mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 09:40:58 +00:00
- cleanup on the tile management.
* removed the long defunct EDuke32-based map art system. With our move to named textures this will not work anymore so fixing the existing problems would be pointless. * moving .def related parsing stuff out of buildtiles.cpp. * some initial refactoring to make the tile store a static, non-modifyable resource after initial setup.
This commit is contained in:
16 changed files with 168 additions and 300 deletions
@ -83,6 +83,109 @@ void parseIncludeDefault(FScanner& sc, FScriptPosition& pos)
performInclude(&sc, G_DefaultDefFile(), &pos);
// Helpers for tile parsing
bool ValidateTileRange(const char* cmd, int& begin, int& end, FScriptPosition pos, bool allowswap = true)
if (end < begin)
pos.Message(MSG_WARNING, "%s: tile range [%d..%d] is backwards. Indices were swapped.", cmd, begin, end);
std::swap(begin, end);
if ((unsigned)begin >= MAXUSERTILES || (unsigned)end >= MAXUSERTILES)
pos.Message(MSG_ERROR, "%s: Invalid tile range [%d..%d]", cmd, begin, end);
return false;
return true;
bool ValidateTilenum(const char* cmd, int tile, FScriptPosition pos)
if ((unsigned)tile >= MAXUSERTILES)
pos.Message(MSG_ERROR, "%s: Invalid tile number %d", cmd, tile);
return false;
return true;
// Internal worker for tileImportTexture
void processTileImport(const char* cmd, FScriptPosition& pos, TileImport& imp)
if (!ValidateTilenum(cmd, imp.tile, pos))
if (imp.crc32 != INT64_MAX && int(imp.crc32) != tileGetCRC32(imp.tile))
if (imp.sizex != INT_MAX && tileWidth(imp.tile) != imp.sizex && tileHeight(imp.tile) != imp.sizey)
imp.alphacut = clamp(imp.alphacut, 0, 255);
gi->SetTileProps(imp.tile, imp.surface, imp.vox, imp.shade);
if (imp.fn.IsNotEmpty() && tileImportFromTexture(imp.fn, imp.tile, imp.alphacut, imp.istexture) < 0) return;
TileFiles.tiledata[imp.tile].picanm.sf |= imp.flags;
// This is not quite the same as originally, for two reasons:
// 1: Since these are texture properties now, there's no need to clear them.
// 2: The original code assumed that an imported texture cannot have an offset. But this can import Doom patches and PNGs with grAb, so the situation is very different.
if (imp.xoffset == INT_MAX) imp.xoffset = tileLeftOffset(imp.tile);
else imp.xoffset = clamp(imp.xoffset, -128, 127);
if (imp.yoffset == INT_MAX) imp.yoffset = tileTopOffset(imp.tile);
else imp.yoffset = clamp(imp.yoffset, -128, 127);
auto tex = tileGetTexture(imp.tile);
if (tex)
tex->SetOffsets(imp.xoffset, imp.yoffset);
if (imp.extra != INT_MAX) TileFiles.tiledata[imp.tile].picanm.extra = imp.extra;
// Internal worker for tileSetAnim
void processSetAnim(const char* cmd, FScriptPosition& pos, SetAnim& imp)
if (!ValidateTilenum(cmd, imp.tile1, pos) ||
!ValidateTilenum(cmd, imp.tile2, pos))
if (imp.type < 0 || imp.type > 3)
pos.Message(MSG_ERROR, "%s: animation type must be 0-3, got %d", cmd, imp.type);
int count = imp.tile2 - imp.tile1;
if (imp.type == (PICANM_ANIMTYPE_BACK >> PICANM_ANIMTYPE_SHIFT) && imp.tile1 > imp.tile2)
count = -count;
TileFiles.setAnim(imp.tile1, imp.type, imp.speed, count);
@ -964,6 +964,7 @@ static void InitTextures()
gi->LoadGameTextures(); // loads game-side data that must be present before processing the .def files.
InitFont(); // InitFonts may only be called once all texture data has been initialized.
gi->SetupSpecialTextures(); // For installing dynamic or deleted textures in the texture manager. This must be done after parsing .def and before setting the aliases.
@ -972,7 +973,6 @@ static void InitTextures()
V_LoadTranslations(); // loading the translations must be delayed until the palettes have been fully set up.
