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/* Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*-
* PrBoom: a Doom port merged with LxDoom and LSDLDoom
* based on BOOM, a modified and improved DOOM engine
* Copyright (C) 1999 by
* id Software, Chi Hoang, Lee Killough, Jim Flynn, Rand Phares, Ty Halderman
* Copyright (C) 1999-2006 by
* Jess Haas, Nicolas Kalkhof, Colin Phipps, Florian Schulze
* Copyright 2005, 2006 by
* Florian Schulze, Colin Phipps, Neil Stevens, Andrey Budko
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
* 02111-1307, USA.
* All the global variables that store the internal state.
* Theoretically speaking, the internal state of the engine
* should be found by looking at the variables collected
* here, and every relevant module will have to include
* this header file.
* In practice, things are a bit messy.
#ifndef __D_STATE__
#define __D_STATE__
// We need the playr data structure as well.
#include "d_player.h"
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma interface
// ------------------------
// Command line parameters.
extern boolean nomonsters; // checkparm of -nomonsters
extern boolean respawnparm; // checkparm of -respawn
extern boolean fastparm; // checkparm of -fast
extern boolean devparm; // DEBUG: launched with -devparm
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Game Mode - identify IWAD as shareware, retail etc.
extern GameMode_t gamemode;
extern GameMission_t gamemission;
// Set if homebrew PWAD stuff has been added.
extern boolean modifiedgame;
// CPhipps - new compatibility handling
extern complevel_t compatibility_level, default_compatibility_level;
// CPhipps - old compatibility testing flags aliased to new handling
#define compatibility (compatibility_level<=boom_compatibility_compatibility)
#define demo_compatibility (compatibility_level < boom_compatibility_compatibility)
#define mbf_features (compatibility_level>=mbf_compatibility)
// v1.1-like pitched sounds
extern int pitched_sounds; // killough
extern int default_translucency; // config file says // phares
extern boolean general_translucency; // true if translucency is ok // phares
extern int demo_insurance, default_demo_insurance; // killough 4/5/98
// -------------------------------------------
// killough 10/98: compatibility vector
enum {
comp_respawn, /* cph - this is the inverse of comp_respawnfix from eternity */
COMP_NUM, /* cph - should be last in sequence */
COMP_TOTAL=32 // Some extra room for additional variables
extern int comp[COMP_TOTAL], default_comp[COMP_TOTAL];
// -------------------------------------------
// Language.
extern Language_t language;
// -------------------------------------------
// Selected skill type, map etc.
// Defaults for menu, methinks.
extern skill_t startskill;
extern int startepisode;
extern int startmap;
extern boolean autostart;
// Selected by user.
extern skill_t gameskill;
extern int gameepisode;
extern int gamemap;
// Nightmare mode flag, single player.
extern boolean respawnmonsters;
// Netgame? Only true if >1 player.
extern boolean netgame;
// Flag: true only if started as net deathmatch.
// An enum might handle altdeath/cooperative better.
extern boolean deathmatch;
// ------------------------------------------
// Internal parameters for sound rendering.
// These have been taken from the DOS version,
// but are not (yet) supported with Linux
// (e.g. no sound volume adjustment with menu.
// These are not used, but should be (menu).
// From m_menu.c:
// Sound FX volume has default, 0 - 15
// Music volume has default, 0 - 15
// These are multiplied by 8.
extern int snd_SfxVolume; // maximum volume for sound
extern int snd_MusicVolume; // maximum volume for music
// CPhipps - screen parameters
extern unsigned int desired_screenwidth, desired_screenheight;
// -------------------------
// Status flags for refresh.
enum automapmode_e {
am_active = 1, // currently shown
am_overlay= 2, // covers the screen, i.e. not overlay mode
am_rotate = 4, // rotates to the player facing direction
am_follow = 8, // keep the player centred
am_grid =16, // show grid
extern enum automapmode_e automapmode; // Mode that the automap is in
extern boolean menuactive; // Menu overlayed?
extern boolean paused; // Game Pause?
extern boolean nodrawers;
extern boolean noblit;
// This one is related to the 3-screen display mode.
