; // The type of ammo used
int ammorequired[MAX_FIREMODES]; // The amount of ammo required to fire this weapon
int startammo[MAX_FIREMODES]; // The starting amount of ammo when the weapon is picked up
int _ammoBoost[ MAX_FIREMODES ];
str projectileModel[MAX_FIREMODES]; // The model of the projectile fired
float bulletdamage[MAX_FIREMODES]; // The amount of damate a single bullet causes
float bulletcount[MAX_FIREMODES]; // The number of bullets the weapon fires
float bulletrange[MAX_FIREMODES]; // The range of the bullet
float bulletknockback[MAX_FIREMODES]; // The amount of knockback a bullet causes
float projectilespeed[MAX_FIREMODES]; // The speed of the projectile fired
Vector bulletspread[MAX_FIREMODES]; // The amount of spread bullets can have
Vector endbulletspread[MAX_FIREMODES]; // The final bullet spread (if different from initial) and time interval (in .z)
firetype_t firetype[MAX_FIREMODES]; // The type of fire (projectile or bullet)
int ammo_clip_size[MAX_FIREMODES]; // The amount of rounds the clip can hold
int ammo_in_clip[MAX_FIREMODES]; // The current amount of ammo in the clip
float max_charge_time[MAX_FIREMODES]; // The max amount of time the weapon may be charged.
meansOfDeath_t meansofdeath[MAX_FIREMODES]; // The means of death for this mode
qboolean loopfire[MAX_FIREMODES]; // The weapon loopfires and will not idle when shooting
//qboolean fullanimfire[MAX_FIREMODES]; // The weapon will play full fire anim even if key is released
int action_level_increment[MAX_FIREMODES]; // Increments the action level everytime the weapon is fired
str worldhitspawn[MAX_FIREMODES]; // The models to spawn when the weapon strikes the world
float next_fire_time[MAX_FIREMODES]; // The next time the weapon can fire
float fire_timer[MAX_FIREMODES]; // The times for each fire mode
float accuracy[MAX_FIREMODES][MAX_ACCURACYTYPES]; // Accuracy values for this weapon
qboolean burstmode[MAX_FIREMODES]; // This mode is a burst fire mode
float _burstModeDelay[MAX_FIREMODES];
float shootingMoveSpeedModifier[MAX_FIREMODES]; // Move speed modifier while shooting
float _viewShakeMagnitude[MAX_FIREMODES];
float _viewShakeDuration[MAX_FIREMODES];
Vector _viewMinShake[MAX_FIREMODES];
Vector _viewMaxShake[MAX_FIREMODES];
bool _viewShakeOverride[ MAX_FIREMODES ];
bool _noAmmoMode[MAX_FIREMODES];
bool _noDelay[MAX_FIREMODES];
int _chargedModels[MAX_FIREMODES];
int _spreadAnims[ MAX_FIREMODES ];
float _spreadTime[ MAX_FIREMODES ];
float _meleeWidth[ MAX_FIREMODES ];
float _meleeHeight[ MAX_FIREMODES ];
float _meleeLength[ MAX_FIREMODES ];
Vector _fireOffset[ MAX_FIREMODES ];
int _regenAmount[ MAX_FIREMODES ];
float _regenTime[ MAX_FIREMODES ];
bool _regenOnlyWhenIdle[ MAX_FIREMODES ];
float _nextRegenTime[ MAX_FIREMODES ];
float _maxViewShakeChange;
float startfiretime; // The time that the trigger was first depressed in an anim
int autoAimTargetSelectionAngle; // Whether or not the weapon will autoaim ( and the angle used to determine autoaiming)
int autoAimLockonAngle; // Angle within which a target will be locked on to, allowing
float charge_fraction; // Fraction of a charge up time
qboolean putaway; // This is set to true by the state system to signal a weapon to be putaway
firemode_t firemodeindex; // This is used as an internal index to indicate which mode to apply commands to
weaponhand_t hand; // which hand the weapon may be wielded in
float reticuletime; // Time it takes the reticule to settle.
float zoomfov; // zoomfov for this weapon
float _lastZoomFov;
float startzoom; // the zoom fov to start at.
