mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 11:21:51 +00:00
Yet more comeback stuff!
- You can now choose to carry an item to someone instead of bombing - You need to bomb someone or give an item a combined total of three times in order to come back. - Bombing somone gives 2 points while giving items doesn't award you any points. - Position number still flashes after you've won, and it flashes rainbow for people who have won and are in 1st place! - Flashing players can no longer eat items - Fixed kartstarsfx playing the alarm in conjunction with music - Fixed some items no longer causing wipeout
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 157 additions and 24 deletions
@ -307,8 +307,12 @@ typedef enum
k_lightning, // 0x1 = Lightning in inventory
k_feather, // 0x1 = Feather in inventory, 0x2 = Player is feather jumping
k_kitchensink, // 0x1 = Sink in inventory
k_balloon, // Battle mode, number of balloons left
k_comebackhits, // Battle mode, number of times hit in comeback mode
// Battle Mode vars
k_balloon, // Number of balloons left
k_comebackhits, // Number of times hit in comeback mode
k_comebackpoints, // Number of times you've bombed or gave an item to someone; once it's 3 it gets set back to 0 and you're given a balloon
k_comebackmode, // 0 = bomb, 1 = item
} kartstufftype_t;
@ -1449,6 +1449,8 @@ void K_KartPlayerThink(player_t *player, ticcmd_t *cmd)
if (player->kartstuff[k_comebackhits] > 5)
player->kartstuff[k_comebackhits] = 5;
else if (player->kartstuff[k_comebackhits] < 0)
player->kartstuff[k_comebackhits] = 0;
// ???
@ -1461,6 +1463,9 @@ void K_KartPlayerThink(player_t *player, ticcmd_t *cmd)
if (player->kartstuff[k_comebacktimer])
player->kartstuff[k_comebackmode] = 0;
if (P_IsObjectOnGround(player->mo) && !(player->mo->momz)
&& player->kartstuff[k_feather] & 2)
player->kartstuff[k_feather] &= ~2;
@ -1493,10 +1498,11 @@ void K_KartPlayerThink(player_t *player, ticcmd_t *cmd)
S_StopSoundByID(player->mo, sfx_mega); // Stop it
// AAAAAAND handle the SMK star alarm
if (player->mo->health > 0 && (player->mo->player->kartstuff[k_startimer] > 0
|| player->mo->player->kartstuff[k_growshrinktimer] > 0))
if (leveltime % 13 == 0 && !P_IsLocalPlayer(player))
if (leveltime % 13 == 0 && cv_kartstarsfx.value && !P_IsLocalPlayer(player))
S_StartSound(player->mo, sfx_smkinv);
else if (S_SoundPlaying(player->mo, sfx_smkinv))
@ -1880,7 +1886,7 @@ void K_StealBalloon(player_t *player, player_t *victim)
|| victim->kartstuff[k_startimer] > 0 || victim->kartstuff[k_growshrinktimer] > 0 || victim->kartstuff[k_bootimer] > 0))
CONS_Printf(M_GetText("%s stole a balloon from %s!\n"), player_names[player-players], player_names[victim-players]);
//CONS_Printf(M_GetText("%s stole a balloon from %s!\n"), player_names[player-players], player_names[victim-players]);
