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/* Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*-
* PrBoom: a Doom port merged with LxDoom and LSDLDoom
* based on BOOM, a modified and improved DOOM engine
* Copyright (C) 1999 by
* id Software, Chi Hoang, Lee Killough, Jim Flynn, Rand Phares, Ty Halderman
* Copyright (C) 1999-2000,2002 by
* Jess Haas, Nicolas Kalkhof, Colin Phipps, Florian Schulze
* Copyright 2005, 2006 by
* Florian Schulze, Colin Phipps, Neil Stevens, Andrey Budko
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
* 02111-1307, USA.
* Enemy thinking, AI.
* Action Pointer Functions
* that are associated with states/frames.
#include "doomstat.h"
#include "m_random.h"
#include "r_main.h"
#include "p_maputl.h"
#include "p_map.h"
#include "p_setup.h"
#include "p_spec.h"
#include "s_sound.h"
#include "sounds.h"
#include "p_inter.h"
#include "g_game.h"
#include "p_enemy.h"
#include "p_tick.h"
#include "m_bbox.h"
#include "lprintf.h"
static mobj_t *current_actor;
typedef enum {
} dirtype_t;
static void P_NewChaseDir(mobj_t *actor);
void P_ZBumpCheck(mobj_t *); // phares
// Enemies are allways spawned
// with targetplayer = -1, threshold = 0
// Most monsters are spawned unaware of all players,
// but some can be made preaware
// Called by P_NoiseAlert.
// Recursively traverse adjacent sectors,
// sound blocking lines cut off traversal.
// killough 5/5/98: reformatted, cleaned up
static void P_RecursiveSound(sector_t *sec, int soundblocks,
mobj_t *soundtarget)
int i;
// wake up all monsters in this sector
if (sec->validcount == validcount && sec->soundtraversed <= soundblocks+1)
return; // already flooded
sec->validcount = validcount;
sec->soundtraversed = soundblocks+1;
P_SetTarget(&sec->soundtarget, soundtarget);
for (i=0; i<sec->linecount; i++)
sector_t *other;
line_t *check = sec->lines[i];
if (!(check->flags & ML_TWOSIDED))
if (openrange <= 0)
continue; // closed door
if (!(check->flags & ML_SOUNDBLOCK))
P_RecursiveSound(other, soundblocks, soundtarget);
if (!soundblocks)
P_RecursiveSound(other, 1, soundtarget);
// P_NoiseAlert
// If a monster yells at a player,
// it will alert other monsters to the player.
void P_NoiseAlert(mobj_t *target, mobj_t *emitter)
P_RecursiveSound(emitter->subsector->sector, 0, target);
// P_CheckMeleeRange
static boolean P_CheckMeleeRange(mobj_t *actor)
mobj_t *pl = actor->target;
return // killough 7/18/98: friendly monsters don't attack other friends
pl && !(actor->flags & pl->flags & MF_FRIEND) &&
(P_AproxDistance(pl->x-actor->x, pl->y-actor->y) <
MELEERANGE - 20*FRACUNIT + pl->info->radius) &&
P_CheckSight(actor, actor->target);
// P_HitFriend()
// killough 12/98
// This function tries to prevent shooting at friends
static boolean P_HitFriend(mobj_t *actor)
return actor->flags & MF_FRIEND && actor->target &&
R_PointToAngle2(actor->x, actor->y,
actor->target->x, actor->target->y),
actor->y-actor->target->y), 0),
linetarget) && linetarget != actor->target &&
!((linetarget->flags ^ actor->flags) & MF_FRIEND);
// P_CheckMissileRange
static boolean P_CheckMissileRange(mobj_t *actor)
fixed_t dist;
if (!P_CheckSight(actor, actor->target))
return false;
if (actor->flags & MF_JUSTHIT)
{ // the target just hit the enemy, so fight back!
actor->flags &= ~MF_JUSTHIT;
/* killough 7/18/98: no friendly fire at corpses
* killough 11/98: prevent too much infighting among friends
* cph - yikes, talk about fitting everything on one line... */
!(actor->flags & MF_FRIEND) ||
(actor->target->health > 0 &&
(!(actor->target->flags & MF_FRIEND) ||
(actor->target->player ?
monster_infighting || P_Random(pr_defect) >128 :
!(actor->target->flags & MF_JUSTHIT) && P_Random(pr_defect) >128)));
/* killough 7/18/98: friendly monsters don't attack other friendly
* monsters or players (except when attacked, and then only once)
if (actor->flags & actor->target->flags & MF_FRIEND)
return false;
if (actor->reactiontime)
return false; // do not attack yet
// OPTIMIZE: get this from a global checksight
dist = P_AproxDistance ( actor->x-actor->target->x,
actor->y-actor->target->y) - 64*FRACUNIT;
if (!actor->info->meleestate)
dist -= 128*FRACUNIT; // no melee attack, so fire more
dist >>= FRACBITS;
if (actor->type == MT_VILE)
if (dist > 14*64)
return false; // too far away
if (actor->type == MT_UNDEAD)
if (dist < 196)
return false; // close for fist attack
dist >>= 1;
if (actor->type == MT_CYBORG ||
actor->type == MT_SPIDER ||
actor->type == MT_SKULL)
dist >>= 1;
if (dist > 200)
dist = 200;
if (actor->type == MT_CYBORG && dist > 160)
dist = 160;
if (P_Random(pr_missrange) < dist)
return false;
if (P_HitFriend(actor))
return false;
return true;
* P_IsOnLift
* killough 9/9/98:
* Returns true if the object is on a lift. Used for AI,
* since it may indicate the need for crowded conditions,
* or that a monster should stay on the lift for a while
* while it goes up or down.
static boolean P_IsOnLift(const mobj_t *actor)
const sector_t *sec = actor->subsector->sector;
line_t line;
int l;
// Short-circuit: it's on a lift which is active.
if (sec->floordata && ((thinker_t *) sec->floordata)->function==T_PlatRaise)
return true;
// Check to see if it's in a sector which can be activated as a lift.
if ((line.tag = sec->tag))
for (l = -1; (l = P_FindLineFromLineTag(&line, l)) >= 0;)
switch (lines[l].special)
case 10: case 14: case 15: case 20: case 21: case 22:
case 47: case 53: case 62: case 66: case 67: case 68:
case 87: case 88: case 95: case 120: case 121: case 122:
case 123: case 143: case 162: case 163: case 181: case 182:
case 144: case 148: case 149: case 211: case 227: case 228:
case 231: case 232: case 235: case 236:
return true;
return false;
* P_IsUnderDamage
* killough 9/9/98:
* Returns nonzero if the object is under damage based on
* their current position. Returns 1 if the damage is moderate,
* -1 if it is serious. Used for AI.
static int P_IsUnderDamage(mobj_t *actor)
const struct msecnode_s *seclist;
const ceiling_t *cl; // Crushing ceiling
int dir = 0;
for (seclist=actor->touching_sectorlist; seclist; seclist=seclist->m_tnext)
if ((cl = seclist->m_sector->ceilingdata) &&
cl->thinker.function == T_MoveCeiling)
dir |= cl->direction;
return dir;
// P_Move
// Move in the current direction,
// returns false if the move is blocked.
static fixed_t xspeed[8] = {FRACUNIT,47000,0,-47000,-FRACUNIT,-47000,0,47000};
static fixed_t yspeed[8] = {0,47000,FRACUNIT,47000,0,-47000,-FRACUNIT,-47000};
// 1/11/98 killough: Limit removed on special lines crossed
extern line_t **spechit; // New code -- killough
extern int numspechit;
static boolean P_Move(mobj_t *actor, boolean dropoff) /* killough 9/12/98 */
fixed_t tryx, tryy, deltax, deltay, origx, origy;
boolean try_ok;
int movefactor = ORIG_FRICTION_FACTOR; // killough 10/98
int friction = ORIG_FRICTION;
int speed;
if (actor->movedir == DI_NODIR)
return false;
if ((unsigned)actor->movedir >= 8)
I_Error ("P_Move: Weird actor->movedir!");
// killough 10/98: make monsters get affected by ice and sludge too:
if (monster_friction)
movefactor = P_GetMoveFactor(actor, &friction);
speed = actor->info->speed;
if (friction < ORIG_FRICTION && // sludge
speed = 1; // always give the monster a little bit of speed
tryx = (origx = actor->x) + (deltax = speed * xspeed[actor->movedir]);
tryy = (origy = actor->y) + (deltay = speed * yspeed[actor->movedir]);
try_ok = P_TryMove(actor, tryx, tryy, dropoff);
// killough 10/98:
// Let normal momentum carry them, instead of steptoeing them across ice.
if (try_ok && friction > ORIG_FRICTION)
actor->x = origx;
actor->y = origy;
actor->momx += FixedMul(deltax, movefactor);
actor->momy += FixedMul(deltay, movefactor);
if (!try_ok)
{ // open any specials
int good;
if (actor->flags & MF_FLOAT && floatok)
if (actor->z < tmfloorz) // must adjust height
actor->z += FLOATSPEED;
actor->z -= FLOATSPEED;
actor->flags |= MF_INFLOAT;
return true;
if (!numspechit)
return false;
actor->movedir = DI_NODIR;
/* if the special is not a door that can be opened, return false
* killough 8/9/98: this is what caused monsters to get stuck in
* doortracks, because it thought that the monster freed itself
* by opening a door, even if it was moving towards the doortrack,
* and not the door itself.