float endzoom; // the zoom fov to end at
float zoomtime; // the amount of time to go from start zoom to end zoom
float startzoomtime; // the start time of the zoom
int aimtype; // What accuracy modifiers we are using
qboolean usesameclip; // Use the same clip for both fire modes
float chargetime; // Current charge time
qboolean targetidle; // Weapon has a specific target idle anim
qboolean donefiring; // Whether or not the weapon is done firing;
qboolean zoomed;
int targetingSkin;
int shootingSkin;
int _fullAmmoSkin;
firemode_t _fullAmmoMode;
float defaultMoveSpeedModifier;
Vector viewShake;
bool _controllingProjectile;
bool _controllingProjectileHidden;
str _controlEmitterName;
str _controlSoundName;
bool _canInterruptFiringState;
ZoomStage _zoomStage;
bool _autoReload;
bool _allowAutoSwitch;
float _nextSwitchTime;
void SetMaxRangeEvent( Event *ev );
void SetMinRangeEvent( Event *ev );
void SetSecondaryAmmo( const char *type, int amount, int startamount );
virtual void DetachGun( void );
virtual void AttachGun( weaponhand_t hand, qboolean holstering = false );
void PickupWeapon( Event *ev );
void DoneRaising( Event *ev );
void DoneFiring( Event *ev );
void DoneAnimating( Event *ev );
void Idle( Event *ev );
qboolean CheckReload( void );
qboolean CheckReload( firemode_t mode );
void DoneReloading( Event *ev );
void DoneReloadingBurst( Event *ev );
void SetAimAnim( Event *ev );
virtual void Shoot( Event *ev );
void ModeSet( Event *ev );
void SetFireType( Event *ev );
void SetProjectile( Event *ev );
void SetBulletDamage( Event *ev );
void SetBulletRange( Event *ev );
void SetBulletKnockback( Event *ev );
void SetBulletCount( Event *ev );
void SetBulletSpread( Event *ev );
void SetAutoPutaway( Event *ev );
void SetRange( Event *ev );
void SetSpecialMove( Event *ev );
void SetUseNoAmmo( Event *ev );
void LeftAttachToTag( Event *ev );
void RightAttachToTag( Event *ev );
void DualAttachToTag( Event *ev );
void LeftHolsterAttachToTag( Event *ev );
void RightHolsterAttachToTag( Event *ev );
void DualHolsterAttachToTag( Event *ev );
void SetLeftHolsterAngles( Event *ev );
void SetRightHolsterAngles( Event *ev );
void SetDualHolsterAngles( Event *ev );
void SetHolsterScale( Event *ev );
void setWeildedScale( Event *ev );
void SetWorldHitSpawn( Event *ev );
void SetViewModel( Event *ev );
void DonePutaway( Event *ev );
void SetRegenAmmo( Event *ev );
void SetRegenOnlyWhenIdle( Event *ev );
void ChangeIdle( Event *ev );
void DrawBowStrain( Event *ev );
void AltDrawBowStrain( Event *ev );
void SetAccuracy( Event *ev );
void SetReticuleTime( Event *ev );
void SetZoomFOV( Event *ev );
void IncrementZoom(Event *ev);
void setZoomStage( Event* ev );
void changeZoomStage( float firstZoom, float secondZoom );
void SetStartZoom(Event *ev);
void SetEndZoom(Event *ev);
void SetZoomTime(Event *ev);
void SetAimType( Event *ev );
void SetFireTimer( Event *ev );
void UseSameClip( Event *ev );
void SetMaxModes( Event *ev );
void SetSwitchMode( Event *ev );
void DoneSwitching( Event *ev );
void DoneSwitchToMiddle( Event *ev );
void TargetIdle( Event *ev );
void TargetIdleThink( Event *ev );
void SetBurstMode( Event *ev );
