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2007-06-15 00:00:00 +00:00
#include "../precompiled.h"
#pragma hdrstop
idSphere sphere_zero( vec3_zero, 0.0f );
float idSphere::PlaneDistance( const idPlane &plane ) const {
float d;
d = plane.Distance( origin );
if ( d > radius ) {
return d - radius;
if ( d < -radius ) {
return d + radius;
return 0.0f;
int idSphere::PlaneSide( const idPlane &plane, const float epsilon ) const {
float d;
d = plane.Distance( origin );
if ( d > radius + epsilon ) {
if ( d < -radius - epsilon ) {
Returns true if the line intersects the sphere between the start and end point.
bool idSphere::LineIntersection( const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end ) const {
idVec3 r, s, e;
float a;
s = start - origin;
e = end - origin;
r = e - s;
a = -s * r;
if ( a <= 0 ) {
return ( s * s < radius * radius );
else if ( a >= r * r ) {
return ( e * e < radius * radius );
else {
r = s + ( a / ( r * r ) ) * r;
return ( r * r < radius * radius );
Returns true if the ray intersects the sphere.
The ray can intersect the sphere in both directions from the start point.
If start is inside the sphere then scale1 < 0 and scale2 > 0.
bool idSphere::RayIntersection( const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &dir, float &scale1, float &scale2 ) const {
double a, b, c, d, sqrtd;
idVec3 p;
p = start - origin;
a = dir * dir;
b = dir * p;
c = p * p - radius * radius;
d = b * b - c * a;
if ( d < 0.0f ) {
return false;
sqrtd = idMath::Sqrt( d );
a = 1.0f / a;
scale1 = ( -b + sqrtd ) * a;
scale2 = ( -b - sqrtd ) * a;
return true;
Tight sphere for a point set.
void idSphere::FromPoints( const idVec3 *points, const int numPoints ) {
int i;
float radiusSqr, dist;
idVec3 mins, maxs;
SIMDProcessor->MinMax( mins, maxs, points, numPoints );
origin = ( mins + maxs ) * 0.5f;
radiusSqr = 0.0f;
for ( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) {
dist = ( points[i] - origin ).LengthSqr();
if ( dist > radiusSqr ) {
radiusSqr = dist;
radius = idMath::Sqrt( radiusSqr );