@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ struct GameInterface
virtual bool GenerateSavePic() { return false; }
virtual void app_init() = 0;
virtual void LoadGameTextures() {}
virtual void SetupSpecialTextures() {}
virtual void loadPalette();
virtual void clearlocalinputstate() {}
virtual void UpdateScreenSize() {}
@ -347,7 +347,6 @@ static void GameTicker()
@ -533,8 +533,6 @@ void loadMap(const char* filename, int flags, DVector3* pos, int16_t* ang, secto
//Must be last.
*cursect = validSectorIndex(cursectnum) ? §or[cursectnum] : nullptr;
@ -142,7 +142,6 @@ void BuildTiles::Init()
for (auto& tile : tiledata)
tile.texture = Placeholder;
tile.backup = Placeholder;
tile.picanm = {};
tile.RotTile = { -1,-1 };
tile.replacement = ReplacementType::Art;
@ -157,12 +156,11 @@ void BuildTiles::Init()
void BuildTiles::AddTile(int tilenum, FGameTexture* tex, bool permap)
void BuildTiles::AddTile(int tilenum, FGameTexture* tex)
if (!tex->GetID().isValid())
tiledata[tilenum].texture = tex;
if (!permap) tiledata[tilenum].backup = tex;
@ -207,7 +205,7 @@ void BuildTiles::AddTiles (int firsttile, TArray<uint8_t>& RawData, const char *
auto tex = GetTileTexture(texname, RawData, uint32_t(tiledata - tiles), width, height);
AddTile(i, tex);
int leftoffset, topoffset;
this->tiledata[i].picanmbackup = this->tiledata[i].picanm = tileConvertAnimFormat(anm, &leftoffset, &topoffset);
this->tiledata[i].picanm = tileConvertAnimFormat(anm, &leftoffset, &topoffset);
tex->SetOffsets(leftoffset, topoffset);
tiledata += size;
@ -372,9 +370,9 @@ void BuildTiles::SetAliases()
FGameTexture* BuildTiles::ValidateCustomTile(int tilenum, ReplacementType type)
if (locked) I_FatalError("Modifying tiles after startup is not allowed.");
if (tilenum < 0 || tilenum >= MAXTILES) return nullptr;
auto &td = tiledata[tilenum];
if (td.texture != td.backup) return nullptr; // no mucking around with map tiles.
auto tile = td.texture;
auto reptype = td.replacement;
if (reptype == type) return tile; // already created
@ -391,11 +389,10 @@ FGameTexture* BuildTiles::ValidateCustomTile(int tilenum, ReplacementType type)
else if (type == ReplacementType::Restorable)
// This is for modifying an existing tile.
// It only gets used for the crosshair and a few specific effects:
// It only gets used for a few specific effects:
// A) the fire in Blood.
// B) the pin display in Redneck Rampage's bowling lanes.
// C) Exhumed's menu plus one special effect tile.
// All of these effects should probably be redone without actual texture hacking...
if (tile->GetTexelWidth() == 0 || tile->GetTexelHeight() == 0) return nullptr; // The base must have a size for this to work.
// todo: invalidate hardware textures for tile.
replacement = new FImageTexture(new FRestorableTile(tile->GetTexture()->GetImage()));
@ -437,6 +434,27 @@ int32_t BuildTiles::artLoadFiles(const char* filename)
return 0;
// Retrieves the pixel store for a modifiable tile
// Modifiable tiles must be declared on startup.
uint8_t* BuildTiles::tileGet(int tilenum)
if (tilenum < 0 || tilenum >= MAXTILES) return nullptr;
auto& td = tiledata[tilenum];
auto tile = td.texture;
auto reptype = td.replacement;
if (reptype == ReplacementType::Writable || reptype == ReplacementType::Restorable)
auto wtex = static_cast<FWritableTile*>(tile->GetTexture()->GetImage());
if (wtex) return wtex->GetRawData();
return nullptr;
// Creates a tile for displaying custom content
@ -537,7 +555,7 @@ int tileImportFromTexture(const char* fn, int tilenum, int alphacut, int istextu
// create a new game texture here - we want to give it a different name!
