Simon 4597b03873 Initial Commit
Opens in Android Studio but haven't even tried to build it yet (it won't.. I know that much!)
2022-09-18 16:37:21 +01:00

177 lines
9.5 KiB

wglSetStereoEmitterState3DL: [BOOL, HDC hDC, UINT uState]
wglBlitContextFramebufferAMD: [VOID, HGLRC dstCtx, GLint srcX0, GLint srcY0, GLint
srcX1, GLint srcY1, GLint dstX0, GLint dstY0, GLint dstX1, GLint dstY1, GLbitfield
mask, GLenum filter]
wglCreateAssociatedContextAMD: [HGLRC, UINT id]
wglCreateAssociatedContextAttribsAMD: [HGLRC, UINT id, HGLRC hShareContext, const
int *attribList]
wglDeleteAssociatedContextAMD: [BOOL, HGLRC hglrc]
wglGetContextGPUIDAMD: [UINT, HGLRC hglrc]
wglGetCurrentAssociatedContextAMD: [HGLRC]
wglGetGPUIDsAMD: [UINT, UINT maxCount, UINT *ids]
wglGetGPUInfoAMD: [INT, UINT id, int property, GLenum dataType, UINT size, void
wglMakeAssociatedContextCurrentAMD: [BOOL, HGLRC hglrc]
wglCreateBufferRegionARB: [HANDLE, HDC hDC, int iLayerPlane, UINT uType]
wglDeleteBufferRegionARB: [VOID, HANDLE hRegion]
wglRestoreBufferRegionARB: [BOOL, HANDLE hRegion, int x, int y, int width, int height,
int xSrc, int ySrc]
wglSaveBufferRegionARB: [BOOL, HANDLE hRegion, int x, int y, int width, int height]
wglCreateContextAttribsARB: [HGLRC, HDC hDC, HGLRC hShareContext, const int *attribList]
wglGetExtensionsStringARB: [const char *, HDC hdc]
wglGetCurrentReadDCARB: [HDC]
wglMakeContextCurrentARB: [BOOL, HDC hDrawDC, HDC hReadDC, HGLRC hglrc]
wglCreatePbufferARB: [HPBUFFERARB, HDC hDC, int iPixelFormat, int iWidth, int iHeight,
const int *piAttribList]
wglDestroyPbufferARB: [BOOL, HPBUFFERARB hPbuffer]
wglGetPbufferDCARB: [HDC, HPBUFFERARB hPbuffer]
wglQueryPbufferARB: [BOOL, HPBUFFERARB hPbuffer, int iAttribute, int *piValue]
wglReleasePbufferDCARB: [int, HPBUFFERARB hPbuffer, HDC hDC]
wglChoosePixelFormatARB: [BOOL, HDC hdc, const int *piAttribIList, const FLOAT *pfAttribFList,
UINT nMaxFormats, int *piFormats, UINT *nNumFormats]
wglGetPixelFormatAttribfvARB: [BOOL, HDC hdc, int iPixelFormat, int iLayerPlane,
UINT nAttributes, const int *piAttributes, FLOAT *pfValues]
wglGetPixelFormatAttribivARB: [BOOL, HDC hdc, int iPixelFormat, int iLayerPlane,
UINT nAttributes, const int *piAttributes, int *piValues]
wglBindTexImageARB: [BOOL, HPBUFFERARB hPbuffer, int iBuffer]
wglReleaseTexImageARB: [BOOL, HPBUFFERARB hPbuffer, int iBuffer]
wglSetPbufferAttribARB: [BOOL, HPBUFFERARB hPbuffer, const int *piAttribList]
wglBindDisplayColorTableEXT: [GLboolean, GLushort id]
wglCreateDisplayColorTableEXT: [GLboolean, GLushort id]
wglDestroyDisplayColorTableEXT: [VOID, GLushort id]
wglLoadDisplayColorTableEXT: [GLboolean, const GLushort *table, GLuint length]
wglGetExtensionsStringEXT: [const char *]
wglGetCurrentReadDCEXT: [HDC]
wglMakeContextCurrentEXT: [BOOL, HDC hDrawDC, HDC hReadDC, HGLRC hglrc]
wglCreatePbufferEXT: [HPBUFFEREXT, HDC hDC, int iPixelFormat, int iWidth, int iHeight,
const int *piAttribList]
wglDestroyPbufferEXT: [BOOL, HPBUFFEREXT hPbuffer]
