mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 09:32:34 +00:00
Added, Things mode: the editor will try to reconnect the path when deleting InterpolationPoints and PatrolPoints. Internal: RenderArrows method now works the same way in Renderer2D and Renderer3D. Internal: Line3D now has "renderarrowhead" property.
383 lines
13 KiB
383 lines
13 KiB
using System.Collections.Generic;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Config;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.VisualModes;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.GZBuilder.Geometry;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.GZBuilder.Data
public static class LinksCollector
private class SpecialThings
public readonly Dictionary<int, List<Thing>> PatrolPoints; // PatrolPoint tag, list of PatrolPoints
public readonly Dictionary<int, List<PathNode>> InterpolationPoints; // InterpolationPoint tag, list of InterpolationPoints
public readonly List<Thing> ThingsWithGoal;
public readonly List<Thing> Cameras;
public readonly Dictionary<int, List<Thing>> ActorMovers; // ActorMover target tag, list of ActorMovers
public readonly List<Thing> PathFollowers;
public readonly Dictionary<int, List<Thing>> PolyobjectAnchors; //angle, list of PolyobjectAnchors
public readonly Dictionary<int, List<Thing>> PolyobjectStartSpots; //angle, list of PolyobjectStartSpots
public SpecialThings()
PatrolPoints = new Dictionary<int, List<Thing>>();
InterpolationPoints = new Dictionary<int, List<PathNode>>();
ThingsWithGoal = new List<Thing>();
Cameras = new List<Thing>();
ActorMovers = new Dictionary<int, List<Thing>>();
PathFollowers = new List<Thing>();
PolyobjectAnchors = new Dictionary<int, List<Thing>>();
PolyobjectStartSpots = new Dictionary<int, List<Thing>>();
private class PathNode
private readonly Thing thing;
private readonly Vector3D position;
private readonly Dictionary<int, PathNode> nextnodes;
private readonly Dictionary<int, PathNode> prevnodes;
public Thing Thing { get { return thing; } }
public Dictionary<int, PathNode> NextNodes { get { return nextnodes; } } // Thing index, PathNode
public Dictionary<int, PathNode> PreviousNodes { get { return prevnodes; } } // Thing index, PathNode
public Vector3D Position { get { return position; } }
public bool IsCurved;
public PathNode(Thing t, bool correctzheight)
thing = t;
position = new Vector3D(t.Position, (correctzheight ? t.Position.z + GetCorrectHeight(t) : t.Position.z));
nextnodes = new Dictionary<int, PathNode>();
prevnodes = new Dictionary<int, PathNode>();
public static List<Line3D> GetThingLinks(IEnumerable<VisualThing> visualthings)
List<Thing> things = new List<Thing>();
foreach (VisualThing vt in visualthings) things.Add(vt.Thing);
return GetThingLinks(GetSpecialThings(things, true), true);
public static List<Line3D> GetThingLinks(IEnumerable<Thing> things)
return GetThingLinks(GetSpecialThings(things, false), false);
private static SpecialThings GetSpecialThings(IEnumerable<Thing> things, bool correctheight)
SpecialThings result = new SpecialThings();
// Process oh so special things
foreach (Thing t in things)
ThingTypeInfo info = General.Map.Data.GetThingInfo(t.Type);
switch (info.ClassName.ToLowerInvariant())
case "patrolpoint":
if(t.Args[0] != 0)
if(!result.PatrolPoints.ContainsKey(t.Tag)) result.PatrolPoints.Add(t.Tag, new List<Thing>());
case "$polyanchor":
if(!result.PolyobjectAnchors.ContainsKey(t.AngleDoom)) result.PolyobjectAnchors[t.AngleDoom] = new List<Thing>();
case "$polyspawn":
case "$polyspawncrush":
case "$polyspawnhurt":
if(!result.PolyobjectStartSpots.ContainsKey(t.AngleDoom)) result.PolyobjectStartSpots[t.AngleDoom] = new List<Thing>();
case "movingcamera":
if(t.Args[0] != 0 || t.Args[1] != 0) result.Cameras.Add(t);
case "pathfollower":
if(t.Args[0] != 0 || t.Args[1] != 0) result.PathFollowers.Add(t);
case "actormover":
if((t.Args[0] != 0 || t.Args[1] != 0) && t.Args[3] != 0)
if(!result.ActorMovers.ContainsKey(t.Args[3])) result.ActorMovers.Add(t.Args[3], new List<Thing>());
// Process Thing_SetGoal action
if(t.Action != 0
&& General.Map.Config.LinedefActions.ContainsKey(t.Action)
&& General.Map.Config.LinedefActions[t.Action].Id.ToLowerInvariant() == "thing_setgoal"
&& (t.Args[0] == 0 || t.Args[0] == t.Tag)
&& t.Args[1] != 0)
// We may need all InterpolationPoints...
