2008-05-29 00:00:00 +00:00

258 lines
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renderProgram megagen/distributionToAlpha {
program vertex arb { <%
OPTION ARB_position_invariant;
PARAM identityModelMatrix_0 = { 1, 0, 0, 0 };
PARAM identityModelMatrix_1 = { 0, -1, 0, 0 }; # texture coordinates have a flipped y axis compared to world space
PARAM identityModelMatrix_2 = { 0, 0, 1, 0 };
#PARAM identityModelMatrix_3 = { 0, 0, 0, 1 };
TEMP colorTexCoordFinal;
TEMP tempTexCoord;
TEMP tempTexCoord2;
TEMP tangentSpaceMatrix_0, tangentSpaceMatrix_1, tangentSpaceMatrix_2;
TEMP R0, R1;
# Build tangent space matrix (rotated from identity model matrix) and transpose it
MOV tangentSpaceMatrix_0, { 1, 0, 0, 0 }; # tangents[ 0 ]
MOV tangentSpaceMatrix_1, { 0, 1, 0, 0 }; # tangents[ 1 ]
MOV tangentSpaceMatrix_2, { 0, 0, 1, 0 }; # normal
MOV R1, tangentSpaceMatrix_0;
MUL R0.x, R1.x, program.local[1].y;
MUL R0.y, R1.y, program.local[1].x;
SUB tangentSpaceMatrix_0.x, R0.x, R0.y; # tangentSpaceMatrix_0.x, transpose to result.texcoord[5].x
MUL R0.x, R1.y, program.local[1].y;
MUL R0.y, R1.x, program.local[1].x;
SUB tangentSpaceMatrix_0.y, R0.x, R0.y; # tangentSpaceMatrix_0.y, transpose to result.texcoord[6].x
MOV tangentSpaceMatrix_0.z, R1.z; # tangentSpaceMatrix_0.z, transpose to result.texcoord[7].x
MOV R1, tangentSpaceMatrix_1;
MUL R0.x, R1.x, program.local[1].y;
MUL R0.y, R1.y, program.local[1].x;
SUB tangentSpaceMatrix_1.x, R0.x, R0.y; # tangentSpaceMatrix_1.x, transpose to result.texcoord[5].y
MUL R0.x, R1.y, program.local[1].y;
MUL R0.y, R1.x, program.local[1].x;
SUB tangentSpaceMatrix_1.y, R0.x, R0.y; # tangentSpaceMatrix_1.y, transpose to result.texcoord[6].y
MOV tangentSpaceMatrix_1.z, R1.z; # tangentSpaceMatrix_1.z, transpose to result.texcoord[7].y
# transpose
MOV result.texcoord[5].x, tangentSpaceMatrix_0.x;
MOV result.texcoord[6].x, tangentSpaceMatrix_0.y;
MOV result.texcoord[7].x, tangentSpaceMatrix_0.z;
MUL result.texcoord[5].y, tangentSpaceMatrix_1.x, -1;
MOV result.texcoord[6].y, tangentSpaceMatrix_1.y;
MOV result.texcoord[7].y, tangentSpaceMatrix_1.z;
MOV result.texcoord[5].z, tangentSpaceMatrix_2.x;
MOV result.texcoord[6].z, tangentSpaceMatrix_2.y;
MOV result.texcoord[7].z, tangentSpaceMatrix_2.z;
# rotate the texture
SUB tempTexCoord, vertex.texcoord[1], 0.5;
MUL tempTexCoord2.x, tempTexCoord.x, program.local[1].y;
MUL tempTexCoord2.y, tempTexCoord.y, program.local[1].x;
SUB colorTexCoordFinal.x, tempTexCoord2.x, tempTexCoord2.y;
MUL tempTexCoord2.x, tempTexCoord.y, program.local[1].y;
MUL tempTexCoord2.y, tempTexCoord.x, program.local[1].x;
ADD colorTexCoordFinal.y, tempTexCoord2.x, tempTexCoord2.y;
ADD colorTexCoordFinal.xy, colorTexCoordFinal, 0.5;
# scale the texture
MUL result.texcoord[1].xy, colorTexCoordFinal, program.local[0];
# alpha texcoord
MOV result.texcoord[0], vertex.texcoord[0];
# transfer vertex color
MOV result.color, vertex.color;
%> }
program fragment arb { <%
TEMP R0, R1, R2;
TEMP colorSource, alphaSource;
TEX alphaSource, fragment.texcoord[0], texture[0], 2D;
TEX colorSource, fragment.texcoord[1], texture[1], 2D;
# modulate by color
MUL R0.rgb, colorSource, fragment.color;
# Normalize if needed (program.local[0].x < -1)
MAD R2, R0, 2, -1;
DP3 R1, R2, R2;
RSQ R1, R1.x;
MUL R1, R1.x, R2;
# Rotate normal based on tangent space if needed (program.local[0].y < -1)
DP3 R2.x, fragment.texcoord[5], R1;
DP3 R2.y, fragment.texcoord[6], R1;
DP3 R2.z, fragment.texcoord[7], R1;
CMP R1, program.local[0].y, R2, R1;
MAD R1, R1, .5, .5;
CMP result.color, program.local[0].x, R1, R0;
# stuff the alphaSource image into the alpha channel
MOV result.color.a, alphaSource.rrrr;
%> }
renderProgram megagen/surfaceTypeMaskToAlpha {
program vertex reference megagen/distributionToAlpha
program fragment arb { <%
TEMP alphaSource;
TEX alphaSource, fragment.texcoord[0], texture[0], 2D;