tex = MakeGameTexture(tex->GetTexture(), FStringf("#%05d", tilenum), ETextureType::Override);
TileFiles.tiledata[tilenum].backup = TileFiles.tiledata[tilenum].texture = tex;
TileFiles.tiledata[tilenum].texture = tex;
if (istexture)
tileSetHightileReplacement(tilenum, 0, fn, (float)(255 - alphacut) * (1.f / 255.f), 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0, 1.0);
return 0;
@ -597,73 +615,6 @@ void tileCopy(int tile, int source, int pal, int xoffset, int yoffset, int flags
picanm->sf = (picanm->sf & ~PICANM_MISC_MASK) | (sourceanm->sf & PICANM_MISC_MASK) | flags;
// Clear map specific ART
static FString currentMapArt;
void artClearMapArt(void)
for (auto& td : TileFiles.tiledata)
td.texture = td.backup;
td.picanm = td.picanmbackup;
currentMapArt = "";
// Load map specficied ART
void artSetupMapArt(const char* filename)
FString lcfilename = StripExtension(filename);
if (currentMapArt.CompareNoCase(lcfilename) == 0) return;
currentMapArt = lcfilename;
// Re-get from the texture manager if this map's tiles have already been created.
if (TileFiles.maptilesadded.Find(lcfilename) < TileFiles.maptilesadded.Size())
for (int i = 0; i < MAXTILES; i++)
FStringf name("maptile_%s_%05d", lcfilename.GetChars(), i);
auto texid = TexMan.CheckForTexture(name, ETextureType::Any);
if (texid.isValid())
TileFiles.tiledata[i].texture = TexMan.GetGameTexture(texid);
FStringf firstname("%s_00.art", lcfilename.GetChars());
auto fr = fileSystem.OpenFileReader(firstname);
if (!fr.isOpen()) return;
for (auto& td : TileFiles.tiledata)
td.picanmbackup = td.picanm;
for (int i = 0; i < MAXARTFILES_TOTAL - MAXARTFILES_BASE; i++)
FStringf fullname("%s_%02d.art", lcfilename.GetChars(), i);
TileFiles.LoadArtFile(fullname, filename);
@ -672,7 +623,7 @@ void artSetupMapArt(const char* filename)
void tileDelete(int tile)
TileFiles.tiledata[tile].texture = TileFiles.tiledata[tile].backup = TexMan.GameByIndex(0);
TileFiles.tiledata[tile].texture = TexMan.GameByIndex(0);
TileFiles.tiledata[tile].replacement = ReplacementType::Art; // whatever this was, now it isn't anymore. (SW tries to nuke camera textures with this, :( )
tiletovox[tile] = -1; // clear the link but don't clear the voxel. It may be in use for another tile.
@ -749,8 +700,7 @@ int BuildTiles::tileCreateRotated(int tileNum)
auto dtex = MakeGameTexture(new FImageTexture(new FLooseTile(dbuffer, tex->GetTexelHeight(), tex->GetTexelWidth())), "", ETextureType::Override);
int index = findUnusedTile();
bool mapart = TileFiles.tiledata[tileNum].texture != TileFiles.tiledata[tileNum].backup;
TileFiles.AddTile(index, dtex, mapart);
TileFiles.AddTile(index, dtex);
return index;
@ -846,30 +796,6 @@ int tileAnimateOfs(int tilenum, int randomize)
return 0;
// Check if two tiles are the same
bool tileEqualTo(int me, int other)
auto tile = tileGetTexture(me);
auto tile2 = tileGetTexture(other);
int tilew1 = tile->GetTexelWidth();
int tileh1 = tile->GetTexelHeight();
int tilew2 = tile2->GetTexelWidth();
int tileh2 = tile2->GetTexelHeight();
if (tilew1 == tilew2 && tileh1 == tileh2)
auto p1 = tileRawData(me);
auto p2 = tileRawData(other);
if (p1 && p2 && !memcmp(p1, p2, tilew1 * tileh2))
return true;
return false;
// Picks a texture for rendering for a given tilenum/palette combination
@ -909,136 +835,5 @@ FCanvasTexture* tileGetCanvas(int tilenum)
return canvas;
// Parsing stuff for tile data comes below.
