mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 12:11:24 +00:00
Raze has fixed its savegame format so that it can fully restore a game session from it. As a result, nnExtInitModernStuff was never called with 'saveload' set to true and none of this code ever executed.
430 lines
17 KiB
430 lines
17 KiB
Copyright (C) 2010-2019 EDuke32 developers and contributors
Copyright (C) 2019 Nuke.YKT
Copyright (C) NoOne
This file is part of NBlood.
NBlood is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
// This file provides modern features for mappers.
// For full documentation please visit http://cruo.bloodgame.ru/xxsystem
#pragma once
#include "common_game.h"
#include "eventq.h"
#include "qav.h"
#include "actor.h"
#include "dude.h"
#include "player.h"
// additional non-thing proximity, sight and physics sprites
kMaxSuperXSprites = 512,
kMaxTrackingConditions = 64,
kMaxTracedObjects = 32, // per one tracking condition
// additional physics attributes for debris sprites
kPhysDebrisFloat = 0x0008, // *debris* slowly goes up and down from it's position
kPhysDebrisFly = 0x0010, // *debris* affected by negative gravity (fly instead of falling)
kPhysDebrisSwim = 0x0020, // *debris* can swim underwater (instead of drowning)
kPhysDebrisTouch = 0x0040, // *debris* can be moved via touch
kPhysDebrisVector = 0x0400, // *debris* can be affected by vector weapons
kPhysDebrisExplode = 0x0800, // *debris* can be affected by explosions
// *modern types only hitag*
kModernTypeFlag0 = 0x0000,
kModernTypeFlag1 = 0x0001,
kModernTypeFlag2 = 0x0002,
kModernTypeFlag3 = 0x0003,
kModernTypeFlag4 = 0x0004,
kModernTypeFlag8 = 0x0008,
kModernTypeFlag16 = 0x0010,
kMaxRandomizeRetries = 16,
kPercFull = 100,
kCondRange = 100,
kPatrolStateSize = 42,
kPatrolAlarmSeeDist = 10000,
kPatrolAlarmHearDist = 10000,
kMaxPatrolVelocity = 500000,
kMaxPatrolCrouchVelocity = (kMaxPatrolVelocity >> 1),
kMaxPatrolSpotValue = 500,
kMinPatrolTurnDelay = 8,
kPatrolTurnDelayRange = 20,
kDudeFlagStealth = 0x0001,
kDudeFlagCrouch = 0x0002,
kSlopeDist = 0x20,
kEffectGenCallbackBase = 200,
kTriggerSpriteScreen = 0x0001,
kTriggerSpriteAim = 0x0002,
kMinAllowedPowerup = kPwUpFeatherFall,
kMaxAllowedPowerup = kMaxPowerUps
// modern statnums
enum {
kStatModernBase = 20,
kStatModernDudeTargetChanger = kStatModernBase,
kStatModernCondition = 21,
kStatModernEventRedirector = 22,
kStatModernPlayerLinker = 23,
kStatModernBrokenDudeLeech = 24,
kStatModernQavScene = 25,
kStatModernWindGen = 26,
kStatModernStealthRegion = 27,
kStatModernTmp = 39,
kStatModernMax = 40,
// modern sprite types
enum {
kModernStealthRegion = 16,
kModernCustomDudeSpawn = 24,
kModernRandomTX = 25,
kModernSequentialTX = 26,
kModernSeqSpawner = 27,
kModernObjPropertiesChanger = 28,
kModernObjPicnumChanger = 29,
kModernObjSizeChanger = 31,
kModernDudeTargetChanger = 33,
kModernSectorFXChanger = 34,
kModernObjDataChanger = 35,
kModernSpriteDamager = 36,
kModernObjDataAccumulator = 37,
kModernEffectSpawner = 38,
kModernWindGenerator = 39,
kModernRandom = 40,
kModernRandom2 = 80,
kItemShroomGrow = 129,
kItemShroomShrink = 130,
kItemModernMapLevel = 150, // once picked up, draws whole minimap
kDudeModernCustom = kDudeVanillaMax,
kDudeModernCustomBurning = 255,
kModernThingTNTProx = 433, // detects only players
kModernThingThrowableRock = 434, // does small damage if hits target
kModernThingEnemyLifeLeech = 435, // the same as normal, except it aims in specified target only
kModernPlayerControl = 500, /// WIP
kModernCondition = 501, /// WIP, sends command only if specified conditions == true
