
71 lines
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SGRAB [-s | -c] [-p] filename
-s force seperate files
-c force a composite .DAT file (default)
-p wait for a keypress after each grab command
Filename should be the root (no extension) of the picture (.LBM) to be
grabbed. The script file (.SCR) is read in and parsed, causing lumps to be
grabbed off the screen and saved into an output data (.DAT) file.
If the -s option is used, or the first command in the script file is
$SEPERATE, the lumps are each saved to a seperate file, rather than being
combined into a composite file.
The script file format is as follows:
lumpname grabcommand [parameters]
; Comments can be uses at the beginning of a line, or after a command's parms
; whitespace can be introduced anywhere, but a command cannot cross lines
If the lumps are being saved individually, lumpname can be any valid pathname,
but for composite files it must be a filename[.ext] size.
Current grab commands:
filename RAW x y width height
An unadorned raw block of pixels
filename PIC x y width height [orgx orgy [hitxl hityl hitxh hityh]]
A structured pic, with optional origin offsets and hit rectangles
filename LPIC x y width height [orgx orgy [hitxl hityl hitxh hityh]]
A linear VGA pic, with optional origin offsets
filename FONT startchar endchar [startchar endchar [...]]
A proportional font, possible skipping ranges of characters
filename PALETTE [startcolor endcolor]
The VGA palette, all 256 by default
filename WALL xblock yblock blockheight
Blocks are multiples of 8 pixels, implicit 8 block height
filename FLAT xblock yblock
Flat floors or ceilings, implicit 8 by 8 block size
filename DSCALE x y width height
Values in pixels, not blocks.
filename LYNXWALLS numtiles
Grabs numtiles 16*30 walls off the template screen
filename LYNXSCALE spot
Grabs a 64*60 lynx sprite from position spot (0-14) on the template screen