2024-06-02 17:19:38 -03:00

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// Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc.
// Copyright (C) 1998-2000 by DooM Legacy Team.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2023 by Sonic Team Junior.
// This program is free software distributed under the
// terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.
// See the 'LICENSE' file for more details.
/// \file r_main.h
/// \brief Rendering variables, consvars, defines
#ifndef __R_MAIN__
#define __R_MAIN__
#include "d_player.h"
#include "r_data.h"
#include "r_textures.h"
#include "m_perfstats.h" // ps_metric_t
// POV related.
extern fixed_t viewcos, viewsin;
extern INT32 viewheight;
extern INT32 centerx, centery;
extern fixed_t centerxfrac, centeryfrac;
extern fixed_t projection, projectiony;
extern fixed_t fovtan;
// WARNING: a should be unsigned but to add with 2048, it isn't!
#define AIMINGTODY(a) FixedDiv((FINETANGENT((2048+(((INT32)a)>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT)) & FINEMASK)*160), fovtan)
#define MINFOV 60
#define MAXFOV 179
extern size_t validcount, linecount, loopcount, framecount;
// The fraction of a tic being drawn (for interpolation between two tics)
extern fixed_t rendertimefrac;
// Evaluated delta tics for this frame (how many tics since the last frame)
extern fixed_t renderdeltatics;
// The current render is a new logical tic
extern boolean renderisnewtic;
// Lighting LUT.
// Used for z-depth cuing per column/row,
// and other lighting effects (sector ambient, flash).
// Lighting constants.
// Now with 32 levels.
#define LIGHTLEVELS 32
#define MAXLIGHTZ 128
#define LIGHTZSHIFT 20
#define LIGHTRESOLUTIONFIX (640*fovtan/vid.width)
extern lighttable_t *scalelight[LIGHTLEVELS][MAXLIGHTSCALE];
extern lighttable_t *scalelightfixed[MAXLIGHTSCALE];
extern lighttable_t *zlight[LIGHTLEVELS][MAXLIGHTZ];
// Number of diminishing brightness levels.
// There a 0-31, i.e. 32 LUT in the COLORMAP lump.
// Utility functions.
INT32 R_PointOnSide(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, node_t *node);
INT32 R_PointOnSegSide(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, seg_t *line);
angle_t R_PointToAngle(fixed_t x, fixed_t y);
angle_t R_PointToAngle64(INT64 x, INT64 y);
angle_t R_PointToAngle2(fixed_t px2, fixed_t py2, fixed_t px1, fixed_t py1);
fixed_t R_PointToDist(fixed_t x, fixed_t y);
fixed_t R_PointToDist2(fixed_t px2, fixed_t py2, fixed_t px1, fixed_t py1);
boolean R_IsPointInSector(sector_t *sector, fixed_t x, fixed_t y);
subsector_t *R_PointInSubsector(fixed_t x, fixed_t y);
subsector_t *R_PointInSubsectorOrNull(fixed_t x, fixed_t y);
boolean R_DoCulling(line_t *cullheight, line_t *viewcullheight, fixed_t vz, fixed_t bottomh, fixed_t toph);
line_t *R_GetFFloorLine(const line_t *line, const ffloor_t *pfloor, const sector_t *sector);
side_t *R_GetFFloorSide(const line_t *line, const ffloor_t *pfloor, const sector_t *sector);
// Render stats
extern precise_t ps_prevframetime;// time when previous frame was rendered
extern ps_metric_t ps_rendercalltime;
extern ps_metric_t ps_otherrendertime;
extern ps_metric_t ps_uitime;
extern ps_metric_t ps_swaptime;
extern ps_metric_t ps_bsptime;
extern ps_metric_t ps_sw_spritecliptime;
extern ps_metric_t ps_sw_portaltime;
extern ps_metric_t ps_sw_planetime;
extern ps_metric_t ps_sw_maskedtime;
extern ps_metric_t ps_numbspcalls;
extern ps_metric_t ps_numsprites;
extern ps_metric_t ps_numdrawnodes;
extern ps_metric_t ps_numpolyobjects;
// REFRESH - the actual rendering functions.
extern consvar_t cv_showhud, cv_translucenthud;
extern consvar_t cv_homremoval;
extern consvar_t cv_chasecam, cv_chasecam2;
extern consvar_t cv_flipcam, cv_flipcam2;
extern consvar_t cv_shadow;
extern consvar_t cv_translucency;
extern consvar_t cv_drawdist, cv_drawdist_nights, cv_drawdist_precip;
extern consvar_t cv_fov, cv_fovchange;
extern consvar_t cv_skybox;
extern consvar_t cv_renderview;
extern consvar_t cv_renderhitbox, cv_renderhitboxinterpolation, cv_renderhitboxgldepth;
extern consvar_t cv_renderwalls, cv_renderfloors, cv_renderthings;
extern consvar_t cv_ffloorclip, cv_spriteclip;
extern boolean r_renderwalls;
extern boolean r_renderfloors;
extern boolean r_renderthings;
// Called by startup code.
void R_Init(void);
void R_CheckViewMorph(void);
void R_ApplyViewMorph(void);
// just sets setsizeneeded true
extern boolean setsizeneeded;
void R_SetViewSize(void);
// do it (sometimes explicitly called)
void R_ExecuteSetViewSize(void);
fixed_t R_GetPlayerFov(player_t *player);
void R_SetupFrame(player_t *player);
void R_SkyboxFrame(player_t *player);
boolean R_ViewpointHasChasecam(player_t *player);
boolean R_IsViewpointThirdPerson(player_t *player, boolean skybox);
// Called by D_Display.
void R_RenderPlayerView(player_t *player);
// add commands related to engine, at game startup
void R_RegisterEngineStuff(void);