Thing Edit Form, UDMF: added controls for setting pitch, roll, scale, render style, fill color, alpha, health and score.
Visual mode, UDMF: UDMF scale is now applied when rendering sprites.
Added Thing Statistics form (Edit -> View Thing Types...), which shows all loaded thing types with some additional info.
Visual mode: sprites with negative ScaleX and positive ScaleY were not rendered properly.
Classic modes: display was not updated after loading a sprite.
Current testing engine change was not saved on closing the program when no other game configuration settings were changed.
Draw Curve Mode: added settings panel.
Sectors mode: added "Make Door" button to the toolbar.
Swapped Side panel and Info panel z-order.
Interface: split toolbar into 3 separate toolbars. All toolbar buttons are now viewable at 1024x768.
Interface: grouped stuff in "Modes" menu a bit better.
Interface: added "Draw [stuff]" buttons to modes toolbar.
Interface: reorganized main menu. Hope it makes more sense now.
API: added General.Interface.AddModesButton() and General.Interface.AddModesMenu(), which can be used to add buttons to specific group in "Modes" toolbar and menu items to specific group in "Modes" menu, so actions, which behave like an editing mode, but are not part of one can be added there.
Event lines for "event activators" (ActorMover, Camera and things with Thing_SetGoal special) are now drawn with different color.
Fixed a crash when a Thing with arguments is pasted in Visual modes.
Several other small fixes.
Fixed config error in ZDoom_things.cfg.
Fixed config error in ZDoom_ACS.cfg
Things can now be cut, copied and pasted in Visual modes.
Sector geometry was not updated properly after Undo/Redo in GZDoom Visual mode.
Fixed an error when user selects multiple things and attempts to view their properties in Doom map format.
Added Decorate and Modeldef syntax hilighting, autocompletion and item recognition to Script editor.
Script Editor can now autodetect several script types when you open them (currently ACS, Decorate and Modeldef scripts are recognized).
Tag Explorer: fixed a bug when Tag Explorer update can block keyboard keys release detection logic.