# check alphaSource against the threshold
SUB R0.a, alphaSource.r, program.local[1].x;
CMP R0.a, R0.a, 0, 1;
# if the surface type is invalid
CMP result.color.a, program.local[1].y, 0, R0.a;
MOV result.color.rgb, program.local[1].y;
%> }
renderProgram megagen/detailTextureMaskToAlpha {
program vertex reference megagen/distributionToAlpha
program fragment arb { <%
TEMP R0, R1, R2;
TEMP alphaSource;
TEX alphaSource, fragment.texcoord[0], texture[0], 2D;
# Move detail texture index into output color
MOV result.color.r, program.local[1].x;
MOV result.color.a, alphaSource.r;
%> }
renderProgram megagen/geometryBasedDistribution {
program vertex arb { <%
OPTION ARB_position_invariant;
MOV result.texcoord[0], vertex.attrib[8];
MOV result.texcoord[1], vertex.attrib[11];
MOV result.texcoord[2], vertex.position;
%> }
program fragment arb { <%
PARAM addOne = { 1, 1, 1, 1 };
PARAM scaleHalf = { .5, .5, .5, .5 };
PARAM upVector = { 0, 0, 1, 0 };
## used for acos
PARAM acos_c0 = {3.1415927, 1, 0, 1.5707288};
PARAM acos_c1 = {0.21211439, -0.018729299, 0.074261002, 2};
TEMP R0, R1, bounds, localNormal, slope;
# height based distribution
ADD R1.x, fragment.texcoord[2].z, -program.local[0].x;
ADD R1.y, program.local[1].x, -fragment.texcoord[2].z;
# zMin
CMP R0.x, R1.x, -1, R1.x; # if lower than zMin, set to -1
CMP R0.x, R1.y, -1, R0.x; # if higher than zMax, set to -1
MUL R0.y, R0.x, program.local[0].y; # scale into zMin<>zMinHigher range
CMP R0.z, R0.y, 0, 1; # if < 0, set to 0, else set to 1
CMP_SAT bounds.x, program.local[0].w, R0.z, R0.y; # if no fuzziness or no minAltitude, use hard edge
# zMax
CMP R0.x, R1.y, -1, R1.y; # if higher than zMax, set to -1
CMP R0.x, R1.x, -1, R0.x; # if lower than zMin, set to -1
MUL R0.y, R0.x, program.local[1].y; # scale into zMax<>zMaxLower range
CMP R0.z, R0.y, 0, 1; # if < 0, set to 0, else set to 1
CMP_SAT bounds.y, program.local[1].w, R0.z, R0.y; # if no fuzziness or no minAltitude, use hard edge
# combine zMin and zMax
MUL bounds.z, bounds.x, bounds.y;
# slope based distribution
# calculate slope
DP3 localNormal, fragment.texcoord[1], fragment.texcoord[1];
RSQ localNormal, localNormal.x;
MUL localNormal, localNormal.x, fragment.texcoord[1];
DP3 slope.z, upVector, localNormal;
# get acos of slope.z - ripped this straight from some Cg output
ABS R0.x, slope.z;
ADD R0.y, acos_c0.y, -R0.x;
RSQ R0.y, R0.y;
RCP R0.y, R0.y;
MUL R0.y, acos_c0.y, R0.y;
MAD R0.z, acos_c1.y, R0.x, acos_c1.z;
MAD R0.z, R0.z, R0.x, -acos_c1.x;
MAD R0.x, R0.z, R0.x, acos_c0.w;
ADD R0.z, slope.z, -acos_c0.z;
CMP R1.x, R0.z, acos_c0.y, acos_c0.z;
MUL R0.z, acos_c1.w, R1.x;
MUL R0.w, R0.x, R0.y;
MUL R0.w, R0.z, R0.w;
MAD R0.w, R0.x, R0.y, -R0.w;
MAD R0.w, R1.x, acos_c0.x, R0.w;
MOV slope.z, R0.w;
# to degrees
# 180 / PI = 57.295779513082320876798154814105
MUL slope.z, slope.z, 57.295776;
ADD R1.x, slope.z, -program.local[3].x;
ADD R1.y, program.local[4].x, -slope.z;
# slopeMin
CMP R0.x, R1.x, -1, R1.x; # if lower than slopeMin, set to -1
CMP R0.x, R1.y, -1, R0.x; # if higher than slopeMax, set to -1
MUL R0.y, R0.x, program.local[3].y; # scale into slopeMin<>slopeMinHigher range
CMP R0.z, R0.y, 0, 1; # if < 0, set to 0, else set to 1
CMP_SAT slope.x, program.local[3].w, R0.z, R0.y; # if no fuzziness or no minSlope, use hard edge
# slopeMax
CMP R0.x, R1.y, -1, R1.y; # if higher than slopeMax, set to -1
CMP R0.x, R1.x, -1, R0.x; # if lower than slopeMin, set to -1
MUL R0.y, R0.x, program.local[4].y; # scale into slopeMax<>slopeMaxLower range
CMP R0.z, R0.y, 0, 1; # if < 0, set to 0, else set to 1
CMP_SAT slope.y, program.local[4].w, R0.z, R0.y; # if no fuzziness or no minAltitude, use hard edge
# combine slopeMin and slopeMax
MUL slope.z, slope.x, slope.y;
# output
MOV result.color.b, bounds.z;
MOV result.color.g, slope.z;
MUL result.color.r, bounds.z, slope.z;
%> }