// Helpers for tile parsing
bool ValidateTileRange(const char* cmd, int &begin, int& end, FScriptPosition pos, bool allowswap)
if (end < begin)
pos.Message(MSG_WARNING, "%s: tile range [%d..%d] is backwards. Indices were swapped.", cmd, begin, end);
std::swap(begin, end);
if ((unsigned)begin >= MAXUSERTILES || (unsigned)end >= MAXUSERTILES)
pos.Message(MSG_ERROR, "%s: Invalid tile range [%d..%d]", cmd, begin, end);
return false;
return true;
bool ValidateTilenum(const char* cmd, int tile, FScriptPosition pos)
if ((unsigned)tile >= MAXUSERTILES)
pos.Message(MSG_ERROR, "%s: Invalid tile number %d", cmd, tile);
return false;
return true;
// Internal worker for tileImportTexture
void processTileImport(const char *cmd, FScriptPosition& pos, TileImport& imp)
if (!ValidateTilenum(cmd, imp.tile, pos))
if (imp.crc32 != INT64_MAX && int(imp.crc32) != tileGetCRC32(imp.tile))
if (imp.sizex != INT_MAX && tileWidth(imp.tile) != imp.sizex && tileHeight(imp.tile) != imp.sizey)
imp.alphacut = clamp(imp.alphacut, 0, 255);
gi->SetTileProps(imp.tile, imp.surface, imp.vox, imp.shade);
if (imp.fn.IsNotEmpty() && tileImportFromTexture(imp.fn, imp.tile, imp.alphacut, imp.istexture) < 0) return;
TileFiles.tiledata[imp.tile].picanm.sf |= imp.flags;
// This is not quite the same as originally, for two reasons:
// 1: Since these are texture properties now, there's no need to clear them.
// 2: The original code assumed that an imported texture cannot have an offset. But this can import Doom patches and PNGs with grAb, so the situation is very different.
if (imp.xoffset == INT_MAX) imp.xoffset = tileLeftOffset(imp.tile);
else imp.xoffset = clamp(imp.xoffset, -128, 127);
if (imp.yoffset == INT_MAX) imp.yoffset = tileTopOffset(imp.tile);
else imp.yoffset = clamp(imp.yoffset, -128, 127);
auto tex = tileGetTexture(imp.tile);
if (tex)
tex->SetOffsets(imp.xoffset, imp.yoffset);
if (imp.extra != INT_MAX) TileFiles.tiledata[imp.tile].picanm.extra = imp.extra;
// Internal worker for tileSetAnim
void processSetAnim(const char* cmd, FScriptPosition& pos, SetAnim& imp)
if (!ValidateTilenum(cmd, imp.tile1, pos) ||
!ValidateTilenum(cmd, imp.tile2, pos))
if (imp.type < 0 || imp.type > 3)
pos.Message(MSG_ERROR, "%s: animation type must be 0-3, got %d", cmd, imp.type);
int count = imp.tile2 - imp.tile1;
if (imp.type == (PICANM_ANIMTYPE_BACK >> PICANM_ANIMTYPE_SHIFT) && imp.tile1 > imp.tile2)
count = -count;
TileFiles.setAnim(imp.tile1, imp.type, imp.speed, count);
PicAnm picanm;
#if 0 // this only gets in if unavoidable. It'd be preferable if the script side can solely operate on texture names.
#include "vm.h"
static int GetTexture(int tile, int anim)
if (tile < 0 || tile >= MAXTILES) return 0;
auto tex = tileGetTexture(tile, anim);
return tex ? tex->GetID().GetIndex() : 0;
DEFINE_ACTION_FUNCTION_NATIVE(_TileFiles, GetTexture, GetTexture)
ACTION_RETURN_INT(GetTexture(tile, animate));
@ -276,10 +276,8 @@ struct TileOffs
struct TileDesc
FGameTexture* texture; // the currently active tile
FGameTexture* backup; // original backup for map tiles
RawCacheNode rawCache; // this is needed for hitscan testing to avoid reloading the texture each time.
picanm_t picanm; // animation descriptor
picanm_t picanmbackup; // animation descriptor backup when using map tiles
rottile_t RotTile;// = { -1,-1 };
ReplacementType replacement;
float alphaThreshold;
@ -308,12 +306,18 @@ struct BuildTiles
TArray<FString> maptilesadded;
TMap<int, FGameTexture*> cameratextures;
TMap<FName, int> nametoindex;
bool locked; // if this is true, no more tile modifications are allowed.
