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synced 2025-03-06 09:21:04 +00:00
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260 lines
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// This is separate because the map loader needs knowledge about these types to allocate their instances.
#pragma once
#include "ns.h"
#pragma pack(push, 1)
// This is the on-disk format. Only Blood still needs this for its retarded encryption that has to read this in as a block so that it can be decoded.
// Keep it local so that the engine's sprite type is no longer limited by file format restrictions.
struct spritetypedisk
int32_t x, y, z;
uint16_t cstat;
int16_t picnum;
int8_t shade;
uint8_t pal, clipdist, detail;
uint8_t xrepeat, yrepeat;
int8_t xoffset, yoffset;
int16_t sectnum, statnum;
int16_t ang, owner;
int16_t index, yvel, inittype;
int16_t type;
int16_t hitag;
int16_t extra;
struct sectortypedisk
int16_t wallptr, wallnum;
int32_t ceilingz, floorz;
uint16_t ceilingstat, floorstat;
int16_t ceilingpicnum, ceilingheinum;
int8_t ceilingshade;
uint8_t ceilingpal, ceilingxpanning, ceilingypanning;
int16_t floorpicnum, floorheinum;
int8_t floorshade;
uint8_t floorpal, floorxpanning, floorypanning;
uint8_t visibility, fogpal;
int16_t type;
int16_t hitag;
int16_t extra;
struct walltypedisk
int32_t x, y;
int16_t point2, nextwall, nextsector;
uint16_t cstat;
int16_t picnum, overpicnum;
int8_t shade;
uint8_t pal, xrepeat, yrepeat, xpanning, ypanning;
int16_t type;
int16_t hitag;
int16_t extra;
#pragma pack(pop)
class DBloodActor;
struct AISTATE;
struct XSPRITE {
AISTATE* aiState; // ai
uint32_t flags;
struct {
unsigned int state : 1; // State 0
unsigned int triggerOn : 1; // going ON
unsigned int triggerOff : 1; // going OFF
unsigned int restState : 1; // restState
unsigned int Interrutable : 1; // Interruptable
unsigned int Decoupled : 1; // Decoupled
unsigned int triggerOnce : 1; // 1-shot
unsigned int isTriggered : 1; // works in case if triggerOnce selected
unsigned int Push : 1; // Push
unsigned int Vector : 1; // Vector
unsigned int Impact : 1; // Impact
unsigned int Pickup : 1; // Pickup
unsigned int Touch : 1; // Touch
unsigned int Sight : 1; // Sight
unsigned int Proximity : 1; // Proximity
unsigned int lS : 1; // Single
unsigned int lB : 1; // Bloodbath
unsigned int lT : 1; // Launch Team
unsigned int lC : 1; // Coop
unsigned int DudeLockout : 1; // DudeLockout
unsigned int locked : 1; // Locked
unsigned int dudeDeaf : 1; // dudeDeaf
unsigned int dudeAmbush : 1; // dudeAmbush
unsigned int dudeGuard : 1; // dudeGuard
unsigned int dudeFlag4 : 1; // unused
unsigned int wave : 2; // Wave
unsigned int medium : 2; // medium
unsigned int respawn : 2; // Respawn option
unsigned int unused2 : 1; // (new) patrol state
TObjPtr<DBloodActor*> target; // target sprite
TObjPtr<DBloodActor*> burnSource;
vec3_t TargetPos;
int32_t sysData1; // used to keep here various system data, so user can't change it in map editor
int32_t sysData2; //
int32_t scale; // used for scaling SEQ size on sprites
uint32_t physAttr; // currently used by additional physics sprites to keep its attributes.
