
318 lines
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Artists: Don't touch!
Don't even think of it!
template material/cloudmatte {
parameters < Map1 > // The texture to use
text {
description "A cloud 'matte painting' use this as the background layer."
sort opaque
program skies/cloud_cube
matrix cosTable[ sun_azimuth / 360 ], sinTable[ sun_azimuth / 360 ], 0, sinTable[ sun_azimuth / 360 ] * -1, cosTable[ sun_azimuth / 360 ], 0
skies_cloudColor 1, 1, 1, 1
skies_cloudCube Map1
template material/skybox {
parameters< Map1 >
text {
description "A skybox layer (use with Skybox Style)"
sort opaque
program skies/skybox
matrix cosTable[ sun_azimuth / -360 ], sinTable[ sun_azimuth / -360 ], 0, sinTable[ sun_azimuth / -360 ] * -1, cosTable[ sun_azimuth / -360 ], 0
skies_cloudColor 1, 1, 1, 1
map clamp_x Map1_side.tga
mask clamp Map1_top.tga
template material/medium_skybox_template {
parameters <
Map1 > // The textures to use
text {
description "A cubemapped cloud layer"
parmName 0 "Cloud Density" float 0.7
parmName 1 "Cloud Tint" color 1.0 1.0 1.0
parmName 4 "Wind rotation speed" float 0.0 0.0 0.1
sort opaque
blend blend
program skies/skybox
matrix cosTable[ sun_azimuth / 360 + time * parm4 ], sinTable[ sun_azimuth / 360 + time * parm4 ], 0, sinTable[ sun_azimuth / 360 + time * parm4 ] * -1, cosTable[ sun_azimuth / 360 + time * parm4 ], 0
skies_cloudColor parm1, parm2, parm3, parm0
map clamp_x Map1_side.tga
mask clamp Map1_top.tga
template material/high_skybox_template {
parameters <
Map1 > // The textures to use
text {
description "A cubemapped cloud layer"
parmName 0 "Cloud Density" float 0.7
parmName 1 "Wind rotation speed" float 0.0 0.0 0.1
sort opaque
blend add
program skies/skybox
matrix cosTable[ sun_azimuth / 360 + time * parm1 ], sinTable[ sun_azimuth / 360 + time * parm1 ], 0, sinTable[ sun_azimuth / 360 + time * parm1 ] * -1, cosTable[ sun_azimuth / 360 + time * parm1 ], 0
skies_cloudColor parm0, parm0, parm0, 0
map clamp_x Map1_side.tga
mask clamp Map1_top.tga
template material/high_skybox_template_nobloom {
parameters <
Map1 > // The textures to use
text {
description "A cubemapped cloud layer"
parmName 0 "Cloud Density" float 0.7
parmName 1 "Wind rotation speed" float 0.0 0.0 0.1
sort opaque
blend add
program skies/skybox
matrix cosTable[ sun_azimuth / 360 + time * parm1 ], sinTable[ sun_azimuth / 360 + time * parm1 ], 0, sinTable[ sun_azimuth / 360 + time * parm1 ] * -1, cosTable[ sun_azimuth / 360 + time * parm1 ], 0
skies_cloudColor parm0, parm0, parm0, 0
map clamp_x Map1_side.tga
mask clamp Map1_top.tga
Templates Redundant
Artists: Still don't touch!
Don't even think of it!
