Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/DrBeef/Raze.git synced 2025-03-04 08:21:20 +00:00
Christoph Oelckers ff71ab14ce - added a GZDoom-style alternative HUD.
So far only implemented for Blood.
2022-10-30 16:51:37 +01:00

154 lines
4.6 KiB

// contains all global Blood definitions
struct Blood native
// POWERUPS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
enum EPowerupType {
kPwUpFeatherFall = 12,
kPwUpShadowCloak = 13,
kPwUpDeathMask = 14,
kPwUpJumpBoots = 15,
kPwUpTwoGuns = 17,
kPwUpDivingSuit = 18,
kPwUpGasMask = 19,
kPwUpCrystalBall = 21,
kPwUpDoppleganger = 23,
kPwUpReflectShots = 24,
kPwUpBeastVision = 25,
kPwUpShadowCloakUseless = 26,
kPwUpDeliriumShroom = 28,
kPwUpGrowShroom = 29,
kPwUpShrinkShroom = 30,
kPwUpDeathMaskUseless = 31,
kPwUpAsbestArmor = 39,
kMaxPowerUps = 51,
enum EWeapon
kWeapNone = 0,
kWeapPitchFork = 1,
kWeapFlareGun = 2,
kWeapShotgun = 3,
kWeapTommyGun = 4,
kWeapNapalm = 5,
kWeapDynamite = 6,
kWeapSpraycan = 7,
kWeapTeslaCannon = 8,
kWeapLifeLeech = 9,
kWeapVoodooDoll = 10,
kWeapProximity = 11,
kWeapRemote = 12,
kWeapBeast = 13,
kWeapMax = 14,
native static void PlayIntroMusic();
native static bool OriginalLoadScreen(); // doing it generically would necessitate exporting the tile manage which we do not want.
native static void sndStartSample(int resid, int volume, int channel, bool loop = false, int chanflags = 0);
native static void sndStartSampleNamed(String sname, int volume, int channel);
native static TextureID PowerupIcon(int pwup);
native static BloodPlayer GetViewPlayer();
// These are just dummies to make the MP statusbar code compile.
static void GetPlayers(Array<BloodPlayer> players)
static int getGameType()
return 0;
struct PACKINFO // not native!
bool isActive;
int curAmount;
struct BloodPlayer native
native int GetHealth(); // health is stored in the XSPRITE which cannot be safely exported to scripting at the moment due to pending refactoring.
native int powerupCheck(int pwup);
//DUDEINFO* pDudeInfo;
//PlayerHorizon horizon;
//PlayerAngle angle;
native uint8 newWeapon;
native int weaponQav;
native int qavCallback;
native bool isRunning;
native int posture; // stand, crouch, swim
native int sceneQav; // by NoOne: used to keep qav id
native double bobPhase;
native int bobAmp;
native double bobHeight;
native double bobWidth;
native int swayPhase;
native int swayAmp;
native double swayHeight;
native double swayWidth;
native int nPlayer; // Connect id
//native int nSprite;
native int lifeMode;
native double zView;
native double zViewVel;
native double zWeapon;
native double zWeaponVel;
native double slope;
native bool isUnderwater;
native bool hasKey[8];
native int8 hasFlag;
native int damageControl[7];
native int8 curWeapon;
native int8 nextWeapon;
native int weaponTimer;
native int weaponState;
native int weaponAmmo; //rename
native bool hasWeapon[14];
native int weaponMode[14];
native int weaponOrder[2][14];
native int ammoCount[12];
native bool qavLoop;
native int fuseTime;
native int throwTime;
native double throwPower;
//native Aim aim; // world
//native int aimTarget; // aim target sprite
native int aimTargetsCount;
//native short aimTargets[16];
native int deathTime;
native int pwUpTime[51]; // kMaxPowerUps
native int fragCount;
native int fragInfo[8];
native int teamId;
native int underwaterTime;
native int bubbleTime;
native int restTime;
native int kickPower;
native int laughCount;
native bool godMode;
native bool fallScream;
native bool cantJump;
native int packItemTime; // pack timer
native int packItemId; // pack id 1: diving suit, 2: crystal ball, 3: beast vision 4: jump boots
native PACKINFO packSlots[5]; // at325 [1]: diving suit, [2]: crystal ball, [3]: beast vision [4]: jump boots
native int armor[3]; // armor
//native int voodooTarget;
native int flickerEffect;
native int tiltEffect;
native int visibility;
native int painEffect;
native int blindEffect;
native int chokeEffect;
native int handTime;
native bool hand; // if true, there is hand start choking the player
native int pickupEffect;
native bool flashEffect; // if true, reduce pPlayer->visibility counter
native int quakeEffect;
native int player_par;
native int nWaterPal;
//POSTURE pPosture[kModeMax][kPostureMax];