newballoon = player->kartstuff[k_balloon];
if (newballoon <= 1)
@ -1907,6 +1913,7 @@ void K_StealBalloon(player_t *player, player_t *victim)
P_SetMobjState(newmo, S_BATTLEBALLOON1);
player->powers[pw_flashing] = flashingtics;
@ -3361,7 +3368,7 @@ void K_MoveKartPlayer(player_t *player, boolean onground)
player->mo->flags2 &= ~MF2_DONTDRAW;
if (gametype != GT_RACE && player->kartstuff[k_balloon] <= 0) // dead in match? you da bomb
@ -3383,6 +3390,8 @@ void K_MoveKartPlayer(player_t *player, boolean onground)
player->powers[pw_flashing] = player->kartstuff[k_comebacktimer];
else if (player->kartstuff[k_comebackmode] != 0)
player->mo->tracer->flags2 |= MF2_DONTDRAW;
player->mo->tracer->flags2 &= ~MF2_DONTDRAW;
@ -3468,7 +3477,7 @@ void K_CheckBalloons(void)
UINT8 numingame = 0;
INT8 winnernum = -1;
// Quick thing for testing comeback in splitscreen
// Set to 1 if you need to test comeback in splitscreen
#if 0
@ -3527,6 +3536,7 @@ static patch_t *kp_lapstickernarrow;
static patch_t *kp_lakitustart[NUMLAKIFRAMES];
static patch_t *kp_lakitulaps[17];
static patch_t *kp_positionnum[NUMPOSNUMS][NUMPOSFRAMES];
static patch_t *kp_winnernum[NUMPOSFRAMES];
static patch_t *kp_facenull;
static patch_t *kp_facefirst;
static patch_t *kp_facesecond;
@ -3663,6 +3673,13 @@ void K_LoadKartHUDGraphics(void)
kp_positionnum[i][j] = (patch_t *) W_CachePatchName(buffer, PU_HUDGFX);
for (i = 0; i < NUMPOSFRAMES; i++)
sprintf(buffer, "K_POSNW%d", i);
kp_winnernum[i] = (patch_t *) W_CachePatchName(buffer, PU_HUDGFX);
kp_facenull = W_CachePatchName("K_PFACE0", PU_HUDGFX);
kp_facefirst = W_CachePatchName("K_PFACE1", PU_HUDGFX);
kp_facesecond = W_CachePatchName("K_PFACE2", PU_HUDGFX);
@ -4222,8 +4239,38 @@ static void K_DrawKartPositionNum(INT32 num)
X -= W;
// Check for the final lap
if (stplyr->laps+1 == cv_numlaps.value)
if (stplyr->exiting && num == 1) // 1st place winner? You get rainbows!!
// Alternate frame every three frames
switch (leveltime % 21)
case 1: case 2: case 3:
localpatch = kp_winnernum[0];
case 4: case 5: case 6:
localpatch = kp_winnernum[1];
case 7: case 8: case 9:
localpatch = kp_winnernum[2];
case 10: case 11: case 12:
localpatch = kp_winnernum[3];
case 13: case 14: case 15:
localpatch = kp_winnernum[4];
case 16: case 17: case 18:
localpatch = kp_winnernum[5];
case 19: case 20: case 21:
localpatch = kp_winnernum[6];
localpatch = kp_positionnum[1][0];
else if (stplyr->laps+1 == cv_numlaps.value || stplyr->exiting) // Check for the final lap, or won
// Alternate frame every three frames
switch (leveltime % 9)
@ -3633,6 +3633,8 @@ void A_AttractChase(mobj_t *actor)
|| !P_CheckSight(actor, actor->tracer)) // You have to be able to SEE it...sorta
// Lost attracted rings don't through walls anymore.
