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synced 2025-03-03 16:30:56 +00:00
Sound Environment mode: you can now delete currently highlighted sound environment thing by using "Delete" action. Sound Environment mode: the sidebar panel icons now have the same colors as corresponding sound environments. Fixed, Sound Environment mode: in some cases several sidebar panel items were highlighted at once (I broke this in r2201). Fixed, Fit Textures action: lower linedef parts were aligned incorrectly. Changed, Fit Textures Options form: "Fit across multiple surfaces" checkbox is now disabled when the action is applied to a single surface.
490 lines
17 KiB
490 lines
17 KiB
#region ================== Copyright (c) 2014 Boris Iwanski
* Copyright (c) 2014 Boris Iwanski
* This program is released under GNU General Public License
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
#region ================== Namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Editing;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Geometry;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Map;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Plugins;
using CodeImp.DoomBuilder.Rendering;
namespace CodeImp.DoomBuilder.SoundPropagationMode
// MANDATORY: The plug!
// This is an important class to the Doom Builder core. Every plugin must
// have exactly 1 class that inherits from Plug. When the plugin is loaded,
// this class is instantiated and used to receive events from the core.
// Make sure the class is public, because only public classes can be seen
// by the core.
public class BuilderPlug : Plug
#region ================== Constants
internal const int SOUND_ENVIROMNEMT_THING_TYPE = 9048; //mxd
#region ================== Variables
// Interface
private MenusForm menusform;
// Colors
private PixelColor highlightcolor;
private PixelColor level1color;
private PixelColor level2color;
private PixelColor blocksoundcolor;
private PixelColor nosoundcolor;
private List<PixelColor> distinctcolors;
private List<Bitmap> distincticons; //mxd
private List<SoundEnvironment> soundenvironments;
private List<Linedef> blockinglinedefs;
private FlatVertex[] overlayGeometry;
private bool soundenvironmentisupdated;
private bool dataisdirty;
#region ================== Properties
// Interface
public MenusForm MenusForm { get { return menusform; } }
internal List<Bitmap> DistinctIcons { get { return distincticons; } } //mxd
internal List<PixelColor> DistinctColors { get { return distinctcolors; } } //mxd
// Colors
public PixelColor HighlightColor { get { return highlightcolor; } set { highlightcolor = value; } }
public PixelColor Level1Color { get { return level1color; } set { level1color = value; } }
public PixelColor Level2Color { get { return level2color; } set { level2color = value; } }
public PixelColor BlockSoundColor { get { return blocksoundcolor; } set { blocksoundcolor = value; } }
public PixelColor NoSoundColor { get { return nosoundcolor; } set { nosoundcolor = value; } }
public List<SoundEnvironment> SoundEnvironments { get { return soundenvironments; } set { soundenvironments = value; } }
public List<Linedef> BlockingLinedefs { get { return blockinglinedefs; } set { blockinglinedefs = value; } }
public FlatVertex[] OverlayGeometry { get { return overlayGeometry; } set { overlayGeometry = value; } }
public bool SoundEnvironmentIsUpdated { get { return soundenvironmentisupdated; } }
public bool DataIsDirty { get { return dataisdirty; } set { dataisdirty = value; } }
// Static instance. We can't use a real static class, because BuilderPlug must
// be instantiated by the core, so we keep a static reference. (this technique
// should be familiar to object-oriented programmers)
private static BuilderPlug me;
// Static property to access the BuilderPlug
public static BuilderPlug Me { get { return me; } }
// This plugin relies on some functionality that wasn't there in older versions
public override int MinimumRevision { get { return 2201; } }
// This event is called when the plugin is initialized
public override void OnInitialize()
highlightcolor = PixelColor.FromInt(General.Settings.ReadPluginSetting("highlightcolor", new PixelColor(255, 0, 192, 0).ToInt()));
level1color = PixelColor.FromInt(General.Settings.ReadPluginSetting("level1color", new PixelColor(255, 0, 255, 0).ToInt()));
level2color = PixelColor.FromInt(General.Settings.ReadPluginSetting("level2color", new PixelColor(255, 255, 255, 0).ToInt()));
nosoundcolor = PixelColor.FromInt(General.Settings.ReadPluginSetting("nosoundcolor", new PixelColor(255, 160, 160, 160).ToInt()));
blocksoundcolor = PixelColor.FromInt(General.Settings.ReadPluginSetting("blocksoundcolor", new PixelColor(255, 255, 0, 0).ToInt()));
distinctcolors = new List<PixelColor>
//mxd. Create coloured icons
distincticons = new List<Bitmap>(distinctcolors.Count);
foreach(PixelColor color in distinctcolors)
distincticons.Add(MakeTintedImage(Properties.Resources.Status0, color));
soundenvironments = new List<SoundEnvironment>();
blockinglinedefs = new List<Linedef>();
soundenvironmentisupdated = false;
dataisdirty = true;
// This binds the methods in this class that have the BeginAction
// and EndAction attributes with their actions. Without this, the
// attributes are useless. Note that in classes derived from EditMode
// this is not needed, because they are bound automatically when the
// editing mode is engaged.