void addName(const char* name, int index)
nametoindex.Insert(name, index);
void lock()
locked = true;
int tileForName(const char* name)
FName nm(name, true);
@ -332,22 +336,13 @@ struct BuildTiles
void SetBackup()
for (auto& td : tiledata)
td.backup = td.texture;
td.picanmbackup = td.picanm;
void CloseAll();
void AddTile(int tilenum, FGameTexture* tex, bool permap = false);
void AddTile(int tilenum, FGameTexture* tex);
void AddTiles(int firsttile, TArray<uint8_t>& store, const char* mapname);
void AddFile(BuildArtFile* bfd, bool permap)
void AddFile(BuildArtFile* bfd)
@ -374,6 +369,7 @@ struct BuildTiles
int32_t artLoadFiles(const char* filename);
uint8_t* tileMakeWritable(int num);
uint8_t* tileCreate(int tilenum, int width, int height);
uint8_t* tileGet(int tilenum);
int findUnusedTile(void);
int tileCreateRotated(int owner);
void InvalidateTile(int num);
@ -386,8 +382,6 @@ void tileCopy(int tile, int tempsource, int temppal, int xoffset, int yoffset, i
void tileSetDummy(int tile, int width, int height);
void tileDelete(int tile);
bool tileLoad(int tileNum);
void artClearMapArt(void);
void artSetupMapArt(const char* filename);
void tileCopySection(int tilenum1, int sx1, int sy1, int xsiz, int ysiz, int tilenum2, int sx2, int sy2);
extern BuildTiles TileFiles;
@ -422,14 +416,6 @@ inline uint8_t* tileData(int num)
return p ? p->GetRawData() : nullptr;
inline const uint8_t* tileRawData(int num)
auto tex = dynamic_cast<FImageTexture*>(TileFiles.tiledata[num].texture->GetTexture());
if (!tex) return nullptr;
auto p = dynamic_cast<FTileTexture*>(tex->GetImage());
return p ? p->GetRawData() : nullptr;
// Some hacks to allow accessing the no longer existing arrays as if they still were arrays to avoid changing hundreds of lines of code.
struct PicAnm
@ -498,13 +484,8 @@ inline FGameTexture* tileGetTexture(int tile, bool animate = false)
return TileFiles.tiledata[tile].texture;
bool tileEqualTo(int me, int other);
void tileUpdateAnimations();
bool ValidateTileRange(const char* cmd, int& begin, int& end, FScriptPosition pos, bool allowswap = true);
bool ValidateTilenum(const char* cmd, int tile, FScriptPosition pos);
struct TileImport
FString fn;
@ -520,14 +501,11 @@ struct TileImport
void processTileImport(const char* cmd, FScriptPosition& pos, TileImport& imp);
struct SetAnim
int tile1, tile2, speed, type;
void processSetAnim(const char* cmd, FScriptPosition& pos, SetAnim& imp);
class FGameTexture;
bool PickTexture(FGameTexture* tex, int paletteid, TexturePick& pick, bool wantindexed = false);
FCanvasTexture* tileGetCanvas(int tilenum);
@ -4889,14 +4889,6 @@ void MoveDude(DBloodActor* actor)
playerCorrectInertia(pPlayer, oldpos);
switch (nLink)
case kMarkerLowStack:
if (pPlayer && pPlayer->nPlayer == gViewIndex)
case kMarkerUpStack:
if (pPlayer && pPlayer->nPlayer == gViewIndex)
case kMarkerLowWater:
case kMarkerLowGoo:
actor->xspr.medium = kMediumNormal;
@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ struct GameInterface : public ::GameInterface
void EnterPortal(DCoreActor* viewer, int type) override;
void LeavePortal(DCoreActor* viewer, int type) override;
void LoadGameTextures() override;
void SetupSpecialTextures() override;
int GetCurrentSkill() override;
bool IsQAVInterpTypeValid(const FString& type) override;
void AddQAVInterpProps(const int res_id, const FString& interptype, const bool loopable, const TMap<int, TArray<int>>&& ignoredata) override;
@ -267,9 +267,9 @@ void dbLoadMap(const char* pPath, DVector3& pos, short* pAngle, sectortype** cur
pSector->setzfrommap(LittleLong(load.ceilingz), LittleLong(load.floorz));
pSector->ceilingstat = ESectorFlags::FromInt(LittleShort(load.ceilingstat));
pSector->floorstat = ESectorFlags::FromInt(LittleShort(load.floorstat));
pSector->ceilingpicnum = LittleShort(load.ceilingpicnum);
pSector->ceilingpicnum = LittleShort(load.ceilingpic);