if (actor->tracer && actor->tracer->player)
actor->tracer->player->kartstuff[k_comebackmode] = 0;
actor->flags &= ~MF_NOCLIP;
P_SetTarget(&actor->tracer, NULL);
@ -410,8 +410,39 @@ void P_TouchSpecialThing(mobj_t *special, mobj_t *toucher, boolean heightcheck)
case MT_RANDOMITEM: // SRB2kart
if (gametype != GT_RACE && player->kartstuff[k_balloon] <= 0)
if (player->kartstuff[k_comebackmode] == 0 && !player->kartstuff[k_comebacktimer])
P_SetTarget(&special->tracer, toucher);
player->kartstuff[k_comebackmode] = 1;
if (!P_CanPickupItem(player, false) && special->tracer != toucher)
if (gametype != GT_RACE && special->tracer && special->tracer->player)
special->tracer->player->kartstuff[k_comebackmode] = 0;
CONS_Printf(M_GetText("%s gave an item to %s.\n"), player_names[special->tracer->player-players], player_names[player-players]);
if (special->tracer->player->kartstuff[k_comebackpoints] >= 3)
K_StealBalloon(special->tracer->player, player);
special->tracer->player->kartstuff[k_comebackpoints] = 0;
CONS_Printf(M_GetText("%s is back in the game!\n"), player_names[special->tracer->player-players]);
if (special->tracer->player->kartstuff[k_comebackhits] < 0)
special->tracer->player->kartstuff[k_comebackhits] = 0;
special->tracer->player->kartstuff[k_comebacktimer] = comebacktime * (special->tracer->player->kartstuff[k_comebackhits]+1);
special->momx = special->momy = special->momz = 0;
P_SetTarget(&special->target, toucher);
P_SetMobjState(special, special->info->deathstate);
@ -3167,7 +3198,12 @@ boolean P_DamageMobj(mobj_t *target, mobj_t *inflictor, mobj_t *source, INT32 da
return false;
if (inflictor && (inflictor->type == MT_GREENITEM || inflictor->type == MT_REDITEM || inflictor->type == MT_REDITEMDUD || inflictor->player))
if (inflictor && (inflictor->type == MT_GREENITEM || inflictor->type == MT_GREENSHIELD
|| inflictor->type == MT_REDITEM || inflictor->type == MT_REDSHIELD || inflictor->type == MT_REDITEMDUD
|| inflictor->type == MT_FAKEITEM || inflictor->type == MT_FAKESHIELD
|| inflictor->type == MT_TRIPLEGREENSHIELD1 || inflictor->type == MT_TRIPLEGREENSHIELD2 || inflictor->type == MT_TRIPLEGREENSHIELD3
|| inflictor->type == MT_TRIPLEREDSHIELD1 || inflictor->type == MT_TRIPLEREDSHIELD2 || inflictor->type == MT_TRIPLEREDSHIELD3
|| inflictor->player))
player->kartstuff[k_spinouttype] = 1;
K_SpinPlayer(player, source);
@ -675,6 +675,9 @@ static boolean PIT_CheckThing(mobj_t *thing)
&& (tmthing->target == thing->target)) // Don't hit each other if you have the same target
return true;
if (thing->player && thing->player->powers[pw_flashing])
return true;
if (thing->type == MT_PLAYER)
// Player Damage
@ -810,6 +813,9 @@ static boolean PIT_CheckThing(mobj_t *thing)
if (((tmthing->target == thing) || (tmthing->target == thing->target)) && (tmthing->threshold > 0 || (thing->type != MT_PLAYER && thing->threshold > 0)))
return true;
if (thing->player && thing->player->powers[pw_flashing])
return true;
if (thing->type == MT_PLAYER)
S_StartSound(NULL, sfx_cgot); //let all players hear it.