* killough 9/9/98: If a line blocking the monster is activated,
* return true 90% of the time. If a line blocking the monster is
* not activated, but some other line is, return false 90% of the
* time. A bit of randomness is needed to ensure it's free from
* lockups, but for most cases, it returns the correct result.
* Do NOT simply return false 1/4th of the time (causes monsters to
* back out when they shouldn't, and creates secondary stickiness).
for (good = false; numspechit--; )
if (P_UseSpecialLine(actor, spechit[numspechit], 0))
good |= spechit[numspechit] == blockline ? 1 : 2;
/* cph - compatibility maze here
* Boom v2.01 and orig. Doom return "good"
* Boom v2.02 and LxDoom return good && (P_Random(pr_trywalk)&3)
* MBF plays even more games
if (!good || comp[comp_doorstuck]) return good;
if (!mbf_features)
return (P_Random(pr_trywalk)&3); /* jff 8/13/98 */
else /* finally, MBF code */
return ((P_Random(pr_opendoor) >= 230) ^ (good & 1));
actor->flags &= ~MF_INFLOAT;
/* killough 11/98: fall more slowly, under gravity, if felldown==true */
if (!(actor->flags & MF_FLOAT) &&
(!felldown || !mbf_features))
actor->z = actor->floorz;
return true;
* P_SmartMove
* killough 9/12/98: Same as P_Move, except smarter
static boolean P_SmartMove(mobj_t *actor)
mobj_t *target = actor->target;
int on_lift, dropoff = false, under_damage;
/* killough 9/12/98: Stay on a lift if target is on one */
on_lift = !comp[comp_staylift]
&& target && target->health > 0
&& target->subsector->sector->tag==actor->subsector->sector->tag &&
under_damage = monster_avoid_hazards && P_IsUnderDamage(actor);
// killough 10/98: allow dogs to drop off of taller ledges sometimes.
// dropoff==1 means always allow it, dropoff==2 means only up to 128 high,
// and only if the target is immediately on the other side of the line.
#ifdef DOGS
// haleyjd: allow all friends of HelperType to also jump down
if ((actor->type == MT_DOGS || (actor->type == (HelperThing-1) && actor->flags&MF_FRIEND))
&& target && dog_jumping &&
!((target->flags ^ actor->flags) & MF_FRIEND) &&
P_AproxDistance(actor->x - target->x,
actor->y - target->y) < FRACUNIT*144 &&
P_Random(pr_dropoff) < 235)
dropoff = 2;
if (!P_Move(actor, dropoff))
return false;
// killough 9/9/98: avoid crushing ceilings or other damaging areas
if (
(on_lift && P_Random(pr_stayonlift) < 230 && // Stay on lift
(monster_avoid_hazards && !under_damage && // Get away from damage
(under_damage = P_IsUnderDamage(actor)) &&
(under_damage < 0 || P_Random(pr_avoidcrush) < 200))
actor->movedir = DI_NODIR; // avoid the area (most of the time anyway)
return true;
// TryWalk
// Attempts to move actor on
// in its current (ob->moveangle) direction.
// If blocked by either a wall or an actor
// returns FALSE
// If move is either clear or blocked only by a door,
// returns TRUE and sets...
// If a door is in the way,
// an OpenDoor call is made to start it opening.
static boolean P_TryWalk(mobj_t *actor)
if (!P_SmartMove(actor))
return false;
actor->movecount = P_Random(pr_trywalk)&15;
return true;
// P_DoNewChaseDir
// killough 9/8/98:
// Most of P_NewChaseDir(), except for what
// determines the new direction to take
static void P_DoNewChaseDir(mobj_t *actor, fixed_t deltax, fixed_t deltay)
dirtype_t xdir, ydir, tdir;
dirtype_t olddir = actor->movedir;
dirtype_t turnaround = olddir;
if (turnaround != DI_NODIR) // find reverse direction
turnaround ^= 4;
xdir =
deltax > 10*FRACUNIT ? DI_EAST :
deltax < -10*FRACUNIT ? DI_WEST : DI_NODIR;
ydir =
deltay < -10*FRACUNIT ? DI_SOUTH :
// try direct route
if (xdir != DI_NODIR && ydir != DI_NODIR && turnaround !=
(actor->movedir = deltay < 0 ? deltax > 0 ? DI_SOUTHEAST : DI_SOUTHWEST :
deltax > 0 ? DI_NORTHEAST : DI_NORTHWEST) && P_TryWalk(actor))
// try other directions
if (P_Random(pr_newchase) > 200 || D_abs(deltay)>D_abs(deltax))
tdir = xdir, xdir = ydir, ydir = tdir;
if ((xdir == turnaround ? xdir = DI_NODIR : xdir) != DI_NODIR &&
(actor->movedir = xdir, P_TryWalk(actor)))
return; // either moved forward or attacked
if ((ydir == turnaround ? ydir = DI_NODIR : ydir) != DI_NODIR &&
(actor->movedir = ydir, P_TryWalk(actor)))
// there is no direct path to the player, so pick another direction.
if (olddir != DI_NODIR && (actor->movedir = olddir, P_TryWalk(actor)))
// randomly determine direction of search
if (P_Random(pr_newchasedir) & 1)
for (tdir = DI_EAST; tdir <= DI_SOUTHEAST; tdir++)
if (tdir != turnaround && (actor->movedir = tdir, P_TryWalk(actor)))
for (tdir = DI_SOUTHEAST; tdir != DI_EAST-1; tdir--)
if (tdir != turnaround && (actor->movedir = tdir, P_TryWalk(actor)))
if ((actor->movedir = turnaround) != DI_NODIR && !P_TryWalk(actor))
actor->movedir = DI_NODIR;
// killough 11/98:
// Monsters try to move away from tall dropoffs.
// In Doom, they were never allowed to hang over dropoffs,
// and would remain stuck if involuntarily forced over one.
// This logic, combined with p_map.c (P_TryMove), allows
// monsters to free themselves without making them tend to
// hang over dropoffs.
static fixed_t dropoff_deltax, dropoff_deltay, floorz;
static boolean PIT_AvoidDropoff(line_t *line)
if (line->backsector && // Ignore one-sided linedefs
tmbbox[BOXRIGHT] > line->bbox[BOXLEFT] &&
tmbbox[BOXLEFT] < line->bbox[BOXRIGHT] &&
tmbbox[BOXTOP] > line->bbox[BOXBOTTOM] && // Linedef must be contacted
tmbbox[BOXBOTTOM] < line->bbox[BOXTOP] &&
P_BoxOnLineSide(tmbbox, line) == -1)
fixed_t front = line->frontsector->floorheight;
fixed_t back = line->backsector->floorheight;
angle_t angle;
// The monster must contact one of the two floors,
// and the other must be a tall dropoff (more than 24).
if (back == floorz && front < floorz - FRACUNIT*24)
angle = R_PointToAngle2(0,0,line->dx,line->dy); // front side dropoff
if (front == floorz && back < floorz - FRACUNIT*24)
angle = R_PointToAngle2(line->dx,line->dy,0,0); // back side dropoff
return true;
// Move away from dropoff at a standard speed.