kModernConditionFalse = 502, /// WIP, sends command only if specified conditions != true
kModernSlopeChanger = 504,
kGenModernMissileUniversal = 704,
kGenModernSound = 708,
// type of random
enum {
kRandomizeItem = 0,
kRandomizeDude = 1,
kRandomizeTX = 2,
// type of object
enum {
enum {
kCondGameBase = 0,
kCondGameMax = 50,
kCondMixedBase = 100,
kCondMixedMax = 200,
kCondWallBase = 200,
kCondWallMax = 300,
kCondSectorBase = 300,
kCondSectorMax = 400,
kCondPlayerBase = 400,
kCondPlayerMax = 450,
kCondDudeBase = 450,
kCondDudeMax = 500,
kCondSpriteBase = 500,
kCondSpriteMax = 600,
enum {
kCondSerialSector = 100000,
kCondSerialWall = 200000,
kCondSerialSprite = 300000,
kCondSerialMax = 400000,
enum {
kPatrolMoveForward = 0,
kPatrolMoveBackward = 1,
// - STRUCTS ------------------------------------------------------------------
struct SPRITEMASS { // sprite mass info for getSpriteMassBySize();
int seqId;
short picnum; // mainly needs for moving debris
short xrepeat;
short yrepeat;
short clipdist; // mass multiplier
int mass;
short airVel; // mainly needs for moving debris
int fraction; // mainly needs for moving debris
struct QAVSCENE { // this one stores qavs anims that can be played by trigger
DBloodActor* initiator = nullptr; // index of sprite which triggered qav scene
QAV* qavResrc = nullptr;
short dummy = -1;
bool allowThrow; // indicates if kDudeModernCustom can throw it
int fireSound[2]; // predefined fire sounds. used by kDudeModernCustom, but can be used for something else.
int fireSound[2]; // predefined fire sounds. used by kDudeModernCustom, but can be used for something else.
bool dmgType[kDamageMax]; // list of damages types missile can use
bool allowImpact; // allow to trigger object with Impact flag enabled with this missile
bool flying; // used by kModernDudeTargetChanger (ai fight)
bool melee; // used by kModernDudeTargetChanger (ai fight)
int idlgseqofs : 6; // used for patrol
int mvegseqofs : 6; // used for patrol
int idlwseqofs : 6; // used for patrol
int mvewseqofs : 6; // used for patrol
int idlcseqofs : 6; // used for patrol
int mvecseqofs : 6; // used for patrol
struct TRPLAYERCTRL { // this one for controlling the player using triggers (movement speed, jumps and other stuff)
QAVSCENE qavScene;
int8_t type;
uint8_t cmd;
unsigned int index_;
DBloodActor* actor;
DBloodActor* actor;
uint8_t length;
OBJECTS_TO_TRACK obj[kMaxTracedObjects];
int snd;
int max;
int cur;
int rng1;
int rng2;
char name[32];
// - VARIABLES ------------------------------------------------------------------
extern bool gModernMap;
extern bool gTeamsSpawnUsed;
extern bool gEventRedirectsUsed;
extern ZONE gStartZoneTeam1[kMaxPlayers];
extern ZONE gStartZoneTeam2[kMaxPlayers];
extern const THINGINFO_EXTRA gThingInfoExtra[kThingMax];
extern const VECTORINFO_EXTRA gVectorInfoExtra[kVectorMax];
extern const MISSILEINFO_EXTRA gMissileInfoExtra[kMissileMax];
extern const DUDEINFO_EXTRA gDudeInfoExtra[kDudeMax];
extern TRPLAYERCTRL gPlayerCtrl[kMaxPlayers];
extern TRCONDITION gCondition[kMaxTrackingConditions];
extern DBloodActor* gProxySpritesList[kMaxSuperXSprites];
extern DBloodActor* gSightSpritesList[kMaxSuperXSprites];
extern DBloodActor* gPhysSpritesList[kMaxSuperXSprites];
extern DBloodActor* gImpactSpritesList[kMaxSuperXSprites];
extern short gProxySpritesCount;
extern short gSightSpritesCount;
extern short gPhysSpritesCount;
extern short gImpactSpritesCount;
extern short gTrackingCondsCount;
extern AISTATE genPatrolStates[kPatrolStateSize];
// - FUNCTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------
bool nnExtEraseModernStuff(DBloodActor* actor);