@ -834,6 +840,9 @@ static boolean PIT_CheckThing(mobj_t *thing)
if (!(thing->type == MT_PLAYER))
return true;
if (thing->player && thing->player->powers[pw_flashing])
return true;
if (thing->type == MT_PLAYER)
K_SpinPlayer(thing->player, tmthing->target);
@ -865,6 +874,9 @@ static boolean PIT_CheckThing(mobj_t *thing)
if (tmthing->type == MT_FIREBALL && thing->type == MT_FIREBALL)
return true; // Fireballs don't collide with eachother
if (thing->player && thing->player->powers[pw_flashing])
return true;
if (thing->type == MT_PLAYER)
// Player Damage
@ -962,6 +974,9 @@ static boolean PIT_CheckThing(mobj_t *thing)
if (tmthing->health <= 0 || thing->health <= 0)
return true;
if (thing->player && thing->player->powers[pw_flashing])
return true;
if (thing->type == MT_GREENITEM // When these items collide with the fake item, just the fake item is destroyed
|| thing->type == MT_REDITEM || thing->type == MT_REDITEMDUD
|| thing->type == MT_BOMBITEM
@ -1045,6 +1060,9 @@ static boolean PIT_CheckThing(mobj_t *thing)
if (tmthing->health <= 0 || thing->health <= 0)
return true;
if (thing->player && thing->player->powers[pw_flashing])
return true;
if (thing->type == MT_PLAYER)
P_KillMobj(tmthing, thing, thing);
@ -1089,6 +1107,9 @@ static boolean PIT_CheckThing(mobj_t *thing)
if (tmthing->z + tmthing->height < thing->z)
return true; // underneath
if (tmthing->player && tmthing->player->powers[pw_flashing])
return true;
if (thing->type == MT_GREENSHIELD || thing->type == MT_TRIPLEGREENSHIELD1 || thing->type == MT_TRIPLEGREENSHIELD2 || thing->type == MT_TRIPLEGREENSHIELD3
|| thing->type == MT_REDSHIELD || thing->type == MT_TRIPLEREDSHIELD1 || thing->type == MT_TRIPLEREDSHIELD2 || thing->type == MT_TRIPLEREDSHIELD3
|| thing->type == MT_GREENITEM || thing->type == MT_REDITEM || thing->type == MT_REDITEMDUD
@ -1606,49 +1627,71 @@ static boolean PIT_CheckThing(mobj_t *thing)
if (thing->player->kartstuff[k_growshrinktimer] || thing->player->kartstuff[k_squishedtimer]
|| thing->player->kartstuff[k_bootimer] || thing->player->kartstuff[k_spinouttimer]
|| thing->player->kartstuff[k_startimer] || thing->player->kartstuff[k_justbumped]
|| (gametype != GT_RACE && (thing->player->kartstuff[k_balloon] <= 0 && thing->player->kartstuff[k_comebacktimer]))
|| (gametype != GT_RACE && (thing->player->kartstuff[k_balloon] <= 0
&& (thing->player->kartstuff[k_comebacktimer] || thing->player->kartstuff[k_comebackmode] == 1)))
|| tmthing->player->kartstuff[k_growshrinktimer] || tmthing->player->kartstuff[k_squishedtimer]
|| tmthing->player->kartstuff[k_bootimer] || tmthing->player->kartstuff[k_spinouttimer]
|| tmthing->player->kartstuff[k_startimer] || tmthing->player->kartstuff[k_justbumped]
|| (gametype != GT_RACE && (tmthing->player->kartstuff[k_balloon] <= 0 && tmthing->player->kartstuff[k_comebacktimer])))
|| (gametype != GT_RACE && (tmthing->player->kartstuff[k_balloon] <= 0
&& (tmthing->player->kartstuff[k_comebacktimer] || tmthing->player->kartstuff[k_comebackmode] == 1))))
return true;
if (gametype != GT_RACE)
if (thing->player->kartstuff[k_balloon] <= 0 || tmthing->player->kartstuff[k_balloon] <= 0)
if ((thing->player->kartstuff[k_balloon] <= 0 || tmthing->player->kartstuff[k_balloon] <= 0)
&& (thing->player->kartstuff[k_comebackmode] == 0 && tmthing->player->kartstuff[k_comebackmode] == 0))
thing->player->kartstuff[k_justbumped] = 6;
tmthing->player->kartstuff[k_justbumped] = 6;
if (tmthing->player->kartstuff[k_balloon] > 0)
if (tmthing->player->kartstuff[k_balloon] == 1)
CONS_Printf(M_GetText("%s bombed %s!\n"), player_names[thing->player-players], player_names[tmthing->player-players]);