void setBurstModeDelay( Event *ev );
void UseActorAiming( Event *ev );
void PassToAnimate( Event *ev );
void SetArcProjectile( Event *ev );
void SetLowArcRange( Event *ev );
void SetPlayMissSound(Event *ev );
virtual void processGameplayData( Event *ev );
Weapon( const char *file );
bool shouldArcProjectile();
bool shouldPlayMissSound();
float GetLowArcRange();
int GetRank( void );
int GetOrder( void );
void SetRank( int order, int rank );
float GetMaxRange( void );
float GetMinRange( void );
inline qboolean GetPutaway( void ){ return putaway; };
inline void SetPutAway( qboolean p ){ putaway = p; };
void SetMaxRange( float val );
void SetMinRange( float val );
void SetHand( Event *ev );
inline weaponhand_t GetHand( void ){ return hand; };
void ForceIdle( void );
void SetAmmoRequired( Event *ev );
void SetStartAmmo( Event *ev );
void setAmmoBoost( Event *ev );
int GetStartAmmo( firemode_t mode );
int getAmmoBoost( firemode_t mode );
int GetMaxAmmo( firemode_t mode );
str GetAmmoType( firemode_t mode );
firetype_t GetFireType( firemode_t mode );
void SetAmmoType( Event *ev );
void SetAmmoAmount( int amount, firemode_t mode );
void UseAmmo( int amount, firemode_t mode );
void SetAmmoClipSize( Event *ev );
void SetAmmoInClip( Event *ev );
void SetModels( const char *world, const char *view );
void SetOwner( Sentient *ent );
void SetMaxChargeTime( Event *ev );
void SetAnim( const str &animName, Event *endevent = NULL, bodypart_t part = legs );
void SetAnim( const str &animName, const Event &endevent, bodypart_t part = legs );
int AmmoAvailable( firemode_t mode );
qboolean UnlimitedAmmo( firemode_t mode );
qboolean HasAmmo( firemode_t mode, int numShots = 1 );
qboolean HasInvAmmo( firemode_t mode );
qboolean HasAmmoInClip( firemode_t mode, int numShots = 1 );
int GetClipSize( firemode_t mode );
int GetRequiredAmmo( firemode_t mode );
qboolean ReadyToFire( firemode_t mode, qboolean playsound = true );
virtual void PutAway( void );
qboolean Drop( void );
void Fire( firemode_t mode );
void Charge( firemode_t mode );
void ReleaseFire( firemode_t mode, float chargetime );
void ClientFireDone( void );
qboolean Removable( void );
qboolean Pickupable( Entity *other );
void DetachFromOwner( void );
virtual void AttachToOwner( weaponhand_t hand );
void WeaponSound( Event *ev );
void GetMuzzlePosition( Vector *position, Vector *forward = NULL, Vector *right = NULL, Vector *up = NULL );
void GetActorMuzzlePosition( Vector *position, Vector *forward = NULL, Vector *right = NULL, Vector *up = NULL, const char* tagname = NULL);
qboolean AutoChange( void );
int ClipAmmo( firemode_t mode );
void ProcessWeaponCommandsEvent(Event *ev);
qboolean IsDroppable( void );
int ActionLevelIncrement( firemode_t mode );
void SetActionLevelIncrement( Event *ev );
void ForceState( weaponstate_t state );
void NotDroppableEvent( Event *ev );
void GiveStartingAmmo( Event *ev );
void giveAmmoBoost( Event *ev );
void AutoAim( Event *ev );
void Crosshair( Event *ev );
void TorsoAim( Event *ev );
void AttachToTag( Event *ev );
void SetQuiet( Event *ev );
void SetLoopFire( Event *ev );
void AddEffectsAnims( void );
//void SetFullAnimFire( Event *ev );
