AngleOffset, PitchOffset and RollOffset MODELDEF properties are now supported.
Fixed a crash when editor tries to display a model for an actor without a valid sprite in Visual mode.
Fixed a possible crash when MODELDEF is reloaded from 2d-mode.
Fixed several things in Doom2_things.cfg.
UDMF Controls plugin:
Fixed several bugs in plugin's sliders logic.
Things with "hangs" flag are now aligned to ceiling properly in GZDoom Visual mode.
Things can now be added and deleted in GZDoom Visual mode.
Several fixes in Doom, Doom 2, Heretic and Hexen configs (based on Doom Builder 2 SVN 1553 and 1560)
Added "countsecret" thing UDMF flag to configs.
UDMF Controls plugin:
Scale of 3d-floor's sidedefs textures is now applied properly.
Translation of 3d-floor's sidedefs textures is now applied properly.
Added "hidden" UDMF flag.
Tag Explorer plugin:
TreeView is now updated when thing is deleted.
Tag Explorer plugin is now compatible with Doom Builder 2.