// Multiple contacted linedefs are cumulative (e.g. hanging over corner)
dropoff_deltax -= finesine[angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT]*32;
dropoff_deltay += finecosine[angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT]*32;
return true;
// Driver for above
static fixed_t P_AvoidDropoff(mobj_t *actor)
int yh=((tmbbox[BOXTOP] = actor->y+actor->radius)-bmaporgy)>>MAPBLOCKSHIFT;
int yl=((tmbbox[BOXBOTTOM]= actor->y-actor->radius)-bmaporgy)>>MAPBLOCKSHIFT;
int xh=((tmbbox[BOXRIGHT] = actor->x+actor->radius)-bmaporgx)>>MAPBLOCKSHIFT;
int xl=((tmbbox[BOXLEFT] = actor->x-actor->radius)-bmaporgx)>>MAPBLOCKSHIFT;
int bx, by;
floorz = actor->z; // remember floor height
dropoff_deltax = dropoff_deltay = 0;
// check lines
for (bx=xl ; bx<=xh ; bx++)
for (by=yl ; by<=yh ; by++)
P_BlockLinesIterator(bx, by, PIT_AvoidDropoff); // all contacted lines
return dropoff_deltax | dropoff_deltay; // Non-zero if movement prescribed
// P_NewChaseDir
// killough 9/8/98: Split into two functions
static void P_NewChaseDir(mobj_t *actor)
mobj_t *target = actor->target;
fixed_t deltax = target->x - actor->x;
fixed_t deltay = target->y - actor->y;
// killough 8/8/98: sometimes move away from target, keeping distance
// 1) Stay a certain distance away from a friend, to avoid being in their way
// 2) Take advantage over an enemy without missiles, by keeping distance
actor->strafecount = 0;
if (mbf_features) {
if (actor->floorz - actor->dropoffz > FRACUNIT*24 &&
actor->z <= actor->floorz &&
!(actor->flags & (MF_DROPOFF|MF_FLOAT)) &&
!comp[comp_dropoff] &&
P_AvoidDropoff(actor)) /* Move away from dropoff */
P_DoNewChaseDir(actor, dropoff_deltax, dropoff_deltay);
// If moving away from dropoff, set movecount to 1 so that
// small steps are taken to get monster away from dropoff.
actor->movecount = 1;
fixed_t dist = P_AproxDistance(deltax, deltay);
// Move away from friends when too close, except
// in certain situations (e.g. a crowded lift)
if (actor->flags & target->flags & MF_FRIEND &&
distfriend << FRACBITS > dist &&
!P_IsOnLift(target) && !P_IsUnderDamage(actor))
deltax = -deltax, deltay = -deltay;
} else
if (target->health > 0 && (actor->flags ^ target->flags) & MF_FRIEND)
{ // Live enemy target
if (monster_backing &&
actor->info->missilestate && actor->type != MT_SKULL &&
((!target->info->missilestate && dist < MELEERANGE*2) ||
(target->player && dist < MELEERANGE*3 &&
(target->player->readyweapon == wp_fist ||
target->player->readyweapon == wp_chainsaw))))
{ // Back away from melee attacker
actor->strafecount = P_Random(pr_enemystrafe) & 15;
deltax = -deltax, deltay = -deltay;
P_DoNewChaseDir(actor, deltax, deltay);
// If strafing, set movecount to strafecount so that old Doom
// logic still works the same, except in the strafing part
if (actor->strafecount)
actor->movecount = actor->strafecount;
// P_IsVisible
// killough 9/9/98: whether a target is visible to a monster
static boolean P_IsVisible(mobj_t *actor, mobj_t *mo, boolean allaround)
if (!allaround)
angle_t an = R_PointToAngle2(actor->x, actor->y,
mo->x, mo->y) - actor->angle;
if (an > ANG90 && an < ANG270 &&
P_AproxDistance(mo->x-actor->x, mo->y-actor->y) > MELEERANGE)
return false;
return P_CheckSight(actor, mo);
// PIT_FindTarget
// killough 9/5/98
// Finds monster targets for other monsters
static int current_allaround;
static boolean PIT_FindTarget(mobj_t *mo)
mobj_t *actor = current_actor;
if (!((mo->flags ^ actor->flags) & MF_FRIEND && // Invalid target
mo->health > 0 && (mo->flags & MF_COUNTKILL || mo->type == MT_SKULL)))
return true;
// If the monster is already engaged in a one-on-one attack
// with a healthy friend, don't attack around 60% the time
const mobj_t *targ = mo->target;
if (targ && targ->target == mo &&
P_Random(pr_skiptarget) > 100 &&
(targ->flags ^ mo->flags) & MF_FRIEND &&
targ->health*2 >= targ->info->spawnhealth)
return true;
if (!P_IsVisible(actor, mo, current_allaround))
return true;
P_SetTarget(&actor->lastenemy, actor->target); // Remember previous target
P_SetTarget(&actor->target, mo); // Found target
// Move the selected monster to the end of its associated
// list, so that it gets searched last next time.
thinker_t *cap = &thinkerclasscap[mo->flags & MF_FRIEND ?
th_friends : th_enemies];
(mo->thinker.cprev->cnext = mo->thinker.cnext)->cprev = mo->thinker.cprev;
(mo->thinker.cprev = cap->cprev)->cnext = &mo->thinker;
(mo->thinker.cnext = cap)->cprev = &mo->thinker;
return false;
// P_LookForPlayers
// If allaround is false, only look 180 degrees in front.
// Returns true if a player is targeted.
static boolean P_LookForPlayers(mobj_t *actor, boolean allaround)
player_t *player;
int stop, stopc, c;
if (actor->flags & MF_FRIEND)
{ // killough 9/9/98: friendly monsters go about players differently
int anyone;
#if 0
if (!allaround) // If you want friendly monsters not to awaken unprovoked
return false;
// Go back to a player, no matter whether it's visible or not
for (anyone=0; anyone<=1; anyone++)
for (c=0; c<MAXPLAYERS; c++)
if (playeringame[c] && players[c].playerstate==PST_LIVE &&
(anyone || P_IsVisible(actor, players[c].mo, allaround)))
P_SetTarget(&actor->target, players[c].mo);
// killough 12/98:
// get out of refiring loop, to avoid hitting player accidentally
if (actor->info->missilestate)
P_SetMobjState(actor, actor->info->seestate);
actor->flags &= ~MF_JUSTHIT;
return true;
return false;
// Change mask of 3 to (MAXPLAYERS-1) -- killough 2/15/98:
stop = (actor->lastlook-1)&(MAXPLAYERS-1);
c = 0;
stopc = !mbf_features &&
!demo_compatibility && monsters_remember ?
MAXPLAYERS : 2; // killough 9/9/98
for (;; actor->lastlook = (actor->lastlook+1)&(MAXPLAYERS-1))
if (!playeringame[actor->lastlook])
// killough 2/15/98, 9/9/98:
if (c++ == stopc || actor->lastlook == stop) // done looking
// e6y
// Fixed Boom incompatibilities. The following code was missed.
// There are no more desyncs on Donce's demos on horror.wad
// Use last known enemy if no players sighted -- killough 2/15/98:
if (!mbf_features && !demo_compatibility && monsters_remember)
if (actor->lastenemy && actor->lastenemy->health > 0)
actor->target = actor->lastenemy;
actor->lastenemy = NULL;
return true;
return false;
player = &players[actor->lastlook];
if (player->health <= 0)
continue; // dead
if (!P_IsVisible(actor, player->mo, allaround))
P_SetTarget(&actor->target, player->mo);
/* killough 9/9/98: give monsters a threshold towards getting players
* (we don't want it to be too easy for a player with dogs :)
if (!comp[comp_pursuit])
actor->threshold = 60;
return true;
// Friendly monsters, by Lee Killough 7/18/98
// Friendly monsters go after other monsters first, but
// also return to owner if they cannot find any targets.