// Apparently the special_projectile stuff is no longer used
//inline virtual void SpecialFireProjectile( const Vector &pos, const Vector &forward, const Vector &right, const Vector &up, Entity *owner, str projectileModel, float charge_fraction ) {};
void AttachToHolster( weaponhand_t hand );
inline str GetCurrentAttachToTag( void ){ return current_attachToTag; };
inline void SetCurrentAttachToTag( const str &s ){ current_attachToTag = s; };
inline str GetLeftHolsterTag( void ){ return leftholster_attachToTag; };
inline str GetRightHolsterTag( void ){ return rightholster_attachToTag; };
inline str GetDualHolsterTag( void ){ return dualholster_attachToTag; };
inline qboolean GetUseNoAmmo( void ){ return use_no_ammo; };
void SetMeansOfDeath( Event *ev );
meansOfDeath_t GetMeansOfDeath( firemode_t mode );
void SetAimTarget( Entity * );
void WorldHitSpawn( firemode_t mode, const Vector &org, const Vector &angles, float life );
void MakeNoise( Event *ev );
virtual void Archive( Archiver &arc );
inline void SetAimType ( int aim ) { aimtype = aim; }
inline float GetFireTime ( firemode_t mode ) { return next_fire_time[mode]; }
inline qboolean GetSwitchMode() { return switchmode; }
inline firemode_t GetCurMode() { return curmode; }
qboolean ForceReload( );
qboolean HasFullClip();
void SwitchMode( );
void SetCHOffset(int chx, int chy);
void CheckForTargetedEntity();
Vector GetViewEndPoint();
void SetRealViewOrigin( const Vector &rv );
void SetThirdPerson( qboolean tp );
qboolean IsDoneFiring();
void StartFiring(Event *ev);
void FinishedFiring( Event *ev );
void Zoom( Event *ev );
void endZoom( Event *ev );
void rezoom( Event *ev );
void endZoom( void );
virtual void ProcessTargetedEntity(EntityPtr entity);
virtual void Uninitialize(void);
void SetTargetingSkin( Event *ev );
void SetShootingSkin( Event *ev );
void setFullAmmoSkin( Event *ev );
void setMoveSpeedModifier( Event *ev );
void setShootingMoveSpeedModifier( Event *ev );
float getMoveSpeedModifier( void );
void playAnim( const str &animName, bool animatingFlag = true );
void setViewShakeInfo( Event *ev );
void setAdvancedViewShakeInfo( Event *ev );
void startViewShake( Event *ev );
void startViewShake( void );
void updateViewShake( void );
void reduceViewShake( Event *ev );
void clearViewShake( Event *ev );
Vector getViewShake( void );
void SetPowerRating( Event *ev );
void SetPowerRating( float damage );
void SetProjectileSpeed( Event *ev );
void SetProjectileSpeed( float speed );
void SetProjectileDamage( Event *ev );
void SetProjectileDamage( float damage );
void SetBulletSpread( float spreadX , float spreadY );
float GetPowerRating();
float GetBulletSpreadX(firemode_t idx);
float GetRange(firemode_t idx);
float GetProjectileDamage();
float GetProjectileSpeed();
void ClearMeleeVictims() { meleeVictims.ClearObjectList(); }
void AdvancedMeleeAttack(const char* tag1, const char* tag2, bool critical=false);
float GetBulletDamage(firemode_t idx = FIRE_MODE1);
Vector getSpread( void );
void applySpread( Vector *forward, Vector *right, Vector *up );
// Need a way to trick the weapon into thinking it's attached so
// that it will drop properly from the player.
