1997-03-11 00:00:00 +00:00

124 lines
2.9 KiB

/* level pack definitons
copyright (c)1996 hipnotic interactive, inc.
all rights reserved.
do not distribute.
entity nullentity;
entity bulletholes;
entity lastbullet;
float numbulletholes;
float it_mjolnir = 128;
float it_laser_cannon = 8388608;
float it_proximity_gun = 65536;
float hip_it_wetsuit = 2;
float hip_it_empathy_shields = 4;
float hip_it_horn_of_conjuring = 8;
//added update stat message
float svc_updatestat = 3;
float svc_cutscene = 34;
//added total monster message
float stat_totalmonsters = 12;
float stat_totalsecrets = 11;
.void() th_turn;
float as_dodging = 5;
float charmed_radius = 1500;
float max_charmer_distance = 200;
float min_charmer_distance = 150;
float tooclose_charmer_distance = 120;
float visible_distance;
entity damage_inflictor;
float footsteps;
//med 11/09/96 added new spawnflags
float spawnflag_superspike = 1;
float spawnflag_laser = 2;
float spawnflag_lavaball = 4;
float spawnflag_rocket = 8;
float spawnflag_silent = 16;
// hipnotic constants
float min_angle_delta = 10;
.float wetsuit_finished;
.float wetsuit_time;
.float empathy_finished;
.float empathy_time;
.float empathy_sound;
.float color;
// hipnotic entries
// have to use a new items flag because we ran out of bits in the original
.float items2;
// gremlin stuff
.float gorging;
.float stoleweapon;
.entity lastvictim;
// spawn variables
.void() spawnfunction;
.string spawnclassname;
.float spawnsolidtype;
.string spawnmodel;
.void() spawnthink;
.entity spawnmaster;
.vector spawnmins;
.vector spawnmaxs;
.float spawnsilent;
.float spawnmulti;
// horn of conjuring
.float charmed;
.entity charmer;
.float huntingcharmer;
float horn_active;
entity horn_charmer;
// laser cannon
.vector old_velocity;
.float duration;
// used for linked list of entities
.entity next_ent;
// mjolnir
.float struck_by_mjolnir;
// teleport invulnerability
.float last_teleport_time;
// rotation
.vector neworigin;
.vector rotate;
.float endtime;
.float rotate_type;
.string path;
.string group;
.string event;
// miscellaneous
.float gravity;
//med 01/05/97 added discharge variable
float discharged;
//med 01/05/97 added hipnotic decoy
entity hipdecoy;
// hipnotic's prototypes
void() stopearthquake;
void( float value ) earthquaketime;
void() earthquake_postthink;
void() earthquake_prethink;
float( entity counter ) counter_getcount;
vector ( vector ang ) sub_normalizeangles;
void (entity srcent, entity destent) sub_copyentity;
//multi explosion
void( vector loc, float rad, float damage, float dur, float pause, float vol) multi_explosion;
void(string targ, vector orig) become_decoy;
//void(vector origin, vector dir, float color, float count, float lifespan) particlestream = #79;
void() rotatetargets;
void() rotatetargetsfinal;
void() settargetorigin;
void() linkrotatetargets;