wglGetPbufferDCEXT: [HDC, HPBUFFEREXT hPbuffer]
wglQueryPbufferEXT: [BOOL, HPBUFFEREXT hPbuffer, int iAttribute, int *piValue]
wglReleasePbufferDCEXT: [int, HPBUFFEREXT hPbuffer, HDC hDC]
wglChoosePixelFormatEXT: [BOOL, HDC hdc, const int *piAttribIList, const FLOAT *pfAttribFList,
UINT nMaxFormats, int *piFormats, UINT *nNumFormats]
wglGetPixelFormatAttribfvEXT: [BOOL, HDC hdc, int iPixelFormat, int iLayerPlane,
UINT nAttributes, int *piAttributes, FLOAT *pfValues]
wglGetPixelFormatAttribivEXT: [BOOL, HDC hdc, int iPixelFormat, int iLayerPlane,
UINT nAttributes, int *piAttributes, int *piValues]
wglGetSwapIntervalEXT: [int]
wglSwapIntervalEXT: [BOOL, int interval]
wglGetDigitalVideoParametersI3D: [BOOL, HDC hDC, int iAttribute, int *piValue]
wglSetDigitalVideoParametersI3D: [BOOL, HDC hDC, int iAttribute, const int *piValue]
wglGetGammaTableI3D: [BOOL, HDC hDC, int iEntries, USHORT *puRed, USHORT *puGreen,
USHORT *puBlue]
wglGetGammaTableParametersI3D: [BOOL, HDC hDC, int iAttribute, int *piValue]
wglSetGammaTableI3D: [BOOL, HDC hDC, int iEntries, const USHORT *puRed, const USHORT
*puGreen, const USHORT *puBlue]
wglSetGammaTableParametersI3D: [BOOL, HDC hDC, int iAttribute, const int *piValue]
wglDisableGenlockI3D: [BOOL, HDC hDC]
wglEnableGenlockI3D: [BOOL, HDC hDC]
wglGenlockSampleRateI3D: [BOOL, HDC hDC, UINT uRate]
wglGenlockSourceDelayI3D: [BOOL, HDC hDC, UINT uDelay]
wglGenlockSourceEdgeI3D: [BOOL, HDC hDC, UINT uEdge]
wglGenlockSourceI3D: [BOOL, HDC hDC, UINT uSource]
wglGetGenlockSampleRateI3D: [BOOL, HDC hDC, UINT *uRate]
wglGetGenlockSourceDelayI3D: [BOOL, HDC hDC, UINT *uDelay]
wglGetGenlockSourceEdgeI3D: [BOOL, HDC hDC, UINT *uEdge]
wglGetGenlockSourceI3D: [BOOL, HDC hDC, UINT *uSource]
wglIsEnabledGenlockI3D: [BOOL, HDC hDC, BOOL *pFlag]
wglQueryGenlockMaxSourceDelayI3D: [BOOL, HDC hDC, UINT *uMaxLineDelay, UINT *uMaxPixelDelay]
wglAssociateImageBufferEventsI3D: [BOOL, HDC hDC, const HANDLE *pEvent, const LPVOID
*pAddress, const DWORD *pSize, UINT count]
wglCreateImageBufferI3D: [LPVOID, HDC hDC, DWORD dwSize, UINT uFlags]
wglDestroyImageBufferI3D: [BOOL, HDC hDC, LPVOID pAddress]
wglReleaseImageBufferEventsI3D: [BOOL, HDC hDC, const LPVOID *pAddress, UINT count]
wglDisableFrameLockI3D: [BOOL]
wglEnableFrameLockI3D: [BOOL]
wglIsEnabledFrameLockI3D: [BOOL, BOOL *pFlag]
wglQueryFrameLockMasterI3D: [BOOL, BOOL *pFlag]
wglBeginFrameTrackingI3D: [BOOL]
wglEndFrameTrackingI3D: [BOOL]
wglGetFrameUsageI3D: [BOOL, float *pUsage]
wglQueryFrameTrackingI3D: [BOOL, DWORD *pFrameCount, DWORD *pMissedFrames, float
wglDXCloseDeviceNV: [BOOL, HANDLE hDevice]
wglDXLockObjectsNV: [BOOL, HANDLE hDevice, GLint count, HANDLE *hObjects]
wglDXObjectAccessNV: [BOOL, HANDLE hObject, GLenum access]
wglDXOpenDeviceNV: [HANDLE, void *dxDevice]
wglDXRegisterObjectNV: [HANDLE, HANDLE hDevice, void *dxObject, GLuint name, GLenum
type, GLenum access]
wglDXSetResourceShareHandleNV: [BOOL, void *dxObject, HANDLE shareHandle]
