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# List fixes here for the 2.2 release
* cg_RQ3_predictWeapons added for Q2 similar delayed animations.
* added g_RQ3_ctb_respawndelay for delayed CTB respawns.
* Fixed initial spawning in teammates for CTB
* Changed rq3ctf to rq3ctb in .arena parsing code.
* Fixed the MM settings menu to also work when connected to a remote server.
* Fixed the about server menu to display the right g_ cvars when connected to a remote server.
* Removed colors from the nicks in MM commands
* Added a map_restart after successful g_gametype votes.
* UI now supports CTB as a valid gametype
* Fixed the missing weapon/item menu in the player menu
* Added g_RQ3_version and g_RQ3_showOwnKills to the about server menu
* Fixed missing shader errors in the UI on numerous places.
* Fixed the about server UI menu values
* Made the UI handle illegal models and skins more robustly
* UI model preview is fixed.
* UI model preview and selection now controls DM gametype models, not team models.
* Added a radiosoundset selection dialog to the UI
* Doors with health and the "wait" key set to a negative value should work as expected now
* MM: Added "resetMatch" for rcon and referee use, to reset the current server Match Stuff
* Fixed the Akimbo ammo when akimbos are not the primary weapon.
* Fixed plost3 radio sounds in all radiopaks.
* Damage is now only tracked for players hit that are not on your team.
* Fixed constant gasping sound when you die in shallow water
* Added a line to the zcam swing tracking message indicating who you are following
* Blocked radio commands during LCA
* Added the dynamic radio system
* Hacked the bufferedsound system so radio sound overlap less
* No rcon stuff command alowed in matchmode
* Ignorenum bug (ignoring player no. 0) fixed
* Case carrier glowing removed.
* MM: Changed Voting system to allow only captains to vote/callvote
* MM: Added "clearscores" and "resetmatch" to vote command list
* Each client can call a maximum of g_RQ3_maxClientVotes votes/team votes (default: 3)
* % vars are now only expanded for say_team messages.
* Hitboxes now 100% AQ style
* Removed cocking sounds from all weapons except the mk23, m4 and mp5
* Fixed the bot_minplayer system.
* Added spawnflag 8 to breakables to allow them to be unkickable
* Created a CTB respawn Queue.
* Added propper handling of players waiting for a respawn in CTB
* New Referee System to allow multiple admins, determined by g_RQ3_maxRefs
* Pressure physics system now certified by NASA.
* Scoreboard code updated for new ref system
* Countdown timer added for CTB respawning.
* Fixed bug where rounds lasted half as long as g_RQ3_roundtimelimit was set to.
* Q3F's atmospheric code added.
* Smoke puff added to silencer shots.
* Added "Life" setting to func_pressure. Default 200.
* Possibly fixed ghost door problem.
* New server info menu code
* New 100% customizable presets menu with editor
* Removed the cd key menu
* Fixed dropped weapons and items blocking doors and other movers.
* Added ref say command to talk to everyone, dead or alive
* Players can now use the kill cmd, plummet and kill teammates after rounds in tp without loosing frags.
* Fixed message for players wearing a kevlar vest and get hiot by weapons other than the SSG
* Added the Keanu male radio soundset.
* Added a clientside cvar (cg_RQ3_SuicideLikeARealMan) to control frag lossage on suicides
* Fixed stats for non-TP gametypes
* Cleaned up server logging and added real timestamping to them.
* MM: "referee" voting command and ref's "kick" user command now uses player's numbers instead of names
* Added support for sky portals
* Greatly enhanced UI functionality for matchmode
# List fixes here for the 2.1 release
* Fixed the FOV bug when selecting SSG at spawn
* Kickback from weapons adjusted
* Rotation bug that appeard when more than 10 maps where in rotation fixed.
* LaserSight bug is fixed.
* Fixed the base voting system. Still needs a cleanup
* Fixed the respawning of dead players weapons and items in TP
* Fixed to allow > 16 breakables
* Recoded the AI for changing weapon modes. Bots can now zoom in/out with the SSG.
* Made it possible to add random bots when starting a game from the UI
* Items can now be dropped during bandaging
* Redid the visuals on callvote and callteamvote.
* M4 muzzleflash 25% smaller.
* Added callvote cyclemap. It replaces callvote nextmap
* Callvote map [mapname] new verifies the map exists before calling the vote.
* Tweaked leg damage.
* Smooth M4 rise.
* TNG TP spawn system has been intergrated
* Scoreboard no longer shows who's dead and whos not while you are alive.
* Added the 'lens' sound when using "unzoom" for SSG
* Fixed issues with cg_drawCrosshair 0, for SSG Scope and teammates Names
* Added $P for last damaged player.
* Fixed a model bug for team 2.
* changed g_RQ3_printOwnObits to g_RQ3_showOwnKills and made it control what $K does.
* Spectators can now use say_team to communicate among each others, DM and TP.
* Unzoom now plays the lens sound.
* Health functionality for movers should be complete now.
* Rezooming after quick reloading is much faster.
* Visible laser in fog for all players but you.
* Bots dont look for a team leader in TP.
* Enabled the 6th custom crosshair in the UI.
* Added callvote map and ref map features.
* Fixed the UI team count cvars when someone disconnects.
* Fixed the bandagebug.
* Added a feature to overlay normal crosshairsover the SSG crosshair.
* Fixed shots fired stats for non TP modes.
* Fixed the logging of Clients IP's when they connect.
* Personal score grouped with team score on hud.
* Scoreboard shows individual and team head models.
* Spectators can now use say_team with [SPECTATOR] on their messages
* MM: Added Color to all messages for better reading
* MM: Added g_RQ3_forceteamtalk.
* MM: Added "Settings" command code to use from a menu
* MM: Added "lockSettings" as a referee command
* MM: Added a "dmflags" like option to give/remove privileges to captains g_RQ3_mmflags
* MM: Added g_RQ3_maxplayers to cap max players on a team
* Added the dmflag spawn farthest.
* The scores in the upper-right corner update instantly.
* Gunshots now go through teammates.
* Fixes for the M4 rising.
* Shouldn't be able to see the enemy chat bubbles and such.
* Created CTB
* Fixed subs and limchasecam
* The captain status no longer stays on people after mapchanges
* Commands like "drop weapon ; use throwing combat knife" now work as expected.
* Pressures are killed on LCA
* Matchmode ping determination added to scoreboard
* Player total and sub total added to the scoreboard
* Bug with pistol clips for akimbo/pistol in TP fixed.
* Drop weapon for akimbos now behaves like in AQ
* No using the kill command during LCA
* Subs are no longer ignored during TP spawns. Now they are forced into following live players.
* Dead players could talk to the living during the time before they respawned as spectators.
* Spectators in in-eyes mode now witness the death of the player they follow before moving on
* Added g_RQ3_ppl_idletime and g_RQ3_idleaction cvars.
* Changed scoreboard to icon instead of a 3d player head
* Minor changes to physics
* Minor changes to who can be seen as dead and alive in the scoreboard
* Shell ejections on spawn in TP should be fixed
* Added pirate and pikey radio sets. cg_RQ3_radiovoice 0, 1, 2 or 3
* Added CTB radio commands to all radio sets.