foreach (Thing t in General.Map.Map.Things)
ThingTypeInfo info = General.Map.Data.GetThingInfo(t.Type);
switch (info.ClassName.ToLowerInvariant())
case "interpolationpoint":
if(!result.InterpolationPoints.ContainsKey(t.Tag)) result.InterpolationPoints.Add(t.Tag, new List<PathNode>());
result.InterpolationPoints[t.Tag].Add(new PathNode(t, correctheight));
return result;
private static List<Line3D> GetThingLinks(SpecialThings result, bool correctheight)
List<Line3D> lines = new List<Line3D>();
Dictionary<int, List<Thing>> actormovertargets = new Dictionary<int, List<Thing>>();
// Get ActorMover targets
if(result.ActorMovers.Count > 0)
foreach(Thing t in General.Map.Map.Things)
if(t.Tag == 0 || !result.ActorMovers.ContainsKey(t.Tag)) continue;
if(!actormovertargets.ContainsKey(t.Tag)) actormovertargets[t.Tag] = new List<Thing>();
Vector3D start, end;
// Process patrol points
foreach (KeyValuePair<int, List<Thing>> group in result.PatrolPoints)
foreach(Thing t in group.Value)
if(!result.PatrolPoints.ContainsKey(t.Args[0])) continue;
start = t.Position;
if(correctheight) start.z += GetCorrectHeight(t);
foreach(Thing tt in result.PatrolPoints[t.Args[0]])
end = tt.Position;
if(correctheight) end.z += GetCorrectHeight(tt);
lines.Add(new Line3D(start, end));
// Process things with Thing_SetGoal
foreach (Thing t in result.ThingsWithGoal)
if(!result.PatrolPoints.ContainsKey(t.Args[1])) continue;
start = t.Position;
if (correctheight) start.z += GetCorrectHeight(t);
foreach(Thing tt in result.PatrolPoints[t.Args[1]])
end = tt.Position;
if(correctheight) end.z += GetCorrectHeight(tt);
lines.Add(new Line3D(start, end, General.Colors.Selection));
// Process cameras [CAN USE INTERPOLATION]
foreach (Thing t in result.Cameras)
int targettag = t.Args[0] + (t.Args[1] << 8);
if(targettag == 0 || !result.InterpolationPoints.ContainsKey(targettag)) continue; //no target / target desn't exist
bool interpolatepath = ((t.Args[2] & 1) != 1);
start = t.Position;
if(correctheight) start.z += GetCorrectHeight(t);
foreach(PathNode node in result.InterpolationPoints[targettag])
node.IsCurved = interpolatepath;
lines.Add(new Line3D(start, node.Position, General.Colors.Selection));
//process actor movers [CAN USE INTERPOLATION]
foreach(List<Thing> things in result.ActorMovers.Values)
foreach (Thing t in things)
int targettag = t.Args[0] + (t.Args[1] << 8);
// Add interpolation point targets
if(targettag != 0 && result.InterpolationPoints.ContainsKey(targettag))
bool interpolatepath = ((t.Args[2] & 1) != 1);
start = t.Position;
if(correctheight) start.z += GetCorrectHeight(t);
foreach(PathNode node in result.InterpolationPoints[targettag])
node.IsCurved = interpolatepath;
lines.Add(new Line3D(start, node.Position, General.Colors.Selection));
// Add thing-to-move targets
start = t.Position;
if(correctheight) start.z += GetCorrectHeight(t);
foreach(Thing tt in actormovertargets[t.Args[3]])
end = tt.Position;
if(correctheight) end.z += GetCorrectHeight(tt);
lines.Add(new Line3D(start, end, General.Colors.Selection));
// Process path followers [CAN USE INTERPOLATION]
foreach(Thing t in result.PathFollowers)
int targettag = t.Args[0] + (t.Args[1] << 8);
if(targettag == 0 || !result.InterpolationPoints.ContainsKey(targettag)) continue; //no target / target desn't exist
bool interpolatepath = (t.Args[2] & 1) != 1;
start = t.Position;
if(correctheight) start.z += GetCorrectHeight(t);