wglDXUnlockObjectsNV: [BOOL, HANDLE hDevice, GLint count, HANDLE *hObjects]
wglDXUnregisterObjectNV: [BOOL, HANDLE hDevice, HANDLE hObject]
wglCopyImageSubDataNV: [BOOL, HGLRC hSrcRC, GLuint srcName, GLenum srcTarget, GLint
srcLevel, GLint srcX, GLint srcY, GLint srcZ, HGLRC hDstRC, GLuint dstName,
GLenum dstTarget, GLint dstLevel, GLint dstX, GLint dstY, GLint dstZ, GLsizei
width, GLsizei height, GLsizei depth]
wglCreateAffinityDCNV: [HDC, const HGPUNV *phGpuList]
wglDeleteDCNV: [BOOL, HDC hdc]
wglEnumGpuDevicesNV: [BOOL, HGPUNV hGpu, UINT iDeviceIndex, PGPU_DEVICE lpGpuDevice]
wglEnumGpusFromAffinityDCNV: [BOOL, HDC hAffinityDC, UINT iGpuIndex, HGPUNV *hGpu]
wglEnumGpusNV: [BOOL, UINT iGpuIndex, HGPUNV *phGpu]
wglBindVideoDeviceNV: [BOOL, HDC hDC, unsigned int uVideoSlot, HVIDEOOUTPUTDEVICENV
hVideoDevice, const int *piAttribList]
wglEnumerateVideoDevicesNV: [int, HDC hDC, HVIDEOOUTPUTDEVICENV *phDeviceList]
wglQueryCurrentContextNV: [BOOL, int iAttribute, int *piValue]
wglBindSwapBarrierNV: [BOOL, GLuint group, GLuint barrier]
wglJoinSwapGroupNV: [BOOL, HDC hDC, GLuint group]
wglQueryFrameCountNV: [BOOL, HDC hDC, GLuint *count]
wglQueryMaxSwapGroupsNV: [BOOL, HDC hDC, GLuint *maxGroups, GLuint *maxBarriers]
wglQuerySwapGroupNV: [BOOL, HDC hDC, GLuint *group, GLuint *barrier]
wglResetFrameCountNV: [BOOL, HDC hDC]
wglAllocateMemoryNV: [void *, GLsizei size, GLfloat readfreq, GLfloat writefreq,
GLfloat priority]
wglFreeMemoryNV: [void *, void *pointer]
wglBindVideoCaptureDeviceNV: [BOOL, UINT uVideoSlot, HVIDEOINPUTDEVICENV hDevice]
wglEnumerateVideoCaptureDevicesNV: [UINT, HDC hDc, HVIDEOINPUTDEVICENV *phDeviceList]
wglLockVideoCaptureDeviceNV: [BOOL, HDC hDc, HVIDEOINPUTDEVICENV hDevice]
wglQueryVideoCaptureDeviceNV: [BOOL, HDC hDc, HVIDEOINPUTDEVICENV hDevice, int iAttribute,
int *piValue]
wglReleaseVideoCaptureDeviceNV: [BOOL, HDC hDc, HVIDEOINPUTDEVICENV hDevice]
wglBindVideoImageNV: [BOOL, HPVIDEODEV hVideoDevice, HPBUFFERARB hPbuffer, int iVideoBuffer]
wglGetVideoDeviceNV: [BOOL, HDC hDC, int numDevices, HPVIDEODEV *hVideoDevice]
wglGetVideoInfoNV: [BOOL, HPVIDEODEV hpVideoDevice, unsigned long *pulCounterOutputPbuffer,
unsigned long *pulCounterOutputVideo]
wglReleaseVideoDeviceNV: [BOOL, HPVIDEODEV hVideoDevice]
wglReleaseVideoImageNV: [BOOL, HPBUFFERARB hPbuffer, int iVideoBuffer]
wglSendPbufferToVideoNV: [BOOL, HPBUFFERARB hPbuffer, int iBufferType, unsigned
long *pulCounterPbuffer, BOOL bBlock]
wglGetMscRateOML: [BOOL, HDC hdc, INT32 *numerator, INT32 *denominator]
wglGetSyncValuesOML: [BOOL, HDC hdc, INT64 *ust, INT64 *msc, INT64 *sbc]
wglSwapBuffersMscOML: [INT64, HDC hdc, INT64 target_msc, INT64 divisor, INT64 remainder]
wglSwapLayerBuffersMscOML: [INT64, HDC hdc, int fuPlanes, INT64 target_msc, INT64
divisor, INT64 remainder]
wglWaitForMscOML: [BOOL, HDC hdc, INT64 target_msc, INT64 divisor, INT64 remainder,
INT64 *ust, INT64 *msc, INT64 *sbc]
wglWaitForSbcOML: [BOOL, HDC hdc, INT64 target_sbc, INT64 *ust, INT64 *msc, INT64