// A marine's best friend :) killough 7/18/98, 9/98
static boolean P_LookForMonsters(mobj_t *actor, boolean allaround)
thinker_t *cap, *th;
if (demo_compatibility)
return false;
if (actor->lastenemy && actor->lastenemy->health > 0 && monsters_remember &&
!(actor->lastenemy->flags & actor->flags & MF_FRIEND)) // not friends
P_SetTarget(&actor->target, actor->lastenemy);
P_SetTarget(&actor->lastenemy, NULL);
return true;
/* Old demos do not support monster-seeking bots */
if (!mbf_features)
return false;
// Search the threaded list corresponding to this object's potential targets
cap = &thinkerclasscap[actor->flags & MF_FRIEND ? th_enemies : th_friends];
// Search for new enemy
if (cap->cnext != cap) // Empty list? bail out early
int x = (actor->x - bmaporgx)>>MAPBLOCKSHIFT;
int y = (actor->y - bmaporgy)>>MAPBLOCKSHIFT;
int d;
current_actor = actor;
current_allaround = allaround;
// Search first in the immediate vicinity.
if (!P_BlockThingsIterator(x, y, PIT_FindTarget))
return true;
for (d=1; d<5; d++)
int i = 1 - d;
if (!P_BlockThingsIterator(x+i, y-d, PIT_FindTarget) ||
!P_BlockThingsIterator(x+i, y+d, PIT_FindTarget))
return true;
while (++i < d);
if (!P_BlockThingsIterator(x-d, y+i, PIT_FindTarget) ||
!P_BlockThingsIterator(x+d, y+i, PIT_FindTarget))
return true;
while (--i + d >= 0);
{ // Random number of monsters, to prevent patterns from forming
int n = (P_Random(pr_friends) & 31) + 15;
for (th = cap->cnext; th != cap; th = th->cnext)
if (--n < 0)
// Only a subset of the monsters were searched. Move all of
// the ones which were searched so far, to the end of the list.
(cap->cnext->cprev = cap->cprev)->cnext = cap->cnext;
(cap->cprev = th->cprev)->cnext = cap;
(th->cprev = cap)->cnext = th;
if (!PIT_FindTarget((mobj_t *) th)) // If target sighted
return true;
return false; // No monster found
// P_LookForTargets
// killough 9/5/98: look for targets to go after, depending on kind of monster
static boolean P_LookForTargets(mobj_t *actor, int allaround)
return actor->flags & MF_FRIEND ?
P_LookForMonsters(actor, allaround) || P_LookForPlayers (actor, allaround):
P_LookForPlayers (actor, allaround) || P_LookForMonsters(actor, allaround);
// P_HelpFriend
// killough 9/8/98: Help friends in danger of dying
static boolean P_HelpFriend(mobj_t *actor)
thinker_t *cap, *th;
// If less than 33% health, self-preservation rules
if (actor->health*3 < actor->info->spawnhealth)
return false;
current_actor = actor;
current_allaround = true;
// Possibly help a friend under 50% health
cap = &thinkerclasscap[actor->flags & MF_FRIEND ? th_friends : th_enemies];
for (th = cap->cnext; th != cap; th = th->cnext)
if (((mobj_t *) th)->health*2 >= ((mobj_t *) th)->info->spawnhealth)
if (P_Random(pr_helpfriend) < 180)
if (((mobj_t *) th)->flags & MF_JUSTHIT &&
((mobj_t *) th)->target &&
((mobj_t *) th)->target != actor->target &&
!PIT_FindTarget(((mobj_t *) th)->target))
// Ignore any attacking monsters, while searching for friend
actor->threshold = BASETHRESHOLD;
return true;
return false;
// A_KeenDie
// DOOM II special, map 32.
// Uses special tag 666.
void A_KeenDie(mobj_t* mo)
thinker_t *th;
line_t junk;
// scan the remaining thinkers to see if all Keens are dead
for (th = thinkercap.next ; th != &thinkercap ; th=th->next)
if (th->function == P_MobjThinker)
mobj_t *mo2 = (mobj_t *) th;
if (mo2 != mo && mo2->type == mo->type && mo2->health > 0)
return; // other Keen not dead
junk.tag = 666;
// A_Look
// Stay in state until a player is sighted.
void A_Look(mobj_t *actor)
mobj_t *targ = actor->subsector->sector->soundtarget;
actor->threshold = 0; // any shot will wake up
/* killough 7/18/98:
* Friendly monsters go after other monsters first, but
* also return to player, without attacking them, if they
* cannot find any targets. A marine's best friend :)
actor->pursuecount = 0;
if (!(actor->flags & MF_FRIEND && P_LookForTargets(actor, false)) &&
!((targ = actor->subsector->sector->soundtarget) &&
targ->flags & MF_SHOOTABLE &&
(P_SetTarget(&actor->target, targ),
!(actor->flags & MF_AMBUSH) || P_CheckSight(actor, targ))) &&
(actor->flags & MF_FRIEND || !P_LookForTargets(actor, false)))
// go into chase state
if (actor->info->seesound)
int sound;
switch (actor->info->seesound)
case sfx_posit1:
case sfx_posit2:
case sfx_posit3:
sound = sfx_posit1+P_Random(pr_see)%3;
case sfx_bgsit1:
case sfx_bgsit2:
sound = sfx_bgsit1+P_Random(pr_see)%2;
sound = actor->info->seesound;
if (actor->type==MT_SPIDER || actor->type == MT_CYBORG)
S_StartSound(NULL, sound); // full volume
S_StartSound(actor, sound);
P_SetMobjState(actor, actor->info->seestate);
// A_KeepChasing
// killough 10/98:
// Allows monsters to continue movement while attacking
static void A_KeepChasing(mobj_t *actor)
if (actor->movecount)
if (actor->strafecount)
// A_Chase
// Actor has a melee attack,
// so it tries to close as fast as possible
void A_Chase(mobj_t *actor)
if (actor->reactiontime)
if (actor->threshold) { /* modify target threshold */
if (!actor->target || actor->target->health <= 0)
actor->threshold = 0;
/* turn towards movement direction if not there yet
* killough 9/7/98: keep facing towards target if strafing or backing out
if (actor->strafecount)
else if (actor->movedir < 8)
int delta = (actor->angle &= (7<<29)) - (actor->movedir << 29);
if (delta > 0)
actor->angle -= ANG90/2;
if (delta < 0)
actor->angle += ANG90/2;
if (!actor->target || !(actor->target->flags&MF_SHOOTABLE))
if (!P_LookForTargets(actor,true)) // look for a new target
P_SetMobjState(actor, actor->info->spawnstate); // no new target
// do not attack twice in a row
if (actor->flags & MF_JUSTATTACKED)
actor->flags &= ~MF_JUSTATTACKED;
if (gameskill != sk_nightmare && !fastparm)
// check for melee attack
if (actor->info->meleestate && P_CheckMeleeRange(actor))
if (actor->info->attacksound)
S_StartSound(actor, actor->info->attacksound);
P_SetMobjState(actor, actor->info->meleestate);
/* killough 8/98: remember an attack
* cph - DEMOSYNC? */
if (!actor->info->missilestate)
actor->flags |= MF_JUSTHIT;
// check for missile attack
if (actor->info->missilestate)
if (!(gameskill < sk_nightmare && !fastparm && actor->movecount))
if (P_CheckMissileRange(actor))
P_SetMobjState(actor, actor->info->missilestate);
actor->flags |= MF_JUSTATTACKED;
if (!actor->threshold) {
if (!mbf_features)
{ /* killough 9/9/98: for backward demo compatibility */
if (netgame && !P_CheckSight(actor, actor->target) &&
P_LookForPlayers(actor, true))
/* killough 7/18/98, 9/9/98: new monster AI */
else if (help_friends && P_HelpFriend(actor))
return; /* killough 9/8/98: Help friends in need */
/* Look for new targets if current one is bad or is out of view */
else if (actor->pursuecount)
else {
/* Our pursuit time has expired. We're going to think about
* changing targets */
actor->pursuecount = BASETHRESHOLD;
/* Unless (we have a live target
* and it's not friendly
* and we can see it)
* try to find a new one; return if sucessful */
if (!(actor->target && actor->target->health > 0 &&
((comp[comp_pursuit] && !netgame) ||
(((actor->target->flags ^ actor->flags) & MF_FRIEND ||
(!(actor->flags & MF_FRIEND) && monster_infighting)) &&
P_CheckSight(actor, actor->target))))
&& P_LookForTargets(actor, true))
/* (Current target was good, or no new target was found.)