uint32_t health;
uint32_t busy;
int16_t data1; // Data 1
int16_t data2; // Data 2
int16_t data3; // Data 3
uint16_t txID; // TX ID
uint16_t rxID; // RX ID
uint16_t command; // Cmd
uint16_t busyTime; // busyTime
uint16_t waitTime; // waitTime
uint16_t data4; // Data 4
uint16_t goalAng; // Dude goal ang
uint16_t burnTime;
uint16_t height;
uint16_t stateTimer; // ai timer
uint8_t respawnPending; // respawnPending
uint8_t dropMsg; // Drop Item
uint8_t key; // Key
uint8_t lSkill; // Launch 12345
uint8_t lockMsg; // Lock msg
int8_t dodgeDir; // Dude dodge direction
uint8_t unused1; // modern flags
uint8_t unused3; // something about sight checks
uint8_t unused4; // patrol turn delay
struct XSECTOR {
uint64_t flags;
struct {
unsigned int state : 1; // State
unsigned int triggerOn : 1; // Send at ON
unsigned int triggerOff : 1; // Send at OFF
unsigned int restState : 1;
unsigned int interruptable : 1; // Interruptable
unsigned int reTriggerA : 1; // OFF->ON wait
unsigned int reTriggerB : 1; // ON->OFF wait
unsigned int shadeAlways : 1; // Lighting shadeAlways
unsigned int shadeFloor : 1; // Lighting floor
unsigned int shadeCeiling : 1; // Lighting ceiling
unsigned int shadeWalls : 1; // Lighting walls
unsigned int panAlways : 1; // Pan always
unsigned int panFloor : 1; // Pan floor
unsigned int panCeiling : 1; // Pan ceiling
unsigned int Drag : 1; // Pan drag
unsigned int Underwater : 1; // Underwater
unsigned int decoupled : 1; // Decoupled
unsigned int triggerOnce : 1; // 1-shot
unsigned int isTriggered : 1;
unsigned int Push : 1; // Push
unsigned int Vector : 1; // Vector
unsigned int Reserved : 1; // Reserved
unsigned int Enter : 1; // Enter
unsigned int Exit : 1; // Exit
unsigned int Wallpush : 1; // WallPush
unsigned int color : 1; // Color Lights
unsigned int stopOn : 1;
unsigned int stopOff : 1;
unsigned int Crush : 1; // Crush
unsigned int locked : 1; // Locked
unsigned int windAlways : 1; // Wind always
unsigned int dudeLockout : 1;
unsigned int bobAlways : 1; // Motion always
unsigned int bobFloor : 1; // Motion bob floor
unsigned int bobCeiling : 1; // Motion bob ceiling
unsigned int bobRotate : 1; // Motion rotate
unsigned int unused1 : 1; // (new) pause motion
DBloodActor* marker0;
DBloodActor* marker1;
DBloodActor* basePath;
DBloodActor* actordata;
uint32_t busy;
int32_t offCeilZ;
int32_t onCeilZ;
int32_t offFloorZ;
int32_t onFloorZ;
uint32_t windVel; // Wind vel (changed from 10 bit to use higher velocity values)
uint16_t data; // Data
uint16_t txID; // TX ID
uint16_t rxID; // RX ID
uint16_t busyTimeA; // OFF->ON busyTime
uint16_t waitTimeA; // OFF->ON waitTime
uint16_t panAngle; // Motion angle
uint16_t busyTimeB; // ON->OFF busyTime
uint16_t waitTimeB; // ON->OFF waitTime
uint16_t windAng; // Wind ang
uint16_t bobTheta; // Motion Theta
int16_t bobSpeed; // Motion speed
uint8_t busyWaveA; // OFF->ON wave
uint8_t busyWaveB; // ON->OFF wave
uint8_t command; // Cmd
int8_t amplitude; // Lighting amplitude
uint8_t freq; // Lighting freq
uint8_t phase; // Lighting phase
uint8_t wave; // Lighting wave
int8_t shade; // Lighting value
uint8_t panVel; // Motion speed
uint8_t Depth; // Depth
uint8_t Key; // Key
uint8_t ceilpal; // Ceil pal2
uint8_t damageType; // DamageType
uint8_t floorpal; // Floor pal2
uint8_t bobZRange; // Motion Z range
struct XWALL {
uint32_t flags;
struct {
unsigned int state : 1; // State
unsigned int triggerOn : 1; // going ON
unsigned int triggerOff : 1; // going OFF
unsigned int restState : 1; // restState
unsigned int interruptable : 1; // Interruptable
unsigned int panAlways : 1; // panAlways
unsigned int decoupled : 1; // Decoupled
unsigned int triggerOnce : 1; // 1-shot
unsigned int isTriggered : 1;
unsigned int triggerPush : 1; // Push
unsigned int triggerVector : 1; // Vector
unsigned int triggerTouch : 1; // by NoOne: renamed from Reserved to Touch as it works with Touch now.
unsigned int locked : 1; // Locked
unsigned int dudeLockout : 1; // DudeLockout
uint32_t busy;
int16_t data; // Data
uint16_t txID; // TX ID
uint16_t rxID; // RX ID
uint16_t busyTime; // busyTime
uint16_t waitTime; // waitTime
uint8_t command; // Cmd
vec3_t panVel;
uint8_t key; // Key