void nnExtInitModernStuff();
void nnExtProcessSuperSprites(void);
bool nnExtIsImmune(DBloodActor* pSprite, int dmgType, int minScale = 16);
int nnExtRandom(int a, int b);
void nnExtResetGlobals();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
void sfxPlayMissileSound(DBloodActor* pSprite, int missileId);
void sfxPlayVectorSound(DBloodActor* pSprite, int vectorId);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
int debrisGetFreeIndex(void);
void debrisBubble(DBloodActor* nSprite);
void debrisMove(int listIndex);
void debrisConcuss(DBloodActor* nOwner, int listIndex, int x, int y, int z, int dmg);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
void aiSetGenIdleState(DBloodActor*);
// triggers related
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
int aiFightGetTargetDist(DBloodActor* pSprite, DUDEINFO* pDudeInfo, DBloodActor* pTarget);
int aiFightGetFineTargetDist(DBloodActor* actor, DBloodActor* target);
bool aiFightDudeCanSeeTarget(DBloodActor* pXDude, DUDEINFO* pDudeInfo, DBloodActor* pTarget);
bool aiFightDudeIsAffected(DBloodActor* pXDude);
bool aiFightMatesHaveSameTarget(DBloodActor* leaderactor, DBloodActor* targetactor, int allow);
void aiFightActivateDudes(int rx);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
void useSlopeChanger(DBloodActor* sourceactor, int objType, int objIndex, DBloodActor* objActor);
void damageSprites(DBloodActor* pXSource, DBloodActor* pSprite);
void useRandomItemGen(DBloodActor* pSource);
void useUniMissileGen(DBloodActor* sourceactor, DBloodActor* actor);
void useSoundGen(DBloodActor* sourceactor, DBloodActor* actor);
void useIncDecGen(DBloodActor* sourceactor, short objType, int objIndex, DBloodActor* objactor);
void useDataChanger(DBloodActor* sourceactor, int objType, int objIndex, DBloodActor* objActor);
void useSectorLigthChanger(DBloodActor* pXSource, XSECTOR* pXSector);
void useTargetChanger(DBloodActor* sourceactor, DBloodActor* actor);
void usePictureChanger(DBloodActor* sourceactor, int objType, int objIndex, DBloodActor* objActor);
void useSequentialTx(DBloodActor* pXSource, COMMAND_ID cmd, bool setState);
void useRandomTx(DBloodActor* sourceactor, COMMAND_ID cmd, bool setState);
void useDudeSpawn(DBloodActor* pXSource, DBloodActor* pSprite);
void useCustomDudeSpawn(DBloodActor* pXSource, DBloodActor* pSprite);
void seqTxSendCmdAll(DBloodActor* pXSource, DBloodActor* nIndex, COMMAND_ID cmd, bool modernSend);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
void trPlayerCtrlLink(DBloodActor* pXSource, PLAYER* pPlayer, bool checkCondition);
void trPlayerCtrlStopScene(PLAYER* pPlayer);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
void modernTypeTrigger(int type, int nDest, DBloodActor* actor, const EVENT& event);
bool modernTypeOperateSector(int nSector, sectortype* pSector, XSECTOR* pXSector, const EVENT& event);
bool modernTypeOperateSprite(DBloodActor*, EVENT event);
bool modernTypeOperateWall(int nWall, walltype* pWall, XWALL* pXWall, EVENT event);
void modernTypeSendCommand(DBloodActor* nSprite, int channel, COMMAND_ID command);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
bool playerSizeShrink(PLAYER* pPlayer, int divider);
bool playerSizeGrow(PLAYER* pPlayer, int multiplier);
bool playerSizeReset(PLAYER* pPlayer);
void playerDeactivateShrooms(PLAYER* pPlayer);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
QAV* playerQavSceneLoad(int qavId);
void playerQavSceneProcess(PLAYER* pPlayer, QAVSCENE* pQavScene);
void playerQavScenePlay(PLAYER* pPlayer);