* If monster is a missile-less friend, give up pursuit and
* return to player, if no attacks have occurred recently.
if (!actor->info->missilestate && actor->flags & MF_FRIEND) {
if (actor->flags & MF_JUSTHIT) /* if recent action, */
actor->flags &= ~MF_JUSTHIT; /* keep fighting */
else if (P_LookForPlayers(actor, true)) /* else return to player */
if (actor->strafecount)
// chase towards player
if (--actor->movecount<0 || !P_SmartMove(actor))
// make active sound
if (actor->info->activesound && P_Random(pr_see)<3)
S_StartSound(actor, actor->info->activesound);
// A_FaceTarget
void A_FaceTarget(mobj_t *actor)
if (!actor->target)
actor->flags &= ~MF_AMBUSH;
actor->angle = R_PointToAngle2(actor->x, actor->y,
actor->target->x, actor->target->y);
if (actor->target->flags & MF_SHADOW)
{ // killough 5/5/98: remove dependence on order of evaluation:
int t = P_Random(pr_facetarget);
actor->angle += (t-P_Random(pr_facetarget))<<21;
// A_PosAttack
void A_PosAttack(mobj_t *actor)
int angle, damage, slope, t;
if (!actor->target)
angle = actor->angle;
slope = P_AimLineAttack(actor, angle, MISSILERANGE, 0); /* killough 8/2/98 */
S_StartSound(actor, sfx_pistol);
// killough 5/5/98: remove dependence on order of evaluation:
t = P_Random(pr_posattack);
angle += (t - P_Random(pr_posattack))<<20;
damage = (P_Random(pr_posattack)%5 + 1)*3;
P_LineAttack(actor, angle, MISSILERANGE, slope, damage);
void A_SPosAttack(mobj_t* actor)
int i, bangle, slope;
if (!actor->target)
S_StartSound(actor, sfx_shotgn);
bangle = actor->angle;
slope = P_AimLineAttack(actor, bangle, MISSILERANGE, 0); /* killough 8/2/98 */
for (i=0; i<3; i++)
{ // killough 5/5/98: remove dependence on order of evaluation:
int t = P_Random(pr_sposattack);
int angle = bangle + ((t - P_Random(pr_sposattack))<<20);
int damage = ((P_Random(pr_sposattack)%5)+1)*3;
P_LineAttack(actor, angle, MISSILERANGE, slope, damage);
void A_CPosAttack(mobj_t *actor)
int angle, bangle, damage, slope, t;
if (!actor->target)
S_StartSound(actor, sfx_shotgn);
bangle = actor->angle;
slope = P_AimLineAttack(actor, bangle, MISSILERANGE, 0); /* killough 8/2/98 */
// killough 5/5/98: remove dependence on order of evaluation:
t = P_Random(pr_cposattack);
angle = bangle + ((t - P_Random(pr_cposattack))<<20);
damage = ((P_Random(pr_cposattack)%5)+1)*3;
P_LineAttack(actor, angle, MISSILERANGE, slope, damage);
void A_CPosRefire(mobj_t *actor)
// keep firing unless target got out of sight
/* killough 12/98: Stop firing if a friend has gotten in the way */
if (P_HitFriend(actor))
goto stop;
/* killough 11/98: prevent refiring on friends continuously */
if (P_Random(pr_cposrefire) < 40) {
if (actor->target && actor->flags & actor->target->flags & MF_FRIEND)
goto stop;
if (!actor->target || actor->target->health <= 0
|| !P_CheckSight(actor, actor->target))
stop: P_SetMobjState(actor, actor->info->seestate);
void A_SpidRefire(mobj_t* actor)
// keep firing unless target got out of sight
/* killough 12/98: Stop firing if a friend has gotten in the way */
if (P_HitFriend(actor))
goto stop;
if (P_Random(pr_spidrefire) < 10)
// killough 11/98: prevent refiring on friends continuously
if (!actor->target || actor->target->health <= 0
|| actor->flags & actor->target->flags & MF_FRIEND
|| !P_CheckSight(actor, actor->target))
stop: P_SetMobjState(actor, actor->info->seestate);
void A_BspiAttack(mobj_t *actor)
if (!actor->target)
P_SpawnMissile(actor, actor->target, MT_ARACHPLAZ); // launch a missile
// A_TroopAttack
void A_TroopAttack(mobj_t *actor)
if (!actor->target)
if (P_CheckMeleeRange(actor))
int damage;
S_StartSound(actor, sfx_claw);
damage = (P_Random(pr_troopattack)%8+1)*3;
P_DamageMobj(actor->target, actor, actor, damage);
P_SpawnMissile(actor, actor->target, MT_TROOPSHOT); // launch a missile
void A_SargAttack(mobj_t *actor)
if (!actor->target)
if (P_CheckMeleeRange(actor))
int damage = ((P_Random(pr_sargattack)%10)+1)*4;
P_DamageMobj(actor->target, actor, actor, damage);
void A_HeadAttack(mobj_t *actor)
if (!actor->target)
A_FaceTarget (actor);
if (P_CheckMeleeRange(actor))
int damage = (P_Random(pr_headattack)%6+1)*10;
P_DamageMobj(actor->target, actor, actor, damage);
P_SpawnMissile(actor, actor->target, MT_HEADSHOT); // launch a missile
void A_CyberAttack(mobj_t *actor)
if (!actor->target)
P_SpawnMissile(actor, actor->target, MT_ROCKET);
void A_BruisAttack(mobj_t *actor)
if (!actor->target)
if (P_CheckMeleeRange(actor))
int damage;
S_StartSound(actor, sfx_claw);
damage = (P_Random(pr_bruisattack)%8+1)*10;
P_DamageMobj(actor->target, actor, actor, damage);
P_SpawnMissile(actor, actor->target, MT_BRUISERSHOT); // launch a missile
// A_SkelMissile
void A_SkelMissile(mobj_t *actor)
mobj_t *mo;
if (!actor->target)
A_FaceTarget (actor);
actor->z += 16*FRACUNIT; // so missile spawns higher
mo = P_SpawnMissile (actor, actor->target, MT_TRACER);
actor->z -= 16*FRACUNIT; // back to normal
mo->x += mo->momx;
mo->y += mo->momy;
P_SetTarget(&mo->tracer, actor->target);
int TRACEANGLE = 0xc000000;
void A_Tracer(mobj_t *actor)
angle_t exact;
fixed_t dist;
fixed_t slope;
mobj_t *dest;
mobj_t *th;
/* killough 1/18/98: this is why some missiles do not have smoke
* and some do. Also, internal demos start at random gametics, thus
* the bug in which revenants cause internal demos to go out of sync.
* killough 3/6/98: fix revenant internal demo bug by subtracting
* levelstarttic from gametic.
* killough 9/29/98: use new "basetic" so that demos stay in sync
* during pauses and menu activations, while retaining old demo sync.
* leveltime would have been better to use to start with in Doom, but
* since old demos were recorded using gametic, we must stick with it,
* and improvise around it (using leveltime causes desync across levels).
if ((gametic-basetic) & 3)
// spawn a puff of smoke behind the rocket
P_SpawnPuff(actor->x, actor->y, actor->z);
th = P_SpawnMobj (actor->x-actor->momx,
actor->z, MT_SMOKE);
th->momz = FRACUNIT;
th->tics -= P_Random(pr_tracer) & 3;
if (th->tics < 1)
th->tics = 1;
// adjust direction
dest = actor->tracer;
if (!dest || dest->health <= 0)
// change angle
exact = R_PointToAngle2(actor->x, actor->y, dest->x, dest->y);
if (exact != actor->angle) {
if (exact - actor->angle > 0x80000000)
actor->angle -= TRACEANGLE;
if (exact - actor->angle < 0x80000000)
actor->angle = exact;
actor->angle += TRACEANGLE;
if (exact - actor->angle > 0x80000000)
actor->angle = exact;
exact = actor->angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
actor->momx = FixedMul(actor->info->speed, finecosine[exact]);
actor->momy = FixedMul(actor->info->speed, finesine[exact]);
// change slope
dist = P_AproxDistance(dest->x - actor->x, dest->y - actor->y);
dist = dist / actor->info->speed;
if (dist < 1)
dist = 1;
slope = (dest->z+40*FRACUNIT - actor->z) / dist;
if (slope < actor->momz)
actor->momz -= FRACUNIT/8;
actor->momz += FRACUNIT/8;
void A_SkelWhoosh(mobj_t *actor)
if (!actor->target)
void A_SkelFist(mobj_t *actor)
if (!actor->target)
if (P_CheckMeleeRange(actor))
int damage = ((P_Random(pr_skelfist)%10)+1)*6;
S_StartSound(actor, sfx_skepch);
P_DamageMobj(actor->target, actor, actor, damage);
// PIT_VileCheck
// Detect a corpse that could be raised.