menusform = new MenusForm();
// TODO: Add DB2 version check so that old DB2 versions won't crash
// General.ErrorLogger.Add(ErrorType.Error, "zomg!");
// Keep a static reference
me = this;
public override void OnMapOpenBegin()
public override void OnMapNewBegin()
public override void OnMapSaveBegin(SavePurpose purpose)
soundenvironmentisupdated = false;
public override void OnEditEngage(EditMode oldmode, EditMode newmode)
base.OnEditEngage(oldmode, newmode);
// This is called when the plugin is terminated
public override void Dispose()
// This must be called to remove bound methods for actions.
// Resets all data. This will trigger both rediscovering sound environments and recalculating
// sound propagation domains
private void ResetData()
dataisdirty = true;
soundenvironmentisupdated = false;
soundenvironments = new List<SoundEnvironment>();
blockinglinedefs = new List<Linedef>();
public void UpdateSoundEnvironments(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
List<Sector> sectorstocheck = new List<Sector>();
List<Sector> checkedsectors = new List<Sector>();
List<Sector> allsectors = new List<Sector>();
BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker;
List<FlatVertex> vertsList = new List<FlatVertex>();
Dictionary<Thing, PixelColor> secolor = new Dictionary<Thing, PixelColor>();
Dictionary<Thing, int> senumber = new Dictionary<Thing, int>();
// Keep track of all the sectors in the map. Sectors that belong to a sound environment
// will be removed from the list, so in the end only sectors that don't belong to any
// sound environment will be in this list
foreach (Sector s in General.Map.Map.Sectors) allsectors.Add(s);
List<Thing> soundenvironmenthings = GetSoundEnvironmentThings(General.Map.Map.Sectors.ToList());
int numthings = soundenvironmenthings.Count;
// Assign each thing a color and a number, so each sound environment will always have the same color
// and id, no matter in what order they are discovered
for (int i = 0; i < soundenvironmenthings.Count; i++)
secolor[soundenvironmenthings[i]] = distinctcolors[i % distinctcolors.Count];
senumber.Add(soundenvironmenthings[i], i + 1);
while (soundenvironmenthings.Count > 0 && !worker.CancellationPending)
// Sort things by distance to center of the screen, so that sound environments the user want to look at will (hopefully) be discovered first
Vector2D center = General.Map.Renderer2D.DisplayToMap(new Vector2D(General.Interface.Display.Width / 2, General.Interface.Display.Height / 2));
soundenvironmenthings = soundenvironmenthings.OrderBy(o => Math.Abs(Vector2D.Distance(center, o.Position))).ToList();
Thing thing = soundenvironmenthings[0];
if (thing.Sector == null) thing.DetermineSector();
// Ignore things that are outside the map
if (thing.Sector == null)
SoundEnvironment environment = new SoundEnvironment();
// Add initial sector. Additional adjacant sectors will be added later
// as they are discovered
while (sectorstocheck.Count > 0)
Sector sector = sectorstocheck[0];
Sector oppositesector;
if (!environment.Sectors.Contains(sector)) environment.Sectors.Add(sector);
if (!checkedsectors.Contains(sector)) checkedsectors.Add(sector);
// Find adjacant sectors and add them to the list of sectors to check if necessary
foreach (Sidedef sd in sector.Sidedefs)
if (LinedefBlocksSoundEnvironment(sd.Line))
if (!environment.Linedefs.Contains(sd.Line)) environment.Linedefs.Add(sd.Line);
if (sd.Line.Back == null) continue;
if (sd.Line.Front.Sector == sector)
oppositesector = sd.Line.Back.Sector;
oppositesector = sd.Line.Front.Sector;
if (!sectorstocheck.Contains(oppositesector) && !checkedsectors.Contains(oppositesector))
// Get all things that are in the current sound environment...