if (thing->player->kartstuff[k_comebackpoints] >= 3)
K_StealBalloon(thing->player, tmthing->player);
thing->player->kartstuff[k_comebackpoints] = 0;
CONS_Printf(M_GetText("%s is back in the game!\n"), player_names[thing->player-players]);
K_ExplodePlayer(tmthing->player, thing);
P_AddPlayerScore(thing->player, 1); // 2 points instead of 1 for getting someone in comeback mode
P_AddPlayerScore(thing->player, 1); // 2 points instead of 1 for getting someone in comeback mode, since it's REALLY tough :V
if (thing->player->kartstuff[k_comebackhits] < 0)
thing->player->kartstuff[k_comebackhits] = 0;
thing->player->kartstuff[k_comebacktimer] = comebacktime * (thing->player->kartstuff[k_comebackhits]+1);
return true;
else if (thing->player->kartstuff[k_balloon] > 0)
if (thing->player->kartstuff[k_balloon] == 1)
CONS_Printf(M_GetText("%s bombed %s!\n"), player_names[tmthing->player-players], player_names[thing->player-players]);
if (tmthing->player->kartstuff[k_comebackpoints] >= 3)
K_StealBalloon(tmthing->player, thing->player);
thing->player->kartstuff[k_comebackpoints] = 0;
CONS_Printf(M_GetText("%s is back in the game!\n"), player_names[tmthing->player-players]);
K_ExplodePlayer(thing->player, tmthing);
P_AddPlayerScore(thing->player, 1); // 2 points instead of 1 for getting someone in comeback mode
P_AddPlayerScore(tmthing->player, 1); // 2 points instead of 1 for getting someone in comeback mode, since it's REALLY tough :V
if (tmthing->player->kartstuff[k_comebackhits] < 0)
tmthing->player->kartstuff[k_comebackhits] = 0;
tmthing->player->kartstuff[k_comebacktimer] = comebacktime * (tmthing->player->kartstuff[k_comebackhits]+1);
return true;
else if (thing->player->kartstuff[k_balloon] <= 0 && tmthing->player->kartstuff[k_balloon] <= 0)
K_KartBouncing(tmthing, thing, false);
thing->player->kartstuff[k_justbumped] = 6;
tmthing->player->kartstuff[k_justbumped] = 6;
K_SpinPlayer(thing->player, tmthing);
K_SpinPlayer(tmthing->player, thing);
@ -1669,6 +1712,7 @@ static boolean PIT_CheckThing(mobj_t *thing)
K_StealBalloon(tmthing->player, thing->player);
K_SpinPlayer(thing->player, tmthing);
CONS_Printf(M_GetText("%s stole a balloon from %s!\n"), player_names[tmthing->player-players], player_names[thing->player-players]);
else if (P_IsObjectOnGround(tmthing) && thing->momz < 0)
@ -1678,6 +1722,7 @@ static boolean PIT_CheckThing(mobj_t *thing)
K_StealBalloon(thing->player, tmthing->player);
K_SpinPlayer(tmthing->player, thing);
CONS_Printf(M_GetText("%s stole a balloon from %s!\n"), player_names[thing->player-players], player_names[tmthing->player-players]);
@ -1689,11 +1734,13 @@ static boolean PIT_CheckThing(mobj_t *thing)
K_StealBalloon(thing->player, tmthing->player);
K_SpinPlayer(tmthing->player, thing);
CONS_Printf(M_GetText("%s stole a balloon from %s!\n"), player_names[thing->player-players], player_names[tmthing->player-players]);
else if (tmthing->player->kartstuff[k_mushroomtimer] && !(thing->player->kartstuff[k_mushroomtimer]))
K_StealBalloon(tmthing->player, thing->player);
K_SpinPlayer(thing->player, tmthing);
CONS_Printf(M_GetText("%s stole a balloon from %s!\n"), player_names[tmthing->player-players], player_names[thing->player-players]);
@ -1010,9 +1010,6 @@ void P_AddPlayerScore(player_t *player, UINT32 amount)
if (player->bot)
player = &players[consoleplayer];
if (gametype != GT_RACE && player->kartstuff[k_balloon] <= 0)
// NiGHTS does it different!
if (gamestate == GS_LEVEL && mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->typeoflevel & TOL_NIGHTS)
Reference in a new issue