mobj_t* corpsehit;
mobj_t* vileobj;
fixed_t viletryx;
fixed_t viletryy;
static boolean PIT_VileCheck(mobj_t *thing)
int maxdist;
boolean check;
if (!(thing->flags & MF_CORPSE) )
return true; // not a monster
if (thing->tics != -1)
return true; // not lying still yet
if (thing->info->raisestate == S_NULL)
return true; // monster doesn't have a raise state
maxdist = thing->info->radius + mobjinfo[MT_VILE].radius;
if (D_abs(thing->x-viletryx) > maxdist || D_abs(thing->y-viletryy) > maxdist)
return true; // not actually touching
// Check to see if the radius and height are zero. If they are // phares
// then this is a crushed monster that has been turned into a // |
// gib. One of the options may be to ignore this guy. // V
// Option 1: the original, buggy method, -> ghost (compatibility)
// Option 2: ressurect the monster, but not as a ghost
// Option 3: ignore the gib
// if (Option3) // ^
// if ((thing->height == 0) && (thing->radius == 0)) // |
// return true; // phares
corpsehit = thing;
corpsehit->momx = corpsehit->momy = 0;
if (comp[comp_vile]) // phares
{ // |
corpsehit->height <<= 2; // V
check = P_CheckPosition(corpsehit,corpsehit->x,corpsehit->y);
corpsehit->height >>= 2;
int height,radius;
height = corpsehit->height; // save temporarily
radius = corpsehit->radius; // save temporarily
corpsehit->height = corpsehit->info->height;
corpsehit->radius = corpsehit->info->radius;
corpsehit->flags |= MF_SOLID;
check = P_CheckPosition(corpsehit,corpsehit->x,corpsehit->y);
corpsehit->height = height; // restore
corpsehit->radius = radius; // restore // ^
corpsehit->flags &= ~MF_SOLID;
} // |
// phares
if (!check)
return true; // doesn't fit here
return false; // got one, so stop checking
// A_VileChase
// Check for ressurecting a body
void A_VileChase(mobj_t* actor)
int xl, xh;
int yl, yh;
int bx, by;
if (actor->movedir != DI_NODIR)
// check for corpses to raise
viletryx =
actor->x + actor->info->speed*xspeed[actor->movedir];
viletryy =
actor->y + actor->info->speed*yspeed[actor->movedir];
xl = (viletryx - bmaporgx - MAXRADIUS*2)>>MAPBLOCKSHIFT;
xh = (viletryx - bmaporgx + MAXRADIUS*2)>>MAPBLOCKSHIFT;
yl = (viletryy - bmaporgy - MAXRADIUS*2)>>MAPBLOCKSHIFT;
yh = (viletryy - bmaporgy + MAXRADIUS*2)>>MAPBLOCKSHIFT;
vileobj = actor;
for (bx=xl ; bx<=xh ; bx++)
for (by=yl ; by<=yh ; by++)
// Call PIT_VileCheck to check
// whether object is a corpse
// that canbe raised.
if (!P_BlockThingsIterator(bx,by,PIT_VileCheck))
mobjinfo_t *info;
// got one!
mobj_t* temp = actor->target;
actor->target = corpsehit;
actor->target = temp;
P_SetMobjState(actor, S_VILE_HEAL1);
S_StartSound(corpsehit, sfx_slop);
info = corpsehit->info;
if (comp[comp_vile]) // phares
corpsehit->height <<= 2; // |
else // V
corpsehit->height = info->height; // fix Ghost bug
corpsehit->radius = info->radius; // fix Ghost bug
} // phares
/* killough 7/18/98:
* friendliness is transferred from AV to raised corpse
corpsehit->flags =
(info->flags & ~MF_FRIEND) | (actor->flags & MF_FRIEND);
if (!((corpsehit->flags ^ MF_COUNTKILL) & (MF_FRIEND | MF_COUNTKILL)))
corpsehit->health = info->spawnhealth;
P_SetTarget(&corpsehit->target, NULL); // killough 11/98
if (mbf_features)
{ /* kilough 9/9/98 */
P_SetTarget(&corpsehit->lastenemy, NULL);
corpsehit->flags &= ~MF_JUSTHIT;
/* killough 8/29/98: add to appropriate thread */
A_Chase(actor); // Return to normal attack.
// A_VileStart
void A_VileStart(mobj_t *actor)
S_StartSound(actor, sfx_vilatk);
// A_Fire
// Keep fire in front of player unless out of sight
void A_StartFire(mobj_t *actor)
void A_FireCrackle(mobj_t* actor)
void A_Fire(mobj_t *actor)
unsigned an;
mobj_t *dest = actor->tracer;
if (!dest)
// don't move it if the vile lost sight
if (!P_CheckSight(actor->target, dest) )
an = dest->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
actor->x = dest->x + FixedMul(24*FRACUNIT, finecosine[an]);
actor->y = dest->y + FixedMul(24*FRACUNIT, finesine[an]);
actor->z = dest->z;
// A_VileTarget
// Spawn the hellfire
void A_VileTarget(mobj_t *actor)
mobj_t *fog;
if (!actor->target)
// killough 12/98: fix Vile fog coordinates // CPhipps - compatibility optioned
fog = P_SpawnMobj(actor->target->x,
(compatibility_level < lxdoom_1_compatibility) ? actor->target->x : actor->target->y,
P_SetTarget(&actor->tracer, fog);
P_SetTarget(&fog->target, actor);
P_SetTarget(&fog->tracer, actor->target);
// A_VileAttack
void A_VileAttack(mobj_t *actor)
mobj_t *fire;
int an;
if (!actor->target)
if (!P_CheckSight(actor, actor->target))
S_StartSound(actor, sfx_barexp);
P_DamageMobj(actor->target, actor, actor, 20);
actor->target->momz = 1000*FRACUNIT/actor->target->info->mass;
an = actor->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
fire = actor->tracer;
if (!fire)
// move the fire between the vile and the player
fire->x = actor->target->x - FixedMul (24*FRACUNIT, finecosine[an]);
fire->y = actor->target->y - FixedMul (24*FRACUNIT, finesine[an]);
P_RadiusAttack(fire, actor, 70);
// Mancubus attack,
// firing three missiles (bruisers)
// in three different directions?
// Doesn't look like it.
#define FATSPREAD (ANG90/8)
void A_FatRaise(mobj_t *actor)
S_StartSound(actor, sfx_manatk);
void A_FatAttack1(mobj_t *actor)
mobj_t *mo;
int an;
if (!actor->target)
// Change direction to ...
actor->angle += FATSPREAD;
P_SpawnMissile(actor, actor->target, MT_FATSHOT);
mo = P_SpawnMissile (actor, actor->target, MT_FATSHOT);
mo->angle += FATSPREAD;
an = mo->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
mo->momx = FixedMul(mo->info->speed, finecosine[an]);
mo->momy = FixedMul(mo->info->speed, finesine[an]);
void A_FatAttack2(mobj_t *actor)
mobj_t *mo;
int an;
if (!actor->target)
// Now here choose opposite deviation.
actor->angle -= FATSPREAD;
P_SpawnMissile(actor, actor->target, MT_FATSHOT);
mo = P_SpawnMissile(actor, actor->target, MT_FATSHOT);
mo->angle -= FATSPREAD*2;
an = mo->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
mo->momx = FixedMul(mo->info->speed, finecosine[an]);
mo->momy = FixedMul(mo->info->speed, finesine[an]);
void A_FatAttack3(mobj_t *actor)
mobj_t *mo;
int an;
if (!actor->target)
mo = P_SpawnMissile(actor, actor->target, MT_FATSHOT);
mo->angle -= FATSPREAD/2;
an = mo->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
mo->momx = FixedMul(mo->info->speed, finecosine[an]);
mo->momy = FixedMul(mo->info->speed, finesine[an]);
mo = P_SpawnMissile(actor, actor->target, MT_FATSHOT);
mo->angle += FATSPREAD/2;
an = mo->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
mo->momx = FixedMul(mo->info->speed, finecosine[an]);
mo->momy = FixedMul(mo->info->speed, finesine[an]);
// SkullAttack
// Fly at the player like a missile.