void playerQavSceneDraw(PLAYER* pPlayer, int a2, double a3, double a4, int a5);
void playerQavSceneReset(PLAYER* pPlayer);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
void callbackUniMissileBurst(DBloodActor*actor, int nSprite);
void callbackMakeMissileBlocking(DBloodActor* actor, int nSprite);
void callbackGenDudeUpdate(DBloodActor* actor, int nSprite);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
PLAYER* getPlayerById(short id);
bool isGrown(DBloodActor* pSprite);
bool isShrinked(DBloodActor* pSprite);
bool IsBurningDude(DBloodActor* pSprite);
bool IsKillableDude(DBloodActor* pSprite);
bool isActive(DBloodActor* nSprite);
int getDataFieldOfObject(int objType, int objIndex, DBloodActor* objActor, int dataIndex);
bool setDataValueOfObject(int objType, int objIndex, DBloodActor* objActor, int dataIndex, int value);
bool incDecGoalValueIsReached(DBloodActor* actor);
int getSpriteMassBySize(DBloodActor* pSprite);
bool ceilIsTooLow(DBloodActor* pSprite);
void levelEndLevelCustom(int nLevel);
int useCondition(DBloodActor*, const EVENT& event);
bool condCmp(int val, int arg1, int arg2, int comOp);
bool condCmpne(int arg1, int arg2, int comOp);
void condError(DBloodActor* pXCond, const char* pzFormat, ...);
void condUpdateObjectIndex(DBloodActor* oldplayer, DBloodActor* newplayer);
DBloodActor* evrListRedirectors(int objType, int objXIndex, DBloodActor* objActor, DBloodActor* pXRedir, int* tx);
void seqSpawnerOffSameTx(DBloodActor* actor);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
void aiPatrolSetMarker(DBloodActor* actor);
void aiPatrolThink(DBloodActor* actor);
void aiPatrolStop(DBloodActor* actor, DBloodActor* targetactor, bool alarm = false);
void aiPatrolAlarmFull(DBloodActor* actor, DBloodActor* targetactor, bool chain);
void aiPatrolAlarmLite(DBloodActor* actor, DBloodActor* targetactor);
void aiPatrolState(DBloodActor* pSprite, int state);
void aiPatrolMove(DBloodActor* actor);
DBloodActor* aiPatrolMarkerBusy(DBloodActor* except, DBloodActor* marker);
bool aiPatrolMarkerReached(DBloodActor*);
bool aiPatrolGetPathDir(DBloodActor* actor, DBloodActor* marker);
void aiPatrolFlagsMgr(DBloodActor* sourceactor, DBloodActor* destactor, bool copy, bool init);
void aiPatrolRandGoalAng(DBloodActor* actor);
void aiPatrolTurn(DBloodActor* actor);
inline int aiPatrolGetVelocity(int speed, int value) {
return (value > 0) ? ClipRange((speed / 3) + (2500 * value), 0, 0x47956) : speed;
inline bool aiPatrolWaiting(AISTATE* pAiState) {
return (pAiState && pAiState->stateType >= kAiStatePatrolWaitL && pAiState->stateType <= kAiStatePatrolWaitW);
inline bool aiPatrolMoving(AISTATE* pAiState) {
return (pAiState && pAiState->stateType >= kAiStatePatrolMoveL && pAiState->stateType <= kAiStatePatrolMoveW);
inline bool aiPatrolTurning(AISTATE* pAiState) {
return (pAiState && pAiState->stateType >= kAiStatePatrolTurnL && pAiState->stateType <= kAiStatePatrolTurnW);
inline bool aiInPatrolState(AISTATE* pAiState) {
return (pAiState && pAiState->stateType >= kAiStatePatrolBase && pAiState->stateType < kAiStatePatrolMax);
inline bool aiInPatrolState(int nAiStateType) {
return (nAiStateType >= kAiStatePatrolBase && nAiStateType < kAiStatePatrolMax);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
bool readyForCrit(DBloodActor* pHunter, DBloodActor* pVictim);
int sectorInMotion(int nSector);
void clampSprite(DBloodActor* actor, int which = 3);
inline bool valueIsBetween(int val, int min, int max)
return (val > min && val < max);
// This file provides modern features for mappers.
// For full documentation please visit http://cruo.bloodgame.ru/xxsystem