foreach(PathNode node in result.InterpolationPoints[targettag])
node.IsCurved = interpolatepath;
lines.Add(new Line3D(start, node.Position, General.Colors.Selection));
// Process polyobjects
foreach(KeyValuePair<int, List<Thing>> group in result.PolyobjectAnchors)
if(!result.PolyobjectStartSpots.ContainsKey(group.Key)) continue;
foreach(Thing anchor in group.Value)
start = anchor.Position;
if(correctheight) start.z += GetCorrectHeight(anchor);
foreach(Thing startspot in result.PolyobjectStartSpots[group.Key])
end = startspot.Position;
if(correctheight) end.z += GetCorrectHeight(startspot);
lines.Add(new Line3D(start, end, General.Colors.Selection));
// Process interpolation points [CAN BE INTERPOLATED]
// 1. Connect PathNodes
foreach(KeyValuePair<int, List<PathNode>> group in result.InterpolationPoints)
foreach(PathNode node in group.Value)
int targettag = node.Thing.Args[3] + (node.Thing.Args[4] << 8);
if(targettag == 0 || !result.InterpolationPoints.ContainsKey(targettag)) continue;
foreach(PathNode targetnode in result.InterpolationPoints[targettag])
// Connect both ways
node.NextNodes.Add(targetnode.Thing.Index, targetnode);
if(targetnode.IsCurved) node.IsCurved = true;
targetnode.PreviousNodes.Add(node.Thing.Index, node);
if(node.IsCurved) targetnode.IsCurved = true;
// 2. Make lines
HashSet<int> processedindices = new HashSet<int>();
foreach(KeyValuePair<int, List<PathNode>> group in result.InterpolationPoints)
foreach(PathNode node in group.Value)
// Draw as a curve?
if(node.IsCurved && !processedindices.Contains(node.Thing.Index) && node.NextNodes.Count > 0 && node.PreviousNodes.Count > 0)
PathNode prev = General.GetByIndex(node.PreviousNodes, 0).Value;
PathNode next = General.GetByIndex(node.NextNodes, 0).Value;
if(next.NextNodes.Count > 0)
PathNode nextnext = General.GetByIndex(next.NextNodes, 0).Value;
// Generate curve points
List<Vector3D> points = new List<Vector3D>(11);
for(int i = 0; i < 11; i++)
float u = i * 0.1f;
points.Add(new Vector3D(
SplineLerp(u, prev.Position.x, node.Position.x, next.Position.x, nextnext.Position.x),
SplineLerp(u, prev.Position.y, node.Position.y, next.Position.y, nextnext.Position.y),
(!correctheight ? 0 : SplineLerp(u, prev.Position.z, node.Position.z, next.Position.z, nextnext.Position.z))
// Add line segments
for(int i = 1; i < 11; i++)
lines.Add(new Line3D(points[i - 1], points[i], i == 10));
// Draw regular lines
bool startnode = (node.IsCurved && node.PreviousNodes.Count == 0); // When using curves, this node won't be used by camera (the last node won't be used as well), so draw them using different color
foreach(PathNode targetnode in node.NextNodes.Values)
bool isskipped = (startnode || (targetnode.IsCurved && targetnode.NextNodes.Count == 0));
lines.Add(new Line3D(node.Position, targetnode.Position, (isskipped ? General.Colors.Highlight : General.Colors.InfoLine), !isskipped));
return lines;
// Taken from Xabis' "curved interpolation points paths" patch.
private static float SplineLerp(float u, float p1, float p2, float p3, float p4)
float t2 = u;
float res = 2 * p2;
res += (p3 - p1) * u;
t2 *= u;
res += (2 * p1 - 5 * p2 + 4 * p3 - p4) * t2;
t2 *= u;
res += (3 * p2 - 3 * p3 + p4 - p1) * t2;
return 0.5f * res;
private static float GetCorrectHeight(Thing thing)
float height = thing.Height / 2f;
if (thing.Sector != null) height += thing.Sector.FloorHeight;
return height;