void A_SkullAttack(mobj_t *actor)
mobj_t *dest;
angle_t an;
int dist;
if (!actor->target)
dest = actor->target;
actor->flags |= MF_SKULLFLY;
S_StartSound(actor, actor->info->attacksound);
an = actor->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
actor->momx = FixedMul(SKULLSPEED, finecosine[an]);
actor->momy = FixedMul(SKULLSPEED, finesine[an]);
dist = P_AproxDistance(dest->x - actor->x, dest->y - actor->y);
dist = dist / SKULLSPEED;
if (dist < 1)
dist = 1;
actor->momz = (dest->z+(dest->height>>1) - actor->z) / dist;
// A_PainShootSkull
// Spawn a lost soul and launch it at the target
static void A_PainShootSkull(mobj_t *actor, angle_t angle)
fixed_t x,y,z;
mobj_t *newmobj;
angle_t an;
int prestep;
// The original code checked for 20 skulls on the level, // phares
// and wouldn't spit another one if there were. If not in // phares
// compatibility mode, we remove the limit. // phares
// phares
if (comp[comp_pain]) /* killough 10/98: compatibility-optioned */
// count total number of skulls currently on the level
int count = 0;
thinker_t *currentthinker = NULL;
while ((currentthinker = P_NextThinker(currentthinker,th_all)) != NULL)
if ((currentthinker->function == P_MobjThinker)
&& ((mobj_t *)currentthinker)->type == MT_SKULL)
if (count > 20) // phares
return; // phares
// okay, there's room for another one
prestep = 4*FRACUNIT + 3*(actor->info->radius + mobjinfo[MT_SKULL].radius)/2;
x = actor->x + FixedMul(prestep, finecosine[an]);
y = actor->y + FixedMul(prestep, finesine[an]);
z = actor->z + 8*FRACUNIT;
if (comp[comp_skull]) /* killough 10/98: compatibility-optioned */
newmobj = P_SpawnMobj(x, y, z, MT_SKULL); // phares
else // V
// Check whether the Lost Soul is being fired through a 1-sided
// wall or an impassible line, or a "monsters can't cross" line.
// If it is, then we don't allow the spawn. This is a bug fix, but
// it should be considered an enhancement, since it may disturb
// existing demos, so don't do it in compatibility mode.
if (Check_Sides(actor,x,y))
newmobj = P_SpawnMobj(x, y, z, MT_SKULL);
// Check to see if the new Lost Soul's z value is above the
// ceiling of its new sector, or below the floor. If so, kill it.
if ((newmobj->z >
(newmobj->subsector->sector->ceilingheight - newmobj->height)) ||
(newmobj->z < newmobj->subsector->sector->floorheight))
// kill it immediately
return; // ^
} // |
} // phares
/* killough 7/20/98: PEs shoot lost souls with the same friendliness */
newmobj->flags = (newmobj->flags & ~MF_FRIEND) | (actor->flags & MF_FRIEND);
/* killough 8/29/98: add to appropriate thread */
// Check for movements.
// killough 3/15/98: don't jump over dropoffs:
if (!P_TryMove(newmobj, newmobj->x, newmobj->y, false))
// kill it immediately
P_DamageMobj(newmobj, actor, actor, 10000);
P_SetTarget(&newmobj->target, actor->target);
// A_PainAttack
// Spawn a lost soul and launch it at the target
void A_PainAttack(mobj_t *actor)
if (!actor->target)
A_PainShootSkull(actor, actor->angle);
void A_PainDie(mobj_t *actor)
A_PainShootSkull(actor, actor->angle+ANG90);
A_PainShootSkull(actor, actor->angle+ANG180);
A_PainShootSkull(actor, actor->angle+ANG270);
void A_Scream(mobj_t *actor)
int sound;
switch (actor->info->deathsound)
case 0:
case sfx_podth1:
case sfx_podth2:
case sfx_podth3:
sound = sfx_podth1 + P_Random(pr_scream)%3;
case sfx_bgdth1:
case sfx_bgdth2:
sound = sfx_bgdth1 + P_Random(pr_scream)%2;
sound = actor->info->deathsound;
// Check for bosses.
if (actor->type==MT_SPIDER || actor->type == MT_CYBORG)
S_StartSound(NULL, sound); // full volume
S_StartSound(actor, sound);
void A_XScream(mobj_t *actor)
S_StartSound(actor, sfx_slop);
void A_Pain(mobj_t *actor)
if (actor->info->painsound)
S_StartSound(actor, actor->info->painsound);
void A_Fall(mobj_t *actor)
// actor is on ground, it can be walked over
actor->flags &= ~MF_SOLID;
// A_Explode
void A_Explode(mobj_t *thingy)
P_RadiusAttack( thingy, thingy->target, 128 );
// A_BossDeath
// Possibly trigger special effects
// if on first boss level
void A_BossDeath(mobj_t *mo)
thinker_t *th;
line_t junk;
int i;
if (gamemode == commercial)
if (gamemap != 7)
if ((mo->type != MT_FATSO)
&& (mo->type != MT_BABY))
// e6y
// Additional check of gameepisode is necessary, because
// there is no right or wrong solution for E4M6 in original EXEs,
// there's nothing to emulate.
if (comp[comp_666] && gameepisode < 4)
// e6y
// Only following checks are present in doom2.exe ver. 1.666 and 1.9
// instead of separate checks for each episode in doomult.exe, plutonia.exe and tnt.exe
// There is no more desync on doom.wad\episode3.lmp
// http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/index.php?id=6909
if (gamemap != 8)
if (mo->type == MT_BRUISER && gameepisode != 1)
case 1:
if (gamemap != 8)
if (mo->type != MT_BRUISER)
case 2:
if (gamemap != 8)
if (mo->type != MT_CYBORG)
case 3:
if (gamemap != 8)
if (mo->type != MT_SPIDER)
case 4:
case 6:
if (mo->type != MT_CYBORG)
case 8:
if (mo->type != MT_SPIDER)
if (gamemap != 8)
// make sure there is a player alive for victory
for (i=0; i<MAXPLAYERS; i++)
if (playeringame[i] && players[i].health > 0)
return; // no one left alive, so do not end game
// scan the remaining thinkers to see
// if all bosses are dead
for (th = thinkercap.next ; th != &thinkercap ; th=th->next)
if (th->function == P_MobjThinker)
mobj_t *mo2 = (mobj_t *) th;
if (mo2 != mo && mo2->type == mo->type && mo2->health > 0)
return; // other boss not dead
// victory!
if ( gamemode == commercial)
if (gamemap == 7)
if (mo->type == MT_FATSO)
junk.tag = 666;
if (mo->type == MT_BABY)
junk.tag = 667;
case 1:
junk.tag = 666;
EV_DoFloor(&junk, lowerFloorToLowest);
case 4:
case 6:
junk.tag = 666;
EV_DoDoor(&junk, blazeOpen);
case 8:
junk.tag = 666;
EV_DoFloor(&junk, lowerFloorToLowest);
void A_Hoof (mobj_t* mo)
S_StartSound(mo, sfx_hoof);
void A_Metal(mobj_t *mo)
S_StartSound(mo, sfx_metal);
void A_BabyMetal(mobj_t *mo)
S_StartSound(mo, sfx_bspwlk);
void A_OpenShotgun2(player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
S_StartSound(player->mo, sfx_dbopn);
void A_LoadShotgun2(player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
S_StartSound(player->mo, sfx_dbload);
void A_CloseShotgun2(player_t *player, pspdef_t *psp)
S_StartSound(player->mo, sfx_dbcls);
// killough 2/7/98: Remove limit on icon landings:
mobj_t **braintargets;
int numbraintargets_alloc;
int numbraintargets;
struct brain_s brain; // killough 3/26/98: global state of boss brain
// killough 3/26/98: initialize icon landings at level startup,
// rather than at boss wakeup, to prevent savegame-related crashes
void P_SpawnBrainTargets(void) // killough 3/26/98: renamed old function
thinker_t *thinker;
// find all the target spots
numbraintargets = 0;
brain.targeton = 0;
brain.easy = 0; // killough 3/26/98: always init easy to 0
for (thinker = thinkercap.next ;
thinker != &thinkercap ;
thinker = thinker->next)
if (thinker->function == P_MobjThinker)
mobj_t *m = (mobj_t *) thinker;
if (m->type == MT_BOSSTARGET )
{ // killough 2/7/98: remove limit on icon landings:
if (numbraintargets >= numbraintargets_alloc)
braintargets = realloc(braintargets,
(numbraintargets_alloc = numbraintargets_alloc ?