// ANG90 = left side, ANG270 = right
extern int viewangleoffset;
// Player taking events, and displaying.
extern int consoleplayer;
extern int displayplayer;
// -------------------------------------
// Scores, rating.
// Statistics on a given map, for intermission.
extern int totalkills, totallive;
extern int totalitems;
extern int totalsecret;
// Timer, for scores.
extern int basetic; /* killough 9/29/98: levelstarttic, adjusted */
extern int leveltime; // tics in game play for par
// --------------------------------------
// DEMO playback/recording related stuff.
extern boolean usergame;
extern boolean demoplayback;
extern boolean demorecording;
extern int demover;
// Quit after playing a demo from cmdline.
extern boolean singledemo;
// Print timing information after quitting. killough
extern boolean timingdemo;
// Run tick clock at fastest speed possible while playing demo. killough
extern boolean fastdemo;
extern gamestate_t gamestate;
// Internal parameters, fixed.
// These are set by the engine, and not changed
// according to user inputs. Partly load from
// WAD, partly set at startup time.
extern int gametic;
// Bookkeeping on players - state.
extern player_t players[MAXPLAYERS];
// Alive? Disconnected?
extern boolean playeringame[MAXPLAYERS];
extern boolean realplayeringame[MAXPLAYERS];
extern mapthing_t *deathmatchstarts; // killough
extern size_t num_deathmatchstarts; // killough
extern mapthing_t *deathmatch_p;
// Player spawn spots.
extern mapthing_t playerstarts[];
// Intermission stats.
// Parameters for world map / intermission.
extern wbstartstruct_t wminfo;
// Internal parameters, used for engine.
// File handling stuff.
extern FILE *debugfile;
// if true, load all graphics at level load
extern boolean precache;
// wipegamestate can be set to -1
// to force a wipe on the next draw
extern gamestate_t wipegamestate;
extern int mouseSensitivity_horiz; // killough
extern int mouseSensitivity_vert;
// debug flag to cancel adaptiveness
extern boolean singletics;
extern int bodyqueslot;
// Needed to store the number of the dummy sky flat.
// Used for rendering, as well as tracking projectiles etc.
extern int skyflatnum;
extern int maketic;
// Networking and tick handling related.
#define BACKUPTICS 12
extern ticcmd_t netcmds[][BACKUPTICS];
extern int ticdup;
extern int allow_pushers; // MT_PUSH Things // phares 3/10/98
extern int default_allow_pushers;
extern int variable_friction; // ice & mud // phares 3/10/98
extern int default_variable_friction;
extern int monsters_remember; // killough 3/1/98
extern int default_monsters_remember;
extern int weapon_recoil; // weapon recoil // phares
extern int default_weapon_recoil;
extern int player_bobbing; // whether player bobs or not // phares 2/25/98
extern int default_player_bobbing; // killough 3/1/98: make local to each game
#ifdef DOGS
extern int dogs, default_dogs; // killough 7/19/98: Marine's best friend :)
extern int dog_jumping, default_dog_jumping; // killough 10/98
/* killough 8/8/98: distance friendly monsters tend to stay from player */
extern int distfriend, default_distfriend;
/* killough 9/8/98: whether monsters are allowed to strafe or retreat */
extern int monster_backing, default_monster_backing;
/* killough 9/9/98: whether monsters intelligently avoid hazards */
extern int monster_avoid_hazards, default_monster_avoid_hazards;
/* killough 10/98: whether monsters are affected by friction */
extern int monster_friction, default_monster_friction;
/* killough 9/9/98: whether monsters help friends */
extern int help_friends, default_help_friends;
extern int flashing_hom; // killough 10/98
extern int doom_weapon_toggles; // killough 10/98
/* killough 7/19/98: whether monsters should fight against each other */
extern int monster_infighting, default_monster_infighting;
extern int monkeys, default_monkeys;
extern int HelperThing; // type of thing to use for helper