void setAttached(bool flag) { attached = flag; }
/* virtual */ float RespawnTime( void );
void noAmmoMode( Event *ev );
bool hasNoAmmoMode( firemode_t mode );
void setNoDelay( Event *ev );
bool isModeNoDelay( firemode_t mode );
void pauseRegen( Event *ev );
void setChargedModels( Event *ev );
void setControllingProjectile( Event *ev );
bool getControllingProjectile( void );
void setCanInterruptFiringState( Event *ev );
void setSpreadAnimData( Event *ev );
bool canReload( void );
int getAmmoInClip( firemode_t mode );
void setMaxViewShakeChange( Event *ev );
void setControlParms( Event *ev );
void toggleProjectileControl( void );
void setProjectileControlHidden( Event *ev );
void setMeleeParms( Event *ev );
void setFireOffset( Event *ev );
/* virtual */ void cacheStrings( void );
void setAutoReload( Event *ev );
void setAllowAutoSwitch( Event *ev );
void forceReload( Event *ev );
/* virtual */ void Think( void );
bool shouldAutoSwitch( firemode_t mode );
virtual int getStat( int statNum ) { return 0; }
void autoSwitch();
str getWeaponByPriority( int priority );
int getWeaponPriority();
void setNextSwitchTime( Event *ev );
void setNextSwitchTime( float time );
/* virtual */ void ArchivePersistantData( Archiver &arc );
inline bool Weapon::shouldArcProjectile()
return _arcProjectile;
inline float Weapon::GetLowArcRange()
return _lowArcRange;
inline bool Weapon::shouldPlayMissSound()
return _playMissSound;
inline float Weapon::GetBulletDamage(firemode_t idx)
return bulletdamage[idx];
inline void Weapon::SetPowerRating( float damage )
_powerRating = damage;
inline float Weapon::GetPowerRating()
if ( world && world->isThingBroken( item_name.c_str() ) )
return 0.0f;
return _powerRating;
inline void Weapon::SetProjectileSpeed( float speed )
_projectileSpeed = speed;
inline float Weapon::GetProjectileSpeed()
return _projectileSpeed;
inline void Weapon::SetProjectileDamage( float damage )
_projectileDamage = damage;
inline float Weapon::GetProjectileDamage()
return _projectileDamage;
inline float Weapon::GetBulletSpreadX( firemode_t idx )
return bulletspread[idx].x;
inline float Weapon::GetRange( firemode_t idx )
return bulletrange[idx];
inline void Weapon::Archive( Archiver &arc )
int i,j;
Item::Archive( arc );
arc.ArchiveBoolean( &attached );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &nextweaponsoundtime );
arc.ArchiveString( ¤t_attachToTag );
arc.ArchiveString( &left_attachToTag );
arc.ArchiveString( &right_attachToTag );
arc.ArchiveString( &dual_attachToTag );
arc.ArchiveString( &leftholster_attachToTag );
arc.ArchiveString( &rightholster_attachToTag );
arc.ArchiveString( &dualholster_attachToTag );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &lastScale );
arc.ArchiveVector( &lastAngles );
arc.ArchiveBoolean( &lastValid );
arc.ArchiveBoolean( &auto_putaway );
arc.ArchiveBoolean( &use_no_ammo );
arc.ArchiveBoolean( &crosshair );
arc.ArchiveBoolean( &torsoaim );
arc.ArchiveBoolean( &special_move );
arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &aim_target );
ArchiveEnum( curmode, firemode_t );
ArchiveEnum( maxmode, firemode_t );
arc.ArchiveBoolean( &switchmode );
arc.ArchiveBoolean( &targetidleflag );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &chx );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &chy );
arc.ArchiveVector( &realvieworg );
arc.ArchiveBoolean( &thirdperson );
arc.ArchiveBool( &useActorAiming );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &_powerRating );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &_projectileDamage );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &_projectileSpeed );
arc.ArchiveBool( &_arcProjectile );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &_lowArcRange );
arc.ArchiveBool( &_playMissSound );
int numEntries;
if ( arc.Saving() )
numEntries = meleeVictims.NumObjects();
arc.ArchiveInteger( &numEntries );
EntityPtr eptr;
for ( int i = 1 ; i <= numEntries ; i++ )
eptr = meleeVictims.ObjectAt( i );
arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &eptr );
EntityPtr eptr;
EntityPtr *eptrptr;
arc.ArchiveInteger( &numEntries );
meleeVictims.Resize( numEntries );
for ( int i = 1 ; i <= numEntries ; i++ )
meleeVictims.AddObject( eptr );
eptrptr = &meleeVictims.ObjectAt( i );
arc.ArchiveSafePointer( eptrptr );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &maxrange );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &minrange );
arc.ArchiveString( &viewmodel );
if ( arc.Loading() )
gi.setviewmodel( edict, viewmodel.c_str() );
ArchiveEnum( weaponstate, weaponstate_t );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &rank );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &order );
arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &last_owner );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &last_owner_trigger_time );
arc.ArchiveBoolean( ¬droppable );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &aimanim );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &aimframe );
arc.ArchiveVector( &leftHolsterAngles );
arc.ArchiveVector( &rightHolsterAngles );
arc.ArchiveVector( &dualHolsterAngles );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &holsterScale );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &_weildedScale );