numbraintargets_alloc*2 : 32) *sizeof *braintargets);
braintargets[numbraintargets++] = m;
void A_BrainAwake(mobj_t *mo)
S_StartSound(NULL,sfx_bossit); // killough 3/26/98: only generates sound now
void A_BrainPain(mobj_t *mo)
void A_BrainScream(mobj_t *mo)
int x;
for (x=mo->x - 196*FRACUNIT ; x< mo->x + 320*FRACUNIT ; x+= FRACUNIT*8)
int y = mo->y - 320*FRACUNIT;
int z = 128 + P_Random(pr_brainscream)*2*FRACUNIT;
mobj_t *th = P_SpawnMobj (x,y,z, MT_ROCKET);
th->momz = P_Random(pr_brainscream)*512;
P_SetMobjState(th, S_BRAINEXPLODE1);
th->tics -= P_Random(pr_brainscream)&7;
if (th->tics < 1)
th->tics = 1;
void A_BrainExplode(mobj_t *mo)
{ // killough 5/5/98: remove dependence on order of evaluation:
int t = P_Random(pr_brainexp);
int x = mo->x + (t - P_Random(pr_brainexp))*2048;
int y = mo->y;
int z = 128 + P_Random(pr_brainexp)*2*FRACUNIT;
mobj_t *th = P_SpawnMobj(x,y,z, MT_ROCKET);
th->momz = P_Random(pr_brainexp)*512;
P_SetMobjState(th, S_BRAINEXPLODE1);
th->tics -= P_Random(pr_brainexp)&7;
if (th->tics < 1)
th->tics = 1;
void A_BrainDie(mobj_t *mo)
void A_BrainSpit(mobj_t *mo)
mobj_t *targ, *newmobj;
if (!numbraintargets) // killough 4/1/98: ignore if no targets
brain.easy ^= 1; // killough 3/26/98: use brain struct
if (gameskill <= sk_easy && !brain.easy)
// shoot a cube at current target
targ = braintargets[brain.targeton++]; // killough 3/26/98:
brain.targeton %= numbraintargets; // Use brain struct for targets
// spawn brain missile
newmobj = P_SpawnMissile(mo, targ, MT_SPAWNSHOT);
P_SetTarget(&newmobj->target, targ);
newmobj->reactiontime = (short)(((targ->y-mo->y)/newmobj->momy)/newmobj->state->tics);
// killough 7/18/98: brain friendliness is transferred
newmobj->flags = (newmobj->flags & ~MF_FRIEND) | (mo->flags & MF_FRIEND);
// killough 8/29/98: add to appropriate thread
S_StartSound(NULL, sfx_bospit);
// travelling cube sound
void A_SpawnSound(mobj_t *mo)
void A_SpawnFly(mobj_t *mo)
mobj_t *newmobj;
mobj_t *fog;
mobj_t *targ;
int r;
mobjtype_t type;
if (--mo->reactiontime)
return; // still flying
targ = mo->target;
// First spawn teleport fog.
fog = P_SpawnMobj(targ->x, targ->y, targ->z, MT_SPAWNFIRE);
S_StartSound(fog, sfx_telept);
// Randomly select monster to spawn.
r = P_Random(pr_spawnfly);
// Probability distribution (kind of :), decreasing likelihood.
if ( r<50 )
type = MT_TROOP;
else if (r<90)
else if (r<120)
type = MT_SHADOWS;
else if (r<130)
type = MT_PAIN;
else if (r<160)
type = MT_HEAD;
else if (r<162)
type = MT_VILE;
else if (r<172)
type = MT_UNDEAD;
else if (r<192)
type = MT_BABY;
else if (r<222)
type = MT_FATSO;
else if (r<246)
type = MT_KNIGHT;
type = MT_BRUISER;
newmobj = P_SpawnMobj(targ->x, targ->y, targ->z, type);
/* killough 7/18/98: brain friendliness is transferred */
newmobj->flags = (newmobj->flags & ~MF_FRIEND) | (mo->flags & MF_FRIEND);
/* killough 8/29/98: add to appropriate thread */
if (P_LookForTargets(newmobj,true)) /* killough 9/4/98 */
P_SetMobjState(newmobj, newmobj->info->seestate);
// telefrag anything in this spot
P_TeleportMove(newmobj, newmobj->x, newmobj->y, true); /* killough 8/9/98 */
// remove self (i.e., cube).
void A_PlayerScream(mobj_t *mo)
int sound = sfx_pldeth; // Default death sound.
if (gamemode != shareware && mo->health < -50)
S_StartSound(mo, sound);
/* cph - MBF-added codepointer functions */
// killough 11/98: kill an object
void A_Die(mobj_t *actor)
P_DamageMobj(actor, NULL, NULL, actor->health);
// A_Detonate
// killough 8/9/98: same as A_Explode, except that the damage is variable
void A_Detonate(mobj_t *mo)
P_RadiusAttack(mo, mo->target, mo->info->damage);
// killough 9/98: a mushroom explosion effect, sorta :)
// Original idea: Linguica
void A_Mushroom(mobj_t *actor)
int i, j, n = actor->info->damage;
A_Explode(actor); // First make normal explosion
// Now launch mushroom cloud
for (i = -n; i <= n; i += 8)
for (j = -n; j <= n; j += 8)
mobj_t target = *actor, *mo;
target.x += i << FRACBITS; // Aim in many directions from source
target.y += j << FRACBITS;
target.z += P_AproxDistance(i,j) << (FRACBITS+2); // Aim up fairly high
mo = P_SpawnMissile(actor, &target, MT_FATSHOT); // Launch fireball
mo->momx >>= 1;
mo->momy >>= 1; // Slow it down a bit
mo->momz >>= 1;
mo->flags &= ~MF_NOGRAVITY; // Make debris fall under gravity
// killough 11/98
// The following were inspired by Len Pitre
// A small set of highly-sought-after code pointers
void A_Spawn(mobj_t *mo)
if (mo->state->misc1)
/* mobj_t *newmobj = */
P_SpawnMobj(mo->x, mo->y, (mo->state->misc2 << FRACBITS) + mo->z,
mo->state->misc1 - 1);
/* CPhipps - no friendlyness (yet)
newmobj->flags = (newmobj->flags & ~MF_FRIEND) | (mo->flags & MF_FRIEND);
void A_Turn(mobj_t *mo)
mo->angle += (unsigned int)(((uint_64_t) mo->state->misc1 << 32) / 360);
void A_Face(mobj_t *mo)
mo->angle = (unsigned int)(((uint_64_t) mo->state->misc1 << 32) / 360);
void A_Scratch(mobj_t *mo)
mo->target && (A_FaceTarget(mo), P_CheckMeleeRange(mo)) ?
mo->state->misc2 ? S_StartSound(mo, mo->state->misc2) : (void) 0,
P_DamageMobj(mo->target, mo, mo, mo->state->misc1) : (void) 0;
void A_PlaySound(mobj_t *mo)
S_StartSound(mo->state->misc2 ? NULL : mo, mo->state->misc1);
void A_RandomJump(mobj_t *mo)
if (P_Random(pr_randomjump) < mo->state->misc2)
P_SetMobjState(mo, mo->state->misc1);
// This allows linedef effects to be activated inside deh frames.
void A_LineEffect(mobj_t *mo)
static line_t junk;
player_t player;
player_t *oldplayer;
junk = *lines;
oldplayer = mo->player;
mo->player = &player;
player.health = 100;
junk.special = (short)mo->state->misc1;
if (!junk.special)
junk.tag = (short)mo->state->misc2;
if (!P_UseSpecialLine(mo, &junk, 0))
P_CrossSpecialLine(&junk, 0, mo);
mo->state->misc1 = junk.special;
mo->player = oldplayer;