environment.Things = GetSoundEnvironmentThings(environment.Sectors);
// ... and remove them from the list of sound environment things to check, because we know that
// they already belong to a sound environment
foreach (Thing t in environment.Things)
if (soundenvironmenthings.Contains(t)) soundenvironmenthings.Remove(t);
// Set color and id of the sound environment
environment.Color = secolor[environment.Things[0]];
environment.ID = senumber[environment.Things[0]];
// Create the data for the overlay geometry
foreach (Sector s in environment.Sectors)
FlatVertex[] fv = new FlatVertex[s.FlatVertices.Length];
s.FlatVertices.CopyTo(fv, 0);
for (int j = 0; j < fv.Length; j++) fv[j].c = environment.Color.WithAlpha(128).ToInt();
// Get all Linedefs that will block sound environments
foreach (Sidedef sd in s.Sidedefs)
if (LinedefBlocksSoundEnvironment(sd.Line))
lock (blockinglinedefs)
// Update the overlay geometry with the newly added sectors
if (overlayGeometry == null)
overlayGeometry = vertsList.ToArray();
lock (overlayGeometry)
overlayGeometry = vertsList.ToArray();
environment.Things = environment.Things.OrderBy(o => o.Index).ToList();
environment.Linedefs = environment.Linedefs.OrderBy(o => o.Index).ToList();
//mxd. Find the first non-dormant thing
Thing activeenv = null;
foreach(Thing t in environment.Things)
activeenv = t;
//mxd. Update environment name
if(activeenv != null)
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, KeyValuePair<int, int>> group in General.Map.Data.Reverbs)
if(group.Value.Key == activeenv.Args[0] && group.Value.Value == activeenv.Args[1])
environment.Name = group.Key + " (" + activeenv.Args[0] + " " + activeenv.Args[1] + ") ";
//mxd. No suitable name found?..
if(environment.Name == SoundEnvironment.DEFAULT_NAME)
environment.Name += " (" + activeenv.Args[0] + " " + activeenv.Args[1] + ")";
//mxd. Still no suitable name?..
if(environment.Name == SoundEnvironment.DEFAULT_NAME) environment.Name += " " + environment.ID;
lock (soundenvironments)
// Tell the worker that discovering a sound environment is finished. This will update the tree view, and also
// redraw the interface, so the sectors of this sound environment are colored
worker.ReportProgress((int)((1.0f - (soundenvironmenthings.Count / (float)numthings)) * 100), environment);
// Create overlay geometry for sectors that don't belong to a sound environment
foreach (Sector s in allsectors)
FlatVertex[] fv = new FlatVertex[s.FlatVertices.Length];
s.FlatVertices.CopyTo(fv, 0);
for (int j = 0; j < fv.Length; j++) fv[j].c = NoSoundColor.WithAlpha(128).ToInt();
if (overlayGeometry == null)
overlayGeometry = vertsList.ToArray();
lock (overlayGeometry)
overlayGeometry = vertsList.ToArray();
soundenvironmentisupdated = true;
private static List<Thing> GetSoundEnvironmentThings(List<Sector> sectors)
List<Thing> things = new List<Thing>();
foreach (Thing thing in General.Map.Map.Things)
// SoundEnvironment thing, see http://zdoom.org/wiki/Classes:SoundEnvironment
if (thing.Type != SOUND_ENVIROMNEMT_THING_TYPE) continue;
if (thing.Sector == null) thing.DetermineSector();
if (thing.Sector != null && sectors.Contains(thing.Sector)) things.Add(thing);
return things;
private static bool LinedefBlocksSoundEnvironment(Linedef linedef)
if(General.Map.UDMF) return linedef.IsFlagSet("zoneboundary"); //mxd. Fancier this way :)
// In Hexen format the line must have action 121 (Line_SetIdentification) and bit 1 of
// the second argument set (see http://zdoom.org/wiki/Line_SetIdentification)
return (linedef.Action == 121 && (linedef.Args[1] & 1) == 1); //mxd. Fancier this way :)
internal static bool ThingDormant(Thing thing)
return thing.IsFlagSet(General.Map.UDMF ? "dormant" : "14");
internal static void SetThingDormant(Thing thing, bool dormant)
thing.SetFlag(General.Map.UDMF ? "dormant" : "14", dormant);
//mxd. Based on http://www.getcodesamples.com/src/792A0BB0/6CD40E7B
private static Bitmap MakeTintedImage(Bitmap source, PixelColor tint)
BitmapData sourcedata = source.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, source.Width, source.Height),
ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
byte[] pixelBuffer = new byte[sourcedata.Stride * sourcedata.Height];
Marshal.Copy(sourcedata.Scan0, pixelBuffer, 0, pixelBuffer.Length);
//Translate tint color to 0.0-1.0 range
float redtint = tint.r / 256.0f;
float greentint = tint.g / 256.0f;
float bluetint = tint.b / 256.0f;
float red, green, blue;
for(int k = 0; k + 4 < pixelBuffer.Length; k += 4)
blue = 60 + pixelBuffer[k] * bluetint;
green = 60 + pixelBuffer[k + 1] * greentint;
red = 60 + pixelBuffer[k + 2] * redtint;
pixelBuffer[k] = (byte)Math.Min(255, blue);
pixelBuffer[k + 1] = (byte)Math.Min(255, green);
pixelBuffer[k + 2] = (byte)Math.Min(255, red);
Bitmap result = new Bitmap(source.Width, source.Height);
BitmapData resultdata = result.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, result.Width, result.Height),
ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
Marshal.Copy(pixelBuffer, 0, resultdata.Scan0, pixelBuffer.Length);
return result;