arc.ArchiveBoolean( &quiet );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &next_noise_time );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &next_noammo_time );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &burstcount );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &burstcountmax );
for ( i=0;i<MAX_FIREMODES;i++ )
arc.ArchiveString( &ammo_type[i] );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &ammorequired[i] );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &startammo[i] );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &_ammoBoost[ i ] );
arc.ArchiveString( &projectileModel[i] );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &bulletdamage[i] );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &bulletcount[i] );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &bulletrange[i] );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &bulletknockback[i] );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &projectilespeed[i] );
arc.ArchiveVector( &bulletspread[i] );
arc.ArchiveVector( &endbulletspread[i] );
ArchiveEnum( firetype[i], firetype_t );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &ammo_clip_size[i] );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &ammo_in_clip[i] );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &max_charge_time[i] );
ArchiveEnum( meansofdeath[i], meansOfDeath_t );
arc.ArchiveBoolean( &loopfire[ i ] );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &action_level_increment[i] );
arc.ArchiveString( &worldhitspawn[i] );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &next_fire_time[i] );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &fire_timer[i] );
for ( j=0;j<MAX_ACCURACYTYPES;j++ )
arc.ArchiveFloat( &accuracy[i][j] );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &accuracy[i][j] );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &accuracy[i][j] );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &accuracy[i][j] );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &accuracy[i][j] );
arc.ArchiveBoolean( &burstmode[ i ] );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &_burstModeDelay[ i ] );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &shootingMoveSpeedModifier[i] );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &_viewShakeMagnitude[i] );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &_viewShakeDuration[i] );
arc.ArchiveVector( &_viewMinShake[i] );
arc.ArchiveVector( &_viewMaxShake[i] );
arc.ArchiveBool( &_viewShakeOverride[i] );
arc.ArchiveBool( &_noAmmoMode[i] );
arc.ArchiveBool( &_noDelay[i] );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &_chargedModels[i] );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &_spreadAnims[i] );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &_spreadTime[i] );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &_meleeWidth[i] );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &_meleeHeight[i] );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &_meleeLength[i] );
arc.ArchiveVector( &_fireOffset[ i ] );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &_regenAmount[ i ] );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &_regenTime[ i ] );
arc.ArchiveBool( &_regenOnlyWhenIdle[ i ] );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &_nextRegenTime[ i ] );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &_maxViewShakeChange );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &startfiretime );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &autoAimTargetSelectionAngle );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &autoAimLockonAngle );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &charge_fraction );
arc.ArchiveBoolean( &putaway );
ArchiveEnum( firemodeindex, firemode_t );
ArchiveEnum( hand, weaponhand_t );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &reticuletime );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &zoomfov );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &_lastZoomFov );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &startzoom );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &endzoom );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &zoomtime );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &startzoomtime );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &aimtype );
arc.ArchiveBoolean( &usesameclip );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &chargetime );
arc.ArchiveBoolean( &targetidle );
arc.ArchiveBoolean( &donefiring );
arc.ArchiveBoolean( &zoomed );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &targetingSkin );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &shootingSkin );
arc.ArchiveInteger( &_fullAmmoSkin );
ArchiveEnum( _fullAmmoMode, firemode_t );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &defaultMoveSpeedModifier );
arc.ArchiveVector( &viewShake );
arc.ArchiveBool( &_controllingProjectile );
arc.ArchiveBool( &_controllingProjectileHidden );
arc.ArchiveString( &_controlEmitterName );
arc.ArchiveString( &_controlSoundName );
arc.ArchiveBool( &_canInterruptFiringState );
ArchiveEnum( _zoomStage, ZoomStage );
arc.ArchiveBool( &_autoReload );
arc.ArchiveBool( &_allowAutoSwitch );
arc.ArchiveFloat( &_nextSwitchTime );
inline void Weapon::ArchivePersistantData( Archiver &arc )
int i;
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_FIREMODES ; i++ )
arc.ArchiveInteger( &ammo_in_clip[i] );
typedef SafePtr<Weapon> WeaponPtr;
#endif /* weapon.h */