template material/highalt_tiled_template {
parameters <
Map1, // The textures to use
Map2 >
text {
description "A high altitude cloud layer"
parmName 0 "Cloud Tint" color 1 1 1
parmName 3 "Cloud Density 1" float 0.7
parmName 4 "Cloud Density 2" float 0.7
parmName 5 "Cloud Speed 1" float 0.0 0.0 0.2
parmName 6 "Cloud Speed 2" float 0.0 0.0 0.2
parmName 7 "Cloud Scale 1" float 1.0 0.1 10.1
parmName 8 "Cloud Scale 2" float 1.0 0.1 10.1
sort opaque
blend add
map Map1
red parm0 * parm3 * sun_r
green parm1 * parm3 * sun_g
blue parm2 * parm3 * sun_b
scale parm7, parm7
translate time * parm5 * wind_x, time * parm5 * wind_y
blend add
map Map2
red parm0 * parm4 * sun_r
green parm1 * parm4 * sun_g
blue parm2 * parm4 * sun_b
scale parm8, parm8
translate time * parm6 * wind_x, time * parm6 * wind_y
template material/mediumalt_tiled_template {
parameters <
Map1, // The textures to use
Map2 >
text {
description "A high altitude cloud layer"
parmName 0 "Cloud Tint" color 1 1 1
parmName 3 "Cloud Density 1" float 0.7
parmName 4 "Cloud Density 2" float 0.7
parmName 5 "Cloud Speed 1" float 0.0 0.0 0.2
parmName 6 "Cloud Speed 2" float 0.0 0.0 0.2
parmName 7 "Cloud Scale 1" float 1.0 0.1 10.1
parmName 8 "Cloud Scale 2" float 1.0 0.1 10.1
sort opaque
blend blend
program skies/cloud_mediumalt
map Map1
red parm0 * sun_r
green parm1 * sun_g
blue parm2 * sun_b
alpha parm3
scale parm7, parm7
translate time * parm5 * wind_x, time * parm5 * wind_y
blend blend
program skies/cloud_mediumalt
map Map2
red parm0 * sun_r
green parm1 * sun_g
blue parm2 * sun_b
alpha parm4
scale parm8, parm8
translate time * parm6 * wind_x, time * parm6 * wind_y
template material/highalt_cube_template {
parameters <
Map1 > // The textures to use
text {
description "A cubemapped cloud layer"
parmName 0 "Cloud Density" float 0.7
parmName 1 "Wind rotation speed" float 0.0 0.0 0.1
sort opaque
blend add
program skies/cloud_cube
matrix cosTable[ sun_azimuth / 360 + time * parm1 ], sinTable[ sun_azimuth / 360 + time * parm1 ], 0, sinTable[ sun_azimuth / 360 + time * parm1 ] * -1, cosTable[ sun_azimuth / 360 + time * parm1 ], 0
skies_cloudColor parm0, parm0, parm0, 0
skies_cloudCube Map1
template material/medium_cube_template {
parameters <
Map1 > // The textures to use
text {
description "A cubemapped cloud layer"
parmName 0 "Cloud Density" float 0.7
parmName 1 "Cloud Tint" color 1.0 1.0 1.0
parmName 4 "Wind rotation speed" float 0.0 0.0 0.1
sort opaque
blend blend
program skies/cloud_cube
matrix cosTable[ sun_azimuth / 360 + time * parm4 ], sinTable[ sun_azimuth / 360 + time * parm4 ], 0, sinTable[ sun_azimuth / 360 + time * parm4 ] * -1, cosTable[ sun_azimuth / 360 + time * parm4 ], 0
skies_cloudColor parm1, parm2, parm3, parm0
skies_cloudCube Map1
template material/medium_cube_template_no_alpha_write {
parameters <
Map1 > // The textures to use
text {
description "A cubemapped cloud layer"
parmName 0 "Cloud Density" float 0.7
parmName 1 "Cloud Tint" color 1.0 1.0 1.0
parmName 4 "Wind rotation speed" float 0.0 0.0 0.1
sort opaque
blend blend
program skies/cloud_cube
matrix cosTable[ sun_azimuth / 360 + time * parm4 ], sinTable[ sun_azimuth / 360 + time * parm4 ], 0, sinTable[ sun_azimuth / 360 + time * parm4 ] * -1, cosTable[ sun_azimuth / 360 + time * parm4 ], 0
skies_cloudColor parm1, parm2, parm3, parm0
skies_cloudCube Map1
template material/medium_bump_template {
parameters <
InNormalMap > // The textures to use
text {
description "A bumpmapped cloud layer"
parmName 0 "Cloud Density" float 0.7
parmName 1 "Ambient contribution" float 0.7
parmName 2 "Ambient desaturation" float 0.2
parmName 3 "Sun contribution" float 0.7
parmName 4 "Cloud Scale" float 1.0 0.1 10.1
parmName 5 "Cloud Speed" float 0.0 0.0 0.2
sort opaque
//Add bumpmapped clouds
blend blend
program skies/cloud_bump
diffuseMap InDiffuseMap
bumpMap InNormalMap
parameters parm1, parm2, parm3, parm0
scale parm4, parm4
translate time * parm5 * wind_x, time * parm5 * wind_y
template material/tiled_ring_template {
parameters <
InDiffuseMap > // The textures to use
text {
description "A ring of clouds"
parmName 0 "Cloud Density" float 0.7
parmName 1 "Cloud Tint" color 1.0 1.0 1.0
parmName 4 "Wind rotation speed" float 0.0 0.0 0.1
parmName 5 "Tiles" float 1.0 1.0 10.0
noAtmosphere // Don't fog it out :D
sort opaque
blend blend
program skies/cloud_tiled
red parm1
green parm2
blue parm3
alpha parm0
map InDiffuseMap
translate time * parm4, 0
scale parm5, 1