pSector->ceilingheinum = LittleShort(load.ceilingheinum);
pSector->floorpicnum = LittleShort(load.floorpicnum);
pSector->floorpicnum = LittleShort(load.floorpic);
pSector->floorheinum = LittleShort(load.floorheinum);
pSector->type = LittleShort(load.type);
pSector->hitag = LittleShort(load.hitag);
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ void DoFireFrame(void)
memcpy(FrameBuffer + 16896 + i * 128, SeedBuffer[nRand], 128);
CellularFrame(FrameBuffer, 128, 132);
auto pData = TileFiles.tileMakeWritable(2342);
auto pData = TileFiles.tileGet(2342);
uint8_t* pSource = FrameBuffer;
int x = fireSize;
@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ struct sectortypedisk
int16_t wallptr, wallnum;
int32_t ceilingz, floorz;
uint16_t ceilingstat, floorstat;
int16_t ceilingpicnum, ceilingheinum;
int16_t ceilingpic, ceilingheinum;
int8_t ceilingshade;
uint8_t ceilingpal, ceilingxpanning, ceilingypanning;
int16_t floorpicnum, floorheinum;
int16_t floorpic, floorheinum;
int8_t floorshade;
uint8_t floorpal, floorxpanning, floorypanning;
uint8_t visibility, fogpal;
@ -47,10 +47,6 @@ void InitMirrors(void)
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
tileDelete(4080 + i);
for (int i = (int)wall.Size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
auto pWalli = &wall[i];
@ -131,7 +127,6 @@ void InitMirrors(void)
mirror[mirrorcnt].diff = link2->spr.pos - link->spr.pos;
mirror[mirrorcnt].mynum = i;
mirror[mirrorcnt].link = j;
secti->floorpicnum = 4080 + mirrorcnt;
secti->portalflags = PORTAL_SECTOR_FLOOR;
secti->portalnum = portalAdd(PORTAL_SECTOR_FLOOR, j, mirror[mirrorcnt].diff);
@ -139,7 +134,6 @@ void InitMirrors(void)
mirror[mirrorcnt].diff = link->spr.pos - link2->spr.pos;
mirror[mirrorcnt].mynum = j;
mirror[mirrorcnt].link = i;
sectj->ceilingpicnum = 4080 + mirrorcnt;
sectj->portalflags = PORTAL_SECTOR_CEILING;
sectj->portalnum = portalAdd(PORTAL_SECTOR_CEILING, i, mirror[mirrorcnt].diff);
@ -34,14 +34,19 @@ BEGIN_BLD_NS
int nTileFiles = 0;
int tileStart[256];
int tileEnd[256];
int hTileFile[256];
uint8_t surfType[kMaxTiles];
int8_t tileShade[kMaxTiles];
short voxelIndex[kMaxTiles];
struct TextureProps
uint8_t surfType;
int8_t tileShade;
int16_t voxelIndex;
TArray<TextureProps> tprops;
#define x(a, b) registerName(#a, b);
static void SetTileNames()
@ -92,6 +97,16 @@ void GameInterface::LoadGameTextures()
void GameInterface::SetupSpecialTextures()
// set up all special tiles here, before we fully hook up with the texture manager.
TileFiles.tileCreate(4077, kLensSize, kLensSize);
TileFiles.tileCreate(4079, 128, 128);
TileFiles.lock(); // from this point on the tile<->texture associations may not change anymore.
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ void viewInit(void)
lensTable[i] = LittleLong(lensTable[i]);
uint8_t* data = TileFiles.tileCreate(4077, kLensSize, kLensSize);
uint8_t* data = TileFiles.tileGet(4077);
memset(data, TRANSPARENT_INDEX, kLensSize * kLensSize);
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
@ -544,10 +544,6 @@ void renderCrystalBall()
PLAYER* pOther = &gPlayer[i];
//othercameraclock = PlayClock + MulScale(4, (int)gInterpolate, 16);;
if (!tileData(4079))
TileFiles.tileCreate(4079, 128, 128);
//renderSetTarget(4079, 128, 128);
renderSetAspect(65536, 78643);
int vd8 = pOther->actor->spr.x;
@ -1203,8 +1203,6 @@ void exitlevel(MapRecord* nextlevel)
// MP scoreboard
ShowScoreboard(playerswhenstarted, [=](bool)
// Clear potentially loaded per-map ART only after the bonus screens.
gameaction = ga_level;
ud.eog = false;
if (endofgame)
@ -1227,8 +1225,6 @@ void exitlevel(MapRecord* nextlevel)
// SP cutscene + summary
ShowIntermission(currentLevel, nextlevel, &info, [=](bool)
// Clear potentially loaded per-map ART only after the bonus screens.
ud.eog = false;
gameaction = endofgame? ga_startup : ga_nextlevel;
Reference in a new issue